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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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well, the hardest thing is to realize that you are not an omnipotent person, that is, you have your knowledge, that is , you strive to apply it in practice, but each clinical case, that is, each injury was different, basically, as if the injuries were serious, that is, they were not.
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when you operate and you have done everything, the patient dies, that is, there were a lot of young people and it is emotionally difficult, because civilian medicine is one thing, military medicine is completely different, i remember that day when i saw you together, when you came to mitsuku, the two of us came in when you were swamped, to come to us, i remember that day as if it were today, by the way, during the period that we communicated, he proved himself to be a competent specialist in his...
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this is a very huge responsibility, because well, if you are called a first-degree honey, but at the same time you, let's say, poorly understand your functionality, people die , the management just won't pat you on the head, so there is a chance to end up no longer a first-degree honey, that's it, guys, i see there were cases when you are trying to provide assistance, to make an evacuation, that is, from the outside enemy, that is, there is constant artillery shelling there , snipers work there, that is, they constantly do everything so that you do not provide assistance, yes , they do not spare anyone, not even doctors, and as far as i heard, that is, they have a bonus system, that is, if they kill someone from ...
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wanted a cluster munition, it tore off my arm, so having ignited, that is, continued to do my medical work, until the moment when i lost consciousness, so a soldier evacuated me - with the call sign ekshur, perished heroically, that's doubly so, that is, i feel kind of hurt, very sad, because i couldn't meet him until that moment, to thank him for pulling me out, because he pulled me out also in difficult conditions, that is, under enemy fire, that is... he showed incredible courage,
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that is, he pulled until the very end, and well , my heart bleeds that i couldn't , like, tell him, like, express all my gratitude, like, all my inner love, which is purely brotherly, here is a description of that battle leklo on the page of the book written by ruzai, it is dedicated to the volunteers of nevsky, the combat doctor told the real stories of the servicemen whom he met at the front. god is in heaven. russia , that is, here, this is a purely patriotic book, i just want the maximum number of people, as if they read this book, because the cream of the nation is at the forefront, this is a turning point in our history, our life, so i want the younger generation to see all this, and practically nothing has been written about volunteers, i kind of think that this is unforgivable, while i have rehabilitated myself, that is, i wrote this... book, i hope that it
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will be liked and that it will ignite something in the hearts of our citizens in russia, here with god, here for peace, this is a gladiator with a bullet faith. faith helps , faith helps, we had and have father konstantin, he is a doctor by education, an anesthesiologist, a renematologist, a very competent specialist, he taught the fighters here, that is , how to provide first aid, how to properly apply a tourniquet, how to properly apply systems, that is, everything, but he also went to the front lines, that is, he cleaned up the fighters, that is, he went straight to the line of contact in the dugout, that is, he conducted communion, this is a lot, as if it says about a person, that is, how strong he is.
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this is not a miracle, this is god protecting us for more he flies out of me, a miracle, you will say, you, no, good deeds in your life, began to value life more, every moment, every
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second, well, and as if the desire not to live all this in vain, connections, well, crawl out, where are you yes, my son gave me his toy when he was leaving for his first deployment, well, he gave me his toy, i have a photo of him in it, it's like a bag, his icon, they fly, a bird, sit on a tree. almost every soldier turns to faith at war, when it's hard or scary, when you worry about your relatives or just want some warmth or support. priests who are in the combat zone help the soldiers with this. in the nevsky brigade
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, father konstantin blesses, confesses and gives communion to the guys. he also performs the duties of felcher. i feel like a true patriot my country, i love my homeland. that is why, when the special military operation began, of course, everything. i wanted with my heart to help as much as possible, and my lord blessed me to come here, i help our soldiers as a priest and as a doctor. many are now saying that there is a war going on there with ukraine, not with ukraine, with america, with someone else, it is important to understand, the most important thing is that the war is a spiritual war, the war is going on precisely with orthodoxy, be true orthodox christians, look into your heart, fight your passions, if each of us will change for the better, then the wars on earth will end, study the history of your ancestors, keep it, love it, love each other, help each other, god is with us, together we will win, the deeper you dig, the more chances you have to survive, well, foxes and holes
