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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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admire the vedas of baku, prosperous, developing, so under your leadership, i emphasize that russia attaches great importance to the development of multifaceted, friendly relations with azerbaijan, at the heart of these relations are the principles of equality, consideration of each other's interests, and of course, close human, cultural ties that unite our peoples throughout ...
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in the azerbaijani economy, and of course, these thousands, almost, almost 1,300 enterprises operating in the azerbaijani market, indicate that our situation is developing in positively has good development prospects, the president of azerbaijan has just spoken about the areas in which we are working, each of them is of real strategic importance to us.
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carriages for the botinsky metro, i hope that those who will use these trains will also be satisfied. the russian united shipbuilding company, the president also said this, together with the baku shipyard are starting to produce modern tankers of the more river class for the transportation of oil products their use, including on the azov-black sea and caspian routes will allow. to significantly increase the supply of energy resources to world markets, i would like to especially note our joint plans regarding the implementation of the north-south project, this will allow us to reach the shores of the indian ocean to use these routes for mutual benefit to mutual interest, humanitarian ties are actively expanding. in june
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, the days of russian culture were successfully held in azerbaijan, within the framework of which exhibitions, concerts were held, theatrical performances and other vibrant cultural events. according to a good tradition, we invite our azerbaijani friends to come to the tenth anniversary st. petersburg international cultural forum in september. the russian language is widely and freely used in azerbaijan, and we feel that this trend is supported in every possible way by the leadership of the azerbaijani republic. we are grateful to you for this attention to the russian language. there are more than 300 schools in the country with instruction in russian. branches of moscow state university, sechenov moscow medical university, and at the present time, we have just discussed this at a meeting in a broad composition , the initiative to create a russian-azerbaijani university in baku is being discussed, the president of azerbaijan supported this idea,
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i hope that we will implement it fairly quickly, st. petersburg state university in russia is ready to join such a project on our part. and much is also being done to prepare highly qualified personnel for azerbaijan, currently about 8,000 azerbaijanis are studying in russian universities young people, including more than a thousand at the expense of the federal russian budget. in our countries, we honor the centenary of the soviet people during the great patriotic war, remember that our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers together defended our common homeland and made a decisive contribution to saving the world from nazism, and ilham heydarovich and i agreed to widely celebrate the upcoming eightieth anniversary of our common great victory. as i have already said, a number of issues on the regional agenda were also considered during the negotiations, naturally, taking into account the role that
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azerbaijan plays in the caspian region and in the transcaucasus. current international issues were also touched upon; in foreign policy, both our countries firmly adhere to the principle of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs. russia and azerbaijan closely coordinate their efforts at key multilateral venues, including the un and, of course, in the commonwealth of independent states. in october, we will be glad to see ilham gedarovich at a meeting of the cis council of heads of state in moscow, as well as at meetings in the outreach format, which will be held within the framework of the summit. in kazan in october of this year. the current state of relations between azerbaijan and armenia was also addressed. i would like to emphasize that russia will continue to do everything in its power to normalize azerbaijani-armenian cooperation and conclude a peace treaty based on
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the well-known trilateral agreements reached by the presidents of russia, azerbaijan and the prime minister of armenia in 2002 and 2012. we are also ready to assist. delimitation and demarcation borders, bearing in mind that we have the relevant documents from the time of the soviet union, unblocking cross-border routes, establishing humanitarian contacts. we proceed from the fact that lasting peace and stability in the south caucasus fully meet the fundamental interests of all states of the peoples of this region. well, in conclusion, i would like to emphasize once again that we certainly...
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years it dictates to us the need to participate in these events, of course, in the part in which this is required by the party, this is without any doubt, but if we can do something to do in order to sign a peace agreement between azerbaijan and
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armenia, to bring the matter to delimitation, demarcation, border, unblock, as we have talked about this many times. block the relevant areas in logistics in the economy, we were very happy about this, of course, after my visit to azerbaijan i... i know that azerbaijan aims to complete all procedures with a full settlement. ilham aliyev called the positive dynamics of the development of relations between baku and moscow. we are very satisfied, the level cooperation between our countries, signed by us in february.
