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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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in terms of the dynamics of natural population growth, we are currently in seventh place, life expectancy last year was 77.1, this is the fourth indicator in the russian federation, the target indicator by the thirtieth, we want to reach 80 years in 5 months of the current year, natural growth, if we take, is 1167 people plus. last year
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the birth rate per thousand of the population was 11, in the russian federation take 8.7, that is, here too we have positive dynamics, the mortality rate last year decreased by 18%, infant mortality also decreased from four to 3.6 per thousand people, which is very positive for us, this is the absence of maternal death.
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10% of payment, what we, where we work, this is in the budgetary sphere, during, also from this august 1 also made an increase, if we take, then the trend has been maintained for the last 3 years to increase the real income of the population, and the first quarter, also our real income of the population increased by 106.5%. if we take exactly what
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500,000 rubles and more, this is relevant from september 1, twenty-four, all large families will be reimbursed for their payment in preschool institutions, parental payment, so-called, if you take it in money, it turns out per month from 1,500 depending on the municipality to 1,700 rubles per month per child. we are also taking other measures, which, in order to strengthen support. with children, as the most important resource for sustainable development, of course, of the republic, we see here, this is the realization of human potential, namely through the education system, through the upbringing of a socially responsible individual, we assign a key role here, as i said, to education, in the republic today very serious work is underway to improve the infrastructure of educational institutions, on september 1 alone
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, children will go to new schools, six new schools, and six have been overhauled, if we take students, that's 41,000, and in general in the republic on september 1 123,000 children will go to school, 13,700 of whom are first-graders, this is 1,500 more than last year, accordingly, there were issues here specifically with the staff... teachers, we, taking into account, well, let 's say, the aging of the staff, need 150 teachers annually, but together with the ministry of education of russia, a program has been developed, today powerful work is underway in this direction, the first results are already there, for the first time this year we have teachers under 30. more than
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teachers over 65, and here the work continues, and regional payments are provided to teachers who trained prize winners, winners. today 20 educational institutions of this kind, 10 of which are regional, we literally, if we take ninth grades, half of the ninth grade students chose blue-collar jobs, and if eleventh graders, then every third, we increase the target
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indicators annually by 5%, but we believe that we need to move a little more actively here, we have prepared a project. we ourselves have certain areas that are not being used today, and we wanted to create a serious campus there specifically for specialized vocational education, these are five institutions under one roof, let's say so, we want to start a common infrastructure, where more than 5,000 children will study with us. now we are basically working on these issues from the ministry of education, i would also like to ask here to give an order to work on this issue, if such opportunities exist in general, i say again, we have positive dynamics in all areas,
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but once again i want to sincerely thank you for today's visit for the support that you provide, i know that now... they just talked about the issue of social, demographic nature, i know that a pleasant joyful event has also happened in your family, a grandson was born, i want to congratulate you, i want to wish all the best, health, well-being to all your loved ones, and of course, first of all to the mother and child, i am sure that this ... will continue to strengthen your family, your example, the example of your loved ones will also influence this entire important component in the republic and in our country,
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it is good that this area of ​​demography is developing in our country, we will continue to deal with issues of obstetrics, motherhood, childhood, we will continue. the program of construction of modern medical institutions in this direction, so i congratulate you, all the best, thank you very much, these were shots of the working meeting of the president with the head of the kabardino-balkarian republic kozbek, during which the socio-economic results of the region's development and the implementation of investment projects were discussed. as part of the working visit to kabardino-balkaria , the president visited a horticultural farm, the enterprise has existed. since 2007, specializes in the production and processing of fruit products , primarily apples. this season they plan to collect about 10,000 tons. the farm's gardens are located in two districts, the total area exceeds 200 hectares, this year they will plant another garden of 40 hectares. yes, can
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you tell us briefly? i am a resident of this settlement, in the twelfth year. we decided to plant a garden, the first garden of 30 hectares was planted and after 2 years it turned out that the need arose, the demand arose, we increased the gardens to 200 hectares, in your recent years, in general, eight times, today we have 26,500 intensive and super-intensive traces, i think last year i read the references, there was a record of half a million.
