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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

11:30 pm
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only the first, second week of august, and by it feels like a different country. yes , that's true. so what happened between may and now? the attempted coup d'etat, that's one, the olympics. a turbulent period in american history, but we've already forgotten about it, something like that, it's really incredible, it's really, it's incredible, it's like when you and i, when i interviewed you, i don't remember exactly when, but it was a few months before i came here, and we both said, we said that it's hard to make predictions for 2024, but that it's definitely going to be a crazy year, something incredible will happen, you could just feel it, and now you're already thinking, well, where
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can it get any crazier, but i think it's going to be even cooler, i think the temperature will continue to rise until november. if you can, be more specific, what will happen? it's so hard to make predictions now, it's really hard for me to guess, because i didn't even imagine that it would be like this. i didn't foresee that kamala harris would be there, because everyone who made predictions always said that it would be a "
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cultural phenomenon, listen, no matter how you look at it, treated these people, people that i despise as politicians, i can't stand bernie sanders as a politician, i hate socialists or whatever he is, he is a socialist, but whoever he is, i hate it, but he actually has the support of the population, it was tens of millions of americans who supported brian sanders. donald trump, no matter how you feel about him, has the support of the population, barack obama had the support of the population. you know what they all have in common, they didn't drop out before iowa, because nobody, who has real popular support, does not leave until the first competition. and kamala harris, she is not like bernie sanders or, say, ron paul. she had major sponsors behind her, she recruited employees from the clinton campaign. when she was declared a candidate in 2019, then...
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the corporate media supported her and at the same time she did not make it to iowa. in other words, i think that everything about kamala harris is fake. it is an image creation. i think. if we had real elections, then i do not see her option to defeat donald trump, but if we are talking about real elections, then i am not sure that we will have them, i am amazed that neither donald trump, nor all his surrogates, no one on trump's side, can seem to hit kamala harris at the most obvious point where she needs to be hit, this is the biggest scandal. america, you said it yourself, we do not have a president, and the president of the united states, this is already essentially recognized by everyone as too decrepit to participate in the election race, but he will still be president until january, we have a proxy
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war going on here with the most powerful nuclear power in the world, and we also have something like a proxy war, which is apparently already escalating into a regional war in israel. and we don't have a president, this is the biggest scandal in the history of the republic, if we are still a republic, and kamala harris is directly connected to this, because she is one of those close associates who is obviously lying about joe biden being as healthy as ever, but it seems that for some reason the trump campaign can't present this to kamala, it's right in front of them, the removal of joe biden from the race.
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he is the president of the united states, i it's so annoying that donald trump got shot in the head, he did it, that's why he's alive, if he hadn't done it, they would have blown his brains out on
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tv. i saw somebody say that it's not just the government that's tracking your phones, there's a million of them, every app is tracking your phone. you can buy geolocation data. so they had a phone that was found in the shooter's house that had data that he'd been in washington , d.c., in the exact location that the fbi is known to meet with their informants and right across from the fbi headquarters. yeah, what 's going on here? and of course, you know, you know. look, let's say there's a serial killer in a certain neighborhood. and he's killed 11 people. and there's a twelfth body. and you see on video how this serial killer.
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it becomes pretty hard not to start thinking, because if this isn't it, then the question becomes, what was this guy doing a block away from the fbi building, how do you even explain that this was allowed to happen, because it's pretty hard to come to any other conclusions now. the biden administration itself planted, or allowed to be planted, i believe that they were the ones who planted all those bombs on the morning of january 6th right in front of the party headquarters.
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is happening in the united states army, which is highly politicized, and this is not an accident or an ideology, it has practical purposes. subjugate the people with guns, by controlling the armed people, you gain power. clans in modern american history, he pushed them to
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the margins with his incredible appearance, and one of the ways he was able to do this was by talking about those problems that interested all the people, but no one wanted to talk about them, it's like, it's like if you were playing poker and you had pocket aces, but everyone would say: no, i don't need these cards, and donald trump is... but i 'll play these cards, these are pretty good cards, i'll play aces, what about building a wall to stop the influx of illegal immigrants, what about we are for immigration, but if we decide who to let in, and people care a lot about this, no one likes open borders, it's hard to even find data on this question, because they are so unpopular that it is hard to even ask the question, you know, when they ask, do you want more migration or less, the only poll i found, there are percentages...
