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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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and not one looms over trump himself. exactly one month from now, on september 18, a new york court is going to sentence him in the case of payments to porn actress stormy daniels, and he faces a real prison term. and the latest polls show that if the elections were held now, the chances of defeating harris look completely ghostly. both sponsors and the republican elite are already making claims, accusing him of sabotaging the election campaign. according to one version. the consequences of the assassination attempt in butler turned out to be much more serious for trump than a laceration ear. sources claim that trump may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. people who have watched too much tv think that post-traumatic stress disorder is when you are afraid of sounds and everything else. but in reality, in this case, a person begins to have much deeper emotional problems. there may be a loss of interest in events that used to attract him.
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joe biden is spending the last months of his presidency as a wedding general. according to rumors, he is still angry with his entourage for throwing him out him out of the race, so along with kamal and harris, he appeared for the first time only this week, announced price controls on essential drugs, and he was no longer shy about taking a swipe at trump. deliberately mangling his former opponent's name, biden called him dump. what does that mean in translation: dump or heap of garbage? the guy we're running against, what 's his name, or donald, whatever, they want to get rid of this, what we've accepted, joe biden, a retiree about to be retiree, is looking for a cushy spot, at a bloggers' meeting in white house,
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where do you think i'm going to go when i retire? i have contacts, i invited you to the white house because i'm looking for a job, you 're achieving success in ways that haven't been done before, at least in the 800 years i've been in politics. how fake everything is here, from jokes and the desire to please to economic statistics of foreign policy, the democrats' opponents remind us at every opportunity. i believe trump is right when he calls harris chamileon. in front of one audience, she pretends to be one person, in front of another others, as if she were not conducting an election campaign, but auditioning for a role in a movie. for example, she only speaks to voters. having
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a teleprompter in front of her, everything according to the script, she does not have her own political position, but the democrats found dirt on vence, a photo from 2003, in which the current vice-presidential candidate is sporting a t-shirt with a hammer and sickle and the inscription ussr. the republican headquarters had to explain that it was just a halloween costume, and now voices are again being heard about moscow's interference in the american elections, about what else the democrats can come up with, just to avoid giving up the white.
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it may be a simple coincidence, but last time the covid epidemic began just before the vote in the united states. the lack of intrigue at the democratic convention in chicago does not mean that the election campaign will continue until november without upheavals and incidents. unpredictability seems to be the main feature of the current election cycle in the united states. possible hacker attacks to an uncontrollable escalation of one of the armed conflicts in the world. the outcome of these elections may be influenced by anything. for now, the main event is the trump-harris debate, but we still have to survive until september 10, when the first round is scheduled, without losses. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. today, in his home in the french commune of the soul, he died at the age of eighty-nine.
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alaindellon, an idol of soviet and other women, one of the most famous artists of the 20th century, who had many connections with our country, professionally and personally. being at the zenith of fame. he is filming in vladimir naumov's film tigiran-43. i have one small favor to ask of you. just one. after that, his popularity in the ussr reached cosmic proportions. the naut pontfius group, which was filling stadiums at the time, dedicated one of its main hits to him - a look from the screen. about an unhappy girl whose only consolation is the standard handsome alain delon. delon, alain, delon, doesn't drink one colon, allen, delon, allen delon, drinks a double furfon, in ninety- eight, alain delon, 2 days before the gubernatorial
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elections, unexpectedly arrives in krasnoyarsk, to take part in a rally in support of general lebed, whom he had met a year before and whom he called the russian de gaulle. i made the decision to come here a long time ago, here i am, i am here for him, and i am happy to be here, i do not work for him, i do not work for anyone, i am simply pleased to help him and support him, the actor, whose name has been on the front pages of world newspapers and magazines for decades, has hardly appeared in public in recent years, living in his estate, suffering from cancer, while his children are they divided the inheritance behind his back, claiming that their father was not fully... aware of his actions six months ago his legal capacity was limited by the court, which deprived the artist of the right to independently manage property, and in april it completely introduced a regime of enhanced guardianship in relation to delon. various statements on behalf of alain
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delon appeared in the press, including about ukraine, but you never know how old people are manipulated. in approximately the same way , jimmy carter's grandson now claims that his grandfather, who will turn 100 in october, dreams of voting for kamala harris. we let's remember the real delon from tehran 43. the actor's family today issued a statement asking the press to respect their privacy. our european correspondent, anastasia popova, talks about alain delon's women and his relations with russia. no woman could resist the gaze of his blue eyes. his name became the embodiment of male beauty and masculinity, wild, unbridled, and at the same time incredibly charming, he attracted like a magnet. he had such an aura, nothing
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could be done against this aura when he entered room, everyone froze. when he showed photos to producers, hoping that they would notice him, they refused him, saying that he was too handsome, but after his first roles they were hunting him. rock and his brothers, a swimming pool, goodbye friend, predators. by the age of 45, delon had become a star of planetary scale, he was not at all embarrassed by this. alain is a superstar, do you agree with this label? i readily accept it, not to mention olen. i believe that in the modern world... at the moment, there are very few stars left, there are many little stars, but few stars, and i consider myself one of them. his father, an italian corsican who ran a movie theater, divorced his wife when his son was 4 years old. delon called this breakup the biggest tragedy of his life. his childhood went awry.
