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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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preparations for the invasion were underway. more than a year, and
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now the epiphany in washington is concerned about the high losses of the most combat-ready ukrainian units and the scarce nato equipment, which can obviously affect the outcome of the special operation as a whole. the attack on russia, american senator graham called delightful. details from denis davidov. in these cars are not only ukrainian soldiers, but american journalists. the cnn film crew, spitting on russian laws. commits a crime, illegally enters kursk area. as we approach sudzha, we see more and more smoke on the horizon. the smoke is apparently so blinding that reporter nick paton walsh drives past shot-up civilian cars, past the bodies of drivers and passengers. ukrainian soldiers whose comrades committed the massacre nearby, but their faces are not shown and they do not bother with questions at all. cnn pesters frightened old men in court. i have there. barely speaking
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russian is unlikely to understand how everything is intertwined in this borderland and what a tragedy is playing out before his eyes. meanwhile at the same time, nbc news writes that kiev has been hatching a plan to attack russian territory for over a year, of course, not a word about western assistance in preparation, the attack on russia is already bare. there is no point in attacking the kursk region, what are they going to win by doing this, win the war, of course not, this is a stupid adventure, this is being done for pr purposes, if you really want to contain the russians, you need to take these select units and send them to the eastern front of ukraine, where the ukrainian armed forces are increasingly being squeezed. the white house, the state department, the pentagon, everyone has
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the statements are carbon copies, the us is not involved, all questions are directed at kiev, but journalists still called the president to account. what can you tell us about what is happening in russia and ukraine, have you spoken to anyone in the ukrainian government? i have been speaking to my staff regularly every 4-5 hours for the last 6-8 days, and this creates a real dilemma for putin, we are in direct contact, in constant contact with the ukrainians, that's all i'm going to say as these actions continue. for biden bloomberg finishes. according to the publication , western leaders approved and blessed the ukrainian armed forces for the attack. european capitals overseas knew about it at the initial stage of development. it is very likely that it was planned by the british. there is confirmation that a number of british american.
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handshakes are strong, senators graham and blumenthal praise zelensky. thank you, you are advancing. congratulations on kursk, good work. zerensky and company's guests announce new weapons supplies in a businesslike manner, and even brazenly in front of the cameras, recruit retired nato pilots are being invited to fly f-16s for ukraine.
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a military aid package that doesn't say what it says, but will be delivered in the coming weeks. we fly ukrainian flags to show how much we care about ukraine, but we, the united states, hold all the cards. we can stop this war almost any way we want. you can get almost anything you want,
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especially when ukrainians are dying and you care so much about them. why not do it? why not negotiate? yes, we won't give crimea back to ukraine, but who cares if we can. screens are increasingly about the war, a cnn journalist who visited the kursk region, went so far as to ask local residents what they were doing there, why they didn't leave, and why should i leave where i 've lived for 50 years, well, like in ukraine, i live on my own land, the american journalist had the last word, declaring that the war, which... turns the world order upside down, continues. denis davidov, vlada surkan, news. ukrainian gangs along the border are robbing a village and looting abandoned houses residents. real mokhnovshchina, breaking into deserted stores, taking out alcohol products, behaving like animals.
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they mock those who did not manage to leave, organize searches, raids, demand to glorify bandera. glory to ukraine.
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were holding on, the western press quickly notices this, not all battles were in favor of ukraine, on the way the platforms also carried damaged american armored vehicles max pro in the opposite direction, so it is better to launch their correspondents of the united ukrainian telethon ahead. i can not up to
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still cope with their own feelings. in the right corner of the frame live, that is, direct connection and the geotitskaya region, in fact , these are ukrainian amounts, district newspapers, school number two.
