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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 20, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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started not the assault, when they were taking over, he led 17 children into the boiler room, he himself was shot, and he still managed to throw them out the window, i didn't run up, ivan konigi, beaten here, a physical education teacher, a good man, like this, they also made his name now, a sports boarding school about football, here is a network, theoretically, there are seven to it, five, six,
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these were shots of president vladimir putin's visit to the memorial center on the site of school number one in beslan. well, we return to the conversation with the philosopher alexander dugin, he is in direct contact with studio. alexander gelievich, i apologize once again for having to interrupt the conversation before...
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in the war, if we understand what we are talking about, between what civilizational layers the clash is taking place, and what is being decided now in this special military operation in ukraine, we would simply absolutely get all the resources, the last ones that we have, we would give everything, including our lives, our loved ones, in the name of our victory, we simply still cannot fully realize the scale of that... the real fate of the world is being decided now. dasha on the verge of using nuclear weapons, she felt this very acutely and subtly and that is why she said that in these conditions, in such a situation, everyone can pay for victory, but she shows, look, it is not even just glory, you will say, it is glory, but it perished. for this, we, our people, are dying for this,
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we are everything, we pay for these statements, these thoughts, these guesses, these revelations, and these insights, the essence of the world process is not paid for with our lives, this is not blood, not water, the pain that is felt in the heart of a father, mothers who lose their children, especially a daughter, a very young grandfather, these are not simple things. we must understand what is at stake, if we realized now, then how important victory is for us, we would say, everything is not a pity for it at any price, neither full mobilization, nor full dedication, giving oneself to this sacred struggle, well, you see, the enemy is already on our territory, he has penetrated the kursk region, he is capturing, destroying, subjecting to repression, the civilian population, we are in a critical situation, we simply do not have none, none - additional resources
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for retreat, everything we have must be thrown into the fire of victory, as my rain did. aleksanevich, if you allow me, one more. i will ask you a question that directly concerns the information picture of today, here in ukraine they made a decision to actually ban the canonical orthodox church, how do you assess these actions? well, this is exactly what shows the ban on orthodoxy in ukraine, it shows the true face of the force with which we are fighting, we are fighting the devil, without god we cannot fight the devil we will win, this is not a conventional devil, this is not a metaphorical devil, this is not just demonization of the enemy, this is actually the denouement. world history, look at what is happening in the middle east, look at what moods are eschatologically absorbed in american society, and pay attention to how technology is progressing, machine, how the replacement of man by machine, artificial intelligence, all these are
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unconditional signs of the end of times, the ban on the russian orthodox church in ukraine, the ukrainian orthodox church, this is one of the elements in this... through, because orthodoxy is true christianity, orthodoxy is the tradition that has preserved to the maximum degree the fidelity to the original tradition, fidelity to christ, and we russians and we are going through such trials, because we are the bearers of this orthodox faith, ukrainian orthodox, they also turned out to be victims, hostages of this struggle, in fact, with the real antichrist, look, the opening of the olympics, for this opening...
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of life, the military way of life, we are the fronts, the rear, there is nothing else, therefore now in no way in this case, we cannot save our efforts, we all need to get involved in understanding the historical moment in which we find ourselves, take personal responsibility for ourselves, and we have the resources for this, if we realize what the meaning of this war is, what are our real stakes in this war, because on the scales is russian history, not only our future, but even our past, because if we retreat , everything, our past will be stolen, humiliated, trampled, we are fighting not only for our future, but for our past, well, naturally, if we lose both, russia will simply cease to exist, the question is whether our people,
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our state, our tradition, our civilization, our culture will be or not, and any price can be paid for this. aleksandrevich, thank you for your comment, thank you for taking part in our broadcast. let me remind you, we spoke with a philosopher. this is not the first time antonina has rented out her cozy apartment on avito real estate, so she knows how things will turn out. avito real estate, rent out where they are looking. yur, would teach that... useful to bring rubles, or what? rubles bring us a debit card vtb, cashback up to 25% rubles, choose the necessary categories of cashback get plus one category for transferring vtb from other banks, replenish every month, set up auto-replenishment conveniently free, pixel
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street journal writes about this, according to the newspaper a ukrainian named vladimir left poland in july by car and went home. according to sources, the german authorities were alarmed by the fact that polish prosecutors refused to arrest the man. one of the polish officials privately told his german counterpart that the suspects should be rewarded. according to the german side, warsaw was deliberately trying to disrupt the investigation. last year, the authorities refused to provide cctv footage from a yacht that could have been used to deliver explosives to the pipelines. morgan stanley internation, chairman of the board of directors, was among those missing after the yacht sank off the coast of sicily. this is reported by the british media. jonathan bloomer is considered a close friend of multimillionaire michael lynch, who was also a passenger on the ship. they, as well as several other people, are still trying to find. the media call lynch the british. bill gates for his influence in the field of high technology, but the last 12 years have been marred by litigation with
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the us authorities. they accused lynch of criminal conspiracy and fraud. it is noteworthy that 2 days before the tragedy off the coast of italy , lynch's former partner, who is involved in the same case , got into an accident. today it became known that stephen chamberlin, that's his name, has passed away. the irkutsk aviation plant is preparing for serial production of the 20th century's mainline aircraft. russia will become the first country where all systems of a modern airliner will be domestically produced. when the aircraft will appear in the sky and how the russian aircraft industry is developing, a special report by taras kucherenko.
