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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 18, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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he doesn't need a pen, who has a flint in his pocket, eh, what started, flint, i can't live without traveling, soon!
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who is the main one in the calculation, the senior one, who, have you been doing this for a long time, since february, that is, this is not the first military specialty, really true. best of all from the stormtroopers, because they know how it works, how scary it is, how painful it is, and you help the guys and you know how important it is, because there are fpv calculations, yes, who work before the assault, for example, along the forest belt, they take out everything, eyes, machine gun points, the guys go in attack aircraft, yes, they are already finalizing, well, you have surveillance, you conduct, yes, that is. and
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also strike, we all fly on that, on that, that is, reconnaissance drops, well, as a rule, first reconnaissance identifies targets, yes, fp works on them, the hunting mode is no longer very relevant, why an artist, because i am an actor, how many years did i work, 20, no, why did i work, that is, now you continue, well... i hope to return, well, that goes without saying, i worked, theater, cinema, theater, theater, no, i also had experience in cinema, now all this will end, and i will return to the theater, god willing, if everything goes well, that is, it turns out, you will be the successor to the great tradition of soviet actors who, having gone through the war, then continued their careers in the theater, god willing , it will be so, an award, no, a title, suddenly you already know, caught a cold.
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this t8 sbv machine, participated in the offensive recently zastuzhnoye and who turned it into a barbecue? well, in general, no, who came up with the idea of ​​the senior command, that is, they decided to take the experience of neighbors, yes, how does the machine work , it shows itself in battle well, that is, the barbecue helped, yes. the crew is good, active,
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worker, performs assigned tasks, you educate, well, the time of acting duties, i am the commander now while you are, well , you will turn on your voice, yes, commander, i am a little sick, i understand, that is, you were walking first, yes, a trawl, a trawl with a bull.
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but they did not hit the tank , they did not hit the tank next to it, that is, it was moving quickly, yes, at speed, we managed to shoot, we did not have a task. 2 months, and before that what did i do, i studied, what did i graduate from, kazan there, i will go around, it was scary, when you go in, there is no fear, there is only a thought about how, how are you it was work, yes, before that you didn't sleep at night, were you worried or preparing? well, we went in at night, when it was just dawning, so there was no desire to go to bed on adrenaline, yes , we prepared, the guys are experienced or they have been here longer than me, well, as a commander , it's normal, what did you do in a harvest manner, i
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also led a column with a roller trawl, another tank and three mtlbs followed me, there were two tanks in each column, only the first column with... we conduct training, here the crew trains, at the expense of the corps,
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what kind of wonderful creation is this, we have already brought it to fruition ourselves, did you finish it, right? little by little, we welded it, somewhere we somehow came up with it ourselves, somewhere we suggested something, here is our fantasy, we came to the welders, so we talked, somewhere they themselves would suggest, somewhere not, somewhere somewhere there might be an inconvenience, that is, there you raised it so that they could land with you again, yes guys, that is, you have it as a landing craft, it depends on the task, and also on the terrain, this is initially discussed. here, just the armored personnel carrier is for happiness, yes, because at least you lie on it, with your belly, well, of course, somewhere there are bumps or bumps, so guys, there's nothing to hold on to there, only the main thing, yes, and there are handles, i measured myself,
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but at least not many people climbed in here, we close all these hatches, they grabbed them. here , they grabbed everything, they lay down along the side and that's it, he's holding the shooter, 762 didn't flash it, and fpv didn't flash it either, that is , how many flew in here, oh, a lot, to be honest, they didn't get cut by shrapnel either, i see you also have a rap sticking out from above, a rap is a must, that is, you have it hidden here, and everything has fuses, rap we check before each task, guys, arrival.
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then yes, you can work a little bit, because on hysteria 5 minutes and naked, 5 minutes naked, we do not work the economy of the bull, transfer of fire, that is, we have already gotten used to everything, we work on the target, we no longer water, already so consciously, we will only target yes, with the harvest he was, yes he was, everything was, we worked, that lucky guy who has already completed the combat mission to the end, who is not lucky, where it flew, who is not lucky, and i ran into a mine, well, on the mine itself, yeah, an anti-tank.