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another message: in the osu they lost more than 450 servicemen in the area of ​​responsibility of the west group. the eastern group took more advantageous positions , the formation of two brigades of the ukrainian armed forces was struck. another message is duplicated: the settlement of novgorodskoye was taken under control in the new york buyouts in the dpr. we are closely monitoring incoming messages with reference to the ministry of defense, we will return to this topic on our air. as soon as new details will appear. the verkhovna rada of ukraine has adopted the law in fact.
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the league is one of the nuclear, therefore, value bases on which the russian world is actually built. it is already known that the verkhovna rada at the meeting on august 20 will have on the agenda the issue of banning the canonical orthodox church. speaker ruslan stefanchuk says that the decision to ban or allow canonical orthodoxy in ukraine will be made by some experts. true, there is a bonus: religious institutions that do not pass the examination, actually, it is obvious what kind of institution this is. will be able to sue. those religious
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organizations that exist in ukraine, which are suspected of collaborating with the russian orthodox church, will be subject to a corresponding examination. and the experts will say whether there are signs of affiliation. if there are such signs, then a decision will be made to terminate the activities of these organizations. public organizations have also reached out, they are literally competing in who will speak out against canonical orthodoxy in ukraine earlier and more harshly. the sectarian ocu assumes that it will attract orthodox believers to itself, but so far this is not working out well: the ocu does not have a large flock, there are not enough priests in the greek comelavki, orthodox churches have already begun to close, they are not needed, and the european black market is filling up with icons from these closed churches. zinadi kurbatova, anna pogonina, vesti. the crew of army aviation, last night struck the personnel and heavy equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the border area of ​​the kursk region. helicopters. 28 eliminated targets with guided anti-tank missiles, the advance of the ukrainian military column was
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stopped. all the latest information from our special correspondent stanislav bernwald. the 810th marine brigade of the russian armed forces destroyed another enemy column the day before, western equipment was destroyed, western armored vehicles, well, a large number of manpower were suffered by the enemy, who tried to break through. deep into the territory of the kursk region, our marines are being helped by aviation, our artillery is helping, which is unfortunately smashing the enemy on the approaches to the kursk region. the region is not allowed guys, carry out rotation for ukrainian militants, that's how it should be, nevertheless , in the border areas the situation is still tense, the evacuation of civilians continues there, almost 100 temporary accommodation points have already been opened directly in the regional center, they are also opening in neighboring regions,
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all volunteers work here, and administrations, both city and regional. unitary goods come from all regions, including russia, every day, hundreds of tons are unloaded for residents who have been evacuated, we provide food assistance nutrition, hygiene, hygiene for adults and children, and children's nutrition, in addition to this, we also focus on rehabilitation tools, our department is mainly doctors, so this is close to us, we understand how to consult a person, what kind of help can be provided to him from a medical point of view, in addition to the fact that representatives of the red cross are engaged in ... such humanitarian issues, medical, of course, first of all, but they also help in the search for relatives, people who were separated during evacuation, this also happens, and there are many stories when happy, thank god, stories when people find each other, but unfortunately, there are missing persons, those who have not yet been found, here is a huge
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amount of work carried out by representatives of the red cross, there is a service for restoring family connections. there is a hotline where you can call to leave a request, and also in a personal key you can come talk to our specialist, who will collect the application surname name patronymic, where the last time we have already met directly with the authorities, we will try to look at the lists of residents of the temporary accommodation points. stanislav bernvalts, sergey soldatov, vesti kurskaya oblast. volunteers from the dpr are helping residents of the border area, as the head of the people's republic denis said. are participating in the evacuation, people have to be taken out under fire and attacks by enemy drones, risking their lives. unfortunately, and there are already losses, two of our volunteers, heroic volunteers, and during the evacuation, and just residents of the glushkovsky district, unfortunately, came under enemy shelling and died. but the guys
