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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 18, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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on august 13, 1961, the construction of the wall between west berlin and berlin , the capital of the german democratic republic, began. the order to begin construction was given by the leader of east germany, walter ulbrecht, by decision of the local parliament. at first, a wall appeared on the site of the future wall.
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if you look at the industrial map of germany, you will notice that the main enterprises, factories, and resources were concentrated on the territory of the frg. the largest enterprises remained on the territory of the frg. there were quite a few on the territory of the gdr enterprises, and the soviet union found itself in a very difficult situation. it was necessary not only to help the german democratic republic in its restoration. to help it with infrastructure very seriously, because the soviet union had invested very large funds in order to restore roads, restore electrification, restore schools, hospitals, houses, but the soviet union also began to build large factories anew, including the largest metallurgical plants were built, because all the main metallurgy remained on the territory frg. therefore, of course, the question of how differently these two territories developed is obvious. to divide the city
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in half, probably, as it was the same story, as i said, south, north korea, pakistan, india, and two berlins, considering that families were divided in half, considering that there was manipulation here, traveling back and forth, well, including the tasks of two intelligence services from both sides were implemented there, when... the wall was destroyed, we know about this in principle, and a huge amount of materials, but the eastern intelligence service was stronger than the west, everyone admits it, a real confrontation, a real information war, but it was intended through the wall. the frg is a territory that was very actively helped by western countries. after all, even during the first
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berlin crisis, the world saw that the federal republic of germany was supported in the most powerful way by the united states of america, the entire information system, all programs talked about it. all free people, wherever they live, are now citizens of berlin. and i, as a free person, with i say with pride: i am a berliner. a very interesting picture was created that the german federal republic of germany is supported by the entire west, supported by the entire world, such a picture of support from our side, it was as if it did not exist, well, because why tell the world community about the enormous role that the soviet union realized for the german democratic republic, already in the sixties and especially already in the seventies , this idea that... the soviet
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union and the usa, as two systems oppose each other friend, it was very clearly, very harshly visible in the information space, any information space needs a picture, it needs confirmation that this is not so, look, this is not so, and in order to really make this picture, it was necessary to emphasize some sides, and remove some sides, at least that's how they used their propaganda, it is clear that if you take the facts that exist, and... there was a problem of the outflow of labor from the kdr, because again, yes, they demonstratively raised the frg, like a window, like a showcase to the east, yes, we see now that the state in germany is falling, as soon as this east, where it is necessary to show how good it is in the west, there immediately yes social in the social sphere of germany falls sharply, but then it was necessary, they raised it when they built the wall, it is clear that they used this wall just to...
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sold quite large, broad opportunities for the development of childhood, for the development of science, for the development of technology. on the territory of the german democratic republic, the soviet union did not rebuild only schools hospitals, the system of libraries, cinemas, theaters was implemented in a surprisingly interesting way. this was really very important, not to mention the fact that on the territory of the gdr, a gigantic work was carried out with young people, and we know that quite a large number.
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artek from bulgaria, from czechoslovakia, from the territory of poland, from the territory of hungary, in this regard, in general, the policy of the soviet... it is clear that the standard of living in the gdr was worse, yes, but there were very good things there, there was a social sphere, starting with medicine, take
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kindergartens and so on, this was even shown in germany, in the frg negatively, yes, these are kindergartens, this is bad, because there is socialist propaganda there, yes, and not the upbringing of children. but during the unification of germany , it was possible to leave some achievements that were in the gdr, definitely, and i think many residents of the gdr did not imagine the unification of germany in this way, but here is another very important point, which has passed 30 years ago, even more, and today we are talking about such a very important point, we are talking about that, about those consequences that we see today, because the german democratic republic was a place... a concentration of anti-fascists in europe, you understand, this is a place of concentration of anti-fascists in europe, and it was the first outpost of anti-fascists in europe, because it was there that people were concentrated who had fought the fascists for many years, if
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we take honecker himself directly, because this is a man who sat in prison, in a fascist prison, then accordingly was released, including the soviet army, he really went through a very big. path did a lot in the fight against fascism, and here we got to the very moment when the construction of the wall allowed us to preserve this world of anti-fascists, people who knew how terrible fascism was and tried to do everything so that it would never appear again, you could say that, well, of course , they had other explanations for the sake of appearances, they didn’t point it out when it came to persecution. the focus wasn’t on the fact that he was in prison with the fascists and so on, there was just a criminal there, because he led the gdr, it was whether it was specifically against anti-fascists, i don’t know, i think it was more
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anti-socialism at that time, but they wanted their own capitalism, which is now clear, i repeat, that germany’s social sphere is falling, which was not possible while it was a socialist model, on the contrary. the german democratic republic is
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a country that had very great prospects, interaction with all the countries of the warsaw pact, directly with the soviet union, and it was a single economic ideological a system in which there was no place for fascism. and then, let's look at the totality of events, just the opposite, after the collapse of these very positions. clear after germany was united and the federal republic of germany, in fact, completely absorbed additional territory. the most powerful persecution of anti-fascists began, the most powerful. if you look at the fate of honikker himself, who died in the most difficult conditions, was imprisoned for 80 years, and a most difficult investigation was conducted, many of his comrades were persecuted, many anti-fascists were persecuted.
