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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 20, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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what is memorable about this day in history, we will tell you right now. hello. on august 5 , 1704, the russian army stormed narva, it was revenge after the defeat three years ago. today this city belongs to estonia and borders russia, and it was conquered by ivan the terrible, but then the swedes took it. now there was a northern war with sweden for access to the baltic and peter i needed to return narva. the city was well fortified, it was defended by 4,500 infantry and cavalry soldiers and 570 guns. then. peter came up with a masquerade: he
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dressed several regiments in the enemy's uniforms so that the swedes would take him for their own who were coming to the rescue. but the swedes sent a detachment to meet them; when they destroyed it, they managed to close the gates. then the troops went on the attack. by three o'clock in the afternoon, they had driven the enemy out of the main defensive rampart. they captured the commandant, more than a hundred officers, and about 1,600 soldiers. peter did not allow violence against prisoners, and the local population swore allegiance to him. and in honor of the capture of narva, he ordered a medal to be minted with the following inscription: not by flattery, but by arms, with the help of the most high priemlitsa. on august 20, 1918 , a decree was passed in soviet russia abolishing the right of private ownership of real estate in cities. almost all land plots and residential premises were transferred to the disposal of local authorities. this was another blow to all social classes, which the bolsheviks considered exploitative and wanted to.
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liquidate the nobility, entrepreneurs, technical and artistic intelligentsia, houses and apartments were taken away, owners were evicted, at best, they were compacted, that is, they were resettled workers in their apartments, there was no escape from this, lenin called for forced compaction with the help of police units, although he stipulated that until we build good apartments for everyone, but communal apartments became a common phenomenon, in which the overwhelming majority of citizens lived for a long time, everyone lived at a modest level... the situation began to change under khrushchev, when they began to build cheap housing en masse, but real progress occurred only after the collapse of the soviet union and the return of private property. on august 20, 1939, soviet and mongolian troops dealt a decisive blow to the japanese on the khalkingol river in the territory of the mongolian people 's republic. japanese aggression began. back in
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may, tokyo wanted to solve several problems at once: move the border to the west, force moscow to refuse to help china, which was also fighting japan at the time, and at the same time check how strong the red army was. in june , georgy zhukov was appointed to command our group. more than 150 thousand people, hundreds of tanks, planes, and artillery participated in the fighting on both sides. in essence, it was a local war. zhukov's offensive was not prepared for... the enemy, who was thrown back and surrounded. the japanese had to ask moscow to cease hostilities. the defeat at halkingol was a harsh lesson for the japanese empire, which subsequently directed its expansion southward with the aim of capturing british, french and dutch colonies in asia. cheburashka was born on august 20, 1966. this date was determined.
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by his creator, writer eduard uspensky, because it was on this day that the first book about cheburashka was published: crocodile gena and his friends. and there are only three books: cheburashka, a cute little animal from the tropics, who climbed into a box of oranges, fell asleep and ended up in a distant country. and they called him cheburashka because he was always, as they said then, cheburakhalsya, that is, falling. at first they drew him with a tail, but in the first cartoon he is already as we know him, with big ears, touching, similar to...
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a national favorite, he was the mascot of our olympic team, they put up monuments to him, they sing songs about him, he is a hero, that's what this day in history was like,
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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale, at 39.
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the parliamentary hour program is on air, hello, we'll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. children's recreation is not for everyone, we at podmoskovny orlyonok are finding out what kind of children's recreation is today.
