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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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long-awaited news from the domestic world.
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remained for a long time without a permanent leader, general director, tell me what this appointment means to you and what tasks do you see before you? yes, apparently, eduard nikolaevich, does not hear me, hears our editorial group, i hear, i hear, i hear everyone, you hear everyone, tell me, yes, then i want to congratulate you again and tell me what so for you this appointment, and what are the main tasks? 100 decades,
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so for me this is an important stage of my life, and you ask about plans, yes, what are the main tasks, first of all the task is to make films, to continue what has already been started before me, and to develop filming, this is the main task of the len film studio, share your plans for the near future, what, how and where are you filming, right? of course, we have finished part of the filming, sukha island, this is a war film, we continue filming, we have finished filming the fantasy sorceress now this stage of post-production of the film
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is finished post-production stage, we also have documentaries as they end, so in the launch, now we are launching another new project, on the twenty -seventh filming begins, gandhi was silent. on saturday, so our life is in full swing, our projects, joint ones, in this regard everything is very busy for us. in your opinion, in what condition, including financially , is the studio now? well, uh, i would like to say that we will look at the financial assessment and condition based on the results of this year, for the current at the moment we have no problems with salaries, or with paying taxes, or with financing films, and we would like, of course, to separately. thank you very much, to both the ministry of culture, which supports us, and the committee on culture of st. petersburg, so for now everything is going smoothly and calmly for us. here in your track record of work in media structures, in the duma committee on culture, what skills are required today for the head of
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such a large film studio as lenfilm? first of all, stress resistance, i think, as everyone us, so working at a major film studio is no different from working at a major production, of course, here you have to solve many problems at once, and the main thing is to find a common language with all the people, yes, thank god that at landfilm the core of people has been preserved, with whom i am very happy to work, and this is truly the pride of both the industry and landfilm, we manage to find this common language, of course, for six months i performed the duties of, as they say, yes director... so a common language works out and the people are wonderful, you know, these are special people, a special film studio, so i hope that they treat me the same way as i treat them, as far as the technical base is concerned, you have already partly touched on this topic, but nevertheless, is there a need for some kind of update, modernization, well
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, an update, probably is always needed by everyone , no matter who you ask, everyone would like something newer , better, in general we have a sufficient set of everything that is needed for the entire process. we can accommodate, receive film crews, provide them with offices, and also provide them with full-fledged pavilions, which are currently full 100%, i wish i could talk about this, i’ll repeat it again, we have launched an editing and dubbing complex, it’s wonderful, sound, so we are basically self-sufficient, from the point of view of the tasks that you set for yourself, first of all, these are economic tasks or creative ones, you know how it is here, probably... one cannot be separated from the other, but naturally the priority is to shoot a film, because a film studio is alive when it shoots, it’s like an airplane, it’s alive when it flies in flight there, yes, and so are we, that’s our task to shoot a film, you said that you make films , including on military themes, and
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what genres do you think are in demand among russian viewers now, and i think genres are in demand, probably, as always, uh. it’s impossible to say just one thing, accordingly, it’s also some kind of entertainment, everything, everything that is connected with patriotism, everything that is connected with, how can i choose the right word, with love well, with the right way of life, and therefore diversity, it has always been and linfilm has always been distinguished by its school. content, let's call it that? you know, it seems to me that it doesn't need to be replaced, we are self-sufficient, and i'll repeat once again, yes,
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we have enough of our own plots, stories, and heroes, in general, by and large, i 'm looking at the research, now there's been a very big surge, well, over these 2-3 years , a lot of. films and tv series are being filmed, you yourself probably notice how the quality is improving, you notice what kind of views people go to the cinema on streaming platforms, so i think that we don't... sergey krovtsov. he is with the working visit to the altai republic. today, the minister,
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together with the acting head of the region andrey torchak, inspected the school. they agreed that they would first reconstruct the building, and then build an additional building so that children could study in one shift. t-bank joined the alliance in the field of artificial intelligence together with its other participants to focus on the development of new research and education in this area of ​​ai. among the immediate. plans is the preparation of the russian school team in artificial intelligence to participate in international competitions, joint training of teachers. the alliance members also presented the results of the first intake of undergraduate students at the central university of the first stem university in russia, the peculiarity of which is the unification of science, technology, engineering and mathematics to create a unified approach to teaching. that is, we, as an employer, understand that the mechanism is correct, but there is a shortage of personnel, then we need to try to get involved in the education system, starting from school,
