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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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let's translate from official language to understandable, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction, mom, why do we need these letters, for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom.
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so says the lighthouse.
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pay through the sbp, modern, i'm trying to be rational, it's profitable, register on, pay through the sbp in grocery stores, household goods, pharmacies, naz everywhere, as you are used to, save up greetings and exchange them for cashback in real money. and we are going to your concert tomorrow. me too. to get down to business, do not wait for the right moment, the moment is always with you, the moment for those who take on the case, look, i'm sure it's time, it seems they've already grown up, your first smartphones with children's sim cards, so that you're always in touch and...
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your instinct. 100 lotto. magnit. syrki svetlogorie 44. it turns out you can under 21, i thought to open a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can immediately in different ones for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 21%. finuslugi, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, i include a bright color with hair care. the long-lasting cream paint palette gives a rich color, the triple care system restores, moisturizes, nourishes hair from the inside. without gray hair. palette is number one in coloring. when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives inside us. but this is a real superpower. more
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joyful moments with holy spring water, with fruit flavors. the source of joy is in you. sale. pash, look at this magic, get a debit card with 35% cashback on everything you need, gazprombank. hello, live on air, legal program. duty part in the studio maxim movchan. for six months i didn't notice the disappearance of my child. in the sverdlovsk region , a sentence was passed on an employee of the guardianship authorities. it was her indifference that became part of the reason for the death of the adopted boy. instead of regular checks, the lady blindly signed a document that everything was in order in the apartment, and the child was alive and well, although everything was fine
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on the contrary. olga zherinkova has the floor. the increased interest of the press in this hearing in the chkalovsky district court of yekaterinburg was obvious from the dock of the former employee of the guardianship authorities, evgeniya voznesen. she is accused of official forgery, as the investigators found out, she fictitiously conducted an inspection in the foster family and for six months did not notice the death of a six-year-old daler, at the hands of a sadistic apekunshe. this story happened a year ago and shocked many, first of all by the cruelty of the foster mother veronika naumova. so with tears in her eyes she told about the disappearance of her adopted son. if you hear me from my feet somewhere, you never know, you have a family at home, we are waiting for you. together with volunteers and police officers, the woman took part in the search. told about how she put the child to bed in the evening, and in the morning he disappeared, she herself built versions, either the boy ran away, or he was kidnapped, but all these tears in public turned out to be the height of cynicism, the woman , according to the investigation, beat the child to death, and hid the body in a bag in the garage, she hid the boy's death for six months, is it possible,
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who to trust the children to, who? veronika naumova is 34 years old, she is a geography teacher in a private family center, a mother of many children, three biological children and three adopted children, a little doler and his... she took her older sister dasha in august 2019. outwardly, the family seemed prosperous. there were no scandals, i did not hear. the children are all friendly, normally responsive. it is hard to believe, but the guardianship authorities did not notice the child's absence for six months, although specialists were required to come with an inspection every 3 months. it was the employee evgenia voznesenskaya who was supposed to check the conditions in which the child was raised. instead, the woman made up fake certificates, claiming that everything was fine with the child. the guardian of the murdered boy continued to receive payments.
