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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] vladimir putin and ilham aliyev will discuss the main international challenges and strategic partnership between russia and azerbaijan today . the president arrived in baku on a state visit and has already held the informal part of the talks the day before. he met with his azerbaijani counterpart and his wife, first vice president mehriban aliyeva. the official part is scheduled for today, two rounds of talks in narrow and expanded formats are planned. the head of state will discuss current issues on the international agenda in... in particular, touch upon the topic azerbaijan-armenia settlement. the russian side is ready to continue to help normalize relations between yerevan and baku. it is expected that attention will be paid to the prospects for expanding economic ties. and after the talks, a ceremony of signing joint documents will take place. we will tell you more in a few minutes in the economic news. now to the events in the kursk region. the russian fighter bomber su-34 destroyed a temporary deployment point and
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armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. they are preventing the withdrawal of civilians from border areas, but this is actually always the tactic of ukrainian militants, they use the civilian population as a human shield, this of course is very much a hindrance, our guys are forced to very, very selectively strike in order not to inflict defeat on the civilian population, ukrainian militants. this is what they use, in quotes, of course, but successfully. continue from several border areas at once, here under fire, in this difficult situation the evacuation continues, people are placed in temporary accommodation points, where everything is prepared for them, from food to medicine, psychologists work , of course, the state of people is extremely difficult,
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there are those who ... try to return to their homes, saying, we talked yesterday, he says: well, i have cattle there, i have animals, i have to go back there, not understanding, in fact, how dangerous this situation is, a large number of drones are over the main highways, ukrainian militants use fpv drones, they hit civilian cars, unfortunately, there are the dead, they are not at all embarrassed by the fact that these are civilians. that these are children, old people, women, people with limited mobility, they are hitting buses that are taking out civilians, well, in fact, the most real war crimes that ukrainian militants are committing. the investigative committee, the military investigative department of the investigative committee, conducts an investigation into each case, criminal cases are opened, but nevertheless, local authorities
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are turning to residents about what is needed... in ukraine they dream of this, but another question: in such a situation and similar ones, who will negotiate with him, therefore go for a raise. morning moscow time. in the belgorod region, residents are being evacuated from border settlements. it is not safe to stay there, shelling from the ukrainian armed forces does not stop.
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our special correspondent olga kurlaeva is monitoring the events in the region. she is joining us. olga, hello. now, what is the situation in the city and how was the past night. hello. yes, the situation in the city, one might say, is calm, but alarming, they are not slowing down vigilance, neither the headquarters that work here, nor the local residents themselves. now a message is coming in local publics that shibeykinova is a liar, this is the shibekinsky urban district, there is shelling, they ask everyone to go down to shelter, here in belgorod the signal has not yet sounded, the missile danger alarm has not sounded, but at night it really is. the roarer was turned on, in general, the residents went away from the windows and went down to the basements, but it must be said that from today, from today , from august 19, entry into five populated areas is closed
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points, not districts, five settlements border area, from there the population that remains there is being taken out, local residents are being asked to leave urgently, there is no forced evacuation, this is called temporary resettlement. return, they can live temporarily in temporary accommodation points, they are not in the rear of the belgorod region, if this can be called so figuratively, that is, in the northern part, or they can rent an apartment, compensation for rent, this is 20 thousand rubles per month and 4000 rubles for large families, it will be possible to receive, it is issued at the expense of regional, regional budget, and the governor of the region vyacheslav glatskov personally travels through the border regions, where there is currently no calm,
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asks residents not to risk their lives, not to risk the lives of their loved ones and children to leave those territories that are under constant shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, the operational
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situation changes hourly, therefore... there have been no missile alerts yet, but in general it exists, because the border region is located in close proximity to the state border, which ukrainian servicemen are trying to attack. studio. alexandra. thank you. olga kurlaeva spoke about the situation in the belgorod region. and now to the situation in the svo zone, so on... in the ugledar direction, there is joint work of mortar crews and grenade launchers of the vostok group of forces. this made it possible to break through the line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces and move forward. sergey samokha will tell about the work of mortarmen of the pacific fleet marines.
