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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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sell out your homeland, and if not for a can of stew, then for a bottle of western soda for sure, who are you, i am a traveler, a balloonist, jean ivan, and so we go out as wives, what a fairy tale without ivan. eh, eh, what started? without deception? without flint, the villain has imprisoned me in flint, a self-written pen, magic ink, you'll get it, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it's necessary, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you to the wrong place, but you're
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a fool, you want to go where it's necessary, i can't live without travel, flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon, it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it is easy to make a fake depar.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. in the usa today , the mysterious shipwreck off the coast of sicily, where the head of the board of directors of the financial corporation morgan stanley, jonathan bloomer, went missing, is being discussed intermittently. recently, he has repeatedly spoken about the strongest recession of the american economy and job losses, and the main criticized the white house for concealing the real state of affairs. accordingly, opposition-minded conspiracy theorists have already come up with a theory that bloomer was allegedly silenced on the eve of the dim party national convention,
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from which joe biden and kamala harris tried to make a kind of showcase of their so-called successes. a report from our special correspondent in the united states valentin bogdanov. the working day of the convention is built on the script of one big political video. hall comes to life closer to prime time. the expectation is that the speeches of top democrats will be spread across the minds of americans by leading tv channels. and biden was in chicago like a bayonet, delivered to dinner on a new helicopter, which, however, will actually be used by the replacement. having walked around the hall in advance, the american president felt the podium and took aim at the teleprompter. how do you feel at this historic moment? i am very excited now, thank you. but in the end, i had to keep my excitement to myself until late in the evening. speakers replaced one another, biden was kept somewhere behind the scenes, they released him only when the potential. tv audience began
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to disperse to their beds at half past eleven, 26 minutes after the official end of the program of the first day of the convention, at which his campaign speech somehow turned into a farewell speech. wiping away tears with a handkerchief, biden appeared at the invitation of his daughter ashley, it's good that he was smart enough not to involve hunter at this stage, to pass the baton, as it were on... some of the participants of the convention at this time were already heading for the exit. chicago is a city criminal, restless at night, but it's one thing to have your wallet snatched in a back alley at dusk and... who said i
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should resign, that's not true, we must preserve our democracy in '24. a mediocre and meaningless speech, this new york times ran over biden with caterpillars of complete disdain, they beat their own so that strangers are afraid. joe biden should be in the spotlight. i don't know why he's speaking so late. but we must not forget, when people applaud biden, they applaud not his legacy or achievements. does not welcome his withdrawal from the race, all this is unworthy, they deprived him of the presidency and honor, the way he was treated is truly unacceptable. those who deprived him looked biden in the eye and connected the remaining internal reserves, pretending that this is how it should be, here is nancy pilosi, she is called the author of
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the final ultimatum to the head of the white house, squeezes out of herself a prepared chant: "we love joe." we do not want to give up on america, the future is already here, i would like kamela's mother harris joe biden saw us, they would say, go on. kamela harris is often called.
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sweden. with ukraine in nato, however, it did not work out, we ask about it those who stubbornly vote for arms supplies to the kiev regime. we look for flashes of critical thinking, but we only find this badge on the lapel. can i ask you about ukraine, russian
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television. no, i have a badge. yes, i see, that's why i want to ask, what is the future of the conflict? i want ukraine to win, i don't want a treaty. i don't want russia has acquired a part of ukraine as its property. are you against negotiations? no, i am not against negotiations, but they will be the better, the better ukraine's position in the war. if you lose, you are not in a good position for negotiations. and that means they will continue to vote for arms supplies, with both hands and both parties. are negotiations possible? it will depend on diplomats. our task is to support the ukrainian people in their struggle. columns of pro-palestinian protesters stormed metal fences. echoes of that, what was happening outside inside the hall, right
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during biden's speech, pro-palestinian democrats unfurled a banner: stop arming israel, and delegates from minnesota covered their palms in protest . and he wanted to please them so much, these protesters in the street, their words make sense, we must finally achieve a ceasefire to end this war, neither biden nor his allies intend to end the creeping civil war in america, trump is playing on a trash can with a simple english rhyme, the owner of this parody cap in in the style of a magician, and next to him senator chuck schumer is doing his solo act. what is your message to trump? you can't always get what you want. is this really about harris refusing to debate on fox news? trump offered to meet her already on september 4. no debate, no mercy for harris. why are you insulting her
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intelligence? i don't think she's an intelligent person and you know that this country needs an intelligent leader, i don't think it's an insult, it's just a fact. trump thinks elon musk is smart and is even preparing to offer him the post if he wins advisers of his administration. agree on the ministry of government efficiency musk answers humorously.