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will be pleasant for you and useful for our relations. russian military in the kors region repelled attacks of assault groups in the ssu in the direction of the settlements of olgovka, russkaya, cherkasskaya and porechnaya. in addition, aviation struck enemy reserves in the sumy region. this was reported by the ministry of defense. attacks of the enemy assault groups in the direction of the settlements of olgovka, russkaya, cherkasskaya and porechnaya were repelled. as a result, the armed forces of ukraine lost a tank, a combat vehicle infantry, two combat armored vehicles and
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more than 25 people, four servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine were taken prisoner. operational-tactical aviation carried out strikes on areas of concentration of personnel and military equipment of reserves, the 82nd airborne assault brigade, the 103rd and 129th brigades of the territorial defense of the armed forces of ukraine, in the areas of the settlements of basovka, vorozhba, kruzhok, miropolye, novaya sich, sady in the sumy region. in total, during the fighting in the kursk direction, the enemy lost up to 3,800 servicemen, 54 tanks, 26 combat infantry vehicles, 48 ​​armored personnel carriers, 281 combat armored vehicles, 123 automobiles, 27 artillery pieces, five anti-aircraft missile systems, seven multiple launch rocket system launchers, including three mlrs hymars and one mlrs, five electronic warfare stations, as well as four units of engineering equipment, including two engineering obstacle clearing vehicles and
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one u77 mine clearing unit. currently , units of the northern group are searching for enemy sabotage groups in the kursk forests, and artillery and aviation are inflicting strikes on concentrations of ukrainian armed forces. our correspondent stanislav bernwald will tell you more about the situation in the kursk region. the situation in the kursk region remains extremely tense. the missile threat. appeared only seven times last night, now there is a lull, let's hope that it will continue like this, the sudzhansky district is probably the most difficult place, where fighting is currently underway, ukrainian militants are trying to break through the front, but our guys are pushing them back, not allowing reserves to approach, the most important thing, probably, over the past 24 hours is that the ukrainian militants in one of the rayonovsky region blew up another bridge, thereby preventing the withdrawal.
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unfortunately, there are casualties, they are not at all embarrassed by the fact that these are civilians, that these are children, old people, women, people with limited mobility, they are hitting buses that are taking out civilians, well, in fact, the most real war crimes that ukrainian militants are committing, the military investigative department. the investigative committee conducts an investigation into each case, criminal cases are opened, but nevertheless, here are the authorities locals are appealing to residents that they need to be extremely careful. there is no need to return to the same sudzhansky district now, because the situation there is very, very difficult. stanislav verdnal, sergey soldatov, vesti kupskaya oblast. russian troops have taken control of artemovo in the donetsk people's republic, one of the largest settlements in the dzerzhinsky agglomeration. this was reported by the ministry of defense. according to the military department , the enemy's losses amounted to almost 500 people and
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several units of military equipment. units of the group of troops in the center result. rozovka druzhba novgorodskaya ptichya donetsk people's republic. eight counterattacks of units 53, 150 mechanized, 688 jaeger, 142 infantry
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were repelled. marines of the pacific fleet are firing at enemy dugouts, 120-caliber mines are preparing the ground for an approach to the positions of our attack aircraft on the approaches to the coal mine, the task of the crew is to suppress a large stronghold. the 120- caliber mortar is a very formidable and heavy weapon, it penetrates two or three layers of concrete, iron, wood, absolutely almost everything. artillery preparation - this is only the first act of the assault, to secure the infantry approach. mortarmen. at the second stage, they use smoke shells, first they gave off a large amount of smoke, worked on the forest shelves, in order to respectively block the enemy from visual contact with our infantrymen. then, when the enemy appeared in the forest shelves, they worked on them with high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. in the forest belt itself, the enemy, as they say, is firmly entrenched, but the positions are already
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zeroed in, and then the mortar begins to work accurately. this is already, frankly speaking, precise guidance of operators. pla, where they have already seen, recorded, firing point, dugout, machine gun crew, the firing range of a 120 caliber mortar is slightly less than 7 km, which means that it can always come under return artillery fire, so stealth is the main guarantee of success. mortar positions, as a rule, are very heavily camouflaged, all because now you have to get quite close to the line of contact to work, and the sky here ...
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shells were fired in a day at the belgorod region, this is reported local authorities, due to shelling, residents are being evacuated from border settlements. today, at an operational meeting, governor vyacheslav glotkov instructed to work out the issue of organizing the educational process in these areas. our correspondent has all the latest information. uav activity is observed in border areas, information is being received that the belgorod, grayvaran kazinka road is partially blocked, and uav activity is currently occurring there, in general, residents are strongly advised to leave border areas, namely those
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settlements that are located in close proximity to the state border are closed from today. regarding how schoolchildren will be taught this academic year, because in those border areas where schools are located, there will be distance learning, but if residents leave with their children, which is strongly recommended to do, the children will study in person, but at... already in safe areas out of 554 schools we have only about 100 40 here in figures i can now in the latter. to make a minor mistake, there will be distance learning, the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glatkov and i traveled through the border
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regions, because he does this almost daily and personally tries to convince residents to leave unsafe places, we also watched how housing is being restored where possible and how new housing is being built to replace the one that was bombed by the ukrainian armed forces of ukraine. a state of emergency has been in effect in the belgorod region since last week federal significance and naturally money is already coming from the federal budget for the restoration of housing for the purchase.
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the ministry of defense published footage of the destruction of the ukrainian s-300 anti-aircraft complex in the kharkov region. the strike was carried out by su-34 pilots. shelling of the belgorod region was carried out from the complex located in the settlement of volnye. the enemy's air defense position was detected by aerial reconnaissance. after that , russian pilots struck with a-35 missiles. as can be seen in the footage of objective control, the complex was completely destroyed. sappers rosgvardiya destroyed the ukrainian armed forces' escrow cache with anti-personnel mines in the kharkov region. the arsenal was found an entrance.
