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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale? in the three ninth kingdom , the thirtieth state.
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we will take on this case. it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. russian digital solutions will be brought to a new height. there are prospects. ours are more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal. there will be more. how exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions. and
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what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is it, our product, the ghost of communism in the usa with an unusual spelling, donald trump called his rival from the democrat, comrade...
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and talk about possible problems of small business. there are other points in the economic plan, for example, as harris herself says, it is necessary to put an end to the housing shortage within 3 years. to do this, she proposes to allocate $ 25,000 for the down payment to future owners of their first own home. for families with low and middle incomes, where the child is under one year old, introduce tax breaks. well, the third direction is to cancel medical debts for millions of americans. set a maximum cost
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insulin and reduce the cost of prescription drugs. experts remind that this is not an action yet, after all, the election promise of the coming of the principles of communism in the usa is hard to believe. but for the economy there may be serious consequences. of course, communism in the usa will not happen anyway. similar measures were introduced in principle during the presidency of franklin dela rusvelt in the thirties, forties, therefore the fundamental capitalist foundations of the american economy will not break, but most likely there will be a slowdown in economic growth, it will. the chairman of the kamel and harris campaign said that the presidential candidate will push for raising the corporate tax rate to 28%. according to him, this is a way to ensure that billionaires and large corporations pay their fair share. meanwhile, many large companies have long since begun a series of layoffs, with a record 132,000 layoffs in the tech sector in 8 months. in february, the company cysk announced
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the layoff of 400 people, but this was not enough and, as reuters writes with reference to according to anonymous sources, the company is preparing for a second wave. earlier in august. chipmaker intel announced a 15% layoff, and cnbc reports that automaker general motors may join the list. the decline in consumer demand is leading to the gradual closure of individual production facilities, and this very rise in unemployment, the sharp jump in unemployment that we saw in statistics last month, is precisely one of the key indicators, for many and... is a signal of a recession, in my opinion point of view, today the economy is in such an unstable equilibrium, at any moment it can, of course, swing into the negative. the large telecommunications company at&t faced another problem, in nine us states more than 17 thousand
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employees are on strike. the union accused the employer of being unable to negotiate in good faith, and the boiling point occurred at a not very cloudless moment for the country's economy. the report, which is above literally 20 days ago - showed an increase in unemployment by 4.3%, which is significantly different from the forecast values, accordingly the market reacts to this negatively, and we have seen the weakening of the dollar against the main pairs, the growth rate of gdp, and we also see a difference between the forecast values ​​of e. and real forecast values ​​were greatly overstated, reality shows the growth of the economy of the ovp much slower, about 1.3%, which differs by almost two times, expectations of recovery
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of economic growth in the us do not correspond to reality, as it became known, in the event of a victory of kamal and harris, gerry gentzler, who is now takes up by... a year ago he already stated that this market - quote - is teeming with scammers and fraudsters.
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family mortgage was extended until the thirtieth year, but the terms of the preferential program have changed, who exactly can get a loan at a low rate, what amount under what conditions, we will tell you in 5 minutes in our program. well , let's start with the fact that the age of the child is now limited to six years inclusive at the time of... the mortgage agreement, excluding families where a child with disabilities is being raised. these requirements apply in all regions of the country, but there are territories where a preferential loan is also available to families with two or more minor children over 6 years old. they can purchase housing in certain 35 regions of the country. why
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is there a low volume of housing construction in these regions or are individual development programs in effect? ​​the program applies to this list. regions, which is determined by the government, now these are 35 regions, the list of these regions is on the website domr, you can always check whether the selected region is suitable or not for you, can you purchase real estate there with with the help of the family petek program, and also families with two minor children from 7 years old can buy housing in cities with a population of up to 50,000 people, but not in the moscow and leningrad regions, the number of residents. and is taken according to data as of january 1 of the previous year, while a mortgage for the purchase or construction of an individual residential building can be issued in any region. let's see what is generally available under the family mortgage? well, firstly, the purchase of housing. you can buy an apartment in a finished or under construction
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house from the developer under a shared participation agreement or purchase and sale. the same applies to a private house, including in a townhouse. it is allowed to buy an apartment or a house from a closed-end equity investment fund. also from the territory development fund or the moscow housing renovation fund. secondly, you can borrow money to build your own house. mandatory conditions involve the contractor using the s. skrow account for payment, while the loan can include the purchase of a land plot. all of the above is the primary market housing, that is, new buildings, and does family mortgage work on the secondary market? yes, but rather as an exception, families with children, disabled people, can use the program to purchase brown housing, in an area where there is no new housing under construction, and this data is taken.