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save well, well, there is already a candle, that's a lot, now and forever and forever. skomi, go to a pure, immaculate deed, god without a seed roche, pray, be saved in his soul, with the saints rest, shame the soul of your servant nicholas, and unfortunately, as they say, war always takes the best, i carry out the tasks of my unit with honor, unfortunately, he died at the kupyansk directorate, may god protect your family. nikolay, we will pray for you, you are a true warrior of your country and you were a good person, tsa. in these shots , an artist from st. petersburg, call sign zochiy. in the northern capital, he taught at the faculty
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of architecture, repin state academy of arts, conducted sculpture classes and was a member of the university's admissions committee. in december of the twenty-third, he volunteered for the front, served as a flamethrower gunner. here they found some album and some pencils from the locals. i used them to draw on some scraps of paper, like these notebook covers, these are portraits of these, well , together with us, this is a penguin, moni, this is chicano, here he is, now a machine gunner, this is us sitting in the basement, and this is from our basement, from the garden, this is the view. feed mill, so far so good, there is still
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some paper left after the academy for 10 years i worked in restoration, painting churches, then in 1916 i was invited to the academy of arts to teach, a contract for i signed a contract for a year, he teaches there, the contract was suspended, well, everyone was surprised of course, why, why, family, children, well... i say, well, i have my own reasons, firstly, there is a common reason, like yes, what is needed, needed for russia, this, secondly - i have brothers, two brothers, mobilized, like at the beginning of mobilization, each of them has already received a wound, one has already received a second wound, now he is finishing his recovery, so they... also have small children, also families, just like me, that's why i went, life is short, it
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ends in the blink of an eye, it flies by very quickly, and the most important thing we should strive for, we should strive for god, that is, if this desire is , then our life was not lived in vain. therefore, may god help everyone, yes, that is exactly what i wish for everyone to be saved and that we still be attentive to ourselves, fight our passions and still reach the kingdom of god , in what will god help us, so the water here is bitter, we take it from this well , it is some kind of incomprehensible thing, or is it some kind of fertilizer that flows down there? no, it is just dirt, life
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it's harsh here, trench, a person gets used to everything, but for me personally the main thing is not what i feel here, but the main thing is that my my family is okay, that is , i have small children, even though i... well, there are closer places, as i understand it,
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my profession is the one that i like, that is, i'm not the kind of person who likes to kill or fight, to conflict, that's exactly it, my task is duty, right now there, because it's better not to shine, a trophy. oh, the device, waiting for its team's cutoff, 7.62 on the machine gun. assault fighter battalion, call sign rurik, came to the front, like all volunteers, at the call of the heart, had combat experience, this is his second war, was responsible for heavy weapons, the lord once brought me to faith after the previous war, somehow it happened that he healed me, that's why i... i was discharged from the army due to injury, gradually recovered, well
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, i came to church, and then, well, the priest singled me out, made me an altar boy, well, in general, at first he did not bless me to go to war, in the end i convinced him that someone should to go, and i'm here, well, in the altar boy, he's waiting for me after. we never separated, neither at school, nor in soviet times, ukrainians or russians, and some are quite relatives there, it's just a little shocking that we kill each other, our enemies managed to do this, this shocks me a lot, there are nazis there of course, but most of the people
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who are plowing here to war, these are the most ordinary people who plowed these fields, where now... there is a war, we all probably have relatives in ukraine, wars have always been and will be, well, right now we are just fighting evil here, and such evil, i think, for our orthodox faith, including so that it remains pure, and i think the fighters.
