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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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we go from the official to the understandable, everything is not so scary, if there is an instruction, mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the thirtieth state. i will dwell on more relevant things, now there will be time, the skin is already the middle east, where we also need to draw conclusions. so, regarding
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what you said, we need to look at conscripts and border troops, yes, in fact , our country did not arise in ninety-first year, we became much longer, and there was a huge, colossal experience that we for some reason we pretend that we don’t see it, yes , conscripts, of course, if a person puts on a uniform and he is in the army, he must fulfill some of his duties to protect the fatherland, he took the oath, yes, but on the other hand, we have had a long time, there is a one -year draft, if i’m not mistaken, at one time the gaidar institute actively worked in this. offered less, well, what good could he offer in this without comment, we often say, conscripts fought in afghanistan, well, what conscripts, the draft was for two years, a person was drafted, he was sent directly to those areas that are as close as possible to the climatic and geographical conditions of afghanistan, the training center was in kushka, in turkmenistan, now in termez, uzbekistan, the paratroopers were trained at the base of the airborne division in fergana, and for six months they were trained there in that place, not just somewhere there under...
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yes, now in the border troops, we also have a lot of experience, i once gave you an example in court, yes, that means, when they brought troops into afghanistan, they brought border guards into afghanistan, in january of the eighties, by decision of the politburo of the central committee of the cpsu it was adopted the decision in the water of the kgb border troops, the ussr on the territory of afghanistan. afghanistan was not well studied by us at that time, vladimir, and such areas as afghan badagsham, well, on the map we could find some specialists on afghanistan, that's all, we could not study it, a tourist-accessible area. but
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a decision was made after i will immediately make a reservation for 100 km led, a completely unfamiliar area, i will give an example, we had a 2,500 km border, just in case, of which 900 km was there, well, where in peacetime to guard the border at all difficult, in the peace direction, i was there often and saw all this business, yes they conducted it immediately on the territory of afghanistan-badakhshan, listen, i don’t want to explain what it is, this is how you say it, this is the most little-known tourist area, these border guards, yes they entered there, but what was created, the first motorcycle maneuver? groups were created as part of there such such such as now called a battalion tactical group but with its own specifics and airborne assault motorcycle maneuver groups on helicopters, which, if necessary, are instantly transferred, moreover , aviation regiments, helicopters, aviation were created under the border troops, yes, in particular, there was, so the western direction is afghan and eastern, so to speak , yes, moreover, what we did in general, this requires separate studies, if in the...
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western, in the afghan direction, we introduced the kharok ishkashim border detachments and the kolakhum border command, well, you need to know how they did it there, i still can’t, they were clever, if you had one, you had one. that is, the murkap border detachment - this is a highland 4.0 km, so 4.00 m meters, so to speak, so the border detachment that bordered the autonomous region in china, so it was also introduced, where it was introduced into the ahan corridor, few people know the soviet union, now tajikistan , in fact, bordered pakistan, this is 15-20 km , and then the chtrala begins, kashmir , it was introduced there, these are generally mountains, mountains, wild mountains , these guys managed to...
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look, now the situation is unique, iran, in iran the group that wants to make friends with the west is clearly winning, i don’t have any details, i will give you one fact, when the advisory council was created and under the new president he was appointed by the former minister of foreign affairs of iran, that is, mohammed zarif, i said in
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the aima, and then on august 2 he became vice president, i said three times in the aima, this is so that you know, a person who completed all the educational applications in the united states, which there are, worked there for a long time and in general with... and sees rapprochement with the united states, but now he resigned on august 11, because there are patriotic people there who do not want to be friends with the west, they started blocking his appointment of some ministers, there are committees and so on, and he filed a protest, but that is one of the reasons why everything needs to be looked at, against this background, in short, a small organization hezbollah declares, iran must strike, or we will strike ourselves, and let iran and syria help us like that, the question is to... to ours , and those, and what is this such a small group, i don’t even want to match, suddenly challenges the huge israeli army, tenfold superiority in personal composition, i'm not talking about technology, but there is also something to learn there, and because there was the second lebanon war, they showed how they can fight, yes, how they can fight, yes, look, they have a well-established
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intelligence service, there is not a single fact that israel did something that they did not detect, they periodically and demonstratively post photos, videos of their drones on the internet... where the headquarters of the northern military district of israel is photographed in detail, that's how everything moves there, the headquarters, that is, of military intelligence oman, the headquarters of the 146th division of the defense army israel, the main one, which they are shelling, all movements, everything is completely controlled, in the border zone there are , that is, their own, that is, how they are already recruiting, that is, their own, that is, their own agents and so on and so forth and so forth, yes, that is, it is completely tightly controlled, the second.
