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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

10:30 am
let's translate from official language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. mom, why do we need these letters, for a fairy tale. in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
10:31 am
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10:35 am
a new building or secondary housing or build your own house on a mortgage, choose what you like to all. on domklik, everyone will find housing for themselves. the aggravation last week was very serious, when 13 drones flew through the territory of belarus, some were shot down by belarusian air defense, you spoke out quite harshly, said that if kiev does not understand, then a decision will be made on the advisability of being in minsk, the temporary charge d'affaires of ukraine, the flight of the military.
10:36 am
including deployed the armed forces again the same troops that we withdrew, by the way, a third of the army, we introduced and even in the west we they carried out mobilization and transferred them to the south, to the training ground to prepare our units, it was a planned event, there are also several
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thousand guys preparing from such a western direction, northwestern direction, from there we...
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according to mobilization, somehow else, he must know where he should come in what direction to shoot, so i was at one of these lines, points, everything around is under fire, this is in the brest area, and brest is visible, you can approach there, break through the border, but you will not advance further, you are completely in the palm of your hand these points are on the hill, and these training sessions take place there, so we are not putting pressure there and defending our...
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the ukrainians are not our biggest problem, the biggest problem there is from the crazy leaders of poland, and lithuania, that's where we can get serious problems, but i want to reassure you that this is not the first year that putin and i have been planning the defense of the western direction, this is not the first year that we have had defensive plans, and if necessary, we will convert them into offensive ones, so let them not irritate him there...
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with russian and conventional and tactical nuclear weapons at the parade of the independence of the iskanders there were signs of radar. iskander m for the first time in the parade procession, no, this is not a danger, these are the machines that are prepared today iskanders for striking with tactical nuclear weapons, but it was a signal that such a sticker appeared there, these are the machines that take part in training in the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, we trained with russia, they drew these triangles, so they remained. but these are the machines that are prepared for the use of missiles with nuclear warheads.
10:41 am
alexander grigorievich, after your reaction, there was a reaction from the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs. yes, yes, i understand, rude, in fact, in the sense that there is nothing to discuss. we do not see the expediency of reacting to them. the belarusian country is known for many statements that should not be responded to. this is rudeness from the outside. they constantly told us, the westerners, that they
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do not need a war with belarus, we understand this and say that we are not going to fight with you, and kursk showed this, what the west wants from us and first of all from russia, to stir up society from within, that's why we are not ready for this, we don't want this, we don't want escalation and we don't want this war against the whole of nato. we don't want this. but if they do this, they'll go for it, well, we won't have any other choice, and no wives, no, you can emphasize this directly in your program, there will be no red lines, it is this line, the state border, as soon as you step on it, i say as a border guard, the response will be immediate, it is prepared, the orders are in the safes, as it should be, now they have spoken out regarding poland, and i would like to quote the polish representative,
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the head of mit, tomasz siemniak. just a couple of days ago, he said that the basis for an agreement on the border with minsk had appeared. the belarusian authorities have recently created the preconditions for settling the crisis between the two countries, including opening up the closed ones. in the socialist camp and they have this gene very deeply rooted, they are not fools, that's
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what duda did before, now tusk together with duda, this is the majority of the population of poland rejects, therefore, not because they suddenly woke up and became kind, their internal situation pushes them to build these relations, but i, unfortunately, do not see this basis, as for the checkpoints, here is the second question: "listen, zhenya, we are not hot or cold about this, neither russia, nor us, they imposed sanctions against us, the european union and america, we do not go there, in the sense that we do not carry anything, that they wave this white flag, which has nothing to do with the policy that would be in our interests, we do not have anything to do with them we trade, they closed it, close it, the chinese are moving there, they are traveling, china and poland". duda was there recently, very serious relations, do they want to break off relations with
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china, but this would be complete madness in geopolitics, so they are waving these proposals, which neither russia nor belarus cares about, well , i understand what these points are, we don't give a damn about these points, that's not the point, the point is that from afghanistan, where they stirred up the...
