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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 20, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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clean store shelves, shoot mocking videos at the checkout. neo-nazis in the kursk region loot for the sake of hype on social networks, smash lenin monuments, burn down civilian homes, but do they really know how to fight? he was not stopped by shelling and drones, he went to save his mother. a resident of sudzha walked 60 km to get his loved ones out of the city. a story about what is happening in the kursk region, directly. eyewitnesses. russian su-57s
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will be equipped with aerial mines. new ammunition will choose its own targets to circle in the sky until the enemy sticks his head out from behind cover. and how difficult is it to shoot down a smart missile? western journalists are blind to nazism. why the italian correspondent didn't notice the ss division sign on vasushnik's cap. and why are western journalists silent about the nazi salute. he hasn't paid rent for several months, which doesn't stop the queer relaxer dmitry from insisting that his landlord has no right to evict him, how did the self-discussed scandal of the russian-language internet begin, and what does kholva and chmafin have to do with it? trembling hands clutch a lollipop, eyes blindfolded tape, and the state is clearly shocked, since without...
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well, they robbed pyaterochka before that, well, you're a brute, well, the guy, of course, he's making excuses , as if he doesn't understand what we're talking about, but there's definitely no way out of this, since he himself posted a heartfelt confession on social networks a little earlier and was probably sure that he would be able to avoid a meeting with the russian military, dear ukrainians, he stopped by pyaterochka, having stopped by pyaterochka, i'll tell you, the choice isn't very good, the choice isn't very good, atb is better,
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glory to ukraine! obviously, the opportunity assess the assortments of certain supermarkets, this character will not have the chance to do so anytime soon, but he can say that he is guaranteed to be interrogated with partiality, especially since the craving for looting by ukrainian militants was far from limited to one episode, and the variety of products in our stores drove them completely crazy, boris ivanin will confirm. the feeblemindedness and courage of their own. in mocking videos, the ukrainian armed forces soldiers essentially demonstrate what actually brought them to the kursk region. in ukraine, there is even a special word, raguli, city dwellers, so villagers who mentally remained rednecks, even though they changed their environment. the description is perfect for the looters from the armed forces of ukraine, who, having arrived in the kursk region, first started taking such shots against the backdrop of grocery stores. like a rabid herd of starving animals, they first raged outside, and then.
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this is probably how neo-nazis wanted to show their power on foreign soil, there are more than one similar videos on social networks, their author even calls himself a bad cop, which means a bad policeman, this is some kind of bad parody of zelensky's ninety-fifth quarter, all for the sake of banal hype, however this ukrainian soldier was branded by his own people, ukrainians in the comments accused the fighters of looting and demanded that they not do this, so as not to disgrace the kiev regime, although
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where else could it be, it feels like they go into a church and try to defecate on the altar, that is , for some reason our supermarkets are some kind of strange place for them, where... they have to check in, i don't know what this is connected with, probably more from the field of psychiatric research such behavior of these animals, the world saw the face of real nazis, marauders, murderers, thieves and bandits, this is actually the essence of ukrainianism, all they are capable of is to grin so mockingly without a tooth, which this marauder apparently lost when he was gnawing on dry food in places of imprisonment, the fact that the units that were thrown to rob the kursk region are full of prisoners, even officially admitted. kiev, well, and now, by the way, this video that exposes their new crimes cannot be found on social networks, after the indignation of the ukrainian the parties shamefully removed it, but the barbarity continues, out of anger and hatred they shoot at the display cases with alcohol. horn groups proty spertnogo into the fire. the reflex of this,
