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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the program of the working trip to the north caucasus, kavardina balkaria, north ossetia and the chechen republic in the evening. in grozny , the president met with the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov. in addition, vladimir putin visited the russian university of special forces and held a meeting with volunteers who are preparing to be sent to the special operation zone. details in the article by anastasia efimova. as long as there are such men, we are absolutely invincible. the president's words addressed to the volunteers who will soon.
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we meet, you accept difficult it is very pleasant that we are now with you a decision, one thing here is honor, and another thing is to risk your life, but you have an internal. need to protect and courage
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to make such a decision, if you made such a decision, then you have already won. russia is a multinational, multi-confessional country, but all peoples at all times were united by love for the fatherland. the president also recalled this during his trip to the chechen republic, which he began in the kurcheloevsky district, in the ancestral village of the first head of the region. to the grave akhmat. khadzhi-kadyrov vladimir putin laid flowers shared personal memories of a man, quote, very decent very devoted to his homeland. very talented, very decent, devoted man, devoted to his small homeland, big homeland, and of course, a real man very courageously, very important enough, real to understand, did a lot.
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bilateral meetings of the president with ramzan kadyrov. vladimir putin drew attention to the reduction in unemployment and by the end of the year it is planned to make it even less. and, of course, chechnya, together with the entire country, is doing everything possible to achieve the goals of the special military operation. the republic is actively participating in the special military operation, from the very beginning we have sent more than 47 thousand fighters to the sfv zone, including about.
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at a bilateral meeting with ramzan kadyrov at the university in godermes, the conversation often turned to the main thing, about faith as a unifying force of the people. decisions that can be difficult and about the victory that lies ahead. earlier, vladimir putin laid flowers at the memorial cemetery of the city angelov in beslan, and also visited school number one, where on september 1, 2004 , terrorists took hostages during a ceremonial assembly. more than a thousand schoolchildren, their parents and teachers remained in captivity for 3 days. on the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the terrible tragedy, the president met with mothers who lost their children in beslan. they have also made his name now, a terrible terrorist act that took the lives of 334 people, it is difficult to even imagine, our people sometimes say,
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you know, such words: i would not wish it on my enemy, but our enemy, he is different, he is not like...
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we will achieve these goals in this direction in the fight against neo-nazism and will certainly punish the criminals. there can be no doubt about this. meanwhile, our military continues to push the enemy out of the kursk region. over the past 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 350 of their fighters and 25
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armored vehicles in this direction, including four tanks, an infantry fighting vehicle and two armored personnel carriers. this was reported by the ministry of defense. the department specified that during the military operations the enemy had deprived there of a total of already more than 400 servicemen, and that's not to mention dozens of units of western equipment that have become a rusty pile of scrap metal. our special correspondent, stanislav nazarov, is monitoring the situation in the region. on the road in the gray zone of the korskaya oblast, there is broken nato equipment, inside there is a minimum of ammunition and provisions, the militants planned to roll into the settlement. the reserve forces deployed a tank and an armored personnel carrier. ikhovta was destroyed, four vehicles were taken as trophies, two strikers, one kaugar, one canadian rachel, a senator, a frequent tactic of the ukrainian militants in the kursk region - do not attack head-on, try to bypass our units, as they say, the hunter and the beast runs, they themselves
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entered, began to move very confidently, we launched them towards us and simply began to destroy them on the flank, after receiving aerial reconnaissance data, a soldier of 810 from ... but unsuccessfully, the calculation of the mlrs tornado s destroyed three units of equipment and up to twenty militants. those who manage to survive and surrender testify about the war crimes of the ukrainian army and the lack of logistics and
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normal supplies in the ukrainian units. vitaliy from zaporozhye was mobilized to the ninety-second assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, as a driver. very heavy losses, people are given the task of. they take people like me, they say: we need to go to the position, where do they go to the position? we'll show you the point, you go, people keep coming, i drove them. how many times no one came back. the footage that the militants themselves post online shows evidence of senseless cruelty and looting, indiscriminate shooting at residential buildings and stores, robberies, mockery of flags monuments. foreign mercenaries are not shy about demonstrating their participation in the attack on the kursk region. militants from the american pmc forward observation group posted a photo on their social media page with the note dialokoy kursk region. the group poses against the backdrop of an american armored vehicle. in