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self-defense units, this is what every more or less populated area has territorial troops, yes, who do not just walk there with some kind of shotgun, they have anti-tank weapons, that is, small arms, and there is also a system fortifications, created in this village, a typical example, the israeli army, so in july 2006 decided to take by storm in one day the settlement of dey jemaili, do you know how long they took it, they took it for a whole month during the whole war and still did not take it, and it was defended by only 150 fighters of hisbola and ... a couple of dozen there, that is, fighters of the popular front of palestine, the main team, everything is fine, a select brigade with special forces of the galania brigade and there other tanks and so they could not take it, why yes, it is very simple, that's precisely relying on these defensive peculiar structures and a trained method of conducting urban warfare, they have them there, so
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they suffered great losses in manpower, in tanks and so on, these are proven schemes, this is the body, tactics and so on, this is what they do, a small group, little... so we finance 800 million dollars for nothing , yes, in general, now the americans supply israel with only 20 billion in total, all the aviation and so on, yes, we need to learn there too, or are these mobile groups what? did they appear yesterday, or something, in my head, no, they have been for a long time already they operate in the middle east, three, five people, six people, anti-tank weapons, small arms, a small group, it seeps past the large units of the clumsy with tanks with artillery and all that and begins to operate in the enemy's rear, creating conditions for the approach of the main forces, they processed this there, and they worked on this there in the second lebanon war on the israeli army, but you say, the americans revealed afghanistan, and the taliban... they did the same thing in 2010, there was such an operation maybe the americans' oracle yes, that means their ally
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they went to helmen on lashargs, here they tore apart this whole damn powerful army with these mobile groups, well we also need to keep an eye on them and learn something, do something and honestly, now they can already learn from us, no i don't, because our mobile groups have now become even more mobile than in the middle east, i say that i know this, what you know. assaults work depending on where already well almost all units are now on motorcycles right or pickups there if pickup big his fp sees already there motorcycles are working moreover they look which somewhere there is first two people enter there after him already one enters who is dragging on himself a big backpack from a bull, that is all all all
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no, that's what i'm saying, that is receptions are constantly going on, having exchanged, just as the exchange of information is now going on in a colossal way, yes that's what we were talking about, as a single system, among the birders, excuse me, these are people who deal with completely different birds yes, yes among the ornithologist, yes among the artillerymen, that is moments already exist this common network, where information is immediately disseminated, etc., well, of course you are very right, it is necessary to take into account all the experience, including our soviet experience. we have a special military operation, if you go through our big cities, then, frankly speaking, you somehow do not understand that something has changed, and sometimes you look at what kind of entertainment is everywhere, so questions arise, and such fair ones, but in general, does anyone know what is happening, i have a number of well-known... our figures, they write about everything, i have not a word about everything
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i didn't see the time, they feel great, many, by the way, sit on the budget like that, do culture, this is also such an ambiguity, yes, you are absolutely right, the soviet experience, of course, should be used, but for the purpose it is necessary to rely on it, it must be recognized and should be, in general ambiguity is very harmful, so to speak, politely, or... nothing, it's a complete pipe, but then they switched, now 2 years, i think 2 years is
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of course the optimal period, but can i say, here is a non-professional point of view, in a year you can prepare a high-quality fighter, it's a question of programs, yes, a question of how to work with it, if i look now at how the guys are preparing for assaults, four weeks is not enough for the poultry houses, of course, eight weeks are really needed, but if you take six months with the current one.
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you know, if indeed, as you said, the task was undoubtedly to capture the kursk npp, well then i don't understand the ukrainian command, well, there is an obvious discrepancy in the allocated forces and resources, there are three or four brigades, there are either three or four, there are 10,000 people, they give such figures, but what is needed. they give 6.0 plus four auxiliary ones, although well, according to the feelings of the people who are there, it is significantly more, more, well, but still, you understand, this is if kursk, it needs to be captured, so to speak, uh, it is not even a bridgehead, it is necessary to capture a territory of several hundred square kilometers, why? well, why? and how do you need to get to kursk and to get to kursk not by road, like this in a column, but you need to at least along the front several why? how why? this is not at all like that, but how? their task was precisely on strikers at breakneck speed along the main roads and break into
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nuclear power plant, and then what? and seize it and threaten to blow it up from there. vladimir? that's not the horror, they didn't want any large-scale, combined-arms , calculated operation, which implied idiocy in this, that is, they calculated it as a sabotage sortie, well, this is a pure adventure, but this, well, this is a pure adventure, firstly, firstly, the kursk station is an object, so to speak, a particularly dangerous object, the russian national guard is still present there, so it is preserved, very much, so just like that, you know, like, seize it on a motorcycle, i think that it is not not not quite.