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there are competitions for vouchers. in 3 minutes , all 1,500 vouchers for the whole summer are sold out. most russian schoolchildren are left out of work. there is no single, well-established system. therefore. our task now is to discuss all the problems that exist in this area. the state duma has prepared a proposal for government. alarming messages continue to arrive, she writes to me there, daughter, hello, that an emergency situation has occurred. how to combat telephone fraud? uncontrolled circulation of sim cards is an exceptional breeding ground for cybercrime. one of the solutions is a new law on regulation of communication services. parliamentary diplomacy, the geography of cooperation of the state duma from the island of freedom to the celestial empire. we see this as the goal of our visit, so that we develop precisely the parliamentary dimension. who are our allies, what kind of relations we build with them and what we think
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about our common future, see the review. more about the prestige of secondary vocational education, changes in medicine, pension indexation, about this and more. see our program. the approach to children's recreation in our country needs to be reviewed, namely , to build systems and its organization and adopt a framework law. only 28. schoolchildren out of the total number of students have the opportunity to rest in children's camps, vyacheslav volodin said at an extended the state duma council. among the main problems are the high cost of travel packages, outdated facilities, and the training of educators and counselors. my colleague, maria burkova , looked into the details. let there always be sunshine, this song will be sung by everyone who has ever vacationed in a children's camp. we at podmoskovny orlyonok are finding out what today is like. children's recreation, forest, fresh air, new friends, all kinds of clubs, what they will do
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today, they choose on their own, and one two, 1 2 3 4, hence the children's zeal to come here every year, most it is not the first time that the campers are on holiday, and some stay when they grow up, alina zhiltsova, senior educator. since 2004, i was 10 years old, i was on holiday for 8 years, and then the opportunity arose to work here in the camp, first as a shift educator, a club leader, and then i worked as a counselor for a total of 5 years, then i was offered the position of senior educator, and this is not an isolated case, most of the counselors are former campers, i have been in this camp for 10 years, the first time i came here in 2014 at the age of 9, and for many years now we have been coming here, at first we came... as pioneers, then this is my first camp counselor, there are always a lot of people who want to have a rest, - says the director,
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the demand for vouchers is huge, in 3 minutes all 1,500 vouchers for the whole summer are bought up, whoever is smarter and more savvy, they do it like this, dad sits down, mom, brother, sister, four computers with four programs, someone will be lucky, then they will grab, there are not enough vouchers for everyone, this is an all-russian situation, only 28% of schoolchildren are covered by summer vacation today, the chairman of the state duma noted... we see with you that there is disunity, based on what is being done at the local government level, regions, a number of issues are being resolved at the federal level, but there is no single built system, so our task now is to discuss all the problems.
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we are absolutely right, because we are talking about working with children, caring for children is the main thing that has always distinguished our country. the head of the relevant committee, nina ostanina , also agreed that a single framework law is needed that will unite all issues of regulation and organization of children's recreation. she drew attention to the fact that now these the norms are blurred by ten laws. the law i am talking about now, which the president spoke about in his order, is not even about money, the law is about organization, so that they are clear to everyone, probably, well
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, the principles of organization, recreation, health improvement of children, starting from the concept of what a tent camp is, what a tourist camp is, today, unfortunately, this sphere is not regulated in this way, among the main tasks that the new law will have to solve is the availability of vouchers, we have calculated according to statistics that by 19% the ticket price has increased. the cost of the ticket price, so here, of course, it is also necessary to limit the growth, at least to the level of inflation. the priority is the repair and reconstruction of the existing infrastructure. the first task, perhaps the most important, is that in municipal, first of all, districts , including lost children's camps and recreation centers are restored. in addition, close attention to the issues of food preparation and medical personnel, in the pencil of the program for the training of counselors and educators. in this regard, i ... want to propose a specific proposal related to the fact that now professional education of students, and
