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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

12:00 pm
kamchatka is recovering from a strong earthquake in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky the intensity of the tremors was about six points. now experts are recording a series of autoshocks, but most of them are almost imperceptible and harmless. there is no serious damage to victims. all hospitals and government agencies are operating as usual . one of the greatest actors of french and world cinema has passed away. sixties, eighties. he gained the greatest fame after the films rocca and his brothers black tulip, winner of the cesar award for best male role, officer of the legion of honor. next, eduard petrov's investigation into the murder of the king of russian chanson mikhail krug, new details about the massacre of the artist about who ordered the killer. about this right after a short commercial.
12:01 pm
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12:05 pm
the mystery of mikhail krug's murder is revealed. the killer's revelation 17 years after the massacre of the singer. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. i didn't understand then that it was gunfire, the smell of gunpowder was very strong. come urgently, the bear was shot. well , no one wanted to kill him. personally, i have nothing to do with upi. speaking in criminal parlance, yes, as bandits say, let's say so.
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the king of russian chanson, that's what they call the author of the performer of popular songs, mikhail krug. he was killed in... in his own home in 2002, when the musician was at the peak of his career. the crimes were immediately linked to the criminal world, because a significant part of krug's work was devoted to theorem romance. moreover, the singer personally knew some criminals authorities, was friends with them and often performed at closed parties. mikhail krug for his time, and these were the wild nineties, was considered a rich man, security. did not use, so he considered himself untouchable, and it is possible that he became a victim of a robbery. in general, there were many mysteries in the criminal case of the murder of mikhail krug, but in 2019, the investigative committee had new versions of this high-profile story,
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after all, to whom did the king of russian chanson cross paths, what was the reason for the reprisal over a popular musician, who exactly? shot mikhail krug, we took up this case and conducted our own investigation. you had so much desire, and the moon was shining above us. when, on a prayer, having come for a date, i gave you roses, how serious you seemed, you shook your head in response, when i said that i took these roses from a kiosk on the first emskaya, how warm it was, what
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brought us together, girl pai, next to a zhigan and a hooligan. in our tver there are no such, even among the skins of the centers, girl bai, don't be sad, don't be bored, i can't!
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the murder of the famous musician and composer mikhail krug was discussed again at the end of the summer of 2019 in the house of the king of chanson of dreams. for the first time, the name of mikhail krug's killer was mentioned, if we believe ageyev , his accomplice dmitry veselov pulled the trigger of the gun, that's how it all happened in 2002 in the house of chanson.
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we will return to ageyev's new sensational testimony. at the same time , another thug from the wolf gang, alexander osipov, participated in the investigative actions. and he also made a loud statement, such people you can't kill, like mirovich, or was it an accident, well, no one wanted to kill him, only in the film crew of our tv channel the investigative committee allowed to talk to the defendants in the criminal case, and also to be present at the interrogations.
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this handwritten notebook came to our editorial office from the colony for life-sentenced prisoners number 6. the special institution is located in the khabarovsk territory, on the cover the author is alexander kipling, the genre is a story, the title, there are no winners in the showdown. under the pseudonym in honor of the great english writer, hides one of the participants. bloody group pirskie wolves, alexander osipov, here
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confession to numerous crimes, page after page, the killer describes in the smallest details reprisals against rebellious entrepreneurs and brutal conflicts between bandits. to avoid doubts about authenticity, the author adds: written based on real events without changing the names, participants. and place of the event. most of the heroes of the manuscript are unknown to the audience, but on the twentieth page the story of the murder of fersky chanzanier mikhail krug begins. vladimirsky central.
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understandable to people things, and even popular genre of chanson, in the early nineties misha was welcome everywhere, because he sang about simple asked for help, to record an album, and i gave him the first money for the album 6.00 dollars, and he recorded an album for himself, here is the first zhigan lemon, zhigan lemon, all all the songs here are these hooligan were in this album he ... this album, as if it shot, to mikhail krug came national fame, cassettes,
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records, popular performer were sold on every corner, the singer began to act in dear clips, we went to the south every year, every year we rested, no one bothered us, that's how we went to anapa for a walk, and in all the stalls, from all the cars the circle sounded, he was sweating, blushing. cozy, all the doors were wide open, when misha was at home, there were always cars parked near our house
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, that is, everyone knew that the circle was at home, so they had the honor of coming to him to play billiards or have some tea or talk, a lot of people came to ask for money, so yes, he gave, gave, gave, and did not write it down, forgot, forgave, on his knees. bathed, nearby miraculous cross with icons, a special place in creativity.