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his mother remarried and worked in a sausage shop during the day, unable to take care of her son. he was given to a foster family of a guard at fresnes prison. i grew up in the yard of fresnes prison with me. stole an army jeep to drive at night with were sent to war in indochina, in saigon he was friends, then stole a revolver, for which he was sent to war in indochina. returning to france he was sent to prison, criminal circles and the mafia became part of
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his life, he respected strength, risk and action, if you take the ten most influential criminals of the second half of the 20th century, two or three became dellon's friends. to a loud scandal in the midst of filming the movie swimming pool , the police raided the set in connection with the murder of delon's assistant yugoslav stefan markovic's bodyguard. there was a rumor that he had slept with the actor's wife. the murdered man left a note saying that if something happened to him, to ask delon, but after 8 years the case was closed, no evidence was ever found. could you kill a person or have him killed? if i answer yes, people will do it, and let's say i answer no, they will then say, in 1997 in paris delon met the former secretary of the security council,
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this is what he said about him, i had the chance to meet vladimir putin, he is a very capable person, it is very difficult to govern such a huge country, so many years, and he does it, i don't know how he achieves this, but i understand that it is very difficult, no one can deny that putin has once again brought russia to the center. in the ussr, delon became extremely popular with the film tehran-43. his collaboration with soviet film director vladimir naumov began with confusion.
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tomorrow at 8:00 a.m., if i have a role and i like it, i will play it. in the morning he already had a new script in his hands, where delon, a french inspector of the foch, falls in love with marie looney's daughter and helps investigate a terrorist plot. the main song was written especially for the film by the cult french composer charles aznar, inspired by the beauty of actress natalia belokhvostikova. eternal love surpassed the popularity of himself. film until the end of his career this song aznovur performed in a duet of the humble matyu. modest - this is not about him, he
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considered himself an icon of cinema. in his piggy bank more than a hundred roles, cinema, theater, he is a perfectionist, director, screenwriter and producer, critics smashed to pieces. i am a star, it is thanks to my audience, and not to these who write. in these magazines, they are empty space, and they were, will be later, what will remain in 5, 10, 20 years from mr. x or madame y in the history of french cinema or the world, nothing, i will stay, visconti will stay, belmando will stay, depardi will stay, and from these small, mediocre ones nothing, both are talented, both are popular, competitors in life, after filming together in barsalin's film, they quarreled because delon's name was printed twice on advertising posters: they competed in luxury, delon flew to the filming by helicopter, belmando hired a motorcade of ten limousines in defiance,
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while in life, according to belmando himself, they were warm friends. delon came to his friend's funeral, despite his age and poor health, saying that it would be beautiful for them to leave together. the predator-seducer who conquered the film olympus never found family happiness. they were engaged to the first of the women of his life, roma schneider, but after 5 years the most glamorous couple of the continent broke up, delon married only once to the actress natalia bartolemi, with whom he played a samurai in the film, their son anthony, as he once was 4 years old when they divorced, he spent the next 15 years with mireille darc. alain wanted children, but i couldn't give birth, i had big problems with my heart and alain said: "sorry, but i really want to have children, so that's another reason we broke up." two children, a daughter.
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after that, he almost never appeared in public in the press, his name thundered only in connection with scandals. when three children began to fight for the inheritance, filing lawsuits against each other in court, limiting their father's legal capacity and deciding for him what kind of treatment he needed, the actor suffered a stroke, fought cancer, thought about euthanasia, and eventually he passed away quietly in his half-ruined estate in the soul, he bequeathed to bury himself in a small chapel built there in the garden, next to the cemetery
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of his dogs, he bypassed them for their sincere devotion and selfless love, which , despite the adoration of fans ...
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swedish language in åland you will not find finnish, the swedish minority lives here. the archipelago has its own flag, parliament, car numbers and even traffic rules . the autonomy of finland is located in the baltic sea, at the entrance to the gulf of bothnia. the archipelago is considered strategically important a springboard in case of conflict with russia. the islands blockade the sea of ​​finland, controlling the baltic and the communications laid along its bottom. the noalands have had the status of demilitarized since 1850.
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military ships, usually finnish, they are carried out by agreement of the finnish ministry of defense with the government of the oaland islands. during the raid, we record military activity, this is the boat of the president of finland, it is returning to the continent. the crew greets the russian consul according to maritime etiquette: the presidential guard, although it is military, it is not considered a violation, from the permitted by the treaty on the archipelago two coast guard stations, we record that there is no suspicious activity there, the swedish coast is visible here, it is 40-50 km away, in clear weather it is visible, accordingly, in that direction is estonia, helsinki, this publication is interesting for us because our officers served in it for five years from 1912 to 1917.
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allandy became part of the grand duchy of finland thanks to the victory of the russian empire in the war with sweden in 1809. on for more than 100 years, this was russian territory, and the westernmost post office was located on eckerue island. its building has survived to this day. now a different flag flies here, but traces of russian history are literally scattered across the archipelago. the capital of the islands, maria hamn , received its name in honor of the wife of alexander ii. another russian name is found in the very center: nikolai sitkov, a shipowner, merchant, and one of the founders of the city. thanks to long-term contacts with russia.