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the training program for counselors, it is mainly paid, to make it all free, and the relevant ministry, educational grants to universities to allocate, taking into account the priority of this area, changes are necessary, representatives of the industry support the deputies, there are several problems, there is one problem is that now students, pedagogical universities send for practice only for one shift per... weeks, this is not a very good training, it seems to me, and it would be nice if universities pedagogically revised their position fundamentally would send teachers, future teachers to two shifts, the chairman of the committee on... small and medium entrepreneurship alexander demin himself a former camp counselor, believes that such practice will be useful not only for students of petrotechnical universities. i want to say that for me this is formation, including within the framework of professional activity, these are the first such leadership practices, public practices, in this regard, it seems to me that good practice was, when they called not only pedagogical students to work in camps, when they called specialized students who
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gave more variety, it is also useful for them from the point of view of social practices, they gave a different content. a different variety in such vozhansky leadership activities. the first is always the first! the first is always the first! following the discussion , the state duma council recommends that the government develop a strategic document on the topic of recreation and health improvement for children until 2030 with a perspective until 2036. in addition in addition, the deputies consider it necessary to resume the children's cashback program for travel vouchers to parents and develop a mechanism for subsidizing travel costs to and from places of rest and health improvement for low-income families, large families, families with children and disabled people, and families of svo participants. the government should provide for co-financing from the budget of travel vouchers for children in difficult life situations and children of svo participants, the deputies believe. we hope that all our proposals, which we will send to the government, will be
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considered, a decision was made on them. the state duma council also proposed that the cabinet of ministers develop measures of state support for the organization of children's . the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin spoke about them while visiting the sponsored technological college, the phoenix boarding school lyceum in the smolinsk region, which will open its doors to its first students on september 1. alexander shavirin, more about the working visit. the technological
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college, the phoenix boarding school lyceum is a single educational space, a charitable project of vyacheslav volodin, which... he has been implementing for 8 years. it includes several levels of education at once: preschool, secondary, and now secondary vocational. on september 1 , 160 students will receive their student cards. the first to open are the areas of technicians, mechanics and programmers. in total, the college will accept 480 students in the future. everyone will study for free and at the same time they will be provided not only with places to live, but also with uniforms, three meals a day and an additional payment to their scholarship. these will be educational institutions for orphans, children from low-income families, children from families of participants of the izvo, but of course we will have a competition for those wishing to enter, so that we have the opportunity to accept the most talented, we will use all forms of training
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so that they receive a specialty, but at the same time the most important thing: it is growing every year, but the level of training in the country does not fully meet the requirements of the time. since the nineties, many of the secondary vocational educational institutions have been closed, the material base has not been updated, the curricula have become imperfect. secondary vocational educational institutions should be more focused on the demand of the economy, vyacheslav volodin is sure. therefore , industrial practice in the technological
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college boarding school phoenix will take place at enterprises in the smolensk region. every second student is already guaranteed a job in the future, the entire educational process, it will be built in such a way that in very close connection with the enterprises our children will receive training students, theory here, practice will be accordingly at those educational production sites, which are currently at our enterprise. it is necessary to develop common standards for a systematic approach to training professional personnel. the deputies plan to begin discussing this issue with the government and regions in september , vyacheslav volodin said. for our part, as soon as the duma begins working, we have already defined secondary vocational education as one of our priorities, we will devote time to ensuring that... laws of direct action, framework, currently secondary vocational education is within the scope of powers of regional authorities, but often the regions cannot resolve
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these issues on their own. in his telegram channel, the chairman of the state duma outlined the main tasks and problems of the industry. it is necessary to increase the prestige of secondary vocational education, create conditions for this area to be chosen by highly qualified teachers and school graduates. these and other issues are planned to be discussed , find a solution. provivaetsya, almost all college buildings in the village of vysokaya, yesterday's premises of the abandoned sheremetyev estate, the building was given a second life, students have the opportunity to touch
