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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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let's translate from official language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale, in the ninth kingdom, the thirtieth state. the wall street journal writes that polish border guards inspected the crew and the yacht during its stay in the port of kolabzhek, allegedly immediately before leaving for the operation area. it is strange that they managed not to notice anything suspicious
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on board the fifteen-meter vessel. however, the authors have their own logic, which leads them to the conclusion that the filming responsibility from the competent authorities of germany, for the inability to bring the case to court. the polish authorities did not respond to the warrant. it is assumed that the instructor has already returned to ukraine. poland's inability to arrest him was a serious blow to the german investigation. initially, three countries tried to investigate the explosions of the nord streams. then sweden and denmark jumped off, and germany... and did not have such an opportunity, after all, partly it is its strategic infrastructure, while the performance played out by the german prosecutor's office should will end with a hangover, and the public will not feel deceived. personally , it seems to me that this is where the idea came from, to somehow twist this version a little and give it some credibility, but at the same time the main task was solved, that is, in this regard, as we see, none of these versions involve the united states, the real perpetrators.
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state terrorism, as a result of which enormous damage was caused. unlike ukraine, which has been living with these accusations for more than a year and a half. for poland, this is a completely new turn with unpredictable consequences. of course, she participated in the operation to divert attention from the real customers and perpetrators of the terrorist attack, but she did not plan to be the scapegoat in this matter. prime minister tusk reacted nervously. all the initiators and patrons of nord stream 1 and nord stream 2, the only thing they should do today
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is apologize and keep quiet, but this is unlikely, another long-term source of poisoning has arisen in the relations between berlin and warsaw. the german government does not need a result, but an explanation why there is none. the ukrainian topic and what surrounds it is becoming increasingly toxic for german politics. this may affect not only the results of the september elections in eastern germany. the new political season is bringing the country to federal parliamentary elections. anastasia barkovskaya, it was announced last week that this is all, the shop is closing. mikhail antonov, before kiev in terms of money for weapons, but on this maria poderina and andrey putra. vesti berlin, germany. they tried to bring the cult of the wehrmacht out of the shadows. in the list of examples of military valor. added soldiers officers
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who were in the sss and nsdap. the german defense ministry noted that today's germans need to remember those who took part in building the new army. state, translated into russian, modern german soldiers were offered to look up to nazi criminals, given the events in the kursk region, it is not even surprising. along with the resistance members, at the request of the current head of the german defense ministry boris pistorius, 40 thousand names of former members were included in the list of heroes wehrmacht of the national socialist party. among them are those whom history has not forgotten. general heins karst, holder of the iron cross of the first class for services to the reich on the eastern front, after the war the founder of the philosophy of the bundeswehr, the author of the main german manual for recruits, or frigatten kapiten erichtop, the favorite
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of the commander of the nazi submarine fleet and hitler's successor dioniz, the third most successful submariner of the reich, having sunk 36 ships, 34 of them merchant and two military. of course, also a member of the party was awarded the iron cross cross, when he was informed by radio that the fuhrer was dead, vosla surrendered with his crew, but not before destroying the documents and secret equipment of the nazis' newest submarine, u-2513. instead of a prison of retaliation , the allies sent the submariner to harvard, where he graduated with honors, rejoined the navy, and served as a staff officer.