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who come here to earn money or i don’t know what to get some kind of thrill, they very quickly break away , avoid, because well , you can get thrills there on windsurfing somewhere , and there on a snowboard and something else, here it is a real risk to life, you must have some kind of ideological basis for that, so that you understand why you are walking where you can be killed at any moment, look at the footrests here. because you can catch on something, you start to analyze that people do not understand, that state of your freedom, when you can just calmly go and swim, you can calmly stand on the street, look at the sky there, they probably do not appreciate, after all, people's freedom and life
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in general, how it is there, how it is here, probably, a person, in order to... appreciate just a calm peaceful sky, must feel it, many people do not feel it, probably do not understand that what is happening here, they don’t understand that probably there in general terms, yes there are military actions, war kills, yes all this has always been in our films everywhere yes, that is , war there is all this is bad, but this feeling is certainly not comparable to anything, when there on the front line, here, when already... this is the place you and i must pass as quickly as possible, it is open and they fly here, i decided precisely according to my personal conviction that i cannot stay on the sidelines and must look at everything that is happening from the inside, they regretted that they went to the front,
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all my life i have been haunted by this desire to test myself for strength, although i was told that i was too big for what. there you see, you and i already have an enemy, this enemy is watching you and me, i worked in the department of social protection of the city of moscow, i am from moscow, and i was the head of the department of social protection of the vishneki and kasinovo district in tomsk, then i moved as an advisor to the director in a new institution of social treasuries, which
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the city of moscow, when i said that i was going to leave for volunteers, and they told me: of course, we understand you, we share your choice, your path, here they left a job for me , they are also waiting, and what influenced your decision? you know, i was probably brought up like this since childhood, protection of all the offended, well, not like alexander, alexander, he is a defender, yes, that's it, mm, in life it has always been, probably, like this, when there is some kind of injustice, yes, i always just rush to try to protect the weak there... the disadvantaged or some such, probably, patriotic feeling, of course, of course, for the country, for my people, 30-50 m to the first line of defense. and to the ukrainians 350 m, i i came here several times, as a humanitarian mission, i saw it all, i
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was of course in such shock, how are the guys here at all on the front line and in general how are they here, i will probably say that i want to be useful, somehow involved, again to myself, five flights, approximate coordinates. i had a chance to visit, and it doesn’t matter what kind of super professional you are, what skills you have, what equipment you have, uh, what’s important here is how, let’s say, strong the guardian angels are behind your
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shoulder, because only the higher powers determine whether you will survive at one moment or another or you will die. the amazing eclecticism of this place - this era - a monument to internationalist soldiers in the center of the destroyed solidar. "i believe in a higher power, i believe in a higher power that protects me, and since it still protects me, it means that i am on the right path, i have not yet received a slap on the back of the head, although in principle in my life i have received repeated slaps on the back of the head from higher powers, until i embarked on the path of correction and got rid of many vices that in principle previously prevented me from living, and people live, think about loved ones, think about victory". each one is slowly bringing it closer in their own area, i want to say hello to my mom, dad, brother, relative, wife, sasha, daughter, everyone who
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knows me, hello to everyone, i really want everyone to appreciate living, our life, to understand why we live, i just had a daughter, the commanders are kind people. yes, they have already given me leave twice, eh, of course, i come home with great joy, there to cuddle with this little bundle of joy. the situation is difficult at the front, and, let's say, the commanders are doing everything in order to give people this emotional release whenever possible, so that they could go home, talk to their loved ones and come back. i probably behave in life in such a way that i do some good to others.
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mom, why do we need these letters? for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger spiritually who takes who wears the symbol i think there should be. an example in everything, people should reach for him, worse it is impossible, it is better possible, such a motto we have always had in life, pushed these people.
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doorway and, probably, it is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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in the kursk region, russian troops are repelling an attempted invasion. the kiev regime lost 300 soldiers in a day. why does the british times write that? kiev will not be able to hold the positions it has occupied and what american installation was destroyed in the sumy region, alena dellona, ​​a star of french cinema, did not become, he was 88. let's remember the most important roles in the world of millions of viewers. in tuva, three dozen are extinguishing forest fires, fire 5 km from villages from suburban camps urgently evacuates schoolchildren. how is the extinguishing going?
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chandeliers were swinging in apartments, goods fell from shelves in stores, but the houses are intact. kamchatka is recovering from the earthquake, tremors of such power are extremely rare. experts are reassuring. what details by this hour? and at the beginning of the release of messages from donetsk. over the past two hours, ukrainian formations fired 14 shells at the petrovsky district of the capital of the dpr, as well as at the city of gorlovka. and on private houses in yanaka. ukrainian nazis dropped explosives from drones on the kirovsky district of donetsk, this is what the investigative committee reports. military investigators of the investigative committee of russia have recorded more crimes by armed formations of ukraine. thus, as a result of shelling in residential areas of the petrovsky and kirovsky districts of donetsk, as well as the nikitovsky and central city districts in gorlovka, against which the enemy used artillery.


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