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well, yes, they stood for me, waited, waved to me, right here everything as much as possible so that i could see them, the guys were far away, how much did we have to run, well, in principle it wasn’t long, he started to press as close as possible, press, when he succeeded, that’s it, and i ran to him, yes, all this was of course under fire, because the ladder is there, roughly speaking, 5-10 m, there a fight started, and against the background of this fight , the fact that they didn’t pay so much attention to us, under adrenaline you don’t understand what distance, everything seems fast to you there, fast legs, but thank god not scratches, yes, thank god, just a concussion, a great machine, i say, and a mine doesn't stop it, it has speed, it has mobility, it has firepower , there's a stabilizer, there's an effective gun, a thirty, it knocks out the ukrop's desire to get out, and why
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did you climb after it was hit, well, you could have said, guys, that's it, to me, yes, how can i say that, i'm there, i know these guys, i couldn't just put them there, i brought in the first group, the second, the third, i understand that they needed support there, after all, so that i couldn't just say no and not go, it didn't even occur to you, no, how old are you yourself? 23, you're 25, you're very young, yes, contract soldiers, volunteers, conscription left, or, well, i served in a mobile communications center, i 've already transferred here to the 40th marine brigade, now a marine, yes, now a marine, and where am i from, kamchatka, and that is, straight to the deployment site, yes, and you are the republic of buryatia, that is, a combat buryat, is that true, is this your battalion that never
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sits in occupation? yes, like in december, i immediately said that initially there was a conversation about the fact that there would be a mixed type of staffing, i immediately said, guys, throw away illusions, to the reality that the second shell, the first becomes in one day, everything is like that. it began on december 24 and well, with breaks of 2-3 weeks of exhalation , everyone drove inhalation, some are specialists, some are grenade launchers, mortar men, support workers, sightseers, in principle, everything is standard, well, it happens somewhere someone under three hundred, he will go to evacuation, the main composition is precisely the infantry, they quickly change, now there is a rollback, already people from the first composition are already they come out and say: we want to go back. well, that is, it is addictive, people understand everything, the system works, somewhere they went
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on a task, the task was completed, positively, negatively, this is also an experience, everyone and then returned, that is, everyone knows that he is needed in this unit, ryazansky himself, ryazan, yes, well, he was born in leningrad, in leningrad, as a marine he got, and the battalion commander called me on assignment, he says: go get a black uniform, i say, i don’t understand, well, you’re going to the navy, i say, what navy, i say, what i say, where are you all, i arrive in vladivostok, a kodrovik comes out, well, at such an autumnal age, he says, what kind of son are you, are you going to kamchatka, i stand there, i don’t understand, what ’s the catch, i was called up by the elzovsky military registration and enlistment office, konchatsky, i say, how can this happen , of course i’ll go, well, and how did you go, until now, in principle, i haven’t changed a unit or anything in the brigade, where i went, i’ve already gone here, i’ve gone to lugansk, literally a week and... we arrived in the dpr, we’ve been standing there for about a month, maybe from the first day, yeah, well, not from the first, somewhere from
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july, and here now they counted on the harvest, counted their capabilities, counted as if for the enemy, bled him dry, dehydrated him, taught him to walk, that's it, he stopped , it was a deeply thought-out operation, when the enemy understands that he has 4 km, like not very close, but not far, when he just has mushrooms before his eyes... these armored personnel carriers are flying, a bunch of motorcycles, all this is so chaotic, well, i mean, that is, he does not understand what he is doing, and when this, these handsome guys flew out on motorcycles, yes, well i understand, of course, you'll get scared here, groups, of course, you can appoint a lot of them, you need creative managers, that is , there was such a situation when there were quite a lot of groups, it was necessary to pull a company commander from another company to put him on training specifically so that he could manage them and manage everything independently, and that each run, each
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roll is for a specific bird, that is, well, there is no such thing as a mass from everyone and there is no task until the day after tomorrow, it goes specifically from point a to point b, our books are written correctly, and they were written correctly, it's just it's hard to do this in a modern battle, awarded ingash, yes, what did he award him with, the order of courage, the order of courage for novodonetsk, for the counteroffensive. how long can a motorcycle hold two people? fully loaded in gear, but without a backpack, yes, well, one with a backpack, one without, but one naked, yes, because of course it's enough to ride once, well yes, the commander morod has been here for a long time, 6 years, he has experience, i'm not just looking at adults, that is, you, you 've been sitting in the commander of the circle for a long time, nothing or not in the army right away, no, everything at once, i just
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graduated, engineering school, let's say, that is, they offend you, that is, they say you are a jacket, they say, everything is not allowed, right? i immediately got into reconnaissance, served in reconnaissance for 9 years, so it's normal, how did you serve? i 've only been moving to captain for 2 years, that is, it's not critical, i don't really strive, as if my experience allows me to command companies and i'm quite successful or you just like it, i'm quite comfortable, it suits me, that is, it was your company that stormed, what time did you start, about the movement in general began at about two, the first the wave you have armor went, armor and as soon as people dismounted.
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to build morally yes to explain each task, well and the slightest exercises, as far as what they were preparing, worked we express, maximally, that is, everyone knew a very convenient training ground was, we worked out daily, well at first single, let's say training to shoot there to run, we learned all this, and the route movement, all the column drives up, and the voice in the ears too yes, then... yes, each run all the time changed e tasks for people, and i see that all assaults, as a rule, bare machine gun, nothing extra is needed, i am a supporter of the idea that an attack aircraft should take the bare minimum with them, because speed, weight, speed, weight, and secondly, if you stormed, took - a stronghold or an enemy position, there is water, and food, and
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a bull, everything you need, everything is there, and why they didn’t expect it, i can’t understand this, but now birds... are sticking out at everyone, we didn’t do this before, so that they would come from all sides at once, it was really, i myself can even just imagine if i were sitting in defense, you wouldn't like it, bam, a whole company of people have already jumped in behind me, the radio station says, they're coming from the front on the right and some motorcyclists have jumped in somewhere on the left, some guys are going around the river on the right, that's it guys, hold on, horse, how exactly, why? i don't know, but oh well, spill the beans, and this is the nickname of the far eastern leopard that vladimir vladimirovich putin brought as a gift to the zoo, the land of leopards, i think, well i'll like it, i don't know, yeah, how old am i, 47, how long have i been in the army, this is my first contract, i'm only 3 months in the army, well, he's already stormed you, he
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stormed normally, by the way, during the storming of two blacks. i caught, let's say, olya, it's not clear from the documents who they were, there were no documents, and there weren't any themselves, well , they tore off the stripes, there were germans, spaniards, well, flags, such small ones, and so, so it turns out, they took apart the nato team, a little , how old are you, 21, that is, directly mobilized, just such an analysis, such a normal contrast, normal, yes, just ...
