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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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the russians under the command of general ranenkamp inflicted a crushing defeat on the enemy in the first battle on the eastern front of the first world war. the germans were forced to transfer troops from the western front, their offensive on paris was disrupted. this is a big information evening. they entered the battle straight from the march, how the marines of the 810th brigade scattered the enemy on the kursk border and gave nato equipment a run for its money. another target of the ukrainian armed forces, pensioners from sudcha. the seventy-five-year-old woman has already undergone three operations to the tune of those killed by ukrainian fascists, civilians are going to dozens.
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the russian defense ministry promises, we will avenge everyone. ukrainian sypso is trying to feed the audience a pill of infolzhi. they show how the vsu allegedly distribute canned meat to residents of the kursk region. it's just strange that they have a ukrainian in the main role. air defense from the first vice. our fighters have put an unusual method of destroying enemy heavy drones on stream. launders money stolen in russia in the united states. the prosecutor general's office has the right to seize the businessman's shares in elite real estate abroad. what money did he use to get it bought and how much more he hid in offshore accounts.
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the situation for the ukrainian armed forces is catastrophic, heavy fighting is going on along the entire front line, today such a harsh verdict on the kiev regime is being delivered by none other than a professional russophist, columnist for the bilt newspaper, yulian röbki. let me remind you that earlier he had in every possible way embellished the situation of the ukrainian army in the dpr, but now he is forced to admit the de facto inevitable defeat of the militants in the toretsk agglomeration, and in other areas. in addition, similar narratives can be traced in a fresh article by financial.tymes, and what is important here is it should be emphasized that both german and english propagandists are placing special emphasis on the fact that the enemy is paying such a price mainly for its adventure in the kursk region, since it was there that supposedly elite reserves were sent, which theoretically could have at least somehow strengthened the defensive lines of the junta in donbass, but instead they went on a suicidal raid across the border, where they very soon encountered the real elite of the russian armed forces and realized that any weapons were useless against our guys,
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including the widely advertised western ones, who specifically from the russian fighters put the enemy in its place, i am ready to tell show yegor grigoriev, yegor, hello, hello, alexey, well, our marines are burning nato equipment non-stop, well, not only burning what was left, they take it as trophies and it works now, of course, on the side of good. they were given the command to redeploy to the kurdish direction, the march happened at night straight into battle, the enemy path. broke through with armored vehicles hardly imagined a head-on clash with ours marines, it looks something like this: one apc at point-blank range dismantles two ukrainian vehicles at once. storm detachment dshb, respectively , they met them. at the beginning of the village , four units of equipment were destroyed from rpg7 and disposable pipes, a btr-82a with a thirty-gun direct fire began to work on the equipment, respectively. four vehicles were taken
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as trophies, two strikers, one cowgar , one canadian rorschell senator. the marines organized an ambush, it is clear, the sky was taken under control, drones were raised, strike, minus armored vehicles. and we launched them straight to ourselves at a distance of 150-200 m. right up close, because the closer the enemy is to us, the.
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the life of the outsider will be saved, we looked at the three-hundredth, not the three-hundredth, examined, gave water, cigarettes to eat, treated very well, did the black sea marines 810 offend you? artillery leveled entire village streets, as a lesson, but it was these militants with mortars, small arms who fired indiscriminately at peaceful houses. destroy the enemy most prepared, who received training in britain, the eighty-second brigade and the eightieth, this is an airborne assault unit, so our marines 810 unwind them there in full , and they are surprised by the equipment,
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each has a gas mask, each has specific tasks, prisoners say that they were ready to go on a course to, so , kurchatov in order to arrange some provocations there. our soldiers, of course, did not allow provocations, an entire company of the elite of the armed forces of ukraine saved against two squads of marines, the fighting spirit is the experience of our fighters, this is what the commander of the assault squad with the call sign baluu thinks, he has been in the svo since the first days, they have set up a large training ground here, these people who are in washington or wherever they are, they decided to try to influence us with someone else's hands, like... they themselves analyze this, they try to replay, but they still can't do anything, because - our people have such a spirit that you don't understand what to expect from them, you look into the fighter's eyes and you don't understand what to expect from him, could he the enemy should expect this picture:
