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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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now i have socially significant objects, these are universities, schools, kindergartens, hospitals. appeals, with violations of buildings, are met on the ceiling of the snenah, the main reason for the call from residents. there are cases of partial damage to stove heating pipes, two such cases have been recorded. now we continue the inspection already more detailed, together with specialists in the construction field. to understand what measures should be carried out, now the main technical event has managed to shake several more times, the strength of the shocks reached from 3 s to 5 magnitudes, as the staff of the research center of the united geographical service of the russian academy of sciences say - this is a standard scenario and then the activity will decline. our assessments of the current situation have not changed, we are now continuing to observe that it is developing normally. the author of the shock process, it
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just corresponds to the mentioned law on the sea, that's what with geomechanics everything seems to be fine, the autoshocks are going, that is, the earthquake behaves like a normal standard strong earthquake, however, there is another version of future events, this eruption can to be an approximation of a more powerful event, a scientist of the institute of voltanology and seismology, held not another meeting on the strongest eruption in the last 50 years.
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in the process of immersion of the plate sometimes these deformations they are realized and an earthquake is obtained. the committee members are now in an anxious state, many after yesterday collected the so-called emergency suitcases, some spent this night outside the city or in the car. most of the residents instructions of the rules of conduct during an earthquake and laid sleep in clothes, so that if something happens, you can run out into the street, but this is not the only incident that happened on the peninsula, in less than a day.
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let's translate from official language to understandable, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction. mom, why do we need these letters? for a story, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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in russia, there is an increase in the number of people wishing to serve under contract. in some regions, at the points of selection for military service, even queues, from the submission of documents to the start of training, only a few days pass. between these need to undergo a medical examination from the leningrad region on a direct line with the studio ksenia yakubina. ksenia, hello, what do they pay special attention to when concluding a contract. yuri, hello, special attention is paid, of course, to the health and motives of those entering military service. we are now at the point of selection of contract servicemen, here they arrive every day. those who decided to defend the homeland, there is no queue, because the work is well-established, everything happens quickly enough, here recruits undergo medical service, interviewed by a psychologist, fill out the necessary documents, they arrive here with their things, from here they go to training bases, for those who have not yet made a decision,
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mobile information points travel around the region, where you can contact to ask all the necessary questions, families of military personnel can also contact there if they have any difficulties, now contract service accepts people from 18 to 65 years old, but recently mainly young people arrive here, a little more about this the military commissar for the leningrad region will tell. let's listen. at first , a special military operation, the number of those wishing is constantly growing, but with the beginning of events in the kursk region, those wishing, the number of those wishing has increased in a progressive form, three to four times increased. at the present time, what we see is that young guys 25-30 years old are arriving at the selection point, who have realized that it is impossible to remain in the country in this situation, and it is necessary to take personal part in the defeat of fascism on the territory of not only the already adjacent states, on the territory of our country.
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it is worth mentioning separately the measures of support for them in the leningrad region 67, 30 of them are various monetary compensations, if we talk about everything in detail. we can talk for an hour, i will only stop at the fact that after returning from service in the leningrad region you can get a land plot from 6 to 12 acres, and if there is no such desire, then the land certificate can be replaced with 400,000 rubles. it is worth noting that the region has one of the largest monetary compensations, a one-time compensation is 2,100,000 rubles per month, the payment is 210,000 rubles. that is, for a year of service under a contract, a recruit can receive. about 5 million, in addition to this, huge support is provided to the families of military personnel, their children enter educational institutions, have priority when entering, free meals in schools, free health improvement in summer camps, discounted use of public transport and much more, but for those who
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are now filling out documents in this building, according to them, this is not the most important thing, they go to serve according to the will of the heart, and for them the task of protecting the homeland is not just words, let's listen to them: ksenia yakubina told you about the work of the military service selection points in st. petersburg. if anything, we can in the evening, if anything, it will not work. if anything, we will swim. these are
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the us democratic party convention will open in chicago today, where delegates must officially introduce harris as a presidential candidate. the conference is accompanied by mass protests. city authorities fear unrest. with details artem krasul. chicago demonstration. man, the procession united several groups of protesters: some advocate for minorities, others criticize the health care system, but the most widespread are the supporters of palestine, who accuse the us leadership of complicity in genocide. i am here because the biden administration and vice president haris should know that there are people who will not vote for those who intend to continue arming israel, thereby participating in genocide. although the situation is still under control, local. are already comparing the current protests to the events of 1968,
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when the police brutally suppressed the rallies against the vietnam war, in order to prevent unrest, the authorities of the third largest american city are putting extra patrols on the streets, they will work with the support of the fbi secret service. as for the program of the democratic convention, the key event is planned for the final day, when kamala harris will formally accept the party's nomination for the us presidential election.