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years to 50, from 20 to 50, these are the ones we need again and again they try to accustom ukrainians to the fact that it will be necessary to lower the draft age, everyone will have to go to the army, from 20 to be called up, everything further at their own request, but not to combat units, if we want to normally provide combat units so that people go healthy and can normally to carry out combat missions, then it should be 20-50 years, the fundamental decision on this has already been made. military registration and enlistment offices are already obliged to register, starting from the age of 16. three ukhilents
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tried to flee the country, hiding in sunflower fields, but they were surrounded at the very border, and these were luckier, they managed to disarm the border detachment and hide in romania, where a helicopter was raised on alert to detain them. two city military commissars from the kiev region boryspil and buchiy collected more than a million dollars in bribes, the entire room is littered with money, and this is an operation on the arrest of the deputy minister. he demanded half a million dollars to evacuate expensive industrial equipment from substations away from the front line, everyone who has anything to do with the war is trying to make money, realizing that ukraine is rapidly approaching economic collapse. doctors' or teachers' salaries for december may go to the military in september. this was stated by people's deputy andrey nikolayenko. and no increase will help. the fsb has opened a criminal
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case against foreign journalists and stefani battistini, who illegally crossed the russian state border and filmed reports in sudzha, kursk region. on friday , the italian ambassador , nick peyton walsh, was summoned to the russian foreign ministry to explain their case. a procedural decision will be made based on the results. double standards are commonplace in the west; since 2014, since the kiev aggression against donbass, the work of russian reporters there is considered a crime in the west, and coming to us without an invitation is... something else: after the note from our foreign ministry, the rai channel hastily and quietly recalled
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stefania batistini and her cameraman. there is another important detail for understanding for the italian paradise, the topic of donbass did not exist for many years. they never sent their own correspondents to the dpr and lpr. the entire conflict was covered only from kiev. and so, waiting for ukraine to break through in the kursk region, a film crew in russia appeared immediately , by the way, fascist symbols were cut out from batistini's report, it appeared in the report of another italian, ilario pienerelli, who also works from the kiev side. that is, the state television channel italy's rai news-24, without any embarrassment , interviews a ukrainian militant wearing a cap with the symbols of the ss leipstandarte division adolf hitler. russia will take tough military retaliatory measures in the event of a ukrainian attack on
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the kursk npp. the defense ministry issued such a warning on saturday. moreover, for its provocation, kiev, under the patronage of the west , may use a so-called dirty bomb, and the target will be a storage facility with spent fuel. then, traditionally , moscow will be blamed for everything. at the beginning of the svo, our defense ministry warned that ukraine is engaged in the creation of such a bomb. with the help of a strike on shayat, it is possible to create, ultimately, such a localized source of radiation contamination, then they planned to simulate a nuclear... on their side, that is, the dnieper, then russia would be accused of using tactical nuclear weapons, and that, in the opinion of the west, in their interpretation, would open the legal floodgates for them and direct intervention in this in this
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armed confrontation. that the situation around the zaporozhye kursk station continues to deteriorate on the same day, the head rosatom spoke by phone with director general magathé grossi. alexey likhachev confirmed the information about possible provocations by the ukrainian armed forces, noting that in the last 24 hours alone the number of signals about preparations for sabotage at the nuclear power plant has increased many times over. the head of rosatom also invited his interlocutor to the city of kurchatov so that he could personally assess the situation around the operating nuclear facility. as confirmation of the rapidly deteriorating situation, the second serious attack on zas in a week. on saturday, a ukrainian drone dropped a projectile just half a kilometer away from the power units. the magate observers who visited the site again did not draw any specific conclusions, calling for restraint on all sides of the conflict.
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the agency made similar statements after the attack on august 11. then several ukrainian drones attacked. on the northern streams. on thursday, when this article was published, the german prosecutor general's office, after almost 2 years, issued an arrest warrant for the first suspect in the case of the gas pipeline explosion. we are talking about a certain vladimir zhuravlev, a ukrainian instructor diver, who could allegedly lead a sabotage group. it is obvious that
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the conclusions of the american press, based on unnamed sources, are more than absurd and actually. cover up the true actions of washington and its allies. the situation was commented on for the first time on our program by an american journalist, winner of the politsar prize, simor hirsch. it is up to you to decide, i think it is not difficult to answer this question. why are you asking me these questions? i am telling you, according to this story, six divers were involved, that is, five men and one woman. they had to to go so deep.
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the possible losses of the nordstream and northstream 2 gas pipeline operators are estimated at 17 billion euros. of course, no one is going to cover the damage. while the germans are trying to understand what the new data on the explosions on the streams mean, the ruling coalition of germany, in order to save budget funds, froze additional payments to ukraine, and at the request of chancellor scholz. at the same time, as frankfurter allgemeine zeiton writes.
