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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 20, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. it's 10 in moscow, we're continuing our morning broadcast, here's what we've learned by this hour. russian troops have stopped the advance of a column of ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region, the defense ministry reported. our soldiers are pushing back the enemy in the border areas. at night, a mi-28 helicopter struck ukrainian formations with unguided missiles. enemy manpower and equipment were destroyed. residents of
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the belgorod region are asked to leave unsafe border areas. ukrainian the other side is making new attempts to strike at the region's peaceful infrastructure. last night, attacks were recorded in the shibekinsky district. buildings were damaged, cars were cut by shrapnel. preliminary, no residents were injured as a result of the latest strikes. in primorye , the consequences of a heavy downpour are being eliminated. almost a month's worth of precipitation fell in a few hours. vladivostok went under water, the basements of hospitals, schools and kindergartens were flooded . water is standing in the basements of multi-story buildings. rescuers and utility services have switched to 24/7 operation. pro-palestinian protests clash with police. this is the atmosphere in which the democratic party convention is taking place in chicago. despite this, delegates spoke in support of israel. and joe biden noted his achievements in strengthening nato and called trump a loser. kamal and haris's speech was even less
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meaningful, the vice president spent only 2 minutes on stage and promised the participants a great week. this night, russian aircraft struck personnel and heavy equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the border area of ​​kursk areas. mi-28 helicopters destroyed targets, the coordinates of which were transmitted by intelligence. the advance of the ukrainian military column was also stopped. all the latest information from our special correspondent.
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so it continued, nevertheless, here is rylsk, a city that is under evacuation, there are still people there, there is also a very difficult situation, the day before the ministry of emergency situations employees delivered humanitarian aid there, the most important thing is of course food, hygiene, medicine, about 300 food packages were delivered, each food set weighs about 10 kg, which includes...
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in general, the night passed calmly in belgorod and the belgorod region, but in shebekino there were some attacks, as local residents note, possibly cluster munitions, fortunately no one was hurt at night, it was from this shelling that housing was damaged, that is, two apartment buildings, and cars were hit by shrapnel, however , it is unsafe to be in the city in the shebekinsky region , respectively, it is also unsafe, because barrel artillery and mlrs are working, and there is also high drone activity, and if we talk about yesterday, then according to preliminary data, if we count those who sought medical help at the hospital due to drone attacks, there were five people, five civilians, local authorities... the regional government and personally
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the head of the belgorod region are simply asking, already begging, to leave unsafe areas, border areas and wait out these... these days in temporary accommodation centers, those who waited until the last minute, they now understand how much risked their lives, they see perfectly well, because drones fly endlessly, we are already so wise, we know what bells, what drones you go , look down, up, a woman talks about how a drone chased her when she tried to go into a store, we will definitely tell and show her story, it is very indicative, she pulled. until the last, until , in fact, burning fragments flew into her apartment, this is a quote, moreover, now it is evacuating people from the border area, this is the graivoronovsky district, krasny yeruzhsky district, five settlements are closed, entry is prohibited for civilians,
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people still remain in the border area, they still drag it out until the last minute, they are interested in exactly how much is possible, yes, it would seem that in such a situation, risking the lives of children is nonsense, but they still ask how possible it is for children to study in person in other districts and ask to equip school buses rap, today there are quite a lot of forces, where the movement of heavy-duty transport buses is simply unacceptable, so this will be this we will discuss the issue with the ministry of defense, with the border service, with the russian guard and make only... this is a balanced decision without risking the lives of our children. the issue is complex, but we have no other options. yes, indeed, they still recommend leaving populated areas that are adjacent to the border, which are constantly under fire, after all, do not risk your life for the sake of your pets and for your vegetable gardens,
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because all this will return later, but life , no. residents who have decided not to return to such territories are given housing certificates, they... can already be received, and housing is also being built using these housing certificates, or you can find an apartment in a safe area, so over the past week , 31 families from the gray voronsky district have already received such housing certificates, such money, this became possible due to the fact that the state of emergency became federal level, that is, funding has improved. belgorod region. in the direction of the special operation, fighters of the group of troops center took one of the key strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine. at first, work was carried out using drones, later, the onslaught drove out the ukrainian militants and consolidated their positions. the servicemen told our correspondent dmitry ermakov about this difficult operation.