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the gdr, which in many ways remained, in people's memories, a place of peace, tranquility, goodwill, and great opportunities. the social system of the gdr provided great opportunities and prospects, and most importantly, it connected the gdr with the same open system in the neighboring countries of the eastern bloc of the soviet union. the german democratic republic
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was a country that gave broad opportunities to the germans, which was restored by the soviet union and which had great technological connections with the soviet union. the unification of the german democratic republic and the federal republic of germany, of course, absorbed the gdr, many opportunities for east germans ceased. of course, people do not have these opportunities, today it is a completely different story. everyone, watch very carefully, took a small step back before your eyes, i,
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a professor, pour a little liquid nitrogen, look, it is exciting, spectacular , educational, because liquid nitrogen is capable of not only creating a spectacular show, but absolutely is indispensable in medicine, and is equally successfully used by neurosurgeons and ent doctors, as well as cosmetologists and ophthalmologists. these are not just experiments, but a real pharmaceutical performance, inviting the viewer to learn a little more about the most diverse areas of medicine and pharmaceuticals.
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more than 200 events designed to introduce sectors, 60 leading moscow companies and guests and residents of the city to its main achievements. the most modern technologies and innovations, everything that seemed impossible 20 years ago is now accessible, tangible and the main thing is that it works successfully and is used in dozens of key industries, from aircraft manufacturing and the space industry to medicine and... microelectronics. the moscow 2030 forum and exhibition at expocentre is the most up-to-date digest of the entire capital's industry. a real renaissance of the moscow industrial sector from more than 4,200 capital companies. the exhibition presents those whose achievements have played a special role in the development of key areas, not only in the city itself, but in the entire country. in
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the pharmaceutical and medical zone industry, in addition to the pharmaceutical bar, which treats guests with vitamin cocktails , unique devices are presented: the first innovative domestic magnetic resonance tomograph has an open design, eliminating stress for the patient, especially if we are talking about a child. another development is a mobile artificial lung ventilation device, which ensures the patient's breathing process during transportation in extreme situations or in the absence of stationary power sources. they operate on battery power for up to 2 hours, here too. it has special sensors that can analyze the air, with the help of a special interactive guide of one of the leading capital pharmaceutical companies, visitors to the exhibition can see the entire chain of creation of domestic drugs, from the moment of their development to packaging and introduction into civil circulation, today moscow creates medicines for the treatment of socially significant diseases,
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oncology, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases, viral infections, the capital manufacturer with not only successfully replace foreign medicines, but creates its own original drugs. russian pharma, it is already at the stage when we have left the stage of formation, development, we are already becoming a branch of the economy, which is essentially a driver, a driver of the health care system, a system of chemical and biological synthesis of drugs. the most modern elevators equipped with interactive monitors and unique smart machines and units, indispensable in modern production are presented in the machine tool sector and mechanical engineering. these machines for laser processing of various materials are famous not only for their high productivity and functionality, but have an award for the best industrial design, and these robots can
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work side by side with people have long been successfully used in a variety of areas, from the chemical and electronic to ... paper and food industries. every year , robotic systems are increasingly in demand in industry, because their implementation allows you to automate production processes, increasing productivity and quality products, while reducing the cost of their production and minimizing the amount of defects. a welding robot, a robot stacking finished products on pallets and many others. these manipulators are produced serially and reach the customer as ready-made solutions. we managed to significantly reduce the entry threshold into robotization, if classic solutions with robots cost from 30 million rubles. due to the fact that we have established serial production, due to the fact that we have established the production of standard, well, a standard line, we have managed to reduce the cost from 30 to 3.5 million rubles. make solutions, essentially accessible, accessible for
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micro, small, medium businesses. the automotive industry zone is a full-scale sample. innovative, environmentally friendly and most importantly, universal electric van atom and a mass-dimensional model from the world-famous aurus, the senat car and new models from the iconic revived moskvich plant, the eponymous sedan 6 and the urban electric crossover 3e. we have now switched to a full-cycle assembly technology, that is, we actually assemble the car, we weld the body, we have it go through the conveyor, we... we check the quality of this car, quite strict checks, and this can be proud of, the next step of the muscovite is even greater localization. production, as well as the development of the creation of its own domestic platform of an electric car. the stand of the automobile plant is presented as part of the moscow
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2030 exposition in the manezh. a whole interactive zone has been created for visitors, allowing them to see the key stages of car production. creating these unique developments will mean developing the industry for companies, clusters a whole range of support measures organized by the city helps startups. more than twenty instruments from preferential lending and provision of land plots for production to pre-tax benefits and even training. and the city also creates technology parks and entire clusters, where even small but promising companies can implement their high-tech projects. these robots, although very small, are hardly inferior to their larger counterparts in their operating principle. and the main thing is to create such a crumb, little visitors exhibitions can do it on their own. albeit under the supervision of a consultant in just 15 minutes. here, children can do some work on robotics, from 6 to 12 years old, there are easy
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robot projects, and from 12 years old , there are more complicated ones, that is, much more interesting, you can create really big machines, you can create dinosaurs, we have one there, and we also do it there for children from 8 years old, we tell children about 3d modeling, we do a master class and tell them a little about 3d modeling. what is it anyway? moscow 2030 gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with city ​​of the future and its developments, even with the youngest guests. it will definitely not be boring, for children in the expo center there is a whole interactive play area. attracting new personnel to industry is impossible without raising children, without immersing children in industry in what it produces. and when this once again collides with ... technologies, intertwines with interest, then we can hope that the personnel potential of our country city will grow.