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university, it is quite possible that i think, the next stage will somehow form some more such state standards of what specialties there are, what skills need to be developed, how from what classes or from what courses, t-bank itself is the fruit of competition, it is competition that sets the development of the product, there processes, well, in general , business, in the end it benefits from this. as a consumer, therefore we are definitely open in this part - competition, the artificial intelligence platform is just a platform where we can as competitors to each other each other to strengthen themselves, it is very cool , that in the alliance there appeared - another very strong, very powerful, very cool financial institution, of course, a very important topic was raised today by tebank, this is everything related to education, now economic news, briefly. russian banks are reducing the number of branches in 7 months as
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part of optimization there were 600 fewer, the third of them are sberbank offices, the businessman reports with reference to the central bank. more and more clients prefer to apply for services online, so the sberbank application 82 million people use it monthly, while the bank is expanding its presence in new regions, where 47 branches were opened. russia can export 50 million tons of grain this year, such a forecast was announced by the head of the ministry of agriculture oksana lut. at the same time , the wheat harvest may be less than the expected level of 86 million tons. as for the grain harvest as a whole, it will amount to 132 million tons, despite difficult weather conditions. renewable energy sources may occupy 2% of russia's energy consumption structure by 2030, by 2035 three, the report says. renewable energy development association, the forecast includes solar, wind, small
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hydroelectric power plants, as well as biogas and geothermal power plants. last year, the share of renewable energy exceeded 1%, generating more than 13 billion kw. more than 17,000 people are striking in nine us states, including tv technicians. they accuse the employer of unfair labor practices, the union said the company put workers at risk by not using proper protective equipment. at&t itself denies the accusation and says that it seeks to reach an agreement with employees through negotiations. that was economic news, briefly. i thank leila alnazarova, and now we move on to the reports from the ministry of defense, the military department has released footage of an air strike on a concentration of ukrainian military and equipment in the border area of ​​the kursk region. the su-34 destroyed
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the target identified by reconnaissance using aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. having made sure that the target was hit, the crew returned to airfield. do business with sber. open a free sber-business card, connect to the sber loyalty program. thank you, get 10% cashback in bonuses for purchases with the sberbusiness 7.2 card, installments plus 24% cashback on everything. huawei headphones for only 3,999 plus installments without overpayments. happiness begins where we think not only about ourselves. and it always comes back. to take care of loved ones, a deposit in the banks of the russian federation house with a rate of 19% per annum, cashback -
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uncontrolled discharge on focus, new leak. according to the tepka company, which services the emergency nuclear power plant, nothing got into the environment, but can such statements be trusted? emergency happened on august 9, but the information leaked to the media only 5 days later, an abnormally low water level was recorded in one of the control tanks of the reactor cooling system. it is difficult to say whether it actually got into the ground or not, because the japanese themselves do not yet know where it leaked, they say that most likely it is in the basement of the nuclear power plant, but then again, the basement is not designed to store water there, and therefore in any case it can be absorbed somewhere, or if there are any damage in the basement itself, it can leak into the ground, or it can get directly into the ocean, because well , the station is on the coast, only after
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inspection by special robots, they can provide information about where... it was initially quite suspicious, but nevertheless, it does not accept help from any countries, and when actions are carried out only
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by one company, country or one regulator, naturally, there are more risks. another incident at the nuclear power plant fukushima has once again raised the issue of international control over radioactive water discharges. let me remind you that the disaster at the nuclear power plant occurred in 2011, when as a result of a tsunami the power supply system for cooling the reactors failed, the nuclear fuel melted in three of them, and the fourth was damaged by hydrogen explosions. subsequently , ocean water was used to cool them, which has accumulated more than 1 million tons over 10 years. the storage tanks, here they are in the pictures taken by roscosmos, are now filled to capacity 95%. therefore, after the iaea report in july last year, it was decided to maximally dilute the polluted water into the ocean, according to the international agency, it is cleared of hazardous substances and contains only the third radioactive isotope
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of hydrogen. the third contains one proton and two neutrons. it is unstable and decays with a period of 12-3 years. this is precisely due to the fact that it has two neutrons. the third has always existed. on the planet and is formed natural screams are formed in the atmosphere when cosmic rays interact with elements atmosphere, well, for example, with nitrogen and oxygen. russia, for its part , is closely monitoring the radiation background in the pacific ocean. in mid-july , the scientific vessel academician oparin returned from a large expedition. for more than a month, our scientists explored the western part of the water area, starting with the akhodskoe and japanese seas.