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not only such rap guns, which have proven their effectiveness, but also smoothbore guns help bring the ukrainian bopyla down to earth. are they loaded with 12th and other caliber shot, for example, such a cartridge, when opened, creates a thick cloud of metal balls that a drone is no longer able to overcome. according to a fighter with call sign lysey 80%. many in the unit have already completed a course in combating air threats. it was found through experience that just one pellet is enough to at least knock someone off a dangerous course. this was in the ovdeevsky direction, that is , a group was moving forward, the bird was circling above us, aiming.
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there was a monthly rainfall, washed away roads, bridges, damaged power lines, in vladivostok the basements of buildings were flooded, victoria samuseva assessed the scale of the disaster. several minutes were enough for the road to collapse on fodeeva, as if it had been torn apart by special equipment, says sergey kozyrev, from the window of the house i miraculously saw how the car was at the mercy of the elements, the asphalt had gone right under the car, expensive repairs were ahead, that is, i had just driven in and the asphalt had immediately collapsed under me, that's how it was. i stopped, i thought the car would flip over, then the car leaned its nose into this hole, the poor neighbor
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had just started moving, she fell right here into this hole, i stood there, thank you guys, the jeepers drove up, they pulled me back out of the hole with a winch, otherwise i don't know, the whole thing would probably have been flooded with water, the elements did not spare many roads in the city, as if sugar plots were destroyed one after another, a good example of this is the road to the second construction, where drivers have to do different tricks to overcome this section of the road. tafadeeva easier to swim, joke locals. here it is easier to swim, probably, well , here people swam, these are rubber boats to work, there was even more water. fodeeva street is almost completely under water, all the nearby houses, basements are flooded here, and people move at their own risk, so as not to accidentally fall into the hatch. here is vitaly nikolaevich, complaining about the repair of the storm drain system. went to the market to buy the most necessary things, says he hasn’t yet made it by boat for food, gas
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canisters, now there is no light, but there is no light at home, since yesterday evening i need to cook something now you should buy boots, but there are boots at the dacha, i have everything at the dacha , i took everything to the dacha, there is usually rain there, but here there was nothing like this, i don’t know, they are counting the losses from a powerful downpour and the business of the sellers, so far one task is to rake out all the water from the stalls, at most of the sports market today are forced to. pavilions are half under water, and as the locals joke, there is a real swimming pool here. the recent rain literally gave vladivostok a water park, and in a couple of minutes social networks were bursting with similar videos. in kaplunovo, eight apartment buildings were almost washed away by streams of water, people were cleaning up the water in every way possible. water also got into public transport. it is worse on the other side. traditionally, the area near pogranichnaya was flooded, people managed
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to ride sups there, get stuck. liquidation work consequences continue around the clock, but already on thursday the elements may hit the region again, a tropical storm is moving towards primorye. victoria samusyeva, alexander kazantsev, vesti primorye. deputy prime minister of russia dmitry chernoshenko held a business meeting with his colleague, vice premier of the state council of china, he lifen. the key issues were trade, economic and financial cooperation between the two countries, our correspondent, emil mersayev, will tell you the details , he is joining me, emil, hello, what have the parties already managed to discuss? yes, alexander, good morning, but of course, the parties are currently discussing how to further and more deeply expand cooperation between our countries, today is the second day of official negotiations at the level of the intergovernmental commission the day before , deputy prime minister dmitry chernoshenko.
