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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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hello, the correspondents of the program will tell you about the main legal events of the day. duty part and i maxim ovchan. and let's start with emergency in new moscow. a murder has been committed there, the body of a man and a wounded woman were found in a private home several hours ago. according to some reports , unknown persons broke into the cottage and inflicted serious injuries on the elderly couple. the eighty-four-year-old man eventually died. doctors are currently fighting for his wife's life. she was hospitalized in serious condition. the search for the perpetrators is underway. investigators and forensic experts from the capital's investigative committee continue to work at the scene. the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided.
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traces of a fire were found in one of the rooms of the house, which most likely indicates an attempt to conceal the fact of murder. our correspondent is heading to the scene. let's wait for details. in the moscow region, a sentence was passed on journalist oksana goncherova, she was accused of murder. investigators proved that during a conflict she fatally stabbed her former partner with scissors. at the same time , the defendant in the case insisted that it was self-defense. igor kropchinov has the floor. the trial. in the case of the capital's journalist oksana goncharova, accused of murder, was tried behind closed doors. the trial involved a jury, so access for the press was limited. film crews were allowed only to the final hearing in the elektrostal city court, where the parties debated. the defendant was sentenced that same day. oksana goncharova was brought into the courtroom in handcuffs. she has been in custody for almost 2 years. the former employee of major publications was arrested when her common-law husband died in the hospital. thirty-six-year-old alexey
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samusev. investigators established that the man was fatally wounded by goncherova. the journalist was charged with premeditated murder, but the defense initially claimed that it was self-defense, and later asked to change the qualification to the article on causing harm to health that led to death. the defendant herself said in court that she did not want such an outcome. the man's death was the result of a family quarrel, during which oksana stabbed her cohabitant several times with scissors. one of the blows landed in the neck. how the woman herself recalls what happened september 28, 2022, began to commit illegal actions against me first, in response to my request to leave my apartment, he refused and simply began to beat me. oksana goncherova graduated from the journalism department of volgograd university, a good student, purposeful, ambitious, went to moscow, worked in vedomosti, collaborated with rbc, with alexey, met in 2008 in elektrostal. in the moscow region city. an apartment on a mortgage, moved there with
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her eldest son petr. samusev turned out to be a neighbor in the entrance, despite mutual sympathy, a quiet family life did not go well, neighbors say, often became witnesses. conflicts, she saw her sons, who beat her, i do not know, probably, he often heard, he banged on the door with his feet. according to the eldest son, the stepfather got to all members of the family, but the mother suffered more often, alexei allegedly left on her tvs, bruises, knocked out teeth, broke ribs, while the couple could not separate for a long time finally. the deceased was the father of two children, oksana goncharova. the court said that the married couple complained to each other to the guardianship authorities to the police. oksana often recalled the criminal past of her common-law husband, who was convicted under several articles of the criminal code on crimes against the person, could raise his hand against children, and how it happened, he took their toys, some cubes, cars, could throw at them, with mom, well, these
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are some household items there in the kitchen, sometimes he grabbed a knife, as a result , the lovers broke up, but did not move away, they lived on the same landing, on the day of the family tragedy 28. the state petition requested 8 years of imprisonment in a general regime penal colony for oksana goncharova, which was preceded by a jury verdict that found the journalist guilty but deserving leniency. the court sentenced oksana goncharova to 7 years of imprisonment. it should
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be added that while the trial was underway, alexey samusev's relatives initiated a civil case, and the moscow journalist was deprived of parental rights. now she has no opportunity to communicate with her younger children. igor kropchinov, galina khangureeva, igor stepanov, dmitry nabokov. news: duty part. we will be back on air in 3 minutes, right after the commercial. stay tuned to our channel. durable and moisture-resistant. protect from heat and cold. penoplex, effective thermal insulation.
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alfa bank and get a gift, not just profitable, alpha profitable! on air legal program conduct duty part, we continue, cheap fame, easy money and the end of a beautiful life, in krasnodar detained blogger andrey. who is suspected of multimillion fraud. according to the investigation, he sold online courses for big money, in which banal information was copied from the internet. material by ekaterina likhomanova. in this video , outrageous blogger mikhail litvin is preparing burn the german car of his friend andrey sidoropula, a notorious entrepreneur from krasnodar. well, people, let's go? 10 million rubles burned in a matter of seconds. that's how, casually, without looking back , andrey sidoropula said goodbye to his money. it was too easy, for some time he got it. a classic story: a simple kuban guy suddenly discovered his talents
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, started earning millions, which he immediately began to talk about on social networks, shared his rich experience with everyone, recalled how he helped close mortgage to relatives and bragged about buying an expensive car for his father. wow, my heart started pounding, i even wanted such a car for myself. in social networks, of course, only elite foreign cars, if clothes, then only expensive ones. sidoropolo decided over time not just to share the secrets of success, but to make money on them, and eventually launched courses on online advertising. i say, bro, here's a friend who's been doing arbitration for a long time, i say, bro, how do you do what 's been working for you for so long, well, your whole system. start an entrepreneur from krasnodar, in fact, was given by the scandalous blogger mikhail litvin. at first, he provided advertising for clients, he told about his friend's unique courses in his social networks to a multi-million audience. in fact, the internet advertising guru sold. air, for which students paid from 50 to 400 thousand rubles, depending on
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the tariff. and the only thing that was well designed was advertising, and how to buy this course? there was a one-page site, and through which applications are submitted and payment is made, materials, i think, taken from the vastness of the internet. for several tens of thousands of rubles students.