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bush, i think, george bush, eventually became like, not that i listen to
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this guy too much, i think by year seven, he finally realized that it was time to stop listening to the wildcats, because yes, but it was the military, something about logistics, they were like, guys, we don't have that much of an advantage over iran, yeah, we're not going to lose the war, but they they can attack so many american bases there, it will be a bloodbath, it wasn't just one green beret who told me off the record that it would be not even 10 times harder than fighting iraq, fighting iran would be a thousand times harder, it would be a completely different war, maybe it was that moment that stopped the war then, but even just, even just the rhetoric about having to be tougher with iran, why, why are we even talking about this, why are we constantly escalating, because it is so. it's simple and the american people are all for it, no more idiotic wars. look,
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there are a lot of problems in the shi'i world, but they are, they are, they are not our enemies, yes, of course, of course, they did not attack us, they did not attack europe, well, that is, even the houthis, i was told since childhood to hate the houthis, that, it's all such, no, of course, i learned about the houthis 20 minutes ago, but they have already become our historical enemies. this is what i think happened, because al-qaeda and isis are two terrorist organizations that attacked the united states of america. europe, well, you know, they committed terrorist acts, they were both created and supported by the west at a certain point, and it's pretty horrific when you think about it, and i think what happened, i don't know how much of it is propaganda and how much of it is actually the belief of the people who are pushing this, but it's clear that the original
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propaganda that started when netanyahu... the minority and that if you overthrow this government and establish democracy, that the majority is oppressed in every way by the sunni means that the shiites, who are 60% of the country, that if they win, it will hurt iran, that's crazy, so what happened in the end of the war in iraq, after we overthrew saddam hussein, iran in this
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region greatly increased its influence and yes, maybe people like the savages... called reorientation, it came out in the sixth or seventh year, where it said that because everything in iraq did not go according to plan, and iran now had so much influence in the region, that it was decided to go, this time already... the us in afghanistan and not all the other nonsense and lies they told about vladimir putin. vladimir putin's real crime was
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opposing the us in their attempt at regime change in syria and you can even look at how...
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"we will defeat russia with sanctions alone, we will destroy the ruble, make everyone in russia poor, we won't even have to give weapons, but of course we started giving them, all these lies, ukraine is winning, the ghost of kiev, it's all such an obvious lie, and now in the end you are at a point where you don't want to talk about it because you don't have anything else to brag about, listen, i 've been in debates on this topic,
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debt, and the soviet union is gone. what's
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the point then? and vladimir putin will do almost anything to make it happen, to get america out of nato. it will only benefit us. we won't be funding the defense of other rich countries. he'll be able to claim a huge victory, you know what i mean? you can get.
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it's just awful, the state of education in america, they're hurting their industries a lot, it's it has become better than the time of jimmy carter, when they created the ministry of education, that's it, and yes, yes, of course, but such a model does not work, here is a lesson from the 20th century, such a model does not work. centralized control does not work, that's why all these countries fell, and this happens everywhere where they try it, and now we are doing it and we will go too, thank you, buddy, thank you, giving away movies and music for paying for mobile communications is normal, so we with... we give away sbermobile sale where i bought a megamarket shkolny stylish buy merci candies for 299 rubles.
11:53 pm
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11:57 pm
11:58 pm
we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective, in the lights you villains imprisoned me, self-written ink magic, get it, you are the main thing in vanya, hurry up, then i will give a horse mechanical, in those old days, when there was no... gadget, people used magic, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you , a fool, want to go, where you need to go, he doesn't need a pen, who has a flint in his pocket, eh, what started, flint, i can't live without traveling.
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so says the lighthouse.
12:00 am
russia and azerbaijan are starting to produce tankers for the supply of petroleum products, vladimir putin said at a press conference following talks with president ilham aliyev. in addition, baku and moscow plan to increase cargo transit along the north-south corridor to at least 15 million tons per year. the countries will also expand mutual business support and technology exchange. maria filippova has the details. vladimir putin emphasizes that economic ties between russia and azerbaijan are developing successfully, as evidenced by the growing trade turnover. in the first half of 2024 , it surpassed last year's figure by 7%.


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