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burnt nato equipment along the roadsides, militants intoxicated with russophobic dope found peace in the cornfields. we blocked this road for them, unwound the equipment. infantry, the infantry dispersed in the corn, in the plantings, yeah, later groups were assigned, they carried out rpd, everything was cleared, the enemy was destroyed, carried out, cleared , the enemy was destroyed, simple and dry even phrases for our marines from the 810th brigade - this is a normal job, to stop an enemy tank, to catch an attack drone, to defend the homeland in in general. yegor grigoriev, you are invincible marines. vladimir putin arrived this evening for the third time in a day in the north caucasus region. following kabardino-balkaria and north ossetia, he is visiting the chechen republic. as reported by ramzan kadyrov, the head of state has a very
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busy program planned for the trip. well, the footage of the president's arrival at the grozny airport was published in his telegram channel by the author and host of the moscow kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. the chechen republic in this presidential helicopter. russia putin, for the last time in he visited the chechen republic 13 years ago, and throughout all these years, of course, he received regular invitations to come to the republic to see how it had changed, and now helicopter board number one is landing in grozny. earlier today. putin laid flowers at the memorial cemetery of the city of angels in beslan, and also visited school number 1, where on september 1, 2004 , terrorists took hostages during a ceremonial assembly, more than a thousand schoolchildren, their parents, and teachers remained in captivity for 3 days, and 334 people died man. on the eve of the twentieth
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anniversary of the terrible tragedy, the president met with mothers who lost their children in beslan. report by alexey golovko. this place is known to every resident of north ossetia and all of russia, the city. on each grave here are different dates of birth, but almost always one date of death, september 3 , 2004, then a homemade explosive device went off , the militants began to simply kill the tortured hostages, adults and children
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, special forces from the alpha and vimpil detachments went to help people, the monument to the fallen soldiers is made in like a child's toy covered with a bulletproof vest. and this building became a symbol of the suffering and courage of the hostages, it was here that the terrorists drove everyone who came to the ceremonial ceremony on september 1. the assembly at the school, the sports hall of beslan school number one almost 20 years later, here you can physically feel how much pain and suffering these walls absorbed during those terrible 3 days the terrorists took more than a thousand people hostage, killed hundreds, including 186 children, a crime that has never been seen in north ossetia or in our entire large country they will not forget and will not forgive, all the exits were mined here, explosives were hanging on the basketball hoops and under the ceiling in a small area, people without water,
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in memory of those terrible days they always bring water here and of course they remember the heroes who saved the hostages at the cost of their lives and went to the rooms. full height, ours also stood up, although they could not have stood up, went to their own, there were courageous people among the workers of school number one, he was our cattleman, when this assault, what is not an assault, when they were taking over, he dared to go to the boiler room a man had children, he himself was shot, and he fucked them through the window, he still managed, they ran away, ivan konegi, beaten here, a physical education teacher, a good man, such a one. we are also making a boarding school for sports about football in his name now. every day, not only
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residents of beslan come here to honor the memory of the victims, people from all over the country come here to honor the memory of the tragedy. when i just entered, it immediately felt like these walls were pressing on you with tears. it's very scary, especially when you have your own children. vladimir putin met with the mothers of beslan on this day, that's the name of the organization uniting relatives of the victims of the terrorist attack. a terrible terrorist attack. we sometimes say, you know, such words: you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy, but our enemy, he’s different, he’s not like us, although they seem to have a head and hands, but we know very well that from abroad they tried not only to justify this terrible crime, but provided the terrorists with all kinds of assistance, both moral, ethical... political, and informational, and financial,
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and military, but when i talk about the moral and ethical side, then these people, of course, have no morals, no morality, yes, we are seeing this now, in my opinion, in real current life, from the outside we see what they themselves are doing there, but these people have no, in fact, no morality, no ethics, there are... only their interests, we seem to have known about this for decades and centuries, but it is impossible to get used to this, of course, this tragedy will certainly remain an unhealed wound in the historical memory of all of russia, well, and for those who suffered, for you, for your families, for those who lost the most precious thing a person has,
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accepted to the flight school, the main thing for me is to finish my studies now so that i can be considered
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a pilot, and then it's a matter of luck, maybe they'll assign me to the 235th air squadron, or maybe they'll tell me to go work in the north, i don't know yet at the moment, but i'm ready for anything, yes, in another class young naturalists learn to breed various biocultures and plants at any time of the year, we work with non-transparent microbes, it's interesting, very interesting, here they see them as... the training center was created on the instructions of the president and is financed by the north caucasian development program federal district at a meeting with the head of north ossetia.