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this well-known conflict, we were forced to provide them with some housing there, a roof over their heads head, spent the whole winter sleeping, they killed, did not let them there, and merkel then invited them to germany, she was ready to work there, there was no one, that's why she invited, she may be right, well, so give them the opportunity to work, well, and then why did you destroy
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afghanistan, afghans are fleeing from there, a lot of iraqis, syrians from the middle east. let's go, we are not holding them back, although before the introduction of sanctions we agreed on readmission , there was an agreement, russia, belarus and a neighboring state, if they passed through us, we took them, and they they built centers here where they would concentrate, they introduced sanctions, they stopped cooperating with us on the borders, well we said thank you, there is no readmission agreement, we broke it. they stopped building these centers, we told them, we will not accumulate migrants here, they went there in a stream, and for them this is a disaster for the entire european union, where am i wrong, where am i wrong, you they reproach me that migrants are going through the belarusian border, guys, you put a noose around my neck in the form of
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sanctions, you demand that i protect the european union from the influx of these... migrants, it will not be like that, let them go wherever they want, they will not stay with us, that is my policy from this land, that is zhenya for them a catastrophe, and secondly, the second catastrophe for them was when we agreed with sladimirov, he transferred tactical nuclear weapons here, and they, well, i sometimes read their opuses there, they bring the special services, this is not putin, this is a fool.
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all that remains is to press the reddest one, therefore , in a moral sense, probably, putin and i, making such decisions, so even already it's somehow awkward to talk about it, secondly, when tactical nuclear weapons appeared here, i told them directly, even though they were saying, he's a fool, he says, he'll use weapons, i told them, we're not going to use any weapons until you step on our state border, it's...
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10:51 am
they understand that they're going in one direction, and this is the trend along the entire line of contact, especially the cranks there , the direction where they're trying to seize the islands on the dnieper, why are you sending dozens of these boats with fighters, well and russia has shot every scrap there, they idiots know that russia has shot every scrap, and not a single boat has passed there, those who are you...
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we understand this, so we need to sit down at the negotiating table, if we sit down at the negotiating table, the question immediately arises, the chinese, brazilians and others, ask, well, we sat down at the negotiating table, where to start, and he correctly from the ground cleverly suggested, let's start, where we ended in istanbul, let's unfold this notebook, where they signed, initialed, in fact , the negotiators, the leaders from your side,
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no one has ever defeated this empire and no one will defeat russia, what nato can handle this? the americans have one policy: to pit europe against russia, let them fight, and then they will sort things out in the east with the chinese. and do you recognize zelensky as a legitimate president now? it seems like his term of office has expired? you know, we can say that he is not legitimate. de jure, well, i don’t want to...
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to carry out madness in the direction of kursk, and they are being implemented, here he made a decision, the army implements it, he makes other decisions, you know about them, i know, they are being implemented, there legally there is no one to talk to, that's true, but in fact... citing the fact that there is a war there and so on, they actually make a decision, listen, the press secretary told me that zhenya popova is very interested in the problem of the glorification of nazism, they recently dumped it on the bundeswehr level, yes, some things are scary to read, they included in the list of heroes those who were in absolutely right. for imitation, remember about us, how kosmodemyanskaya, marad kazei and others criticized, so what, are you going our way? no, ideology in any state
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always was, here they are, they decided to return to the nazi ideology, we don't need to return anywhere, our ideology today, even if we deny it, that it's bad, there can't be an ideology, it is based on that foundation, a centuries-old foundation, we were lucky to become president right after the collapse of the union, so we don't need to look at them and be afraid of anything, we need to take the best from them, what is beneficial to us, if it is not
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beneficial to us, look at the chinese. we all bow and look: ah china, ah china, it hasn't moved away from this and is not going to move away, neither have we they didn't move away from this, i was often criticized for this: yes, here's a commie, a communist and so on, russia has moved very far away from this, and it's not easy for putin to return the huge country to those traditional values ​​that have always been professed, and which are based not even on communist ideology, but on the word of god. on that great creation, the name of which is the bible, nevertheless, no one has created anything better from there, unfortunately, but it was improved, somewhere it was denied, somewhere it was supplemented, therefore if we talk, returning to your question, here i am to you i just advise not to pay attention to this rage, well maybe where is it through a comma, as an example to cite the madness of this
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west and the european union.
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it was an impromptu, i don’t particularly bother people there with meetings, but here i arrived, i worked there in this city, i think it will be ugly, in some cases i didn’t approach people at all, well the day before the meeting i said that choose some place, if people gather in the shade, so that it would be convenient, the meeting was delayed, people were waiting, i approached them, and i , one of the women, spoke from the heart.
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11:00 am
you are already set for some changes, no, oh, changes, we recently built a constitution for changes, but we don’t want changes, so that it would be, you know, some kind of revolution, i am a supporter of not revolutionary, but evolutionary changes, and over the years we have done a lot to build what you see, some people like it, some don’t like it, but people generally feel comfortable, we...


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