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on the same one mine fire. there is one fire. mortar. marines of the pacific fleet are conducting fire on enemy dugouts running. mines 120. three layers of concrete, iron, wood, absolutely practically everything. artillery preparation is only the first act of the assault, in order to secure the approach of the infantry, mortarmen at the second stage use smoke shells. first they gave smoke, worked in large quantities on the forest shelves, in order to respectively block the enemy from visual contact with our infantrymen. then, when the enemy appeared in the forest shelves, they worked on them with high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. forest belt enemy, that is called, firmly entrenched, but the positions have already
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been sighted, and then the mortar begins to work accurately, this is already directly, let's say, on the precise guidance of the uav operators, where they have already seen, recorded, a firing point, a dugout, a machine gun crew, the firing range of a 120 caliber mortar is slightly less than 7 km, which means that it can always come under return fire from artillery, so stealth is the main. key to success. mortar positions, as a rule, are very heavily camouflaged, all because now you have to get quite close to the line of contact for work, and the sky here is flooded with enemy drones, which are constantly conducting reconnaissance, and what is actually signaled now by the drone detector. many mortar crews of the pacific fleet marines are constantly replenished with volunteers. well, i decided that my country needs my help. that, well, that i should
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take part in this, provide all possible assistance, which is what i am doing. the successful work of the mortar crews and grenade launchers of the vostok group allowed the assault groups to advance in the ugledar direction. another line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine was broken. sergey samokh, olek sakalshchuk, news. and now we return to the state visit of vladimir putin to azerbaijan. bilateral talks between the leaders of the two countries will be held in baku today. following the meetings, a joint statement by the heads of state is planned, as well as the signing of intergovernmental agreements and other documents. konstantin churikov, who is joining me in the studio, will tell us about how economic relations between moscow and baku are developing. kostya, good morning, the traditional basic question, how are things with trade turnover? sasha, well, things are going well in principle, but they can be better. last year , trade turnover was more than 4 billion dollars.
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today, the russian. dollars will be held in baku, from january of this year to june, the figure has grown by more than 7%. cooperation in oil and gas, mineral resources, forestry, metallurgy, construction materials is very pronounced, but... today, a very interesting segment is the segment of consumer products and the agro-industrial complex, imports to the republic of azerbaijan growing, agricultural exports to russia, it is a priority for azerbaijan. we see that russia exports more to azerbaijan than our country to the russian federation, but this is understandable, but in general
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there are no special, significant, significant imbalances, and this also, including, opens up very significant prospects in terms of, in particular, the transition to the national currency in mutual settlements. russian direct investments in azerbaijan amount to about 4,200 million dollars. more than 1,270 people work in the republic today companies with russian capital. among the most famous are rosneft and lukoil, together with... they participate in the development of oil and gas fields, including on the caspian shelf, and are also engaged in their processing and transportation. lukoil is one of the largest investors in the republic, participates in the development of the shah denis gas condensate field and also owns a network of gas stations. rosneft , together with the state oil company of azerbaijan socar, is engaged in geological exploration, production, and the supply of petroleum products. sanctions provide an opportunity for development of new cooperation links and
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relations of cooperation between russian and azerbaijani companies. the most promising, of course, are the areas related to energy. such companies as gazprom, transneft, look oil, rosneft, interrao and others work closely with azerbaijan. in the twenty-first year , a joint project of azermash and gas was opened, which specializes in the production of in the field of mechanical engineering, this year alone will be the third meeting of the leaders of russia and azerbaijan, on april 22 a visit took place ilham aliyev to moscow, on july 3, the heads of state talked at the sco summit in astana. then vladimir putin outlined the joint plans of moscow and baku in the field of infrastructure, indicating that the first place in this issue is occupied by the north-south transport corridor. according to the russian leader, this route can become very popular. its use will allow delivering cargo almost 10 days faster than through the sudanese
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canal. experts note that the flow of goods through the russian-azerbaijani border crossings is accelerating, but now it is necessary expand the bottleneck. places that are located to the south on the border of azerbaijan and iran. multifunctional terminals are developing very actively in the republic of azerbaijan. and the cooperation of russian railways and aszhd is yielding significant results. there are no problems with crossing the border at checkpoints and terminals on the border of russia and azerbaijan. there are two automobile checkpoints and, in general, there are no bottlenecks. the only potential for the development of the corridor is the development of programs for transition with the islamic republic of iran. external economic more than 7 regions of russia maintain relations with azerbaijan. interregional
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forums make a significant contribution to strengthening relations, as was the case in february of this year in mineralnye vody. and also this year the governors of st. petersburg, astrakhan and... yanovskaya regions visited the republic. meanwhile, azerbaijan is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination among russians. in 2023, about 600 thousand of our compatriots visited the country, and in the first 6 months of this year, already 430,000. relations between moscow and baku is developing on the principles of friendship, good neighborliness, mutual respect, based on the declaration on allied cooperation signed by the presidents in february of the twenty-second year. well, that's all. our countries have more than 150 different bilateral treaties and agreements, it is quite possible that today this number will increase, following the visit it is planned to sign intergovernmental and other documents, so that economic relations will receive an additional boost, and the strategic partnership between moscow and baku has every chance