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why are you a honey badger? well, by nature such a bear? no, do you just like honey? no, because that the honey badger is quite an animal, it can take everything from everyone. well , to choose such a call sign is not easy. and what kind of cat do you have? in childhood, my uncle calls the name kostya. did this miracle of heroes bring you to this product? you came as volunteers, respectively, underwent retraining, were appointed, and before that you served, sit down, before that you served, where? yes, in the army, there was a short military school, they kicked you out, no, he left himself, yes, then he served in the police for 25 years, and what
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did he serve, a lieutenant colonel, now a private, a senior sergeant, that is, he retired, yes, senior sergeant, and he is also a lieutenant colonel, so, besides, he did not want to go to the military police, no, i think this job. that the most worthy, in the police, what did you do? well, all my life as an operative, then the head of the criminal investigation department was, then the chief of police finished as the head of the territorial department, well , a serious career, i must have given in the country, but then i thought that it was not enough, so i decided to stay in retirement for 2 months, i think i need to go help, what the family said, well, first, of course, everything......
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security, not so much security, fire control, advancement of assault groups, they take the territory, we begin to guard them so that no one can approach, yeah, that is, you just isolated, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, manpower, well , somewhere lightly armored vehicles, it was possible to work, became a sniper, well , hit the window of the stronghold, that is, you begin to feel it , yes, at some point in time, that is , you just live it out. well, like, yeah, develop your own system of work, yes, the classics are the classics, but here you begin to foresee in advance, somewhere you set out landmarks, goals in advance,
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well it turned out, there was a case that this rap started, well the enemy rap worked so that it did not do anything by the compass, well by the pre -orientation, we, as they say, gave them a hard time from the heart, when the murozhayny worked, how many snails? it took oh i, to be honest, from the account well, here are the reasons 1.3 probably took and day and night sometimes like this for three days, the devil rested only the head and there they were already advancing, they ran, well , reload here accordingly because if you start there, they will hit everything will fly away, everything of course, here reloaded enough 15 kg two pieces still number calculation ran back ran loaded fired. so that it doesn't disappear, mortar 2b1 120 mm, a good machine,
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working, what year was it made? oh, this is new to us, it's from about nineteen, well, that is , they brought it from the warehouse, it's still in oil, in a mask, paper.
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silis, yes, he was safely wounded, now he is being treated, well, and i still went as a volunteer, yes as a volunteer, yes, so i served, yes, well there in our other unit, that is, i signed a contract and went, no, i studied at a school, and a military one, yes, a military one... an officer became a marine by chance, but an artilleryman, not quite, well almost, yes, you could say, an artilleryman, and what school, naval, naval, naval, that
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is, vice versa, that is, you accidentally became an artilleryman? well, from a naval artilleryman you moved to a land artilleryman, the profile did not change much, it's just that you got small change, well, not quite small change, as if the enemy would not let you lie, a good thing, it is given, and it gives off heat normally, when you worked on it at a harvest, but here is a battery of such 120th mortars, the task is support our assault detachments, that is, you threw it behind their backs. no, i, on the contrary, threw it forward, if ours were advancing, so that the enemy from the strongholds would shut up, stop firing there , that is, you at ours, yes, when i was assaulting and working almost at the maximum rate of fire, yes, yes, of course, of course, there are guys there, they need our help in any case, and we had to work, so there was something to work with, yes, on equipment and calculate the lead on moving equipment for the transfer of enemy forces, and of course after that in
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you don't have to go to the gym, that is , you'll train yourself. so, there were situations when you had to carry a weapon, anyway, we also can't be invisible all the time, we didn't stand in one place, so you have to carry the weapon accordingly, how old are you, i'm already 40, you're 29, well, it's not scary that a young man is in command, i've been a marine for 13 years, so it's not scary anymore, it's not scary anymore, i'm not a first-timer, and who were you before the marines, i was a marine all the way, that is, straight up yes i... first i went to sea for civilians courts, and then went to the marine corps, that was a calling, well, i found myself, awards, there will be, we are not here for awards, let's say, we are here for everything, mobilized or contract soldiers, contract, directly consciously to the marine corps or it just happened, consciously, what is the point, that is, what is the difference between the marine corps
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and the rest, because?
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today.


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