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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in the capital 10 we continue our morning broadcast, here is what we have learned by this hour: the main international challenges and strategic partnership between russia and azerbaijan.
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russian servicemen defeated the enemy with massive fire. the kamchatka regional reserve has been transferred to full readiness mode. the reason is an earthquake in the pacific ocean and a volcanic eruption. tremors of magnitude 7.1 were recorded early sunday morning. no one was injured preliminarily. the head of kamchatka ordered the resettlement of houses at risk of collapse. in chicago a mass demonstration against the actions of the biden administration and the israeli authorities is taking place. the rally is timed to coincide with the first day of the democratic national convention. at the convention, kamela haris will be officially presented as the party's candidate. in donetsk, as a result of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces , a church building was damaged, the roof was damaged, and the facade was destroyed. fragments presumably from 155-caliber barrel artillery were found at the site.
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our correspondent daniil zaretsky has all the latest information. daniil, hello, what is the current situation? hello, studio: neo-nazis do not leave the civilian population of the donetsk people's republic alone. over the past 24 hours , the petrovsky and kirovsky districts of donetsk, nikitovsky and the central city district of gorlovka were again under fire from ukrainian formations. the enemy opened fire from barrel artillery with... western-made 155 caliber, and also used unmanned aerial vehicles. according to the head of the republic , two people are known to have died, a married couple, the husband, born in 1970, and his woman , born in 1972. towards the evening, information was received two more victims, a woman born in 1974 and
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a guy born in 2004, all those injured as a result of the attacks on the petrovsky district of donetsk have already received the necessary medical care. in addition, information was received about the shelling of a church in the petrovsky frontline district. this once again proves that neo-nazis have nothing sacred and never have had anything. there is also information that four firefighters were injured in the nikitovsky district of gorlovka. from russia, they were putting out a fire that started as a result of an attack by an enemy unmanned aerial vehicle apparatus, and even at this hour the kiev militants do not leave peaceful quarters of the republic alone, by this hour the neo-nazis have already fired six 155 caliber shells. studio. thank you, daniil zaresky spoke about the shelling of donetsk by ukrainian troops.
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vladimir putin and ilham aleyev will discuss the main international challenges and strategic partnership between russia and azerbaijan today. the president arrived in baku on a state visit the day before and already held an informal part of the talks. he met with his azerbaijani counterpart and his wife first vice president mehriban aliyeva. the official part is scheduled for today, two rounds of negotiations in narrow and expanded formats are planned. the heads of state will discuss current issues on the international agenda. baku and yerevan. as expected, attention will be paid to the prospects for expanding economic ties? and after the negotiations , a ceremony of signing joint documents will take place. powerful explosions thundered this night in kiev, and in the morning they were heard in kherson, which is controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. local authorities and publications have not yet reported on the consequences. at once. in several
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sirens sounded in cities of the country at night. air raid sirens were declared in kiev, kirovograd, cherkasy, poltava and sumy regions. now footage from the government house, good morning, dear colleagues, we continue the admissions campaign to russian higher education institutions, enrollment in budget places, in particular, has already been completed. it is very important that almost 3/4 of them were transferred to universities in russian regions. the recruitment for targeted training has been expanded, this is a very good opportunity for many students to receive higher education, a promising profession, and what is important, to immediately get a guaranteed job after graduation. these quotas
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are formed on the basis of applications from regions in several hundred areas, more than twenty of them, in the most popular, engineering.
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a separate quota has been established for participants and citizens for the coming year , their children, orphans and people with disabilities have been allocated the required number, more than 48 thousand places. according to health capabilities. for these categories , it was noted that for the new academic year the main number budget places were transferred to regional universities, over 73%, and also the super service for online university admission was used this year by more than 455,000 people, this is 44% of the total number of applicants. the main innovation, as you said, was the change in the procedure for admission to targeted training, and the total number of places within the quota for admission to such training will be. 14,500, to date 38,800 people have already been enrolled, the most popular areas of study were general medicine, pediatrics, pedagogical and engineering education. as part of vladimir's instructions vladimovich, on the formation of a new
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national system of higher education, we continue to implement the pilot project, the plan for admission to basic higher education programs has been fully implemented. such interest of applicants is explained. in general by the fact that the share of practical training is growing, students of natural sciences, engineering and technical specialties can undergo practical training directly at enterprises. to date, educational organizations have announced additional admission to 5,800 budget places, it will be completed by august 29. i would like to note that we are currently paying special attention to the admission campaign of universities in the kursk and belgorod regions for school graduates from these regions. special conditions for admission to higher education institutions have been established. vladimirovich, i would also like to add that, on your instructions, universities in the kursk and belgorod regions are ready to accommodate students from the affected areas in dormitories on a priority basis, and
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a 24-hour hotline is available for applicants, students, and teachers, the ministry of science for all questions. in addition, in four temporary accommodation centers have been created at kursk universities, and similar centers operate at belgorod universities. other russian universities have also announced their readiness to accommodate the students if necessary. universities across the country have also launched work on collecting and sending them. to fulfill the development goals that the president has set for us. now about another topic, it concerns our scientists, about supporting scientists. the president emphasized that fundamental exploratory research. russia should conduct efforts on the entire spectrum capabilities of the domestic scientific