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irkutsk aviation plant 10 ms-21 aircraft are already in the final assembly shop and almost everything is there. the second stage is already testing in the sky to pass certification. initially, the ms-21
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designed mainly with foreign components. today, the ms-21 is essentially a new aircraft, compared to what was created at the beginning. the engine, avionics, most of the systems, all of this had to be produced by the largest international corporations. now the parts and components were manufactured. in russia, and much was improved as production facilities were created. now it's time for serial production. foreign enterprises already had production sites and good. experience in manufacturing, but to make it in russia, they would have to invest additionally huge funds, it would have taken many years to design the parts, manufacture a production line, train workers, so they ordered from foreign companies, in the conditions of the modern market, when the competition is won by the one who offers a technological product cheaper and faster, such a decision was justified, but
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sanctions intervened, now the pace of assembly of machines will be determined by the supply of import-substituted components by the end of next year, well, the final testing of the aircraft will begin, we will assemble these machines in parallel with testing. the irkutsk aviation plant has already received a preliminary order for the delivery of 270 aircraft, in order to build such a number of aircraft, here it is modernizing production sites, without waiting for serial launch. the assembly line, which we have today, allows us to assemble up to three aircraft per month.
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the aircraft is a competitor to the most popular models in the world. airbus a320 and boeing 737. the maximum flight range is more than 5,000 km, the passenger capacity is up to 211 people. moreover, since the ms-21 was created from scratch, many technologies that were already used by foreign aircraft manufacturers were improved, unique ones were designed that were superior to foreign ones. for example, this is a composite wing. it is produced at factories. ulyanovsk and kazan, created because of the russian material, it turned out to be long and thin, because of this the wing has the best aerodynamic properties in its class, thanks to this it was possible to increase the fuselage of the airliner. the fuselage of a larger diameter allowed, firstly, to cure the passages by two, 2.5 inches against the a320 boeing 737, this is a slightly
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wider seat, these are more convenient shelves for placing cargo. the increased passage, firstly, allows two people to pass at the same time to ensure the highest quality of the aircraft assembly, and therefore its safety, an automatic positioning system was installed in the assembly shop, it allows you to perfectly fit a part or make a joint in a short time, while additional equipment is needed at a minimum, such technologies speed up the assembly of the limer, preventing errors, by the way, many... the solution to how best to assemble an airplane, to make this process faster and easier, is suggested by the workers themselves, designers often listen to their advice. for example, we increased the thickness of the fittings, these are butt elements with the help of which the elements of the structural-power scheme are re-joined, airplanes, which means that the fasteners were unified in
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many ways, this allowed us to simplify production, increase the speed, the rate of production, well... work on improving the airplane is constantly being carried out, this is a complex technological process in which any, even the most minor adjustments are checked thoroughly. the planes are only identical in appearance, the whole point is that based on the results of tests , changes are introduced into the design of the planes, and the planes, so to speak, are launched in series, a series has one. the next series has small differences, the next series even smaller differences, for example, for all these design changes it is necessary to develop technological documentation and support production so that these design changes are implemented. the production at the irkutsk plant is uniquely arranged at the highest technological level. almost all the equipment for the ms-21 project was
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custom-made. assembly begins in this workshop, the very first stage. this is the preliminary assembly of the aircraft superpanel panels, what makes them unique, we carry out assembly in a single frame, which is used in all sections of the ms-21 aircraft, these are six sections, we can assemble all six sections in one panel, superpanel assembly is carried out there, that's how once they hang, is used. with the help of rolling robotic trolleys, transportation station askm, the work of highly hermetic connections is performed. bol rivet connections rivet connections. in january, the government approved the investment project for the creation of civil
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airliners. its implementation will ensure the production and release of more than 600 aircraft for russian airlines until 2030. 270 are ms-21, 1442 airliners are superjet-100. this is a narrow-body aircraft intended. foreign cooperation, but it is necessary to understand that from the very beginning the airframe of this aircraft is the most important intellectual component, which actually determines the difference between the so-called hardware and the final product, it
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has always been russian. today , more than 160 superjet stone aircraft are in operation, they have flown more than a million hours, transported tens of millions of passengers. sanctions also affected its production. production was temporarily stopped after foreign companies refused to supply parts. and components, the import substitution program began long before the introduction of unprecedented sanctions, it began in 2019, at the moment the program is in the final stage of experimental design work, this is already the testing stage, and as a rule, at this stage serial production of the first aircraft already begins, we have a very tight schedule not only for certification, but for the start of serial deliveries, so the first serial machines are already being assembled. at our production site in komsomolsk-on-omor. now in there are more than 15 aircraft in the final assembly shop, most of the system parts have already been replaced. if