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i love you, vladimir vladimirovich, can i have a photo. so, north ossetia received the president. alexey glovko, yana streblyanskaya, maria radimova, nikita korneev and semyon shabchenko. vesti beslan, vladikavkaz, republic of north ossetia. during a meeting with
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relatives of the victims of the beslan terrorist attacks , vladimir putin emphasized that the fight against terrorism for russia continues. the head of state. crimes of neo-nazis in donbass and navorossiya and recalled that, just like 20 years ago, the enemies of our country have nothing it will work out. as for those opponents of our enemies, they continue this work with an attempt to destabilize our country. this is obvious, and just as we fought terrorists, today we have to fight those who commit crimes in the kursk region, in... in donbass, in novorussiya, but just as in the fight against terrorism, we have achieved our goals, we will achieve these goals in this direction in the fight against neo-nazism and will certainly punish the criminals, there can be no doubt about this, hands are tied, eyes are covered with colored tape, all attempts
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justify themselves with the most pathetic demonstration videos from the russian military with two captured ukrainian militants who participated in the attack. now they bitterly regret that they agreed to this sortie, one asks to exchange him for the one who gave the order and sent him to die for nothing, the other thanks the russian armed forces for the reminder that the fascists near kursk will be defeated in any case, just like in august of forty -three, well, both are already asking for forgiveness in chorus to all residents of the region, we ask for forgiveness, we ask for forgiveness in all of kursk areas, what we brought here, what we here, what we came here. such disorganized apologies, but on the one hand they may well be heard, however, it is unlikely that the residents of the russian borderland will sincerely accept such repentance, the vsu soldiers felt too free and unpunished before meeting with russian defenders, starting from shelling obviously civilian objects to targeted hunting for civilians, eyewitness testimony will come varvara nevskaya, varvara,
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hello, hello, but those who managed to escape from the fsu's fire have something to tell. conditionally, these testimonies are the basis for initiating several criminal cases at once. they were leaving sudzha in two cars - seventy-five-year-old galina samborskaya, her husband, and a family friend with his wife. before they could leave their own street, a burst of machine gun fire rang out at them . the pensioners were being shot at precisely by a monster from the armed forces of ukraine. he fired at the first car like at a shooting range, hop, on the way back. we drove up to us, he fired higher at the first car, lower at us, the first car drove away at high speed, we were surprised why this... abandoned our friend, it turns out, in that car, his wife was killed immediately, she only repeated twice i was hit, i was hit died.
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the shot-up car, with a punctured tire, the wounded pensioners repaired with improvised means, just to get to the nearest populated area. galina's trousers, right down to her socks, were covered in her own blood, later the military doctors, who were the first to provide assistance to the woman, explained that the bullets had torn. the woman has already undergone three operations, one more is ahead: galina's husband miraculously escaped injury, in total, since the attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the kursk region 146 people were admitted to the local hospital, 23 with mine blast, shrapnel and bullet wounds, still undergoing treatment, one of them, pyotr balakhin, came to the border from moscow to evacuate his mother and grandmother. the shelling was similar to or a small-caliber machine gun. like from a machine gun, yeah, they shot at the car, well, at the ground, there were a lot of shots, they injured my leg, well, a through shrapnel wound
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, i have a fracture in the fibula, another victim of a direct hit was nikolai volodko, his dump truck, transporting rubble, targeted ukrainian drone, severe injury, man needs skin transplantation of the entire right-wing country. body and such an explosion, all this panel flew off, my eyes went dark, well, i was deafened, well , i have burns here, third-degree shrapnel wounds, well, they have already removed the bandages, god bless the doctors here, but i still hear poorly about the concussion, and here is my ear, all this was all burned, it seems as if the main target of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk borderland was not russian calculations capable of giving the enemy a serious rebuff, but... unarmed civilians. last week , the ukrainian nazis killed volunteers of the people's front providing evacuation with a targeted missile strike in the glushakovsky district. working in
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frontline areas, we often come across stories when the ukrainian armed forces fire at civilians, volunteers, and their cars. the ukrainian armed forces hit their cars with a direct strike. two guys from the dpr were killed. they were driving a regular car, not a military one, they did not pose any threat, they were just helping people. the facts of reprisals against civilians are also confirmed by the special forces commander akhmat. in the horrific footage that the military has at their disposal, defenseless people are shot point-blank. in addition, the vsu does not hesitate to use the most vulnerable residents of the kursk region as human scavengers. they find an orphanage there. the children themselves settle on the first floor, drive the children and teachers to the second floor, make