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the dump here broke, in other words, all the sofas were torn apart, i also don’t understand where the guardianship authorities were looking, how they even allowed the children to live in such conditions. now a former employee of the guardianship authorities was found guilty of forgery of documents, punishment, a fine of 100,000 rubles. although the state agency requested a year and a half in a penal colony. in the term established by the criminal procedure law the sentence will be examined for the presence or absence of grounds for an appeal. the lawyers of the injured party have already stated that they will appeal the sentence. in general, having talked to the children for 3 years, they have never even seen her, the sentence is a fine of 100,000, for me this is simply a shocking situation, considering what socially dangerous consequences have occurred, as for the guardian, who, according to the investigation, beat the child to death, later hid his body, the court the trial at the bottom will begin in a week, together
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with veronika naumova in the dock, her husband, he knew that the child was dead, but kept silent. it was the indifference of adults in this story that caused the death of the defenseless child. olga zhirenkova. vladimir bazov, denis novozhilov, denis asayan, the duty unit. the basmonny court of the capital today extended the arrest of four defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall concert hall. they will spend the next 3 months behind bars. the courtroom of the alleged accomplices the terrorists were brought in under heavy guard, two of them, according to investigators, supplied the perpetrators of the crime with everything they needed, including communications equipment and transport. the four met the court's decision without much emotion. apparently, the defendants understood that they were hardly counting on any leniency from themis. let me remind you that as a result of the daring terrorist attack on march 22 of this year in the kroku city hall shopping and entertainment complex near moscow, more than 140 people were killed. earlier, on august 16, the preventive measure was also extended for another. defendants who in the criminal case are designated as the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack. at this
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moment, the city court of elektrosrya in the moscow region is preparing to make a decision on the criminal case of journalist oksana goncharova. the prosecutor requested 8 years in prison for her for murder. according to the investigation, in september of 22, goncharova had a conflict with her former partner alexei samusyev, during which she inflicted fatal wounds with scissors. the accused herself insists that she acted in self-defense. samusyev allegedly... for 15 years abused a woman with three children, the deceased had previously been convicted of robbery and causing serious bodily harm. the defendant's lawyer claims that his death was a consequence of exceeding self-defense measures. watch the details in our program at 21:30. we will show a report by igor krupchinov, who works in the courtroom. travel agent within four walls in novosibirsk , a businesswoman who deprived dozens of families of vacations has been sent under house arrest. the lady promised luxurious beaches and rich tables in overseas hotels at... the original price, but she denied herself nothing, and then she went out our report and the case interested
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the chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin. alexander mostovay will continue the topic. until recently, this young businesswoman from novosibirsk shone at social events. but this time anastasia prokhorenkova is the star of the criminal case on the machine, and gives the first testimony to the investigator. we contacted people constantly, we did not resume anywhere, they did not disappear. yes, i could. answer there for 2 hours, for example, that not in the moment, but i did not disappear. prokharenkova allegedly deceived hundreds clients of their travel agency, the kalinin family from novosibirsk dreamed of a luxurious vacation by the sea, bought a tour to egypt, paying almost 300,000 rubles for it. they packed their bags, but on the day of departure they received sad news: the vacation is cancelled. we ask you to remain calm, everyone's money will be returned. previously, she worked in another travel agency, as an ordinary manager. a...
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is recognized as a successful woman of siberia. the young entrepreneur flashed at parties while deceived clients knocked on the threshold of her office. according to the calculations of the victims, they gave pakharenkovoy more than 8 million rubles. it was possible to meet her only by trickery, pretending to be new clients, when the girl realized that this was not so, she ran away. but anastasia did not run for long, the investigators opened a criminal case. the chairman personally became interested in the story.
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related to the tourism sector, if you see that the price there for the planned tour is much lower than the market, and even there in several tens, conditionally thousands of rubles, then in this case, well, it is probably worth thinking about, the owner of a travel agency from vladivostok, anna belyaeva left about 300 people all over the country without money, she allegedly sold fake tours, the titov family, for example, planned to go to europe, a good discount, we had expensive tickets, 170. 1.0 rubles. there were two tranches. belyaeva's company worked for 5 years, and she had many satisfied
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customers who bought a ticket from vladivostok to moscow for 10 thousand instead of 30. it is possible that this was a cunning move: to gain a person's trust, in order to then deceive him in a big way. the victims believe that the company operated on the principle of a financial pyramid. since march of this year, anna bilyayeva has been in a pre-trial detention center. this is unique footage that journalists from our program managed to capture. the financial activities of your company - it was essentially a pyramid, at the beginning you invested some of your own money, i will leave this without comment, because you understand what we are talking about, and what are you talking about at first. unlike her vladivostok colleague, the owner of the novosibirsk travel agency anastasia parkharenkova was placed under house arrest. deceived tourists still hope to get their money back for a ruined vacation. aleksandr mostovaev, vladimir bazov, aleksandr astakhov and vadim chetvertkov. vesti, duty station. khabarovsk hooligans will have to answer to the fullest extent. investigators have opened four criminal cases against a youth