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the center of the photo is the founder of the company derrick bells, a former paratrooper acting under the guise of a documentary journalist. in the gray zone of the kursk region, in close proximity to the line of combat contact, there are mobile groups of our drone operators. glushkovsky district, environs. easy to track the position of the operator with the polt after the detection from the air of the ukrainian armored vehicle kazak equipment
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is destroyed with the help of the lancet loitering munition. the mi-28 nm crew hit a cluster of neo-nazis in the border area with anti-tank missiles. and in these shots , the su-34 destroys the enemy's fortification with guided aerial bombs. the most important target for our aviation is the reserves of the armed forces of ukraine in the sumy region at night after the strike with bombs from the control post and weapons depot of the forty-seventh separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed by a precision strike with planning and correction modules near the settlement of glukhov. the command staff and servicemen of the forty -seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces were inside. stanislav nazarov, evgeny terilenko, mikhail siberev, ekaterina bakhtova, georgy lyarev, vesti kurdskaya oblast. new troop groups round-the-clock communication. on tuesday, the head of the military department andrei belousov held
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a meeting of the coordinating council on military border security. now , individual commanders of the groups will be directly responsible for protecting the regions: belgorod, kursk and bryansk, respectively, interaction between them, regional administrations and the central office of the ministry of defense will be around the clock. not a single issue should be left without attention, emphasized the minister. of the russian federation and the responsible heads of the central office of the ministry of defense. for each task of the coordinating council in the ministry , an official has been determined who bears responsibility for its implementation within 24 hours. i want to emphasize this. in case of impossibility of solving problems at my level , information is conveyed to me personally, i
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make a decision. the operation of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region was prepared with the participation of western intelligence agencies, the usa, britain and poland, this was stated in the press service of the foreign intelligence service of russia. the material was published by the news. as stated in the sfr, the ukrainian units involved in the terrorist attack on the kursk region have undergone combat coordination in british and german training centers, nato military advisers transmit satellite intelligence data to them. august 20 was the second anniversary of the death of darya dugina, a journalist, philosopher, political scientist, and patriot of her country, who was killed in a terrorist attack organized by ukrainian special services. darya's father, alexander dugin, admitted that two years after his daughter's death, he does not feel at peace and is having a hard time coping with the loss. however, the philosopher noted that he feels...
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channels, went to novorossiya, supported our country. joe biden ordered armed us forces are preparing for possible nuclear clashes with china, russia and north korea simultaneously. this article appeared in the new york times. the publication notes that this is a new american nuclear strategy, the essence of which is
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to jointly deter, together with allies , nuclear threats from beijing, moscow and pyongyang. as new york writes. the document was signed back in march, it first talks about the us preparing for a quote: possible coordinated nuclear challenge, and the american leadership is particularly concerned causes a sharp increase in the chinese nuclear arsenal. the premier of the state council of the people's republic of china arrived in moscow on an official visit at the invitation of the chairman of the russian government mikhail mishustin. letyan will be received by the president of russia vladimir putin. it is also planned to hold the twenty-ninth regular meeting of the heads of government of the two countries, special attention will be paid to expanding cooperation in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, including the promotion of joint projects in industry, energy, agriculture in transport. also , following the meeting, it is planned to sign a number of intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents. the candidate for the post of governor
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of st. petersburg, the current head of the city alexander beglov presented his election program at a meeting of the public support headquarters. among the priority tasks for the next 5 years, the candidate for governor indicated large-scale transport projects. details in the material by ksenia yakubina. the city of fountains, drawbridges, the most beautiful sunsets. in the next 5 years are waiting for the dawn, a new life full of changes promises to st. petersburg, the election program of the candidate for governor alexander beglov. the program is comprehensive, it is aimed at the future. at the same time, st. petersburg should become a unique city. preserving its historical beauty, originality, it should become even more convenient, even more comfortable for each resident. the appearance of the city will be transformed by large-scale projects, including the second ring road, a new stage of pulkovo airport and the high-speed railway st. petersburg-moscow. it can be used to get to the capital will be reached in 2 hours, in veliky novgorod