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this was a window of opportunity for the ukrainian armed forces, and ultimately, of course, it is an opportunity for ukraine if they succeed in the long term or even permanently, to hold on to this taken away space, which, as it turned out, would be used as a bargaining chip in the future. a few days later, the bundeswehr backed down, the document with the names of the nazi heroes was officially revoked. apparently, not everyone in germany is yet ready to throw off the heavy mask of guilt for the nightmare that... the nazis built in the soviet union, but the aftertaste remains, and not just an aftertaste, footage that reveals the essence of what is happening in the kursk region, a couple of banderites on the highway against the backdrop of a russian road sign, belgorod, korenevo, one put
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a stahlhelm on his head, a wehrmacht infantry helmet, on the helmet there are two zik runes, that is, the ss emblem. on the bulletproof vest there is a patch with the ukrainian flag. ukrainian militants are grimacing. i paid for it, i have been here for 5 days now, yesterday i got caught, you bitch, everyone in life got lost, went the wrong way, the wrong way, you see, ivan, here he is, ivan, i am 74 years old, christmas trees shelves, i pensioners
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recognized a resident of the village of zaoleshenko alexander stepanovich grigoriev, born in 1950. on august 23 he should have turned 75 years old, but for now these are the last shots when he was seen, at the beginning of the invasion, aleksandr stepanovich was listed as missing. we left to take the children to kursk, and i took my grandfather from gogolevka to sudzha, a three-story building, left him there with people, in principle, everything was fine, but i couldn’t go back for him, i told him, grandpa, sit until i come for you, i couldn’t go on the sixth, they wouldn’t let me go there on the seventh, that’s when the connection stopped, as i understand it, he was just walking, trying to walk to us in gogolev, right next to the border, he was there before, our border guards were holding their last battle, we live from borders, relatives searched for the pensioner for 9 days, on august 6 they couldn’t get through to him,
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ukrainian nazis mockingly offer the pensioner to go drink vodka, and laugh loudly. the footage was filmed at a roundabout on the northwestern outskirts of sudzha, where the settlement just turns into the village of zaoleshenko. go, beat vodka, vodka. schnapps, schnapps, schnapps, here he is, a real russian, the identity of the neo-nazi in the ss helmet has been established, this is thirty-eight-year-old vasily danylyuk from gorodenka in the ivanofrankovsk region. we proceed from the fact that he will be found in the near future punished under the law of wartime. the pensioner himself, according to the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, is alive, but...
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who are our completely different heroes in russia and belarus, which is discussed in such detail today. no one has any illusions about who we are fighting for what values. for example, here is the road from minsk to the airport and billboards. the legendary partisan pyotr mosherov, the pilot hero of the soviet union - pimen kolesnikov, general vogel, who liberated minsk. on the french news channel lachen. this is the second button of the place.
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this is the big sunday news and then on in our program. combat technologies. alexander sladkov
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saw the secret innovations of the military-industrial complex. who cheated larisa dolina. will the people's artist be able to return her apartment in the center of moscow. alain delon, the main male image of the outgoing era, has died . live on the air, big sunday news and we continue: at the army 2024 forum , manufacturers presented tens of thousands of samples of products, military and dual -use, as vladimir putin noted, many of them have already proven their effectiveness on the battlefield. it is the equipment, modernized taking into account the experience of use in the svo zone, was in the spotlight, for example, the new version of the pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun system, differs from previous models in its increased pinpoint. allows you to shoot down not only aircraft and missiles, but also drones.
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the ammunition of one launcher holds 48 short-range interception missiles. our military correspondent, alexander sladkov, saw heavy flamethrower systems, air defense systems, anti-aircraft guns and products of the national military-industrial complex. army 2024 exhibition of russian military wonders started their campaign.
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look 25 kg, 25 kg of explosive, well 30 kg of stratospheric equivalent. sees where it flies and can change direction itself, and the missile costs 17 million, and the tank that it destroys costs half a billion, look at what kind of plane, 130m, imagine, new, training, well
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you can shoot, guests in this...
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this was already tested in mulino yes mulino was together with the main combat training department there was a test including these targets and methods of how to hit that is this thing is launched and the fighters shoot the shooters learn to shoot it down because he has to shoot 2000 it's standing yes he has to shoot at a live target, and if it also makes a drop, then at the same time he also understands that the grenade is dropped all two, he goes on a flight mission, what is this, this is this?
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they fight on our equipment, work with it, all the comments, all uh some kind of wishes, we take all this into account, look, all this has already been over the last half 2.5 years, while the uh special military operation was going on, uh a lot has changed and the equipment has become completely different, as soon as new equipment appears, we are here we send it there, we do not wait for the ministry of defense to order, that is , this process is regular. at the exhibition , the uniform is presented, as they say in the troops, everything from a cartridge to a loaf of bread, the uniform is different, they look. here is a new set, everything, everything is in service, and here is what is being prepared, undergoing testing, approval,
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this is 3:2, we know how to make a good uniform, very much, we really know how, we are waiting for it in the troops, new shotguns, weapons against copters, deputy chief designer kalashnikov, shotguns. we look, so look, this is a shotgun 18 s poska, yeah, here's a kalashnikov, yeah, kalashnikov has a folding adjustable buttstock, a fish-bow, also an ergonomic handle, a 10-round magazine, a 12- gauge 126, yeah, so, look, he shows a machine gun for left-handers and for right-handers, right now we have a bolt on the right side,
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the business part was held without cuts, delegations from 82 countries worked at the army 2024 forum with full dedication, our military, designers showed their contribution to the development of russia's defense for the future. alexander sladkov, galim vergasov, igor chernov, igor meleshkin, news kubinka, moscow region. i, traveler, balloonist jean ivan, and so we are namesakes, what a fairy tale. from ivan, eh, what started, without deception, without
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flint, in flints me likhodi, sharpened, pen, self-written ink magic, get, you the main thing, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical, beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it is necessary, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you fool want, where it is necessary, i can't live without travel, flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon!