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nazim so ponadku of this ukrainian, it reminds of the beginning of the conflict in donbass, when these western nationalist battalions were taking out. they tore out all the window sills, dismantled toilets, washing machines, we are already silent about the equipment, about televisions, this really shows that they are the absolute heirs of the banderites of the aunites, who do not they did not win a single battle, not a single fight, but they were distinguished by the fact that they were the most brutal pavachi of the civilian population and looted everything they saw, they burned down a neighbor's house, shot dogs on a chain throughout the village like that. this is about the vile crimes of the vssu soldiers in the border korenevsky district of the kursk region, says a local resident, from whom the looters stole small household appliances, well, and broke those that they could not carry away, however , impunity always brings retribution, having been captured, the soldiers of the vssu quickly forget about
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your heroism, what brigade are you, the third, then what battalion, the third second vision 3-3-2, yes, the scarecrow's valot was captured, and also the scarecrow. it's not clear where he got it and it's good if he took it from somewhere in the house and didn't kill anyone, and so looting is actually much more terrible than robbing a grocery store or something else, it is first of all the robbery of civilians, it is first of all robbery murder, that's what. even in sudzha, under cover of night, neo-nazis tried to demolish the lenin monument, here are the fruits of politics decommunization declared in ukraine after the coup d'etat on euromaidan, but the leader of the world proletariat held out in revenge monuments were defaced with offensive inscriptions, instead of fighting with our soldiers in battle,
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that is, they would show videos of battles, where there is a real confrontation of strength, skill, military science, but no, they fight with civilians, they fight with... forces, they fight with monuments, a real war, a real clash with our soldiers of the ukrainian army always ends in their defeat. in fact, anticipating this, the marauders shoot their mocking videos: the thirst for the first victory is more important than common sense for the ukrainian raguli. during the day, units of the russian group of forces north repelled several more attacks of the ukrainian armed forces in the directions of the settlements of olgovka russkoye and cherkasskaya porech.
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here, in the border areas , the units of the group of forces north operate in small groups, destroying neo-nazis on the approaches to settlements. these are shots from cameras on
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the helmets of captured militants. scattered units of ukrainian militants tried to reach the kursk region settlements of algovka, russkoye and cherkasskoye porechnoye under the cover of nato armored vehicles, but ours were defeated. marines from the 810th brigade surrendered 19 militants of the armed forces of ukraine. air strikes, artillery fire and active actions of the troops inflicted defeat on the concentration of manpower and equipment, the twenty-second, 61st, 115th mechanized and eightieth airborne assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. in the areas of the settlements. borki, bogdanovka, vishnevka, viktorovka, kositsa, lyubimovka, milovoy, snagost, west of martynovka and southeast of korenevo. after inspecting the personal belongings and action cameras of the prisoners of war, the bsu militants
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confess to war crimes, shooting at civilian vehicles and looting. in this footage, the militants shoot at the houses of civilians. what brigade are you from, what battalion next? moreover, he was captured, it turns out that we have looting. our su-34s are striking with guided missiles in the kursk region of the ukrainian armed forces. the servicemen of the pyatnashka brigade received a combat mission and are now special forces are moving to the front lines. kursk region. under the cover of aviation and artillery, reserves of the volunteer corps of the russian defense ministry are clearing forest belts in small groups, knocking out enemy sabotage groups. they are moving.
