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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 20, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. russian digital solutions will be brought to a new height. there are prospects,
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even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than what exactly the digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like. parliamentary hour is on air and we continue: control over sim cards for foreigners will be increased, the fight against cyber fraudsters will be strengthened, the work of authors of popular blogs will be regulated, messenger owners will also be required to provide information about instant messaging service users upon request from roskomnadzor. the state duma has adopted a corresponding law. on new communication rules, maria burkova. last
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summer, alina dorofeeva's mother went on holiday to crimea, they agreed that upon arrival, her daughter would receive a message from her from a new number. the sms arrived, but with alarming information, her mother was in danger and asked for help. on the day she was flying by, there were no messages, the next day, she writes to me, there is a daughter, hi, about the fact that there was an emergency situation, there was a text that said that 50,000 rubles needed to be transferred to this number because something happened. they were scammers, but in such a stressful situation, rationality fades into the background, the girl admits, and this is what the attackers take advantage of. i tried to call the number from which the message from my mother came, they didn’t pick up the phone, or the subscriber was unavailable, so i couldn’t get through, and this further, so to speak, escalated the situation, when you find yourself in this situation, you can’t you can compare that this is exactly what... alina, as the funds of other
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deceived russians can no longer be returned, the situation with telephone fraud in russia has become critical, citizens receive 20 million calls per day, the volume of stolen funds last year alone jumped to 250 billion rubles. the problem must be fought comprehensively, the state duma believes. one of the solutions is the new law on the regulation of communication services. while their further use raises big questions, it is clear that such uncontrolled circulation of sim cards is exceptional a breeding ground for cybercrime. currently, a mobile operator cannot immediately stop providing services due to inaccurate data; a potential fraudster can use a sim card in someone else's name. deputies have closed this gap. according to the law
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, anonymous users will not even be connected to the network before becoming a subscriber; mandatory identification, verification through government services or a single biometric system, as well as sending data to the roskomnadzor registry. limits will appear; russians will be able to purchase no more than twenty sim cards. in this the number includes both corporate and personal, you can check how many numbers are registered to your name on public services, and suspend their service if necessary. new rules for russians will be in effect from april 1 next year. for foreigners , the conditions for providing communication services will be even stricter. the limit on numbers is no more than ten and there is complete transparency. all migrants who use communications on the territory of the russian federation will face a lot of events, the main one of which is that they will need to renew the contracts. firstly, they are limited in the number of sim cards they can use. secondly, the registration of these sim cards will be carried out. identity document,
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registration on government services in a single biometric system. mobile operators will recheck contracts concluded before january 1, 2025, and also enter data on the device in which the sim card is used. those who do not pass the check will be disconnected from communication services from july 1. the scope of use of various fraudulent mechanisms with the aim of seizing the property of our citizens, therefore any additional restrictive measures, especially in relation to foreign citizens in order to prevent fraudsters from acting as they are accustomed to, are the right measure. the amendments will affect the owners of instant messengers, they will be obliged to provide information about the users of the service at the request of roskomnadzor, and also not allow
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users to receive anonymous messages and calls. owners of blogs and channels with more than 10 thousand subscribers will also be obliged transmit information about yourself to roskomnadzor. notification about yourself, it will be prohibited to place advertisements, distribute information about possible ways of financing the channel and its owner, and it will also be impossible to repost the message of this resource. maria burkova, alexander shavyrin, yulia borodina, sergey vergunov, alexey chaburkov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. the changes will affect the field
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of medicine, the laws adopted by the deputies during the sixth session improve the situation with drug provision, change the personnel issue. the deputies continue to work out topic. treatment of life expectancy, badma bashankayev, chairman of the state duma committee on health protection, will tell you more about what has already been done and what is to come. what bills did your committee work on this session, what did you manage to adopt in the third reading? the session of the committee on health protection was very active, we were co-executors, as i sometimes say, applicants in thirteen bills of neighboring committees, this is on science, on labor, many committees were engaged in related matters and we actively helped them, expressed their position and worked. we have about twenty bills in our package, i would like to note several of them, they are all aimed at the safety and development of medicine, at protecting people's health, it is being done for our voters who asked us about it. the first important law is the district
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hospital. there is such a medical structure , the district hospital, it was undeservedly forgotten when they were determining which medical institutions can implement help with medicines. there are many, many, many, many such hospitals, only this the bill, which was adopted jointly with deputies and senators from united russia, we give more than 2,500 people the opportunity to receive quality medical care, and this is important. the second law, which is also aimed at safety, it looks far ahead, this is the law on the normalization of medical, pharmaceutical rules in the eac. we insisted on our own, we have preferences for domestic manufacturers, we have several laws. which they are aimed at safety, this is natural, zero tolerance to drugs, there will be no propaganda of drugs anywhere, once and for all you need to get it into your head, you can't tell the younger generation, the middle generation or any generation about the benefits, taking drugs, it is punishable by the court, also one of
