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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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dear friends, i suggest you watch the reruns of our besagons from the lot. besagon tv collection, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings.
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and now it's time for economic news: the price of gold for the first time in history exceeded $ 2,500 per ounce, according to bloomberg, since the beginning of the year, the precious metal has risen in price by more than 20%. thus, the market reacts to a possible reduction in the interest rate in the united states. in addition, demand is affected by growing geopolitical risks, including tensions in the middle east. analysts believe that by mid -2025, an ounce of gold could cost. 85% are purchased by india and china. monthly revenue reaches $ 3 billion, which is almost 2 million barrels per day. a similar situation with coal, 45% is purchased by beijing, 18% by new delhi. also in the top five largest importers are turkey, south korea and taiwan. american states - these are
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technical specialists of the telecommunications conglomerate at&t, they accuse the employer of unfair labor practices, the union said, the company put at risk workers without using proper protective equipment, it itself denies the accusation and says it seeks to reach an agreement with employees through negotiations. ukraine's expenses for servicing the state debt for the first time last year... in 2022, the figure was at the level of $ 196, this is reported by news with reference to un reports ukrainian statistics. costs have increased despite the debt holidays that the g7 countries granted to kiev 2 years ago. as of june 2024, ukraine's state debt exceeded $ 150 billion. this was news economy. briefly.
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what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, it may help on apep. it helps to restore memory and attention. on apep, so that the head works.
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of installment. the escape of the main suspect in the explosion of the northern streams. provoked disagreements between berlin and warsaw, the wall street journal writes. according to the newspaper, a ukrainian named vladimir left poland in july by car and went home. according to sources, german authorities were alarmed by the fact that polish prosecutors refused to arrest the man. privately, one of the polish officials told his colleague from germany that the suspects should be rewarded. according to the german side, warsaw deliberately tried to disrupt the investigation. last year , the republic's authorities refused to provide the recordings. video surveillance from a yacht that could have been used to deliver explosives to the pipelines. joe biden passed the torch of leadership to kameli haris. this is how the american media assess the first day of the democratic party convention. the vice president spent only 2 minutes on stage, but the head of the white house gave
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a long speech. in it, he praised himself for strengthening nato, lashed out at trump said that the united states is at a turning point in history. however, it was not without stutters and disconnected sentences. as noted.
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harris addressed biden, but he did not hear her, the head of the white house was not in sight, although he had definitely reached chicago by this time and even managed to touch it. she will win, why? her country has had momentum since the candidate changed. we also
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see hundreds of thousands of new voters who have registered. and what about donald? what about him? i prefer not to talk about him at all. but there are few such reserved ones here. trump on the trash beats a simple english rhyme, the owner of a parody cap in the style of a magician. and then they are still on the republican.
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news from chicago. and now footage from
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vnukovo airport in moscow at the invitation of the chairman of the russian government mikhail mishustin , the premier of the state council of the prc arrived on an official visit. licen will be received by russian president vladimir putin. it is also planned to hold the twenty-ninth regular meeting of the heads of government of the two countries. special attention will be paid to expansion.
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space. china is the largest. cooperation in industry, agriculture, nuclear energy and
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for the first 7 months of this year, bilateral trade should continue to grow by 1.6%. china has overcome various difficulties and has maximally provided for demand on the russian market. moscow has become the largest supplier of crude oil in china, natural gas, timber, fertilizers. more than 60 types of russian agricultural products are exported to our country. the people's front purchased and handed over to the fighters svu.