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before they died managed to. provide assistance in the evacuation of more than 300 residents of the kursk region, that's why of course we discussed these issues, discussed safety, well of course it was possible to evaluate the mood of the guys, the mood is quite active, because yes , there is a loss, but for the sake of the guys, of course, we need to complete our work and of course, each in his own direction to achieve victory. including within the framework of her volunteer activities. menodorona published footage of the destruction of a command post of a warehouse with weapons and ammunition of the ukrainian armed forces near the settlement of glukhov in the sumy region. the strike was carried out at night from a su-34 fighter-bomber. the pilots used bombs on universal planning and correction modules. according to the data, the explosion killed representatives
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of the command and rank-and-file personnel of the forty-seventh separate mechanized brigade. 35 settlements. according to him, ukrainian troops fired more than 220 shells and 33 drones at civilian targets. with details from the region olga kurlaeva. in general, the night passed in belgorod and the belgorod region calmly, here in shebekino there were arrivals, as local residents note, possibly cluster munitions. fortunately no one was hurt at night, it was from this shelling that housing was damaged, that is, two apartment buildings, and cars were hit by shrapnel, however, it is unsafe to be in the city in the shibekinsky region, accordingly, it is also unsafe, because barrel artillery and mlrs are working, and there is also high drone activity, and if we talk about
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yesterday, then according to preliminary data, if you count... everyone who sought medical help at the hospital due to drone attacks, there were five people, five civilians, and the local authorities, the regional government and personally the head of the belgorod region are simply asking, already begging, to leave the unsafe border areas and wait out these days in temporary accommodation points, those who waited until the last minute, they now understand how much they risked their lives. they see perfectly well, because drones fly endlessly, we already so wise, we know what bells, what drones, you go and look down, up a woman. tells about how a drone chased her when she tried to go into a store, we will definitely tell and show her story, it is very indicative, she held out until the last, until
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, in fact, burning fragments flew into her apartment, this is a quote, moreover, now she is taking people out of the border area, this is the graivarovsky district, the krasny yaruzhsky district, five settlements are closed, entry is prohibited there, civilians... buses are simply unacceptable, so we will discuss this issue with the ministry of defense with the border service with the russian guard and make only a balanced
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decision without risking the lives of our children. the issue is complex, but we have no other options. yes, they really do recommend leaving the settlements that are adjacent to the border, which are constantly under fire, after all, do not risk your life for the sake of your pets and for your gardens, because all this will return later, here is life , no, for residents, for those who decided not to return to such territories, they distribute housing certificates, you can already receive them, and they also build housing using these housing certificates, or you can find an apartment in a safe area, so over the past week , 31 families from the grayavoronsky district have already received such housing certificates, such money, this has become possible, and due to the fact that the state of emergency has become federal , that is, funding has improved. olga kurlaeva, sergey shchept, belgorod region. now a short advertisement, and we
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it had been torn apart.
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fadeeva was almost completely submerged, all nearby houses and basements were flooded here, and people move at their own risk so as not to accidentally fall into a manhole. here and vitaly nikolaevich, complaining about the repair of the storm drain system, went to the market to buy the most necessary things, he says he hasn't yet made it by boat for food, gas cylinders now, there is no electricity at home, since yesterday evening, we need to cook something, now you should buy boots, yes , there are boots at the dacha, i have everything at the dacha. i took everything to the dacha, there is usually rain there, but here there was nothing like this, i don't know, they are counting the losses from a powerful downpour and the business of the sellers, so far one task is to rake out all the water from the stalls. most of the sports market today forced to take a day off, pavilions are half under water, and as the locals joke, there is a real swimming pool here. the recent rain literally gave vladivostok a water park, in a couple of minutes social networks were bursting with similar videos. an apartment building was almost washed away
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by streams of water, people cleaned up the water in any way they could. water also entered public transport. traditionally, an area in the pogranichnaya area was flooded, people managed to ride sups there, get stuck. work to eliminate the consequences continues around the clock mode, but already on thursday the elements may hit the edge again, a tropical storm is moving directly. victoria samusyeva, alexander kazantsev, vesti primorye.
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