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them is dedicated to the so-called other specialists, these are the same incredibly necessary, correct, kind people who help us in rehabilitation, after a stroke, guys, after svo, yes after any operation rehabilitation is needed, here are doctors, nurses, as well as other specialists, occupational therapists, medical psychologists, speech therapists, physiorehabilitologists, many, many people who work in the medical team, but they were not previously defined by the procedures, for 100 years they have been helping medicine, now they are enshrined in law, the president set the task of increasing life expectancy to 78 years by 2030, how are the successes going, maybe,
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yes, we know what are the main causes of death of people, when they still have to live, this is the heart, blood vessels, heart attacks, strokes in the head, this is oncology, unfortunately, these are the consequences of diabetes, hepatitis c, therefore we are in all these areas we closely monitor, we monitor them, we go to the region and have held more than thirty round tables of visiting meetings in seven federal districts already in order to closely monitor how funds are allocated, how they are spent, where to help locally, we were elected by the people, we cannot sit in the office. after all , it is only possible to wander around the streets of moscow, you need to be on the ground,
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stand firmly, know what your voter wants, your neighbor, well, this is normal, deputies should be as much as possible. saudi arabia, iran, china, kazakhstan, nicaragua, cuba, algeria. the foreign program of the state duma chairman's work in the spring session was intense, visits that further strengthened the ties with russia. about the most important allies of our state. relations that are taking a new course, signed agreements and plans for the future in the review by alexander laktionov. from the island of freedom to the celestial empire, this is today the geography of cooperation between the russian parliament and its foreign colleagues. while some countries, under pressure from the united states and the european union, continue to isolate russia, others are strengthening ties with it. the first in a series of foreign business trips of vyacheslav volodin. during the spring session was saudi arabia . this is not an ordinary event. it was the first
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visit of the state duma chairman to the kingdom in 30 years. relations between the states are reaching a new level. parliaments must support the course taken. we must do everything possible on our part to ensure that we contribute to the development of relations, do everything we can to provide legislative support for decisions taken at the level of heads of state, the king. koravi, president of the russian federation, we see this as the purpose of our visit, in order to develop the parliamentary dimension. we pay extremely important and serious attention to cooperation with the russian federation. we note the extremely positive dynamics of the development of relations between our countries, especially in light of the agreements reached between the king of saudi arabia and the president of russia. moscow and riyadh intend to expand cooperation in a variety of areas, from the oil and gas industry to issues security. saudi arabia is a key
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player in maintaining peace in the middle east. without saudi arabia, today it is almost impossible to solve the most difficult tasks and problems in the middle east. and we know how we solved issues with the participation of saudi arabia, related to the fight against international terrorism and the solution of the syrian problem in general, because this is very serious work. to develop inter-parliamentary dialogue, the parties will introduce new formats. colleagues from saudi arabia are now expected in moscow, plans to sign a cooperation agreement between the state duma and the parliament of the kingdom. russia's relations with the regions of the middle east are becoming increasingly systemic and fundamental, for example, with iran, a strategic partner, economic cooperation will be conducted on more favorable terms. in the spring session , deputies ratified a free trade agreement between the eac and the islamic republic, instead of a temporary document.
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for the new leadership of iran in july , masoud took office as president of the country pezeshkian. on behalf of president vladimir putin , state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin represented russia at the inauguration ceremony in tehran. global security issues are a topic that russia is always ready to discuss with any state, but on an equal footing. but is the west ready for such a dialogue? obviously not, they say. during the spring session, the state duma made a firm decision to suspend the participation of the russian delegation in
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the osce parliamentary assembly. the organization has long since taken a course toward russophobia and is less and less reminiscent of parliamentary structure. we stand for dialogue, for a multipolar world, for a fair world order. this is how we differ from those who are trying to impose their world order, at the expense of other countries to increase well-being. we will not finance. this sabbath, which has nothing to do with parliamentary structures, and beaching to the tune of the united states of america. russia is the largest country in europe, it is safe. another parliamentary assembly, another osce and after our victory in ukraine, this will already be a different security in europe. productive
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the dialogue on security issues continues at the csto parliamentary assembly. instruments for combating challenges. representatives of the participating countries discussed them in june in almaty. by creating a single legal framework, it is easier for us to counter all challenges and threats together. and in this regard , the role of parliamentary diplomacy is extremely important. we believe that representatives of new countries should be invited to the work, issues of global security. there is considerable interest in the organization, and not only from countries with observer status. more and more political elites around the world have begun to recognize the role of the csto in matters of global security, these elites are increasingly aware that from the cries of propaganda in the west, they are designing their own security, they understand that russia here can not only help, but ensures their security, once , including in kazakhstan, the csto influenced this