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infrastructure. we are consistently solving such problems, including for more effective development of agriculture, creating conditions for the introduction of the most modern technologies in selection, seed production and other areas of agricultural science. another very important area is the study of aquatic biological resources. to achieve this goal, among other things , more than 700 million have been allocated in the federal budget - to the soviet institute of fisheries and oceanography and the kerch marine technological university. this is will allow organizing expeditions to assess the reserves of aquatic bioresources, including lake baikal, as well as in seven more russian regions. in the arkhangelsk, vologda, leningrad, tyumen regions, in the nenets autonomous okrug, the republics of karilia and koma. scientists will work in the pacific ocean, on the seas. it is planned to carry out major repairs in the regional branches of the institute, but at the kerch university. we expect that
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such measures will contribute to strengthening our sovereignty in science and technology, well improving the quality of training young specialists for the country's fisheries complex. the next question also concerns the scientific sphere, which, as the head of state noted, is the basis for development and progress, and is of key importance for achieving national goals. among the tasks here, the president identified ensuring technological independence and the formation of new markets in priority areas, including bioeconomics. this is a fairly young sphere in russia, it is associated with the development and implementation of innovations that help to reduce the burden on the environment and effectively use natural resources, but also to create new types of fuel, such as biogas, biodiesel. our country has great potential for its further development of sorghum energy resources, but above all the necessary scientific groundwork. today, a number of leading
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russian organizations are engaged in fundamental applied research in this area, and the government has decided to combine their potential on the basis of the scientific and technological center of bioeconomics and biotechnology, and its work will be supervised by the kurchatov institute. these were the footage of mikhail mishustin's meeting with the deputy prime ministers. the attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the kursk region, the situation on the border with minsk, as they say, is not waiting, but preparing for what? we asked the president of the republic
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of belarus, alexander lukashenko. oleg, hello, alive and well. the boss does not age. hello, aleksandrevich, hello. thank you for this opportunity, thank you for receiving us. thank you for showing the border and how armed can be any secrets from you, how did you perceive the invasion of ukraine into our kursk region, what do you think, what are the goals, does zelensky have a plan? i agree with putin when he said that there is a struggle to raise the stakes. that they want, if suddenly there are negotiations, to win a stronger position, so the west
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says, in ukraine they dream about it, but another question arises: in such a situation and similar ones, who will negotiate with him? therefore , to go for raising the stakes of his authority, a more advantageous position at the table negotiations to take, this is wrong, this is not the case, this is a classic, but it does not fit. ukraine, where people are fleeing from the war, although, as they say, they have a domestic war, why flee from this war, you are fighting, we survived the domestic war together, then no one fled, and we see this, even today in poland and other countries, friendly to ukraine, they began to catch everyone to the front, where they ran to
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russia can no longer, they ran to russia, but there is a front there, they began to run to us, evaders. and why should we accept them, why accept them, we we don't know what kind of people these are, on the contrary, we accompany them and control them, if they flee to russia to a lesser extent, we immediately pass the information to bortnikov alexander vasilyevich, they are under control, this is a huge job, in this case we don't need them, if families with children pass through, this is already a guarantee
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that they are fleeing the war and want to work, well , for some families we...
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this kind of escalation on the part of ukraine is an attempt to push russia to asymmetric actions, well, let's say, the use of nuclear weapons. i know for sure that in ukraine would be very happy if russia used, or we used, tactical nuclear weapons, it would be a blessing. then, well, probably, we would hardly have any for our allies.
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in this case, of course, it would be almost impossible for us to defend ourselves in such a situation, this is mobilization, a real war should have been. alexander grigorevich,
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as for the borders, a possible invasion by the poles, our other opponents, we drove more than a thousand kilometers the day before, most of the way ran along the borders, it seemed to me that the situation was quite tense. on the one hand, it is tension, on the other hand, last week we saw the order of the minister of defense, mr. khrenin, on the withdrawal of troops to places of permanent deployment from the borders, that is, tension or is there still a tendency towards stabilization? well, first of all, khrenin cannot give such an order, it was, it was my decision, here i will not whitewash myself in terms of the withdrawal of troops.
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so that they still understand that we are not joking with them, in case, we brought this position to them, we introduced, in addition to
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border guards, we, first of all, have there was no border there, in fact, we built, delimited, brought and demarcated the border unilaterally, without entering their territory, naturally, we don't need it, we put it out, we blocked the border with border guards.
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as for the fact that they introduced and withdrew, that means, when we had a parade, he told us about it, he is aware of the matter, many aircraft moved to belarus, these are helicopters, airplanes and they participated in our parade, today less than 5% of ours are participating.
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naturally, they began to transfer dozens of these servicemen to 12,000, in response i i was forced to, well, almost a third of the army, to transfer additionally to strengthen what was there, then through the channel that we have with the ukrainian special services, we asked, why are you doing this?
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i have always been impressed, the military, serving the fatherland, i feel proud that i wear an officer's uniform, received an award and i don't know, i didn't believe it, probably, because well, i do my usual job, well, i'm proud, probably, yes, yes, my parents are very proud, a special military operation, first of all, this is a huge responsibility for people we protect, i contribute to the common cause, and i participate in historical... be, if you like it, you will do a worthy thing, and your loved ones will be proud of you, and you will leave a mark on history, that's for sure, join your own, serve under contract, time has chosen us, it's easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the big picture, the pursuit of views,
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. mom, why do you need these letters for a fairy tale. in three nine kingdom, the third tenth state.


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