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they need help, they need support, and a concert in the zone is always help and support. mikhail krug gave concerts in colonies, he was often seen in the company of thieves in law and criminal authorities. they considered krug one of their own and generously gifted him. they say that the singer's six mercedes appeared - a gift from respected people. he quickly abandoned this idea, because when he was driving, everyone began to cut him off, everyone began to honk, everyone began to show attention. on june 30, 2002, tver celebrated
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the city day, it was planned that the circle would perform on the central square, but at the last moment... the concert organizers refused to pay the singer, mikhail got angry and did not go on stage. together with his wife irina, he went to a friend's country house. we were in kuvshinovo on saturday, it was the village day, so we played there and we were there until the evening in the bathhouse, steaming there all. come to my house. my doors are open, they will sing a song. the day was generally excellent, sunny, we were grilling shashlik, steamed, relaxed there, well, an ordinary day, in the evening mikhail and irina returned to their cottage, located on the edge of tver in the mamulin microdistrict. the spouses did not know that
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shortly before their arrival, two men had sneaked into the house and hid in the attic, what actually happened next, no one knows, it is only clear that unknown people in masks first attacked his mother-in-law, at that time she lived with the spouses, and i heard, i thought that my mother had fallen, lost consciousness, i quietly got up, accordingly opened the door, i already i saw that the attackers realized that they were in the house, it became obvious, they started running down the stairs from the top floor, at that moment vorobyov came out of her room onto the stairwell, then this scuffle started, and i had to run away,
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shooting, and even then i didn’t understand that it was shooting, the smell of gunpowder was very strong, because they were shooting in different directions. the attackers disappeared, and the wounded mikhail krug managed to get out into the street. he got to the neighbors and told them what had happened. they, not waiting for the ambulance, they took the singer to the hospital. and andrey, a neighbor, calls, come urgently, the bear was shot. well, we went. i called the head doctor of this hospital, warned him to check after all, the bear was brought. and he knew him very well, when he was taken in a wheelchair, he also joked with the nurses, he was generally a joker in life, that is, no one expected it, and we, well, are not calm, but at least we understood that there would be no fatal outcome, friends of the circle returned home, calmed his wife irina and mother-in-law, saying that the wound is not serious, everything will be fine, by this time
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the news of the assassination attempt on the beloved singer spread throughout tver and his friends and comrades, as well as crime bosses, came to his... cottage. misha is alive, so they sat down, had a drink, thank god, that's it, well, they kind of calmed down, and at 4 o'clock they announced that misha had died. my last love to you , i'm putting it in an envelope. a slightly yellowed photo, a naive look, a raised eyebrow,
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thousands of people said goodbye to their idol, and after the funeral service in the church, the crowd moved towards the cemetery, it's terrible, i don't even... what 's going on, i don't remember, the funeral, i don't remember everything time they injected me with something there, because i was just in such a state, i didn’t understand at all that it was very difficult for me, it was a difficult period, then somehow i already understood that i had to live on and the children, i shouldn’t show them that i was there, you know , crying, or that something was happening to me, or that i had started drinking or something else, no, of course, go ahead, but i had to take care of the children. the investigation began, the police, researchers and ordinary citizens
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had no doubt that the killers would soon be found, because mikhail krug was the number one figure in their city, he became popular, and he was loved in terms of the fact that he, in general, glorified our city, this is also important, and thanks to.
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from belarus, and there, therefore, a criminal appeared, who had a tattoo in the form of a dagger on his hand, naturally, in tver
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, mass operational-transactional activities were carried out, with the aim of identifying people who , well, somehow behaved inappropriately there, strangers appeared here, appeared in the area of ​​the house of the circle, this information was checked, naturally, but it was not confirmed. another circumstance did not give rest for the investigators. the neighbors said that the wounded mikhail krug asked them not to call the police, the gunshot wounds that were inflicted on mikhail krug did not immediately lead to his death, he was able to move independently, he himself reached the neighbors, told them about what happened, after that he began to wait for the ambulance to arrive, well, they say that the neighbors offered help, krug said, i'll figure it out myself, yes, yes, there was such a fact, what was meant by this, we already now. we will not be able to find out, why did the wounded mikhail krug so persistently ask to do without the police? it is possible that the singer recognized one of the attackers and
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was afraid that they would find him in the hospital and finish him off. another assumption, shocking. what if his wife irina ordered the murder? then it turns out that krug did not want to air his dirty laundry in public. they talked about irina a lot, well , irina, i think. communicated, yes, yes, they lived amicably, that is, in some, the only option is to assume that she, so to speak, having organized his murder, the singer broke out, she could have done it in front of him, that is, he would have helped her, also somehow not quite, that is, he is alive, he could have done much more for her, if so to speak, the deceased, some kind of, some kind of selfish interest, personal interest at that time, uh, the death of his spouse. birin did not have and these circumstances were not established during the investigation. the criminal case on the murder of mikhail krug was repeatedly suspended and started again.
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once again, the investigation was resumed after the leaders of tver were sentenced members of the bloody wolf gang. our reference. the tver wolves, an organized criminal group of hired killers, operated in the tver region from the early nineties until 2006. the wolves were responsible for more than thirty murders, and the bandits controlled part of the moscow-st. petersburg highway. the group members imposed a tax. its members were convicted, several criminals after this, the group was defeated, and they were sentenced to life imprisonment.
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we talked about the crimes of this tver gang in our investigation under called wolf pack in 2009. then we recorded interviews with some members of the group, with killers alexander ageyev and alexander osipov. it was with the latter's manuscript that our investigation began. and what was written? what was written? and now, years later, we have returned to the affairs of the tver group. it turned out that mikhail krug knew the leader of the tver wolves gang , alexander kostenko, well. he often visited the crime boss, gave so so-called house concerts only for close friends. first of all, they lived there, so, like in one, well, microdistrict,
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if you can say, naturally they met. kostenko ordered to rob the circle, and then return the stolen goods, the circle should have already chosen the city day, since the circle always sang songs there, they say in the criminal language, yes, as bandits say, let's say, the plant under the roof, what does this mean, well, at that time ...
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already, as i understand it, he was a fairly well-known person, was engaged in the release of albums, gave concerts, that is, the level of his wealth reached a certain level, yes, when i understand it, he could say that guys, i'm doing well, i don't need anyone's help, usually those people who are on the side of the law, yes, they, in addition to friendship, with media personalities, everyone else, yes, this is, let's say, a way of enrichment and receiving money ...
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who is the boss in the area, then, perhaps, the singer would start paying tribute, sale, where did you buy a megamarket, school style, choose buy with convenient delivery by clicking on megamarket, megamarket, school style, with a credit card you can and even more, the whole city to buy, buy, buy, apply for a credit card at vtb, at vtb, everything will work out. to get down to business, do not wait for the right moment. the moment is always with you. the moment for those who get down to business. it is not the first time that antonina has rented out her cozy apartment on avito real estate, so she knows how everything will spin. no wonder.


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