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situation radically, so they influenced, they left, but the kazakhs also ... assessed who can be counted on, that the americans would fly in, or what? organization of the treaty collective security will continue to fulfill its tasks, regardless of any external internal factors. the world must be multipolar, this position is being defended today by more and more states. july st. petersburg, the parliamentary forum of the brics countries, a place where politicians from different continents speak the same language. brics is increasingly becoming one of the key pillars. multipolar world, which we already see today, is gradually beginning to form, the demand for it is enormous, every country, every nation wanted the world order would be fair. on the sidelines of the forum, vyacheslav volodin held talks with foreign colleagues. the discussion at these meetings is about bilateral
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cooperation, increasing the efficiency of the international relations system, jointly combating challenges and, of course, exchanging legislative experience. parliamentarians from the brics countries are already actively cooperating, these are not just half-hour meetings on the sidelines of the inter-parliamentary union, as was the case before, various integration links are rapidly growing between us, various projects on exchange of our experience, on joint conferences, seminars, and this is of vital importance to everyone, without exception. and as an example of the relations between russia and china, a few days before the start of the forum , the head of the standing committee of the all-china people's congress arrived in moscow . the leaders of the countries managed to bring cooperation to an unprecedentedly high level, parliaments must match. it is important for us in this regard to look for new forms
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so that by developing parliamentary. cooperation, we solve the problems facing our states and peoples. it is necessary to strictly follow important agreements at the highest level, to promote interaction through the legislative bodies of our countries, in the spirit of mutual respect and equality. it is in the spirit of friendship and respect that russia builds relations with its overseas allies. in confirmation of this, vyacheslav volodin's big visit. latin american countries, the first point is nicaragua, relations with this state are now at their peak. the task is to make a decision through legislative support everything so that the countries work more closely, the peoples benefit from this and, of course, in this regard, much can be done due to new forms of cooperation, which
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are inter-parliamentary interactions. nicaragua and russia are two fraternal peoples, two fraternal governments, the presidents of our countries are people who defend friendship, and we are especially proud that on these significant days for our country we are receiving such an important delegation. nicaragua is not just a political ally of russia in central america, but also a promising trade and economic partner, according to the deputies. trade turnover between the countries has grown by 70% over the past few months. after all, politics is a continuation of economics. vyacheslav volodin arrived in monago on behalf of the russian president during the forty-fifth anniversary of the sandinista revolution.
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the republic of nicaragua, distant in terms of geography, but close in spirit, values ​​relations with our country. for almost 10 years now, the local calendar has even included a day of friendship between russia and nicaragua. together with moscow, monago celebrates its main state holiday. anniversary of the sandinista people's revolution, the triumph of freedom and independence. at a meeting with the president of the republic, vyacheslav volodin once again emphasizes: nicaragua is russia's most important ally overseas. nicaragua is a key partner for us in latin america, we will develop relations on the principles that you, our president, laid down , relations between russia and... and then a meeting
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in parliament, the delegation from russia is warmly greeted by esteban lasa. i want to hug you tightly brother, i am very glad to see you. russia and cuba are long-standing friends and partners. the support that moscow continues to provide to havana is especially appreciated on the island of freedom. not at all. recently, the us state department came up with a new act of pressure, adding the republic to the list of countries sponsoring terrorism. deputies condemned this policy and called on all parliaments of the world to do the same. the corresponding statement was adopted during the spring session. we have an unprecedented level of relations. friendship tested by challenges, sanctions against russia, cuba, paid. cuba in this matter is a symbol of the struggle for independence. for freedom, a country that has been imposing sanctions for over 60 years, last year the first meeting
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of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation was held here in govan, then six specialized working groups were formed, priorities were set, dialogue on key areas of work is ongoing, despite the distance. particular attention is paid to trade and economic cooperation, this is energy, these are development issues, joint development and this is the number of rooms, well , first of all the number of flights, this is the problem we have to solve, find a way to increase
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the number of flights, make them cheaper, as a result, and talk about those projects that can be useful to each other in tourism. investors are there, they are interested , including we just talked about how to make it easy for them here. the program of foreign business trips of the chairman of the state duma in the spring. session ended in algeria. vyacheslav volodin met with the president of the republic abdelmadjid tibboune, as well as the head of the national people's assembly of algeria brahimam bughali. an important result of the visit is an agreement on the creation of an interparliamentary commission. and in the near future, a delegation from north africa plans to visit russia on a working visit. duma tv. parliamentary hour. and that's all, you watched the program.
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what were you hiding behind the trees somewhere in the lights you changed to walk here lights the flint jean ivan i can't live without. travel soon, watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the app or on the website, dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagontv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be ... but
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will remember what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these screenings. the russian emergencies ministry warns, protect your home, install a fire alarm. safety starts with you. emergencies of russia!
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russian troops are pushing back the military in the border areas of the kurdish region. at night, a helicopter the mi-28 attacked enemy units with unguided missiles. and the marines destroyed a column of combat vehicles, including nine nato vehicles. in primorye , they are restoring infrastructure after a downpour. almost a month's worth of precipitation fell. roads, bridges and even houses were under water. in vladivostok, tram tracks were washed away, they had to.


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