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because the video on the network has stopped working, we install, open, watch, russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. the pre-election degree in the usa is sharply rising. trump is already actively preparing for the debate with harris, which is scheduled for september 10.
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for this, the republican candidate attracted a former democrat, a member of the house of representatives from the state of hawaii, tulsi gabbert, the same one who in 2020 already tore kamala apart in the debates. harris managed poach biden's crisis press secretary and is trying to distance herself from her boss, for example, by announcing plans to introduce the first -ever ban on food price gouging in the united states. from america, our own correspondent, dmitry melnikov. one of the crime capitals of the united states, chicago , is preparing for a rally. fences,
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nothing should stop the democrats from finally performing this formal ritual, handing over the bidens' title of presidential candidate to camelia harris's successor. we're here to show that chicago can shine, to to demonstrate that at an important moment we are capable of holding the most democratic event, the nomination of someone to the highest office of our state. illinois police are preparing for protests of many thousands, claims against the top of the democratic clans with...
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for all the talk or expectations that harris is a centrist, she is doing the opposite. her campaign says there is much more to come, but so far there are no clear details on trade and tariffs, energy or china, all those aspects that are central to trump's economic agenda. harris launched a trial balloon the day before in north carolina, her speech to a small focus group about the most painful issues for american voters, the decline in the standard of living. and record price increases. during the democrats' rule, the cost of food in the united states has increased by one and a half times, and america has not seen such inflation as under biden and harris for the past 40 years. in the first days of her administration, harris promises real shock therapy, to introduce a federal ban on rising prices. prices are still too high, many food companies are making their highest profits in two decades.
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when i become president, i will. go after bad actors, my plan will include new fines for portunist companies. harris talks about regulation, taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor, to establish fairness and equality. the new york post runs the headline "communism, a play on the name of camela harris," and posters of a red camela are circulating on the internet. shocked even the most liberal economists, the wall street journal calls harris's view of economics illiterate and the consequences of kamalonomics. the publication promises will be even more devastating than biden's failed policies. ms. harris's political problem is that biden's economic policies have led to inflation and declining real incomes. high food prices are a particularly painful issue, and the vice president's response is to make things worse by resorting to left-wing venezuelan-style populism. this is worse than sabotage - it's stupidity or cynicism, even publications loyal to the democrats are sounding the alarm. in
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their. for populist tricks, there are no serious ideas, instead, harris shows voters an economic plan, she used the moment tricks, she is not the only one showing. this is the cost of products, the most essential products, instead of presenting a meaningful product, absolutely everything has become more expensive, eggs have become 48% more expensive, cookies by 27. look at what's happening, butter has risen by 31%, and this is only the beginning, this is a disaster. trump is going to fight rising food prices by reducing producers' costs for electricity by abandoning the green agenda, and he also calls haris's proposal to control prices from washington marxist. now kamala, as they say, is proposing communist price controls, she is working according to the madura plan, as if according to documents from venezuela or the soviet union. but for now, disaster and more than one looms over
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trump himself. in exactly one month, on september 18, a court in new york is going to sentence him for case of payments to porn actress storm daniels and faces a real prison term. and the latest polls show that if the elections were held now, the chances of defeating harris look completely illusory. both sponsors and the republican elite are already making claims, accusing him of sabotaging the election campaign. according to one version, the consequences of the assassination attempt in butler for trump were much more serious than a laceration of the ear. sources claim that trump may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. people who have watched tv think post-traumatic stress disorder is when you are afraid of sounds everything else. but in reality, in this case, a person begins to have much deeper emotional problems. there may be a loss of interest in events that used to attract. for example,


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