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history, we are solving here, in principle, several problems, in order to form the infrastructure of the technological college, the boarding school lyceum, we are using the remaining, somewhere ruins, and somewhere still located ... in good condition of the historical-cultural heritage site. we are preserving our history, it will remain alive. thus, the plant turned into a comfortable hostel with cozy rooms for students, in the former the manager's house now houses classrooms. the historical and architectural ensemble, created by the chief architect of petergof , the famous zoch nikolai binua in the 19th century, consists of 17 editions. in six of them , restoration will be completed by the end of the year, it is planned that they will become part of. in fact, all cultural objects here will eventually become social, while preserving their historical appearance. admiring this rod in
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the village of vysokaya, mikhail bulgakov wrote the story fatal eggs, about the brickwork of the count's palace preserved the sheremetyev family seals. all these places were barely recognizable a few years ago among the ruins. the church of the tikhvin icon of the mother of god stood forgotten for decades with a demolished bell tower, no windows, doors. parts of the roof, this is how the locals remember it, but history has put everything in its place. in the near future, all the objects will be restored with the preservation of historical accuracy, but instead of counts , teachers will live here. will become a public museum, a park will spread out around the pond again, perhaps other writers will still capture the sublime in their new works. alexander shavirin,
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maxim koul, sergey vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. indexation of pensions for working pensioners, vehicles with manual control, payments for disabled children, these are some of the innovations adopted during the sixth session, about how the period went and what initiatives are already in the works, the head of the faction a just russia for truth, sergey mironov, told us. without increasing, we can say that this session was historic, because two important laws, which we insisted on, we have been on one law since the founding of our party in 2006, we are talking about...
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first of all, for participants in a special military operation, the state is obliged to provide vehicles with manual control. second: those who are a child disabled from childhood or have received a disability, if he has lost a breadwinner, and in general was left without parents, he has the right to two pensions, for the loss of a breadwinner and a social pension. we know that you have already submitted an initiative to the duma for the second time on the introduction of differentiated maternity capital so that in those regions where... there are problems with the birth rate it was higher coefficient of increase of this maternity capital please tell us about this initiative about what else is in the works of the faction? here i would like to tell about two of our initiatives, i will start with
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the second: we are absolutely sure that we need progression of maternity capital, today all maternity capital is oriented to give birth to one child, and we should be interested in giving birth to the second and third, in this regard we propose, let's pay 600,000 rubles for the second child, and 1,400 for the third, yes, so that because we still since i remind you, only the third child gives an increase, if we want to raise the birth rate, we are interested in the family becoming normal with three children, this should be the norm. now about the indexation of maternity capital depending on the birth rate, as i already said, the average for the country, unfortunately, is a coefficient of 1.4, but about a quarter of our regions have a coefficient of 1.3, and these are precisely the regions of central russia, the northwest, the siberian regions,
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where mainly russians live population and in this regard we propose, let's double the maternal capital in those regions where the birth rate is 1.3, and one and a half times where the birth rate is 1.75, and even two times where it reaches, and then let's also at least increase the maternal capital by 1.3 times, because, all other things being equal, when we talk about the need for a change in thinking, a change in the paradigm, yes, that children are happiness, that's good, after all, the material component, and here it is very important the housing issue, yes, we have our own proposals here, well, i'll just remind you that we are proposing not only to extend the preferential mortgage, firstly, to build barracks, we are proposing, and secondly, our long-standing proposal, well, let's do it this way: a young family is formed and the state gives
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the young... family, they have just got married, they don't have children yet, they are given an interest-free loan to purchase housing, no interest, but this is a loan, this is money on loan, well, let's say for 25 years, here are the repayment terms offered the following: the first child is born in a family, 25% of the loan is written off, the second child is born in a family, 50% is written off, and if a third child is born, well done, you have fulfilled the most important state task, we forgive you completely. credit, here is a mechanism that will really allow us to solve that very painful demographic problem, so we have such plans, we will implement them. in the second part of the program , watch, sale of sim cards, work of bloggers, fight against cyber fraudsters, we will tell you about the new rules of cellular communications. what the deputies intend to increase the life expectancy of russians and an overview of international cooperation of the state duma.
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mom, why do we need these letters? for a fairy tale. in the 39th kingdom, three.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. russian digital solutions to take to new heights. there are prospects, even more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal.


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