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what kind of money did he buy it with and how much more did he hide in off-sites?
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the materials of the criminal case have been received, a hearing on the merits is expected, news from the second western district military court, where the trial against the terrorist foreign agent ilya panomarev, who fled to kiev, will soon begin, the former state duma deputy will be tried in absentia on several articles at once, including for fakes about the russian armed forces justifying terrorism, since the fugitive traitor, let me remind you. calls himself the curator of extremists who, together with kiev militants, participate in the murders
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of russians. the foreign agent collects money for terrorists from the same vyruss who are trying to portray the so-called opposition to moscow. however, the financial capabilities of the russophobic relocants may be seriously damaged as a result of the actions of the russian prosecutor general's office. and a striking example is the case of agent khodorkovsky, who was put on the international wanted list. the court decision on the recovery of the fugitive has already entered into force oligarch and his business. partner of almost a billion rubles and 2 million dollars, the corresponding assets that can be seized, have already been found in the uk, well, in addition, the agent's property was found in the usa, boris ivanin got acquainted with the list of potential confiscation. foreign agent khodorkovsky launders the money stolen in russia in the usa, invests it in assets that are dirty in every sense, illiquid industrial facilities are converted into elite real estate. these are hotels, skyscrapers, office buildings, even boarding houses for the elderly. in america, there are at least 12 such
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objects. in new york, chicago, miami, there were more, some have already been sold. the fugitive oligarch controls them all through the qvadrrum group of companies. this is a ramified network of legal entities that also operate in europe, in bermuda and the cayman islands. the fact that the site is only the tip of the iceberg, the transaction amounts are often hidden from the public. however, here is a copy of the document, where you can see that the oligarch is putting money into the quadrum. fund on the island of guernsey, it is an offshore, what amounts are pumped through such dirty schemes, he does not admit even in in a narrow circle on agents. during our last interview, i asked you how much money you had left, you avoided answering, i asked 400, you said, it doesn't matter, and you unfroze another 100 in ireland, you said, well, maybe, yes, well, that's for sure, that's a mistaken story, that is, the figure is definitely different.
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we have an agreement between the russian federation and the united states of america on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, if we establish that both under us law and under our law, the acts committed the former owners of yukas are a crime
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, it is possible in accordance with the procedure established by this agreement, to send the relevant requests for... it is impossible, although the scale of the business is truly impressive, for example, apartments in new york with a view of the embankment and manhattan, the book value of this building is 126 million dollars, well, here is a hotel in chicago, only the loan for its renovation amounted to 80 million. which one is difficult for me to say now, he pretends that he does not remember, although in fact this
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is a confession that he evaded payment taxes, gigantic funds. which khodorkovsky received, they are all - received as a result of fraudulent schemes, non-payment of taxes, often direct seizure of property, corruption schemes. after dorkovsky ended up abroad in 2013, these manipulations with real estate began already in western countries, and we see that here there is a double, or even triple. deception, here is another example, an abandoned paint and varnish factory in new york, only at the last stage of reconstruction 20 million dollars were invested here, such a re-facing whitens both the reputation buildings, dubious capital. similar manipulations with the law in london through the same company quadrum, there khadarkovsky has real estate worth 126 million pounds, but it is naive to believe that there are
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no levers of influence on a foreign agent abroad. western businessmen who have fallen under sanctions know this well. according to our. dissidents, you should not count on the fact that they, having sold their homeland, have a 100% final indulgence for all the crimes they committed here and there, and as a rule, they are used in the interests of information, economic war against our country, against his homeland, and khodorkovsky has already fought with his homeland, with russia enough, he has already caused a lot of harm to our country, and then they throw it away like used material. according to the court decision, foreign agent khodorkovsky owes the russian budget over 17 billion rubles, apparently much more was stolen, if you evaluate all the dirty assets, but he is in no hurry to give back even what is due by law.