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any help is needed, humanitarian, financial, material for our comrades in arms, it is more important than ever in the most difficult moment for them. i was at the svo from the very beginning, when everything was just beginning, and there was no such thing as me sitting and making a decision whether to go or not, it was well... without thinking, i was already there, i am a doctor, providing medical care at the stages of medical evacuation, i taught the svo to value life. the chairman of the board of directors of morgan stanley international was among those missing after the yacht crash near the shores of sicily. this is what the british
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media writes. jonathan bloomer is considered a close friend of multimillionaire michael lynch, who was also a passenger on the ship. they, as well as several other people, are still trying to find. the media call lynch the british bill gates for his influence in the field of high technology. however, the last 12 years have been overshadowed by litigation with the us authorities. they accused lynch of criminal conspiracy and fraud. it is noteworthy that 2 days before the tragedy off the coast of thalia, lynch's former partner, who is passing through the same case, got into an accident. today it became known that stephen chamberlin has died. 25 tons of water spilled at the fukushima 1 nuclear power plant. this happened inside the reactor building of the second power unit. what is the current situation with the radiation background in the coastal waters of japan and russia and how is tokyo's controversial initiative to dump untreated coolant directly into the pacific ocean being implemented. maria valieva will tell you the details in the "science question" section. the uncontrolled dumping
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at fukushima is a new leak of radioactive water. 25 tons spilled. according to data. the tepka company, which services the emergency nuclear power plant station, nothing got into the environment, but can you trust such a statement. the emergency occurred on august 9, but the information leaked to the media only 5 days later. an abnormally low water level was recorded in one of the control tanks of the reactor cooling system. it is difficult to say whether it actually got into the ground or not, because the japanese themselves do not yet know where this water flowed to. they say that most likely it is in the basement of the station, but again, the basement is not intended for storing there water, so in any case it can be absorbed somewhere, or if there is some damage in the basement itself, it can leak into the ground, or it can get directly into the ocean, because well , the station is on the coast, only after inspection by special robots, they
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can provide information about where this water went, and this is not the first such incident,
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by a country or one regulator, naturally, there are more risks. another incident at sfukushima has once again raised the issue of international control over discharges of radioactive water. let me remind you that the disaster at the nuclear power plant occurred in 2011, when a tsunami caused the power supply system to fail . nuclear fuel melted in three of them, and the fourth was damaged by hydrogen explosions. ocean water was subsequently used to cool them , and over 1 million tons of it had accumulated over 10 years. the storage tanks, here they are in the pictures taken by roscosmos, are now 95% full. therefore, after the iaea report in july last year, it was decided the decision to maximally dilute the polluted water. into the ocean, it, according to the international agency, is cleared of hazardous substances and contains only the third radioactive isotope of hydrogen. the third contains one proton
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and two neutrons, it is unstable and decays in a period of 12.3 years. this is precisely due to the fact that it has two neutrons. the third has always existed on the planet and a natural third is formed. is formed in the atmosphere during the interaction of cosmic rays with elements of the atmosphere, well, for example, with nitrogen and with oxygen. russia, for its part , is closely monitoring the radiation background in the pacific ocean. in mid-july , the scientific vessel academician oparin returned from a large expedition. for more than a month, our scientists explored the western part of the water area, starting from the akhodsky and japanese seas, and then moved east of the land of the ascendant.
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we will see the situation, so where to look for it, more than 90 stations, that is, more than 90 points where we collected water samples, russia has reasons to worry, from the focus, the water is directed to the east, along the main branch the kurashio current at a speed of 1.5-2 m/h, and then interacting with another north kuril current, it is directed from north to south, it seems to cut off the possibility of radiation penetration into our waters. but not everything is so simple in the area of ​​two currents there is a large number of closed eddies, contaminated water can accumulate in them and then be thrown to the north
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by the kurils, where the russian fishing zone is located. it is quite clean here, with the exception of one such eddy that captured water, you see, many red markers, along main branch of kurasivo, it accumulates, so in these separated in... which in the area of ​​pure, so, water of the subtropics, suddenly such spots appear, with a high content. the final results of the study will be known in 6 months, so far only interim results have been summed up. analysis of twelve samples showed that the highest value of 0.73 units or 0.84 per liter was recorded in the main branch of kurasivo.
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well, now let's get back to the program, the question of science: this brings very little peace of mind consumers, considering that this water area is one of the largest in east asia for catching a wide variety of fish, and these fish varieties are used for japanese cuisine, for example, and for korean cuisine, but naturally for china as well. the most important thing, considering the mixing of water, considering the direction of the flows, there will not be a single country that would not be affected,
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indeed, even seems to reassure. maybe in total small doses, small, small, and they accumulate in some bioorganism, for example, in fish, accumulate, and as practice shows, literally anything can happen at fukushima , for example, tritium water spills out of storage facilities, even just like that , what will happen if, for example, strong tremors occur in the area of ​​the nuclear power plant, japan is constantly shaking, because it is located at the junction of four tectonic plates, in the zone of the pacific volcanic ring of fire, which is why up to 90% of all earthquakes are recorded here and
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gloomy forecasts about the future of fukushima are heard from all sides, chinese scientists, for example, in general, they claim that under certain conditions, in 4-5 years , the entire northern pacific ocean may be polluted , but the specialists of the international agency listen only to official tokyo. magat is very afraid of being somehow involved in international scandals, i will remind you that such scandals did happen, they were connected with the iranian,
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not freedom of conscience, the ukrainian parliament adopted a law on the project, allowing the canonical orthodox church to be banned in the country, when will it come into force and what will happen to parishes? challenge rejected harris declined to debate donald trump.


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