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what amount can be obtained on a family mortgage and at what interest rates? the rate has remained unchanged up to 6% per annum, the initial payment is not less than 20% of the cost of housing, the maximum loan amount at a preferential rate of 12 million rubles for moscow, st. petersburg and moscow, as well as leningrad regions and 6 million rubles for other regions. well, if this is not enough, the loan amount can be increased, but the missing rubles will have to be made up at the market rate offered by the bank. you just need to contact the bank and say that i need a loan amount greater than 6 or 12 million. here we have a limit of 15 and 30 million, respectively, for a. all regions 15 is the maximum loan amount that can be taken on a family mortgage and 30 million is for
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capital regions, now more than sixty banks operate under the family mortgage program, and therefore you can contact any of the banks, even several banks in order to compare the offer and choose the most advantageous one. since december 23, twenty-third year , the rule is in effect: one preferential mortgage in one hand, those who took out a loan later can also apply for a family one, if two conditions are met at the same time. the first condition is that the previous mortgage is closed , the second condition is that you must have a new one child. in all other cases, the program, no matter whether you took the far eastern mortgage, you took a rural mortgage, you took a family or preferential mortgage, while it was in effect, respectively, if you have already taken at least one program, then use another program. you no longer have such an opportunity, well, let's repeat the most important thing: the family mortgage has been extended, the loan
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agreement can be concluded until december 31 , thirtieth year, while the terms of the program have become more stringent, the age of children is limited six years inclusive, families with two or more minor older children can also take advantage of preferential mortgages, but only in 35 regions with a low level of housing construction in cities with a population of no more than 50 thousand people... when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but hit yourself on the head,
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you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you , a fool, want to go, where you need to go, he doesn't need a pen, who has tinder in his pocket, eh, what started, flint, i can live without traveling, soon! uncontrolled discharge at fukushima new leak of radioactive water, 25 tons spilled. according to the company tepka, which services the emergency nuclear power plant, nothing got into the environment, but can such statements be trusted? the emergency occurred on august 9, but the information leaked to the media only 5 days later. an abnormally low. water level was recorded in one of the control tanks of the reactor cooling system,
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it is difficult to say whether it actually got into the ground or not, because the japanese themselves have not yet know where this water actually leaked to, they say that most likely it is in the basement of the nuclear power plant, but again the basement is not designed to store water there, so in any case it can be absorbed somewhere, or if there is some damage in the basement itself, it can leak into the ground, maybe even get directly into the ocean, because well the station is on the coast, only after inspection by special robots, they can provide information about where this water has disappeared, the first such incident there were others in february of this year, for example, as a result of an emergency 5.5 tons of radioactive water got into the environment, but international observers were not allowed to the accident site, they said they dealt with it on their own , take my word for it, now the same thing, dehydration of those tanks where contaminated nuclear water is stored, in this regard,
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of course, even the japanese cannot yet say exactly why this happened, but basically it is... apparently some kind of accidental again leak, somewhere something depressurized and water poured out of a special container. japan does not allow anyone to fukushima, it was initially quite suspicious, but nevertheless it does not accept help from any countries, when the action is carried out only by one company, country or one regulator, naturally, there are more risks. another incident at the focussima npp. once again raised the issue of international control over the discharge of radioactive water. let me remind you that the disaster at the npp occurred in 2011, then as a result the tsunami caused the failure of the power supply system for cooling the reactors. three of them had melted nuclear fuel, and the fourth was damaged by hydrogen explosions.