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you count in pieces, then the overwhelming percentage is almost three nines after the decimal point. the thing is that, as i already said , unlike, by the way, well-known foreign aircraft, our beloved, in quotes, boeing airbus, here the superjet from the very beginning the entire carcasslan was completely designed. was manufactured in russia. i constantly remind you that for the boeing the wing is made in japan, part of the physique compartments are made in europe, here the ubasa wing is made in the united kingdom, individual fuselage sections are made in germany, and separately made in italy. the capacity of the komsomolsk-on-sea plants allows for the production of up to 70 superjet-100 aircraft per year, while it is planned to manufacture about thirty, so the safety margin is large, considering that it is interesting. the liner also has foreign airlines, the task of making a machine from russian systems so that the passenger will not notice the difference. i want to remind you that
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today in its class of jet aircraft capacity superjet remains the best offer in terms of passenger comfort, both in terms of living space for each passenger, and in terms of the volume of luggage space provided, this is also ... shelves, this is the volume of luggage compartments. the design of russian parts and components is carried out in parallel with the creation of production facilities for their serial production. at the same time, in order not to waste time, the systems are tested in the sky on the plane and certified if all tests are successful. superjet 100 has just landed, having been in the sky for 2 hours, during this time test pilots checked the operation of russian systems, which
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replaced foreign ones, the flight today went perfectly, today the performance modes for checking radio communications at maximum range and with various... we will still show this special report on the air, now footage from the government coordination center. dear colleagues, good afternoon, today we continue a series of strategic sessions, today we will consider issues of developing industrial potential for the implementation of the set tasks to improve transport mobility. this is one of the significant areas of the comprehensive work that we are now...
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business and personal travel, and with comfort at affordable prices, so that businesses have sufficient funds for more efficient transportation of goods, and here for this it is necessary to build up our own competencies and production capacities, to ensure full technological sovereignty in the relevant segments and sectors of the economy and industry. only in this way, in the conditions of unprecedented sanctions pressure, it is possible to qualitatively update the existing fleet of equipment. modern domestic developments will help to reliably connect the territory of our large country, which will contribute to the growth of the quality of life of citizens and the increase in the stability of the russian economy as a whole. the president and the government pay increased attention to the development of all types of transport, air, water, rail, automobile. thanks to the construction and modernization of infrastructure, transportation is growing dynamically, new routes are opening, well, it is decreasing.
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ways. the industrial complex also plays a significant role in these results. in the first half of the year , the growth of production in the manufacturing sector was 8%. moreover, the production of passenger cars increased by 2/3, diesel locomotives by almost one and a half times, freight cars by 40%, and buses by about 20%. in order to accelerate the creation of breakthrough technologies, their implementation in such sectors, it is extremely important to increase the attractiveness. transport industry for investment using public-private partnership mechanisms. first of all, we proceeded from this when preparing national project, which will be launched next year. it will be based on new approaches to the creation of high-tech products, and i will dwell on the priorities of this project in more detail. one of the key areas that we plan to support within the framework of a separate federal project is
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aircraft and helicopters. this building the head of state has set the task of significantly increasing the number of domestically produced airliners by 2030 their share should be at least half of the fleet of russian airlines. we are talking about a wide aircraft lines from small regional to wide-body aircraft with materials, onboard equipment, engines, components of our own domestic developments. much work remains to be done in terms of increasing. serial production of helicopters in order to fully meet the forecast indicators and needs of non-russian companies. we have all the necessary resources for this. we will finance the production and purchase of aircraft for this, including with the involvement of funds from the national welfare, actively use tools to stimulate demand for new equipment, including assistance in creating an after-sales service system. the next
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important area is the construction of ships for various purposes, marine equipment and related accessories, with special attention to the production of icebreakers for year-round navigation along the northern sea route. russia will intensify work on the formation of a civilian fleet that will be able to solve the entire range of tasks, including ensuring the removal of export cargo. taking into account modern challenges, we are currently completing the update of the shipbuilding industry development strategy. the updated goals will help fulfill the president's order to increase transportation along international transport corridors; over the next 5 years, their volume should increase by one and a half times compared to the 2021 level. the production of innovative transport can give a significant boost to the development of our territories. this is another federal project that is being formed today. by decision of the head of state, in this year, construction of high-speed railways has begun.
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will require the involvement of a large number of qualified specialists, over the next 6 years, the total need of enterprises will amount to about 150 thousand people, including almost 75,000 employees with higher education. the system of professional training should be based on such requests of industries, we will build its effective work within the framework of the fourth federal project of personnel provision.


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