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the details of the incidents name the victims of the attack by unknown persons. thus, according to journalists, the deceased was a former employee of the vnukovo aircraft repair plant, eighty-two-year-old viktor seleznev. with serious injuries. his eighty-year-old wife lyudmila was hospitalized. preliminary, the criminals tried to burn down the house after the murder. neighbors allegedly saw a fire and an unknown man near the house and called emergency services. the case is under the control of the capital's prosecutor's office. khabarovsk the hooligans will have to answer to the fullest extent. investigators have opened four criminal cases against a youth gang at once, whose members kept their peers in fear and
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took away their valuables. with the active participation of fsb officers, security forces went through the apartments where the alleged perpetrators lived and conducted searches, during which they found other people's phones and computers. interrogations of the detainees showed how the system operated organized a group of teenagers and their older comrades. grossly violating public order and generally recognized norms and rules behavior, the group members used violence against their acquaintances, including minors, intimidated them, extorted money. being confident of the impunity of their actions, they filmed, video. for six months she did not notice the disappearance of the child, in the sverdlovsk region, a sentence was passed on an employee of the guardianship authorities, it was her indifference that partly caused the death of
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the adopted boy. instead of regular checks, the lady blindly signed documents that ... to the adoptive mother veronika naumova, like this with with tears in her eyes she told about the disappearance of her adopted son: if you hear me from my feet somewhere, you never know, you have a family at home, we are waiting for you. together with volunteers and police officers, the woman took part in the search, told how she put the child to bed in the evening, and in the morning he disappeared. she herself made up versions: either the boy ran away, or he was kidnapped, but all these tears in public
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turned out to be the height of cynicism. according to the investigation, the woman beat the child to death, and hid the body in a bag in the garage. for six months. she hid the death of the boy, is it possible, who to trust the children to, who? veronika naumova is 34 years old, she is a geography teacher in a private family center and a mother of many children, she has three biological children and three more adopted children, little daler and his older sister dasha, she took in august 2019, outwardly the family seemed prosperous. there were no scandals, i did not hear, the children are all friendly, normally responsive. it is hard to believe, but the guardianship authorities did not notice the absence of the child for six months, although the specialists were obliged to come. once every 3 months, it was the employee evgenia voznesenskaya who had to check, in what conditions the child was raised in, instead the woman made up fake certificates, claiming that everything was fine with the child, and the pikun of the murdered boy continued to receive payments. according to the investigation, in early december 2022, the accused failed to check the living conditions of the young boy, which did not allow her to promptly detect the absence
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of the minor under guardianship at his place of residence, due to the fact that at that time he had already been killed. if i had checked. were more attentive to their professional duties, troubles may have it wouldn't have happened at all, especially since the living conditions of the foster children were, to put it mildly, terrible, when i came in after her, it was scary to look at everything here, everything was dirty, filthy, everything was broken here, a dump , to put it simply, all the sofas were torn apart, i also don't understand where the guardianship authorities were looking, how they even allowed the children to live in such conditions, now a former employee of the guardianship authorities was found guilty of forgery of documents, punishment, a fine of 100,000 rubles, although the state is for...
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his body, the trial will begin at the bottom a week later, together with veronika naumova , her husband was in the dock, he knew that the child was dead, but he kept silent. it was the indifference of the adults in this story that caused the death of the defenseless child. olga zhurenkova, vladimir bazov, denis novozhilov, denis asayan. news, duty part. markets, construction sites and hostels, a large-scale raid by astrakhan police. the police officers are massively detaining and delivering emigrants to the department, not all of whom are in the country legally. since the beginning of the year alone , more than 400 protocols for violations will be issued in the region on visitors rules of stay in russia, specially for the program vesti duty part, a story by our colleague, a correspondent for gtrk lotos, dmitry dubrovsky.
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food markets, hotels, farmland, these are the most frequent shelters for labor migrants. today, 16 large objects are in the field of view of employees. astrakhan region is a border and strategically important region, since the beginning of this year alone, more than 400 administrative protocols have been drawn up here against foreigners who did not comply with the regime and rules of stay in russia. the total amount of fines imposed fines with administrative protocols is about 10 million. over 90 criminal cases have been opened on the facts of organizing illegal migration, effective registration with the migration service. during this time, almost 800 people were deported to their homeland. thanks to the work done, the share
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of crimes committed by migrants in the region from the total number is slightly more than 1%. the task of the employees is now to study literally every nook and cranny of this construction site in case someone hid. construction sites are a traditional place of work of foreigners, employees of the department for migration affairs are frequent guests here. on one of the troikas in astrakhan , employees. found more than twenty foreign citizens, all builders, whether they are legally on the territory of the russian federation, this is to be clarified at the police department, now everyone has been loaded onto a bus, 25 people are moving to the soviet rovd. in the courtyard of this police department today there is no room to swing an apple, more than 100 people are undergoing the mandatory procedure of doctroloscopy and checking for evasion of duties for military registration. it is already known for sure that these four are in russia illegally. the young people crossed the border by taxi.