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ukrainian neo-nazis in the kharkov region continue to be hit by our aviation, the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system is destroyed by a kh-35 guided missile. stanislav nazarov, evgeny kirilenko, mikhail seberev, vesti kursk region. managed to get the children and the younger sister out, the older one was saved by the marines, here mother still remains in sudzha. the story of a resident of the kursk border region, who was one of the first to see the invasion of ukrainian militants, since she lives near the checkpoint. anna said that no one paid any attention to the beginning of the fsu shelling,
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since they had already gotten used to the constant cannonade, but then it became clear that they had to leave immediately. later, the woman tried to make a return flight home to pick up her elderly mother, but she became the target of a hunt by the kiev military. there was a burst of machine gun fire, and mortars, and also for the civilian a ukrainian drone chased her car, but she was able to return only because she was a local and knew where to hide. now, as a resident of sudzha shared with journalists, she still hopes to bring her relative out, but knows absolutely nothing about her fate. and the story of ivan from the same sudzha is even more surprising; he also saved his mother, but in the end he had to get out of the city on foot right next to the ukrainian armed forces terrorists, and while filming it all on camera, elizaveta khramtsova watched the unique chronicle. save yourself yourself or risk your life to take your loved ones out of danger, a dilemma that... in real life
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, hardly anyone is ready for. tsudzhanina ivan kovalev was caught at home by the ukrainian armed forces attack. the man decided to walk around his city to understand how serious everything was. an experienced traveler, he is used to shooting a lot of video. the phone camera captured the terrible, desolate streets, broken by shell craters and burning houses of civilians. i'd rather walk over the houses, so that if something happens, i can lie down on the food. that's it, i got an adrenaline rush, i felt... i felt better. ivan began to persuade his mother to leave home, but lyudmila fyodorovna refused to abandon her animals to the sounds of shelling. she had already gotten used to it, and also believed that the arrival of ukrainians in the city would be a serious danger for young men, but not for her. ivan could immediately understand that the enemy was firing indiscriminately. they were firing straight at the center, that is , not at any military facilities, they were simply firing in a checkerboard pattern, first they would tune in to one location, then re-tune. there would be a 15-minute pause and then they would fire again for half an hour somewhere another street then reconfigure, again
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pounding, that is, absolutely chaotic shelling. ivan left the city found himself in the nearest safe district center, but realizing that the situation could worsen at any moment, decided to break through home for his mother, says that he did not make the decision on emotions, thought everything through, there was no connection at that moment, but he did not need a navigator, he knows his native land very well: do not lose sobriety of mind from excitement. gali is naturally curious, on the way he examined the wreckage of a ukrainian drone homemade attention to detail, grabbed on the way they burn, hoping that it will not be needed. at this time, lyudmila fyodorovna is at home in court. i have already even stopped counting the number of explosions, i lay down, covered myself, i am already in such a state of doom, what will be, will be, well, because i myself, well, i would not have gotten out in any way, even if i really wanted to, well, that's it, here i even dozed off, then vanya flies in, mom, everyone quickly gets ready, i say, the cat, i will not abandon the cat, we take the cat with us, a carrier leash for the cat
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murenka, ivan made from an old backpack, while lyudmila fyodorovna was gathering the bare necessities. having scattered food from the freezer around the yard to feed the street cats, mother and son set off. fortunately, they soon saw a minibus pushing forward, gathering people for the evacuation. there was only enough space for lyudmila fyodorovna. ivan decided to get out on foot again. here, of course, listen to how the woman calmly describes the danger she faced. the worst thing was not to die herself, she was afraid for her son. we are driving anyway, there, yes, they shoot, yes, there broken cars, burnt out. cars on the side of the road, traces of explosions, because drones were already flying there, when they arrive, of course, it was, well, because anything could have happened, anything could have happened while he was getting there. having dropped into his office to pick up valuables, ivan began his journey from sudzha on a bicycle, but at some point he decided that it would be safer to walk and he was right. that place is burning now, that's where i was actually
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going to go now, i threw the bike into the bushes, i'm walking. where it was flying perpendicular to mine trajectory, it turns out that we crossed paths, and he was above me, about one and a half to two meters above my head, and i could even see the details of how he was assembled, what he was made of, and i noticed that he no longer had a charge, and he simply could not harm me, but before i noticed this, it was of course scary, in 2 days he walked
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about 60 km, now he is finally safe, ivan, lyudmila fyodorovna and cat murenka. here at the temporary accommodation point in kursk. the men are now filming a video blog about how sudzhans settled in. thinks to create a targeted assistance service that will help distribute humanitarian aid more effectively. and of course, their neighbors are waiting for good news for kovalev and sudzha of the entire kursk borderland. and just today the ministry of emergency situations reported that in a day another 650 civilians were evacuated from dangerous areas of the kursk region. another 350 new applications were received by specialists on the hotline. in total , more than 120,000 residents have already been resettled since the start of the evacuation, temporary accommodation points are operating in two dozen russian regions, in addition, in 250 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to the kursk region in one day, including those who refused to leave their homes in the border area. details in the report by alexander katsuba. the evacuation of civilians
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from dangerous areas continues, despite the resistance of ukrainian militants. at night in the sssu.