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large groups, as far as i understand, there are mobile groups that are no longer observed in the forests, well, therefore i think that no-no, well, well, there they continue to introduce forces, continue to persist, try to go along the border, they are trying, trying. well , let them confuse organizing, yes, yes, and there they are trying, well, there our pontooners are working well, well, there are efforts, both sides, now here in this forum, yes in the west, especially the americans, the british are happy with the success, almost so to speak, what negotiations, what compromises, all this is so to speak
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yesterday, all this needs to be put aside, ukraine is on the verge of a decisive victory,
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who worked, i know him, i talked to him for a long time, so to speak, uh, a fairly reasonable person, uh, he headed the department of arms control and non-proliferation, but in all seriousness in the first part of this opus, there is a lot devoted to the question of how russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons against china, practicing, practicing in exercises uh the use of nuclear weapons border areas with china, and in the second part of this opus about europe, there is really dedicated to our navy, the task of the baltic fleet, there is the destruction of bases, radar stations, mainly norway and germany, the northern fleet strikes, so
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to speak, military-industrial enterprises of great britain, again this american. says, well, these are only 32 targets that are designated on these slides, it’s like a presentation, what’s behind the presentation, there we have a plan in the ministry of defense, yes, in the ministry of defense there are presentations, and on files, but they didn't say, and there it is immediately designated, as this commentator says, almost a list of targets, a thousand targets all over europe, but this is generally of particular importance. in all seriousness, that russia has plans , it turns out, to use them on surface ships and submarines, russia has tactical nuclear weapons, despite
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the agreements concluded with the americans that they must be destroyed, in general , complete nonsense, we have never concluded any agreements with the americans on tactical nuclear weapons with the exception of the notorious unilateral initiatives nine. first year of elson clinton, when we simply reduced, and never gave absolute figures, gave in percentages - some types of tactical nuclear weapons, but nevertheless, that yes, that we have anti-aircraft, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft guided complexes in nuclear warheads, which is also stupidity, that was, so to speak, destroyed first of all, this, well , it is true, they say, still remained. although nuclear interception from it in principle we have long ago abandoned and it was necessary to say that so and
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there is, that's exactly how it is, there's such a fuss going on in all of europe right now, yes , we'll hit there, the fact that russia has nuclear weapons, the president said so, the figure of 200 nuclear warheads that we have, then this will no longer be unacceptable damage, but acceptable damage, then if we fall, and we can do it so that the target is a continent, just so that the combat capabilities are such
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that one continent is a minus, and the mexicans have done it, rudolfovich, and for this, and for this they haven't done it yet, and for it would be good to say so, such a bomb there is not not 10 megatons, but so megatons thousand, so that so that to shift the axis of the earth. well in fact, after that we limited thermonuclear, when suddenly realized that the tests, when we tested, when we tested 50 mega, if you remember on the new earth, then when the shock wave went around our ball three times, we had initially plans to test 100, decided not to test 100 after all. and i want another one, that's why i regularly with my friends, wonderful sappers, who in the engineering troops are engaged, all the time i give as an example this
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famous fragment from the film the elusive msiteli, who is this, this is our pharmacist, comrade koshkin, when they did a lot, a little, here guys, be more careful there pick up explosives, here is another one in short i liked one publication, this is forbes erupted.
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who are you i am a traveler, aeronaut jean ivan, and so we are namesakes, what a fairy tale, without ivan, eh, what started, without deception, without flint, the villain has imprisoned me in flint.
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self-writing pen magic ink, you will get, you main thing, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it needs to go, that's what my name is, because i'm taking you not where you fool want, where it needs to go, i can't live without traveling, flint, he doesn't need a pen. whoever has a boot in his pocket will soon.
3:58 am
got used to watching videos on the network, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational. programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the site.
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4:00 am
i'm finishing. so to speak, the author of this article, that yes, here belousov, his task is to ensure this synergy of small enterprises, the brains of small enterprises and mass state ones, a center for the development and implementation of innovative solutions has been created, but so to speak, not everyone is happy with this, and most importantly, to overcome the bureaucracy, state defense orders, the ministry of defense, this is
4:01 am
within the power of the so... tell the minister in order to


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