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trump is already by 5%, but at the same time, on issues of the economy and immigration, the majority of respondents
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still prefer trump. given how painful these topics are for the americans, the situation may change more than once before november 5. artem krosulin, vesti. in the kursk region , two british challenger tanks were destroyed in a week for russian drones with raking ammunition, the equipment becomes easy prey. western vehicles in the russian border area have been burning since the very beginning of the clash. evgeny popov will tell you which countries' equipment nato uses. the defeat of a column of armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region. the militants were destroyed by marines of the 810th separate guards brigade of the black sea fleet struck from an ambush. after the first
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vehicles were blown up, the ukrainian armed forces soldiers scattered in panic and became easy targets. and here , after a burst of fire from a russian armored personnel carrier, a western-style armored vehicle bursts into flames like a match. as a result of the fleeting battle, dozens of enemy armored vehicles are burning on the road. someone flies into a ditch at full speed. the wagon and the survivors try to hide from the enemy's shelling. ukrainian terrorists entered the kurdish region in vehicles supplied by the forces of the active west. in this footage, an american armored car cougar class mrap, that is, a vehicle with increased cross-country ability, with enhanced armor protection and an anti-mine bottom, weighing 15 tons. on the roof is a turret with a large-caliber machine gun, here is an american puma with flat tires will rip holes in the right door upon arrival. here it is, your western help, everyone here will die,
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the same armored car is being carried by sevastopol marines. rear as a trophy. in the battle, the car was damaged, but is still capable of moving under its own power. and here our soldiers captured an american armored personnel carrier m1126 striker, a tricked-out eight-wheeled vehicle, worth about 5 million dollars each, vseushniki simply abandoned. here the 82nd odshbr came to visit us, well, this is what happened to them. here is the abandoned enemy equipment. in the battle, the pride of the american ground forces showed itself weakly, here a column of three strikers is again shot at by a russian armored personnel carrier. american armor was unable to stop thirty-millimeter shells. enemy armored
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personnel carriers also become easy prey for a patrolling drone. paired with a reconnaissance drone strike. third generation automatically locks on to the target and dives into the enemy's side. another souvenir from the usa for russian marines, the american armored car hamwi, also repainted from desert color to khaki. on the driver's door, a tactical sign of ukrainian madness in the kursk region, a white triangle. black sea fleet 810, i don't know, did you see me? no, you can hear me, well, we just knocked off these hummers, to the kursk region, kiev threw in heavy equipment, a thirty-two-ton bmp bradly, here is a russian attack helicopter. now we are broadcasting from baku again. ladies and
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gentlemen, the ceremony of exchanging signed documents between the republic of azerbaijan and the russian federation is about to begin. development of the russian federation maxim reshetnikov signed a memorandum of understanding between the ministry of ecology and natural resources of the republic of azerbaijan and the ministry of economic development of the russian federation on climate change and low-carbon development. minister of labor and social protection of population of the republic of azerbaijan sahil babayev and the head of the federal service for
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labor employment of the russian federation mikhail ivankov signed a memorandum of understanding. cooperation on labor inspection issues between the state labor inspection service under the ministry of labor and social protection of the population and the federal service for labor employment. chairman of the food security agency of the republic of azerbaijan koshkart ezli and head of the federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human wellbeing of the russian federation anna popova signed an agreement between the food agency security and the federal service for supervision of human rights protection. chairman of the food security agency of the republic of azerbaijan.
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republic and the government of the russian federation on cooperation in the field of health care, medical education and science. ladies and gentlemen, president of the republic of azerbaijan ilham heydar aliyev and president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin adopted a joint statement of the heads of state. statement for the press of the president of the republic of azerbaijan and the president russian federation. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear guests, dear
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friends. once again, i wholeheartedly welcome our dear guests. the president of the russian federation is paying a state visit to azerbaijan. the visit is of a special nature. our high-level meetings are regular, this year we met twice, once in moscow, once on the sidelines of an international event, but of course, the format and nature of the state visit is a special case, if i may say so, and speaks of the high level of interstate relations, documents were adopted today, including , first of all, the joint declaration of the president. this once again confirms the friendly and allied nature of our relations. the provisions of the declaration on allied interaction, which was
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signed in february 2022, are being successfully implemented. our countries act as allies, as friends, as close partners and neighbors. today we discussed in detail a wide range.
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and they are approximately equally distributed between azerbaijani and russian carriers, this indicates that contacts between people are regular, and today we also noted an increase in mutual visits between citizens of our countries, in the energy sector
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the situation was analyzed in detail as...
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allied relations between our countries. thank you for your attention. dear ilham heydarovich, dear friends, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, i would like to once again thank ilham gedorovich for the invitation to visit the republic of azerbaijan on a state visit. we are very pleased to be on hospitable land of azerbaijan, to admire. views of baku, prosperous, developing, so under your leadership, i emphasize that russia attaches great importance to the development of multifaceted, friendly relations with azerbaijan, at the basis of these relations are the principles of equality, consideration of each other's interests, and of course, close human, cultural ties that have united our peoples for centuries,
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during the negotiations that took place. today and yesterday.


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