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which we can neutralize all this, you work together, so as not to attract unnecessary attention, that is, well, it's easier together. the investigative committee opened a criminal case after a fire on a gas pipeline in the bashkir sterlatamak. let me remind you that during the work on inspecting the gas main near the petrochemical plant, a leak occurred , a gas-air mixture ignited. as a result, three people received burns and are now in intensive care. there are 20 specialists and six pieces of equipment working at the scene. the fire has reportedly been contained. no excess of harmful substances has been detected. a heavy downpour has hit primorsky krai. the roads between villages are under water, and highways are turning into continuous streams. residents
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of vladivostok are now stuck in motionless traffic jams. the regional capital is at the epicenter of the precipitation. water accumulation is recorded throughout the city. public utilities are preparing to begin pumping out water. and the rains will continue tomorrow. in vladivostok up to 49 mm of precipitation is expected. a storm warning has already been announced in the region. a storm warning due to winds up to 20 m/s. showers and a dust storm have been announced in tuva. let me remind you that the region is currently fighting fires that have engulfed more than 6,500 hectares of forest. and there is an extreme fire hazard in the region. in tuva , a group of rescuers is being built up, an amphibian b-200 aircraft has been sent there. the situation is especially difficult in the tandinsky district. flames threaten residential buildings in the village of sosnovka. from summer camps nearby.
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view the white innovation housing cluster city. the head of kamchatka ordered the resettlement of houses that were dangerously damaged as a result of the strongest earthquake in half a century. specialists continue to examine the building in detail for cracks and other defects. but in the meantime , seismologists. warn residents about a possible repetition of tremors. alena debarieri is working on the scene. special services continue to inspect socially significant objects
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and buildings upon requests. residents, a total of 27 requests were received about violations of the integrity of buildings, cracks in the ceiling and walls are the main the reason for the calls, but some houses cause serious concerns. we need to urgently resettle those houses in which there is a risk of collapse, well, and also if there are reasonable concerns among specialists, measures, well, so to speak, persistent resettlement to the maneuverable fund to apply. after the main seismic event. chattsev managed to shake several more times, the strength of the autoshocks reached up to five magnitudes, as the employees of the research center unified geophysical service of the russian academy of sciences say - this is a standard scenario and then the activity will decline. we now we continue to observe that the process is developing normally, it just corresponds to the mentioned law on the sea, that's what seems to be fine with geomechanics, autoshocks are going, few residents. islands
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spent this night outside the city or in the car, people say that in case of a repeat earthquake they prepared a set of essential things to quickly take with them to leave the dangerous area. an emergency suitcase, as our locals call it, in fact it is a backpack in which all the essentials are collected in case of an emergency. now i'll show you what's in my emergency suitcase, well, first of all, it's a first aid kit, here are pints, hydrogen peroxide, plasters, and personal hygiene items, a brush, toothpaste, soap, antiseptic, warm water, i have tea, a power bank, a phone charger, if suddenly it starts to run out of battery, i'll always be in touch, food, and kamchatka residents are also advised to read the rules of conduct during an earthquake. alena debarieri, alexandra ostrikova, kamchatka news. now to the messages that are in these minutes are coming on the news agency feeds, russian military using
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the lanset blazing munition hit a tank. the agency also published footage of objective control of the tank's destruction, as soon as we have it, we will definitely demonstrate it, well now to other topics, the pakistani security service joined the operation to rescue russian climbers, as noted in the russian embassy, ​​a group of five people got into a dire situation on mount gosherbrum, two members of the expedition were evacuated, one climber. missing, the rescue operation for the rest of the group had to be postponed due to difficult weather conditions. let me remind you that the climbers went to the mountains to pick up the body of another russian athlete, he went missing on the same mountain last year. it turns out that the rescue operation has been going on for two days already, first they picked up the two who remained below in the base camp and today this team is just
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heading up there. they will throw it as high as possible at 6-100 and then they will carry out rescue operations themselves saving two to remove sergei. the admission campaign to russian universities, which will end on august 29, was discussed by mikhail mishustin at an operational meeting with deputy prime ministers. for the new academic year, the bulk of budget places, more than 73%, have been transferred to regional higher education institutions. particular attention is paid to admission campaigns in the kursk and belgorod regions. report by anna voronina. there is a request, there will be an answer. the admission campaign for the upcoming academic year has entered the final stage. its main task, as the prime minister noted today, is to satisfy the country's demand for engineering and medical specialties and this is done through recruitment for targeted training. this is a very good opportunity for many students to receive
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higher education, a promising profession, and what is important, to immediately be guaranteed to get a job after graduation. these quotas are formed on the basis of applications from regions in several hundred areas, more than twenty of them, the most popular, engineering, the number of places has increased by 10%. in many ways, this became possible thanks to the new the admission mechanism through the digital platform of russia, where employers post their offers, and applicants, focusing on them, submit applications. to the relevant university, as noted by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko, the total number of places within the quota for admission to targeted training was 145. to date, 38,800 people have already been enrolled, the most popular areas of study have become general medicine, pediatrics, pedagogical and engineering education. dmitry chernyshenko reported that within the framework of the admission campaign, applicants submitted 100,000 more applications.


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