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a shield for themselves on the second floor, exactly the same picture, along the entire perimeter where they entered. extreme inhumanity, seasoned with off-the-scale cynicism, has become the signature style of the ssu. however, the nazis will not be able to remain unpunished. the russian defense ministry has already stated that every victim will be avenged. varvarnevskaya and kiev nonhumans. and just today the situation in the russian borderland was discussed in detail at a meeting of the coordination council for military security of the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions. it was chaired by defense minister andrei belousov, according to whom all issues related to providing the group with cover for our borders are being resolved promptly . close interaction between russian federation and responsible regional administrations, commanders of troop groups in three subjects , heads of the central apparatus
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of the ministry of defense. for each task of the coordinating council in the ministry , an official is determined who is responsible for its implementation within 24 hours. i want to emphasize this. if it is impossible to solve the problem at your level, the information is communicated to ... he deftly handles the controller, as befits an experienced drone operator, however instead of hitting targets on the ground, it looks for them right in the sky, this is a very interesting material from the collection about the drone driver of one of the russian volunteer battalions, who, as they say, organized a real hunt for heavy enemy copters, known to the general public under the name of babagas, well, in general, the destruction of such uavs is almost always a priority for our fighters, since due to their high... lift they can carry several explosives at once , or rather produce several explosive drops at once and in general it is extremely dangerous, but if earlier they were shot down mainly with small arms,
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now ours... how effective is this method? let's try to figure it out with the help of vadim zavodchenko. vadim, hello ! good evening! apparently, everything here depends solely on the skill of the drone operator. not only, alexey, the key here is the coordinated actions of the entire unit, in the best traditions of domestic aerobatics. uav operators are mastering air ramming, an unusual way of destroying large enemy drones. the footage shows combat work battalion alania, and a drone operator with the call sign jumbo tells about his first ramming. active assault operations were taking place in our direction, the enemy, using his bird, dropped mines.
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they are sent to intercept ukrainian birds from a distance of 5-10 km, sometimes several interceptors are needed to defeat one baba yaga, one may not detonate, but most of all, success depends on how quickly the bird can be detected, everything depends on the speed, the bavoiga, the height, where it is, at what height it flies, it is necessary notice in time, because it is... it
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flies over forest plantations in a greenhouse, the forest plantation is displayed in white, like the babaega itself, it is difficult to detect it there. of course, ramming is practiced not only by fighters from north ossetia, videos of this unusual maneuver began to appear on the network in the winter of 2023 and every month there are more and more of them, mainly heavy enemy drones like "baba ega" are intercepted in this way. however, there are cases when other uavs, including aircraft-type ones, were shot down with a direct strike. by itself the task is not difficult, the same baba-ega, heavy, clumsy and slow compared to fpv, accelerating to 120, and sometimes to 150 km / h. another time to get all the necessary information in time for interception. for
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this, coordinated. work of the entire unit and the exchange of information between the operator and the scouts is needed, the main thing is that you, so that the pilot is helped, that's what i want to emphasize, so that someone pointed you at her, told her coordinates through some kind of bearing spv drones, they fly on analog video, that is, very bad picture, you have to know where to fly, you have to be told the height, everyone should help you then you will shoot it down, it is easy to shoot it down, because well, it is slow-moving, it is such a cuttlefish swimming in the sky, if you are a drone... you fly in, your drone is 30 cm in diameter, and diagonally, for example, yes, you fly in, you are not touching just one propeller, you are touching everything, there is no option, without any chance to even escape, this drone will fall, it is necessary to shoot down large drones, baba iga is not a specific uav model, this is what they call large agricultural uavs with six or eight engines, they pull a huge weight, more than 10 kg, so they are capable of inflicting.
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share there a camera, all this, take it away, workshop, all this will be moved to another, that is, the debris is also reused many times, and how can one not note the continuity of generations here, it was russian aeronauts who came up with such a thing as an air container?


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