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not, so, attention, we have a replacement, a change for the younger generation, a legend is coming out on the field to win. we continue the broadcast. the head of kamchatka ordered the resettlement of houses that received dangerous damage due to the strongest earthquake in half a century. experts continue to thoroughly examine the buildings for cracks and other defects. meanwhile, seismologists warn residents about a possible repetition of tremors. my colleague, alena de barbieri, is working on the scene. she is joining now. alena, hello, what is the current situation and what
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forecasts do experts give? there are cases of partial damage to stove heating pipes, two such cases have been recorded, eh, now we are continuing a more detailed inspection, together with specialists in the construction field, to understand what measures should be taken, now the main technical event has managed to shake several more times, the force
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shocks reached by... the current situation has not changed, we are now continuing to observe that the autoshock process is developing normally, it just corresponds to the mentioned law at sea, that 's what with geomechanics everything seems to be not... bad, autoshocks are happening, that is, the earthquake is behaving like a normal, standard strong earthquake, however, there is another version of future events, this eruption may be a more powerful event, a scientist from the institute of volcanology and seismology held an unscheduled meeting regarding the strongest eruptions over the last 50 years, the result is frightening. that is, here we have kamchatka, here , here, and here down is moving, eh,
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happens, a large plate is moving, in this large plate, due to its movement occurs, due to the movement of this plate, a seismic event occurs, we understand that it is in our ocean, here the ocean, it passes here down, it rests against kamchatka, and here strong - deformations accumulate and in the process of immersion of the plate, sometimes these deformations they are realized , an earthquake occurs. komchety now are in a state of alarm, many after yesterday packed so-called emergency suitcases. some spent the night outside the city or in the car. most residents studied the instructions on how to behave during an earthquake and went to bed fully clothed so that they could run out into the street if necessary. but this is not the only incident that occurred on the peninsula. in less than a day , the shevelich volcano became active in the liskonchensky district, the stolbol rose 10 km above sea level, near populated areas to make a significant amount
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of lukainic ash. now the settlement is nothing. thank you alena, alena debarbiri was on the line, she told about the situation in kamchatka after the earthquake. let's move on to other topics. russian climber sergei nilov went missing on mount gashrbrum in pakistan and two more people were seriously injured. as reported by the express-tribun publication, in early august , five climbers went to the mountains to collect the body of another russian athlete. went missing on the same mountain in last year, however, on august 17 , ice allegedly fell on the group's route, and the participants lost contact with sergei nilov. as reported by the russian mountaineering federation, the athlete's possible location has already been established. it turns out that a rescue operation has been underway for the second day, first they took the two who remained below in the base
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camp and today this team is just moving out. konstantin kutsevalov is monitoring the situation on the spot, he is joining us. konstantin, hello, how is the fight against the fire going now? and colleagues, hello, in in tuva, one forest fire was extinguished over the past day, and three more were localized. today , there are 37 forest fires in the region with an area of ​​almost 6,700 hectares. the day before , 30 firefighters, who additionally arrived
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from the krasnoyarsk region, joined the work. in total, 137 people and 68 units of equipment are extinguishing fires in tuva. the most difficult situation is in the tamdinsky district, where the fire quickly spread towards the village due to the wind. more than 30 tons of water were dropped by aircraft on the fire with an area of ​​270 hectares. rospotrebnadzor specialists are working in the district, they are conducting a study atmospheric air for the presence of harmful substances. health workers go around houses where patients with heart and respiratory diseases live. faps work around the clock. i suggest. listening to the commentary of the head of the region vladislav khovalyg on the situation with local fires, we will involve large aircraft, we know that there is a conclusion of the acts, from the lake chagatai it is possible to take 200 can collect water and so on, it can collect water, here i am even more worried about another fire, chugaylye and in the city of morochevka,
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there is only aviation, if we do not... extinguish it completely the taiga will burn, steppe fires are being extinguished in tuva in the lukensky, chedukholsky, tandinsky and kyzylsky districts, the task is to prevent the fire from spreading to populated areas and chebansky camps, two volukhimi indy fires have been localized, 232 people and 18 vehicles are working in chidykhol, the fire has spread to 255 hectares there, 36 people and six vehicles are extinguishing glass fires in the kazhilsky district. there is no thunderstorm for populated areas. precipitation fell in a number of districts at night and in the morning, and there is hope that this will help to cope with the fire faster, the emergencies ministry's fleet will be replenished with a fibia aircraft, which will be used to extinguish fires in the standinsky district. the authorities report that there is no need for evacuation yet, but the forces and means for this are fully prepared. colleagues, the floor is yours. thank you, konstantin kutsevalov
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spoke about the situation with the fires in tuva. now we will take a break for... a couple of minutes, and then we will continue talking about the main topics of this


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