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ocean water was subsequently used to cool them, of which more than 1 million tons had accumulated over 10 years. tales for... here they are in the pictures taken by roscosmos, now 95% full. therefore , after the iaea report in july last year , it was decided to dilute the contaminated water into the ocean as much as possible, according to the international agency, it has been cleared of hazardous substances and contains only the third radioactive isotope of hydrogen. the third contains one proton and two neutrons, it is unstable and decays. period of 12.3 years, precisely because it has two neutrons. the third has always existed on the planet and is formed, a natural third, is formed in the atmosphere when cosmic rays interact with elements of the atmosphere, well, for example, with nitrogen and
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oxygen. russia, for its part , closely monitors the radiation background in the pacific ocean. in the middle. okhodsky and the japanese seas, and then moved to the east of the land of the rising sun, where, according to preliminary forecasts, it could be carried from the focus. our task now was, firstly, to show what kind of triti it is to the east of japan in the area of ​​the current, in the area of ​​these eddies of jets, which on...
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the kurashio current at a speed of 1.5-2 m/h, and then interacting with another north kuril current, it is directed from north to south, it seems to cut off the possibility of radiation penetrating into our waters, but not everything is so simple. in the area of ​​two currents there are a large number of closed eddies, contaminated water can accumulate in them and then be thrown to the north, to the kuril islands, where the russian fishing zone is located. it is quite clean here, with the exception of.
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considering that this water area is one of the largest in east asia for catching a wide variety of fish, and these fish are used , for example, for japanese. cuisine, as well as for korean, but naturally, for chinese. the most important thing, considering the mixing of water considering the direction of the flows, there will be no one country that was, would not have been
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affected. indeed, even the seemingly calming results of the expedition's work are not calming at all. the mechanisms of the third's distribution in the ocean are not fully known, and meanwhile, tepka plans to dump radioactive water for 30 years, and it is unclear how everything. can further affect the biosphere, maybe in total small doses, small, small, and they accumulate in some bioorganism, for example, they accumulate strongly in fish, and as practice shows, it can happen at the foci literally anything, for example, since tritium water spills out of storage facilities even just like that, what will happen if , for example, strong... earth tremors occur in the area of ​​the nuclear power plant. japan is constantly shaking, because it is located at the junction of four tectonic plates, in the pacific volcanic ring of fire, which is why
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up to 90% of all earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the world are recorded here. and as confirmation , warnings about increased seismic activity were recently distributed throughout the japanese archipelago, and the country is scared quote: mega-earthquake magnet. eight, or even nine. there may be various emergency situations, there have already been leaks, which were reported in the press, i think in february, there may be some other emergency situations. the position of the magate does not add peace at all, gloomy forecasts about the future of fukushima are heard from all sides. chinese scientists, for example, generally claim that under certain conditions in 4-5 years, the third the entire northern waters of the pacific ocean may be polluted, but specialists. international agencies are listening only official tokyo. iaea is very afraid of being involved in any international scandals. let me remind you that
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there were such scandals, they were connected with iranian nuclear production and with pakistani, and with many others. and it became clear that iaea, to put it mildly, is not quite an independent organization, which it should be according to its charter. that is why iaea does not want to allow uninterested. such initiatives, for them this is, unfortunately, not a question of science, but of politics.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection. besоgon tv, while we are on vacation. and i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about. i am waiting for you at these viewings.
3:58 am
mom, why do we need these letters? for a fairy tale in the 39th kingdom of the thirtieth state. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. we watch, we watch in the application or on the website.
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vladimir putin has a busy schedule of a working trip to the north caucasus, kabardina-balkaria, north ossetia and the chechen republic in the evening. in grozny the president met with the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov, and said that he would do everything to support the chechen people in implementing plans to develop the republic. in addition, vladimir putin visited the russian special forces university and met with volunteers who are preparing to be sent to the special operation zone. as long as there are such men, we are absolutely invincible, the president's words addressed to the volunteers who will soon be sent to the zone with...


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