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neither children nor their parents will remain indifferent, the aerospace zone industry. although the capital does not have its own spaceport, this does not prevent it from successfully developing satellites, ground testing equipment and rocket components. one of the latest reasons for special pride is the creation of a control system for the first heavy-class launch vehicle angara 5. at the exhibition, spectators will be able to see an immersive show with its model, occupying almost the entire hall. it was in moscow that the il, su and mik aircraft, famous throughout the world to this day, serving both in civil and military aviation, were designed. continuing the tradition, the capital will produce wing parts for the ms-21 aircraft. this aircraft was developed together with the designers of the yakovlev team. the model of the fuzhelage is presented here, it has a scale of 1:2. the exhibition gives the opportunity
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to get acquainted with the model of the flagship civil aircraft engine pd-14 and the first electric aircraft engine in russia, as well as the project of the future five-seat electric aircraft, vertical takeoff and landing, created on its basis. despite its small dimensions, the baby will have a range of up to 700 km and carrying capacity up to half a ton. in addition , the developer company presented its unmanned vehicles at the expo center. the process of developing unmanned aircraft systems is absolutely the same as that of aircraft in large civil aviation. first , a 3d model of the entire product is built. then, during the development process, questions arise in the field of aerodynamics, strength, flutter, and determining the loads of all other related issues that affect the appearance. aircraft or disembodied system. the drone simulator is no easier to control, than the original itself. the only difference is that the drone takes off exclusively in
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virtual space. here you can try flying a drone without spending money on buying a drone. yes, uh, in different conditions, in the city, in the hangar, in the field. but not only with simulators, the exhibition presents quite. real achievements of domestic unmanned aviation. this company already has four serial models of the drone, they allow for advanced aerial photography scanning of the earth's surface. the developer comes from the northern capital, but very soon it will open production in moscow. now i am holding in my hands a modification of the pioneer base fvv, these are glasses that are put on our head and we can already control it. cube or on the street, and we also have a cargo capture, we have these pancakes, it captures and is already transferred to where, well... it is necessary, this
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new industry is moving forward by leaps and bounds, and its heart is the site of the special economic zone, technopolis moscow, the rudnevo industrial park, 11 leading companies are already represented on the site. moscow can confidently be proud of its achievements in the field of radio and microelectronics. i would pay special attention to microelectronics and the breakthrough industry that is for us. which is exported, for example, in the microelectronics zone there are our domestic atms, which are essentially mobile offices where you can not only withdraw and deposit money, but perform any functions that are now necessary in the field of financial technologies. in the capital , it produces unique chips for auto electronics, city transport cards, protected data carriers, payment,
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transport and other documents. such as a foreign passport and a health insurance policy. here we make such plates, yes, in my hands now is the daily norm of transport tickets of moscow and the metro of the entire moscow transport system. here are about 90,000 crystals, and this is precisely the finished product that comes out of here from clean rooms. moscow is an industrial city of the future, a symbiosis of science, technology. and industry, which can hardly leave anyone indifferent, with its to see with your own eyes the most important achievements of the capital's industry, you can until september 8.
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let's translate from office language into understandable language. everything is not so scary if there are instructions. mom, why do you need these letters for a fairy tale, in the ninth kingdom of the thirtieth state.
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in kamchatka, a powerful earthquake in the pacific ocean off the coast of the peninsula, the magnitude was. seven in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky six, that's what shook us off at my dacha , even collapsed, oh, that pipe is still there, horror, just horror, it shook so much that, in short, mommy don't cry, the epicenter of the earthquake was located 108 km south-east of petrovlovskaya kamchatka, as reported by the regional department of the ministry of emergency situations, underground.


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