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gang whose members kept their peers in fear and took valuables from them. with the active participation of fsb officers. kiki went through the apartments where the alleged perpetrators lived and conducted searches, during which they found other people's phones and computers. interrogations of the detainees showed how the scheme of the organized group of teenagers and their older comrades operated. grossly violating public order and generally accepted norms and rules of conduct, the group members used violence against their acquaintances, including minors, intimidated them, and extorted money. confident of the impunity of their actions, they... posted video footage and video files in public access on social networks. now everyone, including the minors in the group, defendants in criminal cases of hooliganism and extortion. three of the most active members of the youth gang were detained. the issue of choosing a preventive measure is currently being decided. in stavropol , a former state transport inspector was sentenced for taking bribes. according to
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the investigation, the inspector had been protecting two commercial organizations for almost a year. for a pleasant reward, the convict turned a blind eye to each transport. vehicles with excess weight, lack of documentation for the cargo and other violations. total amount of illegal income amounted to 1,700,000 rubles. a sentence of 3.5 years of imprisonment in a strict regime penal colony was imposed, with a fine of 3,600,000 rubles. and also with the deprivation of the right to hold positions in the civil service for a period of 2 years. the sentence has already entered into legal force, the former state inspector was taken into custody. markets, construction sites and hostels - a large-scale raid by astrakhan police. the police officers are massively detaining and delivering migrants to the department, not all of whom are in the country legally. since the beginning of the year alone , more than 400 protocols have been drawn up on visitors in the region for violating the rules of stay in russia. the duty unit will conduct the program specially for this program. the story is by our colleague, the correspondent of gtrk lotos, dmitry dubrovsky. today's
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operation by the department for migration and security services was developed in the strictest confidence. against foreigners who did not comply with the regime and rules of stay in russia. the total amount of fines imposed with the administrative protocol is about 10 million. on the facts of organizing illegal migration,
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effective registration for migration , more than 90 criminal cases were initiated. at the same time , almost 800 people were deported to their homeland, thanks to the work done, the share of crimes committed by migrants in the region from the total number is slightly more than 1%. the task of the employees is now to study literally every nook and cranny of this construction site in case someone hid. construction sites are a traditional place of work for foreigners. employees of the department for migration issues are frequent guests here. on one of the construction sites in astrakhan, the officers found more than twenty foreign citizens, all of them construction workers. and whether they are legally on the territory of the russian federation, this is to be determined at the police department, now everyone has been loaded onto a bus, 25 people are heading to the soviet district department of internal affairs. in the courtyard of this police department, today there is no room to swing a cat, more than 100 people are undergoing the mandatory procedure of dokteloscopy and checking for evasion of obligations to register for military service. it is already known for sure that these four are in russia illegally. the young people crossed the border by
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taxi, and the first day they went to work. they easily agreed to give an interview, but there is a nuance. you speak russian, i don’t know, they don’t know, how long have you been in russia, when did you cross the border, how long have you been, since january, are you registered with the migration service, residence permit, registration at the place of stay, illegals are already waiting at the temporary detention center, then court, a fine, deportation from russia. by the way, since the beginning of the year, the migration department has made 1,400 decisions on closing entry to foreigners who violate ... dmitry dubrovsky, andrey razumny, duty unit news. police officers found more than a million packs of counterfeit cigarettes in the lipetsk region. boxes with unmarked goods of different brands were stored in angara. in a small village not far from the regional center, where a production line was also equipped, operatives seized equipment, ingredients and components, from which cigarettes were apparently rolled. and during
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the inspection it was also discovered that workers without documents were working at the underground factory. in addition, 15 foreign citizens worked and lived in the premises. 24 administrative offence reports were drawn up for violations of migration legislation. later, police officers established the identity of the location of the tenant of the premises. he turned out to be a thirty-seven-year-old resident of the krasnodar territory. so far, a criminal case has been opened on the fact of production and storage of unmarked products. the defendant will be under a written undertaking not to leave until all the details are clarified. investigators will have to establish what the dealers managed to send the amount of homemade smoke to stores and where they sold gray smoke.