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in 29 minutes. the city is changing before our eyes, but the most important thing is that people have changed along with the city. this is essential, the sense of taste, the culture of the city should increase along with its beauty, external, we also need internal beauty, because the city is people, first of all. make ambitious plans for the future, do not forget about the residents of the city, children and pensioners are a priority. residents of the silver age will be able to visit all city museums from september for 1 ruble, in matters of the younger generation already we can talk about the results, to eliminate the accumulated deficit of social facilities, schools, kindergartens, clinics, for us it was a challenge of that time, there was not enough funds, not enough money, and our new buildings were built at a fast pace, housing was built there, and social facilities lagged behind, in total we had 320 social facilities in deficit, 100 schools, 220
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kindergartens, in the coming year they want to open another 37 schools and 57 kindergartens, there are achievements in the health care system, a lot has been done, 150 outpatient clinics have been repaired or put into operation, 53 inpatient medical institutions have updated their bases, today alexander dmitrovich opened a new division, a new building in the city multidisciplinary hospital number two, this allows us to increase the flow of outpatients from 40 to 120. earlier , other candidates for governor also published their election programs. the green party is represented by pavel bragin, the ldpr by maxim yakovlev, the communists of russia, sergei molinkovich. last year, investors invested in st. petersburg more than 1 trillion rubles at the last economic forum with the city signed an agreement for the same amount, but these will not be simple, but smart investments, those that will affect the development of the city and
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the well-being of its residents. ksenia yakubina, sergey fodeyev, vesti st. petersburg. chicago police have stepped up security measures for the us democratic party convention. the day before , 12 people were detained for a mass brawl with police in a park, and the number of all protesters against the war in the gaza strip was at least a thousand. at the convention itself, the current president of the country joe biden and the democratic candidate for this post kamala hares. the statement of both was criticized by both american media and politicians. what went wrong? details in the report of our correspondent in the usa valentina bogdanova. the working day of the convention is built on the scenario of one big political video. the hall comes to life closer to prime time. the expectation that the speeches of the top.
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that was smart enough not to connect at this stage arose at the invitation of ashley's daughter, well, hunter, to pass the baton, as they called it, the stick, however, pulls on a whole
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log. i made many mistakes in my career, but i gave you all my strength. i was too young to be in the senate, because i was not yet thirty, too old to remain as president. some of the participants in the convention at that time. were already heading for the exit, chicago is a criminal city, it is restless at night, but it is one thing when at dusk your wallet is taken away in an alley, quite another when in the middle of the white day the presidency is stolen. i love my job, but i love my country more. all this talk about me being mad at the people who said i should resign is not true we have to save our democracy in 24 yeas a mediocre and empty speech this new york times ran over biden with caterpillars of total disdain beat your own to make them afraid joe biden should be
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the center of attention dont know why he is speaking so late but lets not forget when people applaud biden they are not applauding his legacy or his accomplishments they are applauding his withdrawal from the race, all this is unworthy, they deprived him of the presidency and honor, the way they treated him is really unacceptable. i personally would not like to see joe biden as a candidate. the list of such well-wishers includes obama and clinton. we do not
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want to give up on america, the future is already here. i would like the mothers of kamal and harris joe biden to see us, they would say: continue. kamela harris is often called the clintons' man, that is why the party vote, the results of which have not yet been published, went like clockwork, time for... much better convention speech than biden. i feel like it's going to be a great week, i want to start by congratulating our incredible president joe biden. across the hall, delegates from harris's hometown of california. i'm confident she's going to win. why? her country has momentum since the candidate changed. we've also seen hundreds of thousands of new voters register. and what about donald?
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i don't think she's a smart person, and you know what, this country needs a smart leader, i don't i consider this an insult. it's just a fact. trump considers elon musk smart, and is even preparing to offer him a post of adviser to his administration if he wins. i agree, musk responds to the ministry of government efficiency with a humorous photo. a minister without a portfolio, but with an entire x platform, on which the republican gives hours-long
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interviews. while harris continues to hide from the press. the democrats are doing everything to protect kamela. they do not allow her to give interviews, if they manage to hide her until november, the democratic machine will be enough strong enough to win the election. the one who was thrown out of the democratic machine without waiting for a formal nomination, harris, with his entire family, flew to santa barbara immediately after the speech. santa barbara continues without biden. news from chicago.
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mom, what are the letters for? a fairy tale in the 39th kingdom, the thirtieth state.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country, gas stations,


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