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from germany, a report from the head of our european bureau, mikhail antonov. ukraine is bankrupt. in august, it failed to pay off its eurobonds and agree with creditors on a deferment. but the default of private investors will not affect the financing of the war with russia, at least from the eu side. we discussed with dmytro kuleba the latest events on the front line and the counteroffensive in the kursk region. i confirmed the full support of the people of ukraine from the european union. the ukrainian attack on the kursk region is seen in europe as an attempt to draw russian reserves from problematic areas of the front for the ukrainian armed forces. ukraine
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has every right to wage war in such a way as to effectively paralyze russia in its aggressive intentions. the appearance of western military equipment on russian soil has caused a mixed reaction. some people imagine german tanks passing kursk and moving on. ukraine is free to choose the options for using weapons. does this mean that german weapons can be used in cases where it is a question of an attack on moscow. these are ukrainian weapons. a separate category of commentators - those who feel gloating and revanchism about what is happening. retired general wittmann, born in 1946. no information about his parents. sometimes this happens when ancestors served in the ss. as a historian, i know this. germany, great britain, sweden, the netherlands and canada have lifted restrictions on
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the use of their tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored vehicles on russian territory. previously, we were constantly told: for god's sake, this is by no means the worst-case scenario, red lines and so on, but as we can see, nothing terrible has happened, ukraine can say, we we are moving forward using these systems and there will be no consequences. everything will be very bad, this will be visible in 2-3 weeks. ukraine will eventually be thrown back. this topic is still open, but i think that this is how it will all end. some western media outlets directly
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appeal to discontent in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. in the ukrainian army, the operation in kursk was subjected to sharp and harsh criticism. many soldiers fighting off the rapid russian advance in donbas do not understand why so many resources and people are being spent on a short-term task. the financial times writes, that the invasion may be an attempt by kiev to secure a strong negotiating position. the times reports that zelensky has put his generals on the offensive to change the perception that ukraine is losing the war, but not enough has been done, according to the newspaper's military observer bilt yulia na röbke. spending elite reserves in the kursk region makes sense for him only in one case. the strategy of conquering the russian region remains extremely risky, i hope this is a diversionary maneuver before.
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it burns, this is what keeps the us government, the eu, nato, a rules-based order. despite the fact that in an interview with the independent, zelensky's office adviser podaliakh said that
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ukraine had held closed consultations with its allies before invading russia, the west is pretending that it had nothing to do with it. this is largely due to the fact that in a paroxysm of despair , kiev can resort to any madness. now we are seeing a certain attempt by western countries, both europe and... the states, to distance themselves from ukraine's actions and, accordingly, to show that they are an independent player, supposedly, they can invade the kursk region, they blew up the nord stream, that is, this is a very convenient version for everyone, to push everything not only onto ukraine, but onto some individual activists. this week , the german prosecutor general's office reported the issuance of the first arrest warrants as part of the investigation into the sabotage on the nord stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines . there has been no news for a long time. the case seemed to have died down, but today we learned, according to german media, that in june, at germany's request, a warrant was issued a european warrant for a ukrainian who lives
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in po... not only is it thick steel, it's a huge gas pipeline, but they're also concreted, they've also laid stones on it so that it doesn't float up, since methane is lighter than air, all of this had to be blown up, it's obvious that there was a lot of explosives, it turns out that they themselves had just crossed over, and they also took the explosives out of ukraine, transported them through poland, delivered them to germany, and it turns out that europe is such a thoroughfare where you can
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transport tnt and other explosives in trucks. however, however, they try to present the case in this way. in pursuit of the news from the german prosecutor's office, the wall street journal threw in a high level of artistic detail in an article drunken evening, rented yacht, real details, sabotage on the nordstream gas pipeline. in may of 1922, several high-ranking ukrainian military officers and businessmen gathered to drink to the outstanding success of the russian offensive. under the influence of alcohol and patriotic fervor, someone. suggested the following radical step: destruction of the nord stream. for such a project, the wall street journal reports, patriotic entrepreneurs, here without names, allocated 300,000 dollars, which was enough to assemble a team, buy explosives, rent a boat and deep-sea equipment. zelensky, as follows from the article, initially approved the idea, which was supervised by the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, but then the cia found out about it and forced him to cancel the permit, which is strange, because the faithful
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undertakings of the crew itself were spotted on surveillance cameras, but in this case we are talking about a week before the explosions, some of its members were talking about an act of state terrorism by the united states, and such actions require the creation of a false trail, preferably leading to nowhere. to some extent, this allows.
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close this chapter for them, they allegedly find a scapegoat, allegedly try to detain him, do not touch the topic of nord stream 2, we already have an answer. a bit like the john kennedy case, we do not know who shot him, but the case is closed, naturally, the insurance company will collect this from the culprit, well and now they have found the culprit from whom there is nothing to collect, and what's more, now america is not guilty either. of anything, it is similar to all this anglo-saxon propaganda, the dumber and more stupid and obvious the lie, the faster it sticks to the subconscious.
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