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an unprecedented prize fund of 5 million rubles and 15 best riders from different countries, this is
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the final of the large-scale international competition of the united arab emirates cup in dressage at the novy vek equestrian club. each athlete presented his dance on a horse to the selected music. this is the highest level of difficulty. the interest of the emirates. in russian competitions is understandable: horses firmly established in the culture of this country, praised by the prophet muhammad, irreplaceable assistants of the bedouin nomads, arabian horses, strong and hardy, are valued all over the world. the dubai races are considered one of the main events in equestrian sports. support for the competitions in russia emphasizes the trusting relationship between the countries, however, the ambassador of the emirates also has a personal motive for attending such an event. i have been involved in equestrian sports since childhood, specifically show jumping.
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diagonally, so the emphasis in the performance was on these figures: in the show jumping the main teamwork rider and horse are one whole, so they are assessed together in percentages, the higher the percentage, the better the result. the most important thing is that the horse is relaxed, that its contact with the rider is soft, that the horse works with its whole body, we should not see tension or stress in the animal. do you understand? the marks are given immediately after the performance. rina from flamingo scored 69%. this is a good result. the athletes have been training together for 4 years, and have managed
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to work together. the rider treats his partner with respect, first of all, after the horse needs to be washed so that it doesn't get hot, only after the conversation, he is a very delicate spiritual organization, you know, athletes don't like lazy horses, they are generally hard on them, but he is the opposite, another side, that is, he gets excited, he gets nervous, he burns, and the most important thing is that he is less nervous, and there is a reason to be nervous, the best athletes from russia, belarus, finland competed on the battlefield, there were also many foreigners among the spectators around the arena, representatives of embassies of eleven countries. and other high-ranking guests, first the svo our athletes have been denied access to the european and world championships, they are not invited to the olympics, but they are not sitting without competitions, this year alone there are more than 2 thousand starts for athletes. we do not stop training, we do not stop performing, we do not stop competing with athletes from other countries, we are not lowering the bar, we are raising it, our athletes will be absolutely ready for europe and the world, i
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do not even have any doubts about this. in order to perform at such a high level, athletes train 6 days a week, our filming the group also tried to ride, this is nix, a training horse, they don't practice any complex elements on him, but just learn to ride at a walk, now there is a trot, this is the next most difficult element, then golop, usually they train for about 3 months to ride like this, but we will try to do it now, the site is thrown very strongly during the golop, but this is the fastest way to move on a horse. it is no coincidence that the united arab emirates dressage cup is held at the novy vek equestrian club. specializes in this discipline of equestrian sports. about 70% of the athletes of the russian national team are his students. the new century is like a path to a new future. and as they say, as you name the ship, so it will float. we have a lot of guys who came from the regions, trained, and became masters of sports of international class. yenesa
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merkulova took first place following the final day of the competition. she prepared her program specifically for the olympics in tokyo, and valery khalilov himself, the head of the military orchestra service of the armed forces of russia. the ambassador of the united arab emirates, by the way, also could not resist, saddled a frisky horse and showed the audience his class. no one wanted to say goodbye to the atmosphere of sports competition, friendship and celebration. neither people nor animals, after all, the holiday is over, and its participants need rest until the next starts. alexander astakov, anton sitnikov and dmitry chernikov. news - duty unit.
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in the mediterranean sea off the coast of sicily , a search and rescue operation continues. there, a yacht of the british multimillionaire michael lynch. according to italian media, the ship was near the port of porticello. early in the morning, lynch had organized a trip for his colleagues, but a storm suddenly began. there were 22 people on the yacht at the port, 15 of whom the coast guard managed to rescue. among them was lynch's wife angela bacares, as well as their one-year-old daughter. another six passengers were missing, one died. the sunken yacht lies at a depth of about 50 m, one kilometer from the shore. divers have already descended and inspected the wreckage. in the operation helicopters and boats of the coast guard, as well as the fire and rescue service of the civil defense participated in the rescue. the fifty-six-meter vessel had a seventy-five-meter mast, which is one of the highest in the world. i note that lynch is the founder of a large it company, at one time a participant in several
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scandalous investigations. the entire operational legal news feed in telegram channels is conducted by the duty unit and the honest detective, subscribe, also watch our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our issue is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel, this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to the agenda of today. they clean out store shelves, shoot mocking videos on kasti. neo-nazis in the kursk region loot for the sake of hype on social networks, smash lenin monuments, burn down civilians' houses. but do they really know how to fight? he was not stopped by shelling and drones. he went to save his mother. a resident of studzha.


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