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nuclear energy and space, you must agree, this list is quite broad, but this is of course not surprising, since the parties, i will quote, now define the nature of the relationship as a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. which are entering a new era right before our eyes, a joint statement about this was signed in may of this year by vladimir putin together with his colleague sidzempina, well, last year the trade turnover of russia and china increased by 26% to 240 billion dollars. beijing is the largest trading partner of our country, which accounts for about a fifth of all russian exports. last year it grew by almost 13%. well, in this we have something to strive for, dmitry chernoshenko stated this. let's listen, according to the data
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russian statistics, in the first half of this year, bilateral trade increased by 4.8% and amounted to 113 billion dollars. at the same time, of course, the growth rate of trade is lagging behind last year, and here we have something to work on. in the first 7 months of this year , bilateral trade should continue to grow by 1.6%. percent. china has overcome various difficulties and has maximally satisfied demand on the russian market. moscow has become the largest supplier of crude oil to china, natural gas, timber, fertilizers. in our country more than 60 types of russian agricultural products are exported, well , the meeting at the level of the intergovernmental commission is being held for the twenty-eighth time, and logically, it heralds the twenty- ninth meeting at the level of the prime ministers of the two countries, this is how the premier of the state council of the prc
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liqiang is expected to fly to the russian capital in the afternoon today, this will happen at the invitation of the russian side, but in the near future he will hold talks with mikhail mishustin, well, so what to do? the upcoming work of the heads of state executive branches of power as productive and effective as possible, and we need work at the level of the intergovernmental commission, which is ongoing today and which started the day before. well, alexander, we will closely follow the theses that will be voiced by both the russian and chinese countries in the coming days. i give you the floor. thank you, we will wait for the details on air. mil mirsayev spoke about the negotiations between russia and china.
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today we are forced to curtail our activities, which shows how difficult it will be wean many industries off oil and gas. for example, a company backed by united airlines, which raised hundreds of millions of dollars to produce jet fuel from waste, closed down, another company backed by airbus and jet blue, which was producing hydrogen for aircraft, went bankrupt, while chevron, bp and shell are closing projects to produce biofuels from vegetable oils. well, that's it. how does this look on the stock exchange? shares of hydrogen and biofuel producers are flying down together, losing 80%, 90% of their value, and so on has been going on for 2 years now, although the american market initially looked at the idea of ​​the energy transition positively. as the ceo of pla power admitted, the excitement of the first days did not live up to expectations. this startup recently opened one
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of the first plants in the united states to produce environmentally friendly hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in steel foundries and chemical production, but the market does not believe in the reality of these metamorphoses. many startups that go bankrupt, they go bankrupt, especially in everything related to the energy transition. firstly, they all are tied to, in general, new technologies that are beyond the horizon of commercial use. accordingly, these are the technologies where the player who enters this sector first, ... he lacks the ability to create the required scale, therefore, if he does not manage to commercialize his technology in time, unfortunately, the confidence of investors is lost. as the wall street journal writes, the increase in costs for the production of alternative fuel has pushed back the implementation dates of projects, making it difficult for the companies themselves to raise funds. problems are exacerbated by delays in
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tax credits. and then it should be quoted directly: without clean fuels, emissions at many companies are expected to continue to rise, threatening u.s. and global climate goals. aviation and shipping are counting on new fuels because wind and solar power cannot meet their massive energy needs. well, there is, of course, a logical trap: can wind and solar power be used in aviation, for example, where these new fuels came from in the first place. experts we are sure that this is an element of restraint for oil and gas producers.