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experts call the island gigantic aircraft carrier, after joining nato , the alliance's troops are stationed on gotland and regularly conduct exercises, for example, baltabs-24 this summer became nato's largest naval maneuvers, 900 servicemen and 50 ships took part. the alands so far accept only ukrainian refugees, there are about 300 of them on the islands, but they sometimes cause problems for the local authorities. peter carlson, who has lived on the islands for 35 years,
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was beaten by three ukrainians for refusing to repeat the nazi salute. they came and said get on your knees and shout, glory to ukraine, i told them said, no way. and they, like, just started beating me. russian passports to compatriots, all this has been done by one person for the past 24 years. alexander rogov himself has repeatedly become a hero of the finnish and swedish press,
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which demands that the consulate be abolished and that the military be returned to the islands. and the bloomberg agency in its article calls aland the achilles heel of nato, directly speaking about the need to break agreements with russia. the next step in strengthening finland's defense should be the closure of the russian consulate. the oland islands and permission for finnish troops to conduct exercises there, says retired finnish army general and ruling coalition mp peka tovere. he noted that the archipelago is more important for finland than gotland is for sweden. as long as the 1940 treaty remains in force, the russian consul is once again heading out to sea for another raid. most swedes in holland do not support the introduction of the finnish army to the islands, since for them it would... mean the loss of their autonomous status, but if the decision to break the treaty with russia is accepted, the opinion of the alanians themselves will definitely not be taken into account in nato. daria grigorova and
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vladislav chernov, news from the alan islands, finland. this week, several famous russian artists and politicians fell victim to cyber fraudsters. just the day before , criminals cheated irina khakamada out of 4,000 rubles by lending her money. under the guise of an acquaintance, but the most high-profile case was with larisa dolina, a classic scam with her apartment and accounts cost the people's artist more than 200 million rubles, and the singer lost her real estate and her savings, about where the tracks lead and scammers, report by alexander karpov. i became a victim of scammers. it became known that the popular singer larisa dollina was robbed blind by aperists after
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strangers tried to move into her apartment in a prestigious residential complex in khamovniki , and what happened anyway, why aren't they letting you into your apartment, and she'll live there, they've already registered everything, even the release of dolina lives, well, i don't know, we want to get home, the people's artist, well, we don't need these. and why not, we do, we still love her, and you i i love, everyone loves, but this does not mean that we should offend bona fide purchasers of real estate, the visitors were handed over to the police, but they presented a purchase and sale agreement for a five-room apartment of a people's artist, the only thing that was confusing was the price of 112 million rubles, clearly not enough for a 236-meter property in khamovniki with a luxurious renovation and furnishings, but it came to light... actions:
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a criminal case was opened on this fact, i was recognized as a victim, my apartment was seized. at first, no one could even imagine the true scale of this scam criminal special operation. the machinists were in contact with our victim from april to july, misleading our victim in terms of the fact that a crime was being committed against her by fraudsters, access to her accounts appeared and her funds could be stolen, so she needs to transfer these funds to a safe account and hand over to the courier her personal savings and funds from the sale of an apartment in the center of moscow, alienated at the direction of the fraudsters. damage from fraudulent actions exceeded 200 million rubles. standard scheme, calls come from the territory of ukraine, from fraudulent call centers, with
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victims often becomes one. that the call was made from a substituted number, within the framework of this at the moment we have detained a courier who repeatedly came to our victim, took cash from her, this is angela tsirulnikova, she gave the scammers 106 million, these are tens of kilograms, even in five-thousand-ruble bills, but relatives refuse to believe that angela is a member of the gang, she a wonderful person, what she is like as an attitude, as a mother, as a person, as a woman, as
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a coach, she has been all her life, here she is... the package said that it was very heavy, i was , of course, pleasantly surprised that it was larisa dolina, they immediately made a strong wallet in my phone in front of me, they transferred the money here, we inserted another link there, naturally, from my wallet, the money was immediately transferred, and these obviously criminal operations for two hundred million rubles were carried out remotely by the attackers in the middle of beloday in the very center of moscow. how do we it became known, a fraudulent deal with
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larisa dolina's apartment. they posted on social networks an appeal of a monstrous nature, allegedly from me, in which there is not a single word of truth. we are talking about this entry from larisa dolina's page hacked by ukrainian hackers, about how she mortgaged her dacha and sold her apartment for 112 million in order to, quote: sponsor the azov battalion to spend the rest of her life in odessa. behind this fence is that very country house of larisa dolina in the village of protatseva, under which the attackers tried to get in
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the bank on her behalf 50 million rubles and although the security service seemed to have stopped the deal, it is possible that the people's artist could have lost this property too, a house 50 million is not enough, we sympathize with her, yes, we sympathize very much, to be left without a corner, an expert in negotiations and manipulations, i am convinced that the attackers were approaching the valley for more than one month, they begin with a detailed study of their victim, with a detailed one, everything is studied, social networks, contacts, remember this electronic, where is his button, each person has ...


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