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the traffic police together with the employees of the transport department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the siberian federal district found out how and on what passengers and luggage are transported in the novosibirsk region. law enforcement officers as part of the raid. taxi drivers walked through places where cars painted in a characteristic way are usually most often encountered. several large transport hubs came under the attention of the operatives. it turned out that some drivers were driving taxis without registration of a license, while others calmly handed over faulty cars to customers. in the areas around the international airport tolmachevo, the novosibirsk main railway station and the barabinsk railway station, transport police officers identified 38 offenders during raids. themis will now decide how to punish the drivers who committed the offense, according to the police, the case materials have already been sent to court for consideration on the merits. interconnection at the fingertips,
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experienced riders become a fast horse as one, they know how to feel and understand each other in order to complete the most difficult tasks together and show a brilliant result. the best competed in skill at the united arab emirates international dressage cup at the novy vek equestrian club. about the right reason to take up the reins. alexander ostakhov. an unprecedented prize fund of 5 million rubles and 15 best riders from different countries, this is the final of the large-scale international competitions of the united arab emirates dressage cup at the novy vek equestrian club. each athlete presented their dance on a horse to the selected music. this is the highest level of difficulty. the interest of the emirates in russian competitions in...
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us is love, it is very important for me, as an athlete, that russian athletes are always in shape, they are in shape, and excellent, one of the first to enter the arena was a sports couple from st. petersburg, irina gorbacheva and her flamingo. meet irina gorbacheva. flamingo is best at the elements of piaf and passage, this is when the horse simultaneously raises the hind and front legs diagonally, so that. the emphasis of the performance was on these figures: in the show the main teamwork rider and horse are one whole, so
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they are assessed together, in percentages, the higher the percentage, the better the result. the most important thing is that the horse is relaxed, that its contact with the rider is soft, that the horse works with its whole body, we should not see the tension of stress in the animal, do you understand? the marks. are given immediately after the performance. irina from flamingo scored 69%. this is not bad result. the athletes have been training together for 4 years already, they have managed to work together. the rider treats his partner with respect. first of all, after the races, the horse needs to be washed so that it does not get hot. only after that, talk. he has a very delicate mental organization. you know, athletes do not like lazy horses, in general , they are hard. but he, on the contrary, is another facet. that is, he gets excited, he gets nervous, he burns. and the most important thing is that he, well, is less nervous. and there was a reason to be nervous, the best athletes from russia competed on the battlefield, belarus, finland, there are also many foreigners among the spectators around the arena, representatives of the embassies of eleven countries and
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other high-ranking...
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his alumni. a new century, as it were, a path to a new future, and as they say, as you name the ship, so it will float. we have a lot of guys who came from the regions, trained, became masters of sports of international class. yenesa merkulova took first place at the end of the final day.
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and yet the holiday is over, and its participants need rest until the next starts. alexander ostakov, anton sitnikov and dmitry chernikov. news - duty unit. now the news that our editorial staff receives directly from the news agency lenta off the coast of sicily is undergoing a search and rescue operation. rescue divers are looking for british businessman michael lynch, who went missing as a result of a shipwreck of a steamship with 22 people on board. it sank in the morning not... from the city of palermo, the yacht was sailing under the flag of great britain, the passengers were mainly from the united kingdom, as well as from new zealand, sri lanka, ireland, from the double citizenship of great britain and france. the coast guard managed to rescue 15 passengers, including a one-year-old child who was taken to the children's hospital in palermo. at the site of the crash, divers found the body of one of the passengers, six, including four britons, are still missing. the sunken ship is at a depth of 49 m, about 800 m from the shore.
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a friend of the infamous blogger mikhail litvin was detained in krasnodar on suspicion of fraud. we are talking about coach andrei sidoropoulos. for a year and a half, the internet figure was wanted. went into hiding after his students filed a police report. the blogger actively promoted traffic arbitrage courses on social networks. the cost of educational materials ranged from 50 to 4,000 rubles. people took out loans for education, and the coach, as the media writes, spent these funds on a luxurious life. there was so much money that even for the sake of hype, mikhail litvin's friend could easily set his expensive no. 1 car on fire live on air. however, when the students realized that the courses were a sham, the blogger could no longer afford the money, and no one
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return did not become simple. in the near future, sedaropol should be delivered to moscow to choose a measure to suppress. we will show a detailed report on this topic at 21:30, do not miss it. even more legal news in the telegram channel is conducted by the duty unit. in addition, the unique results of journalistic investigations are regularly published by the telegram channel honest detective. subscribe. our releases are also available on the platform watch. that's all for us, maxim movchan was in the studio. see you, 21:30. joint work on the kaspe shelf and beyond the sentences of vladimir putin and ilham aliyev ended in the focus of the project.


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