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employees of the russian emergencies ministry, together with volunteers , distribute aid to temporary accommodation points. 84 temporary accommodation points have been deployed in the kursk region, in which more than 6,500 people live. the movement of kursk residents has been organized to other subjects of the russian federation by rail and bus columns. certificates for the purchase of housing are already being handed out to residents of the border area yulia kachura from the village of voeva, sudzhansky district their spacious new house was blown up by neo-nazis, they evacuated to kursk with two children. what were we in, we left on the seventh, and two days later i unexpectedly receive a call on my phone number and they say that yulia, you are passing the certificate, you need
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to come, fill out the necessary documents, open an account you will be given a certificate, now look at the proposed housing options, thanks to this certificate , border residents can get this kind of housing, comfortable housing from the developer three. this is karinochka, we are a month and a half old, karinochka, yeah, we ran away, yeah, yeah, we spent five days in the landing in the car, then
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we went to obayany, good people invited us for the night, we spent the night with them, it's scary, but we ran away, yeah, we saw that drones are not like that, yes, it's fine, families from different areas of the kursk region live there. all together, the children have long been friends, the adults discuss their important affairs. humanitarian aid today came from the georgian diaspora in russia. this was all organized by georgians living in kursk, with whom we also met, discussed everything, they are actively involved in various areas of assistance to citizens who have provided assistance in a difficult situation. everyone helps the border residents as much as they can. alexander katsuba, alexey zernov, ekaterina.
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mom, why do we need these letters? for a fairy tale. in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state. law enforcement agencies are studying the facts and will take the necessary measures, this is today's maria zakharova's reaction to the actions of the correspondents of the american newspaper washington post, who visited
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the territory of the kurdish region accompanied by the militants of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, as if nothing had happened, they violated the rules for crossing russian borders, not to mention quote ethical standards, since the so -called journalists were engaged in real propaganda, essentially justifying any actions of the ukrainian formations. as the employees of the italian television company justified them, that they also essentially participated in the enemy raid across the border, and the latter, let me remind you, have already become defendants in a criminal case, well, for a start, on the fact of again illegal entry into our territory, although hypothetically one can take a closer look at them for the purpose of rehabilitating nazism, because for their report the italians chose very characteristic speakers who do not hide their commitment to fascist ideology, they are ready to provide evidence and... he interviewed a marked neo-nazi, in his report he did not say a word about it. and how is it that western journalists, that
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blindness to nazism? here is a still frame from the material of the italian reporter ilario pianelli. in the kursk region, he interviews a ukrainian militant, on whose cap there is this sign of the ss division, that is, pianelli point-blank does not notice the follower of hitler in front of him and let's show it, and then maybe no one will notice the ss symbols, is that how it works? journalist pianelli deliberately does not notice the nazi runes on the cap, the cameraman, editor and
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the tv channel itself, they are actually hidden from the viewer.
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in this case, the viewer will get an overdose of neo-nazism, deliberately not they notice, because well, it's too obvious, here is the well-known history of this unit and so on, i think that here there is a methodology, there is no need to emphasize there, here , as they say, one to one, in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, direct followers of the nachtigal battalion of the nazis, who in forty-one organized a jewish pogrom in lvov, cruelly killed jews, poles and gypsies, modern ukrainians...
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we must continue to feed the italian viewer, so that together with the pasta the material of pro-ukrainian militants is well absorbed, i hope pianelli doesn't go too far, that is , there is a risk of getting tangled up in the nonsense he is trying to pull on the ears of the viewers of the rai tv channel.
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you will get a self-writing pen and magic ink, the main thing is that you hurry to vanya, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, and hit yourself on the head, you do have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what my name is, because i'm taking you not where you , a fool, want to go, where you need to go, i can't live without traveling, a flint, he doesn't need one. hero
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, who has a flint?


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