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modern domestic developments are what will help connect the territory of the country, will contribute to the growth of quality of life and increase of stability of the economy as a whole. mikhail mishustin noted the necessity of increasing attractiveness of the transport industry for investments and for public-private partnership. it is important that people have the widest opportunities
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for travel, business and personal trips, and with comfort at affordable prices, so that businesses have sufficient... means for more efficient transportation of goods, and here for this it is necessary to increase own competences and production capacity, ensure full technological sovereignty in the relevant segments and sectors of the economy and industry. only in this way, in the conditions of unprecedented sanctions pressure, can the existing fleet of equipment be qualitatively updated. construction, as well as modernization of infrastructure, increase the number of shipments, open new ones. routes reduce travel time. the industrial complex plays a significant role. in the first half of the year, the growth of production in the manufacturing sector amounted to 8%. the production of passenger cars increased. by 2/3 of diesel locomotives almost in one and a half times, freight cars by 40%, buses by about 20. further
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, the new national project industrial support of transport mobility, which will be launched in 2024, will help to attract investments in the transport sector, its structure has been determined, these are three federal projects: aircraft and helicopter construction, shipbuilding, production of innovative transport. a lot of work lies ahead in the part. we have all the necessary resources for this, we will finance the production and purchase of aircraft for this, including with attracting resources from the national welfare fund, actively use tools to stimulate demand for new equipment, including assistance in creating an after-sales service system. by 2030, the share of domestically produced airliners should be at least half of the russian airline fleet. the production
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of icebreakers for year-round navigation along the northern sea route remains a special focus. for this purpose , the strategy for the development of the shipbuilding industry is being updated. construction of high-speed railways also began this year. the production of innovative transport will give the country a significant boost. mikhail mishustin emphasized. rapid progress is noted in the electric vehicle sector, while autonomous control technologies are being improved. it is noted that such initiatives will help reduce emissions of hazardous pollutants in cities, in accordance with the national goal of environmental well-being, their volume by 2036 must be reduced, i remind you, by two times times. all this will contribute to an increase in the volume of transportation along international transport corridors over the next 5 years, it should grow by one and a half times compared to the 2021 level, we have generally recorded the main parameters for the formation of the budget
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of those federal projects that are part of the national project, including this concerns staffing, which is also very important. from the country of carriers with the capabilities of manufacturers.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collections besagon tv, while we are on top. i hope that you will be interested to remember what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of petrol stations, russian digital solutions to bring to a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal. there will be more than exactly helps the number, you are incomparably original of your questions, and what in general with production, raw materials, export, what is our product, the germans by that time had developed the tiger tank, the panther, very well armored in terms of frontal armor.
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the battle of kursk was supposed to be the decisive battle, the germans raised everyone they could to arms. the soviet command was not asleep, it understood perfectly well that this was where a strike was possible. from the very beginning, the german plan cracked. the germans could not think of any offensives due to the fact that their resources were black.
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we watch, to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, in the application or on the website.
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north ossetia and the evening of the chechen republic. in grozny, the president met with the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov, and said that he would do everything to support the chechen people in implementing plans to develop the republic. in addition, vladimir putin visited the russian special forces university and met with volunteers who are preparing to be sent to the special operation zone. as long as there are such men, we are absolutely invincible. the president's words.


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