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if we are talking about alternative energy sources that businesses can use for production, then the result here is small, it is possible to heat and light using green energy, but it is not yet possible for industry to work on this. as analysts note, the green agenda tool has become the now very fashionable esg approach, based on the first letters of these three english words. translated into russian, it is attentive to environmental issues, social. all good, but on the other hand, it has already turned into a very big business, in many ways it was about access to cheaper financing, then
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questions arise about the criteria, how the greenness of these technologies will be measured, how green is an electric car, which uses a lot of cobalt casting, which is produced there by african children who mine in inhumane conditions, meanwhile the shipping company myrks said it will order up to 60 new ships that will be able to run on liquefied natural gas bunker fuels due to uncertainty over its clean fuel plans, and air new zealand may have become the first airline to scrap its 2030 emissions target, citing the lack of alternative energy sources. and as the ceo of a renewable fuels startup put it, it's tough to get new technology to do what the fossil fuel industry has been doing for over 80 years. well, in fact, it's
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probably not just tough now, it's impossible. but on the other hand, as fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky wrote. the main idea should always be unattainably higher than the possibility of its implementation. but there is one but. he was not an economist and businessman, unlike many who today, in all seriousness, promote and even. try to implement the climate agenda. tens of tons of scrap metal, hundreds of bags of garbage were collected by volunteers of the green arctic in the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug. volunteers from russia and belarus came to clean up the unique ingilor natural park. more anastasia ponko will tell about the ecological expedition. one of the largest natural parks in the country is ingelor , which means "ice lake" in nenets. the specially protected area is spread out across the polar urals. this is the pearl of yamal, which is becoming more beautiful every year. volunteers of the green
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arctic are cleaning up the garbage that has accumulated over the years, dismantling an abandoned base of geologists in the northernmost part of the ural mountains. they worked in angelor several decades ago. 14 volunteers from all over the country came to yamal specifically to make it cleaner. this real. a two-week ecological expedition, which is not so easy to get into, the first part of the selection is a test that the guys pass, then we talk to each of the candidates, prepare them via video conference directly for work, this includes safety precautions, this includes handling some heavy things, and how to load them correctly, the expedition is difficult, so we make a selection accordingly. there is a lot of physically hard work on the site, so there are only men on the expedition, all this time they live without communication in a tent camp, and move between... on such all-terrain vehicles, tricoles. among the volunteers, doctors, teachers, builders, civil servants, who
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took a vacation specifically to come here to make the nature of yamal cleaner. i don't regret it at all, i like it, our team is great, all positive, kind, responsive people, it seems to me, a great vacation. pavel, originally from yanau, came here from noyabrsk, he had never been to ingelora, but considered it his duty to help his native region. already knows for sure, next year he will again apply to participate in the expedition. living here on imali, i think he simply had to take part in this cleaning project, the emotions are simply endless, there is so much, so much beauty here, it was impossible to refuse him, it was so cool. alexey was hired for the first time, he is from the northern capital, it specialists from gazpromneft. i saw in the work chat that applications were being submitted for participation in the environmental project, i submitted an application. but i want to help society as a whole, nature, i don’t want such buildings in such beautiful places,
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the expedition to angelor is being implemented in partnership with oil workers as part of the social investment program, hometowns. gazpromneft helped volunteers get from other regions to yamal, purchased food and the necessary equipment to clean the territory. volunteers of the green arctic of gazpromneft have one big common goal: to make the world around them cleaner and better, we are incredibly amazed by the desire of these people to help nature on their own, and of course, this desire finds help and response in the hometowns program. ingelor is also home to the indigenous population of yamal, traditional reindeer grazing areas here, so the expedition is of such great importance. there is a lot of trash, yes, a lot of it, especially metal from geological exploration, and it bothers the reindeer because they can get hurt.
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the expedition will not be able to clean up the huge ingelor, volunteers will come here again to clean up the remaining trash. more than a thousand tourists have already visited the ingelor nature park this year, and many more people will come here in the future. this is the kind of ecological expedition that is just right for this will contribute. yamal is becoming cleaner and more comfortable. it is important to preserve the unique arctic nature of this beautiful region. anastasia ponko, maxim bragin, sergey zabarov and tatyana klepcha.
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arkhangelsk region, since our guys have built several objects here at once, including the cultural center, which is located right behind me, we were here in may, thanks to the arkhangelsk builders, the building of the institution has been seriously transformed, the guys are great, well done, they have done a great, very great job, they have made us a roof, repaired, repaired the gym, well, not even as much
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as repaired, probably. you could call it that it was built anew, the guys tried very hard, were very worried about everything, and we are very, very grateful to them. very soon the cultural center will open its doors to residents, and the arkhangelsk builders will continue working in zaporozhye. georgy gudim levkovich, alexander kuznetsov, especially for gtrk pomorye, zaporozhye region. mom, why do we need these letters? for a fairy tale. in the three ninth kingdom, in the three tenth state.
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we will take on this matter, it will be...


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