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some emergency situations will occur, we will see, therefore, where to look for it, more than 90 stations, that is, more than 90 points where we collected water samples, russia has reasons to worry, from fokusimo, water is directed to the east, along the main branch of the kurashio current, at a speed of 1.5-2 m/h, and then interacts with another north kuril current, it is directed from north to south, it seems to... cut off the possibility of radiation penetrating into our waters, but it is not that simple. in the area of ​​two currents, there are a large number of closed eddies, contaminated water can accumulate in them and then
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be thrown to the north, to the kuril islands, where the russian fishing zone is located. it is quite clean here, with the exception of one thing such a vortex that captured the water, you see, a lot of red markers, along the main branch of the kurashio, it is heated. l recorded in the main branch of the kurashio, 36° north latitude, near the southern kuril islands, this is tens of thousands of times less than the radiation
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safety standard, the value of which is 80,000 tritium units. in fact, this brings very little peace of mind to consumers, given that this particular water area is one of the largest in east asia for catching a wide variety of fish, and these fish are used as... for example for japanese cuisine, as well as for korean, but naturally, for chinese. the most important thing, given the mixing of water given the direction of the flows, there will not be a single country that was, would not be affected. indeed, even the seemingly calming results of the expedition's work are not calming at all. the mechanisms of the spread of tretya in the ocean are not fully known. meanwhile , tepka plans to dump radioactive water for 30 years, and it is unclear how all this can further affect the biosphere. perhaps, in total, small doses, tiny-tiny, and they
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accumulate in some. organism, for example, in fish they accumulate heavily, and as practice shows, it can happen, literally anything can happen at fukushima, for example, tritium water splashes out of storage facilities even just like that, what will happen if , for example, strong tremors occur in the area of ​​the nuclear power plant. japan is constantly shaking, because it is located at the junction of four tectonic plates in the pacific volcanic ring of fire zone, namely... that is why up to 90% of all earthquakes are recorded here and volcanic eruptions in the world. and here, as confirmation , warnings about increased seismic activity have been spreading across the japanese archipelago the other day, and the country is being scared by, quote: a mega-earthquake, of magnitude eight, or even nine. there may be various emergency situations, there have already been leaks, which were reported in the press, i think, in february, there may be more. some
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emergency situations. the position of magate does not add any peace at all. gloomy forecasts about the future of fukushima are coming from all sides. chinese scientists, for example, are generally they claim that under certain conditions in 4-5 years the third one can pollute the entire northern waters of the pacific ocean. but the specialists of the international agency listen only to official tokyo. iaea is very afraid of being somehow involved in international scandals. let me remind you that there were scandals, they were connected with iranian nuclear production, with pakistani, and with many others, and it became clear that iaea , to put it mildly, is not quite an independent organization, which it should be according to its charter, and that is why iaea does not want allow uninterested countries, or more precisely countries directly interested in solving the problem. magat itself has turned into a very bureaucratic organization, which
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is easier not... memorable date in russian military history. august 20, 1914, the battle of gumbinin. russia defeated the german army in the battle of gumbinin, now the kaliningrad region. the russians, under the command of general ranenkamp, ​​inflicted a crushing defeat on the enemy in the first battle on the eastern front of world war i. the germans were forced to transfer troops from western front. their advance on paris was thwarted.
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this event in facts, artem yamshchakov is in the studio, that's the main topic today. vladimir putin is in kabardi in balkaria, where he visited a fruit growing and processing plant, and also honored the memory of those killed in beslan.


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