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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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without deception and without flint, i am not going to go to flints, self-written pen , magic ink, you will get it, you main thing, vanya , hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical, hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, a fool, want, where you need to go. i can't live without travel, flint,
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he who has a boot in his pocket doesn't need a pen, it's easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it's easy to do, we we will expose all the fakes.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, the family mortgage was extended until. the thirtieth year, but the conditions of the preferential program have changed, who exactly can get a loan at a low rate, what amount under what conditions, we will tell you in 5 minutes in our program. well, let's start with the fact that the age of the child is now limited to six years inclusive at the time of concluding the mortgage agreement, excluding families where a child with disabilities is being raised. these the requirements apply in all regions of the country, but there are territories where a preferential loan is also available to families with two or more minor children over 6 years old, they
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can purchase housing in certain 35 regions of the country, why is it there, in these regions there is a low volume of housing construction or individual development programs are in effect, the programs apply to this list of regions, which is determined by the government, now these are 35 regions, the list of these regions is on the website domr, you can always check whether they are suitable or not suitable region selected for you... to purchase real estate there using the family flow program. and also families with two minor children from 7 years old can buy housing in cities with a population of up to 50,000 people, but not in the moscow and leningrad regions. the number of residents is taken according to data as of january 1 of the previous year. at the same time, a mortgage for the purchase or construction of an individual residential building can be issued in any region. let's see what is generally available under the family mortgage, well... firstly, buying a home.
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you can buy an apartment in a finished or under-construction house from a developer under a shared participation agreement or a purchase and sale agreement. the same applies to a private house, including a townhouse. it is allowed to buy an apartment or a house from a closed-end equity investment fund, as well as from a territorial development fund or the moscow fund for renovation of residential development. secondly, you can borrow money to build your own house. a mandatory condition is to involve a contractor using a scrow account for... payment, while the loan can include a purchase land plot. all of the above is the primary housing market, that is, new buildings, but does family mortgage work on the secondary market? yes, but rather as an exception, families with children, disabled people, can use the program to purchase secondary housing, in an area where there is no new housing under construction, and this data is taken from ...
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the housing construction information system, if it is being built, then accordingly the program will apply only to new housing, if such housing is not being built, then you can with with the help of... from the program to purchase secondary housing. what amount can be obtained on a family mortgage and at what interest rates? the rate has remained unchanged up to 6% per annum. the initial payment is not less than 20% of the cost of housing. the maximum loan amount at a preferential rate is 12 million rubles for moscow, st. petersburg and the moscow and leningrad regions, and 6 million rubles for other regions. well, and if this is not enough. the loan amount can be increased, but you will have to make up the missing rubles. already at the market rate offered by the bank, you just need to contact the bank and say that i need a loan amount greater than 6 or 12 million. here we have restrictions of 15 and 30 million, respectively, for all regions,
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15, the maximum loan amount that can be taken under a family mortgage and 30 million - this is for the capital regions. now more than sixty banks work under the family mortgage program, and therefore you can contact any of the banks, even several banks, in order to compare the offer and choose the most advantageous. from december 23, twenty-third year the rule applies: one preferential mortgage in one hand. those who took out a loan later can also apply for a family mortgage if two conditions are met at the same time. the first condition is that the previous mortgage is closed; the second condition is that you must have a new child. in all other cases, according to... the program, it does not matter whether you took out a far eastern mortgage, whether you took out a rural mortgage, whether you took out a family or preferential mortgage, while it was in effect, respectively, if you have already taken out at least one program, then use another program, more of this, such an opportunity at
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you are no more, well, let's repeat the most important thing, the family mortgage has been extended, the loan agreement can be concluded until december 31 , 1930, while the terms of the program have become more stringent, the age of children is limited to six years inclusive, families with two or more minor older children can also take advantage of the preferential mortgage, but only in 35 regions with a low level of housing construction in cities where no more than 50,000 people live, an exception is made for izhevsk, you can take out a family mortgage for a private house in any region countries. do you have any questions, want to understand the rules for providing benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, we will find out from the experts and tell you everything in one of the next issues of the program instructions,
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so says the lighthouse. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country, russian digital solutions to take to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly the digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is going on with production in general, raw materials and export, what is it? our product.
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irkutsk aviation plant, 10 ms-21 aircraft are already in the final assembly shop, here almost everything is ready for serial production. ms21 is therefore in two stages, the first. stage is the implementation of work on import substitution, associated with the replacement of imported components in a previously implemented project with russian components, that is, this is approximately about 80 aircraft systems and units. the second stage is already
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testing in the sky to pass certification, initially, the ms-21 was designed mainly with foreign components. today, the ms-21 is essentially a new aircraft, compared to what... they created the engine , avionics, and most of the systems at first, all of this had to be produced by the largest international corporations, now the parts and components are manufactured in russia, and much has been improved as production facilities have been created, and now it's time for serial production. foreign companies already had production sites and good manufacturing experience, but to make it in russia they had to would have to invest additional huge funds, it would have taken many years. design a part, manufacture a line for its production, train workers, so
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they ordered from foreign companies, in the conditions of the modern market, when the competition is won by the one who offers a technological product cheaper and faster, such a decision was justified, but sanctions intervened, now the pace of assembly of machines will be the delivery of import-substituted components by the end of next year, well , the final testing of the aircraft will begin, we will have these machines ... irkutsk aviation the plant has already received a preliminary order for the delivery of 270 aircraft, in order to build such a number of aircraft, here they are upgrading production sites, without waiting for serial launch. the assembly line that we have today allows us to assemble up to three aircraft per month. in 2021, we received certificates. in 2022, the first aircraft with imported components was prepared for delivery, they are about to start. stations in such a short period of time in 3 years, we need to make a completely import-substituted aircraft, yes, to this
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they were preparing, they were heading for this, but the first deliveries are planned, of course, using imported components. at the same time, the ms-21 was completely designed by domestic engineers, a russian medium-range narrow-body aircraft, a competitor to the most popular models in the world, the airbus a320 and boeing 730. the maximum flight range is more than 5.00 km, the passenger capacity is up to 211 people, and, since the ms-21 was created from scratch, many technologies that were already used by foreign aircraft manufacturers were improved, to design unique ones that are superior to foreign ones, for example, a composite wing, it is produced at factories in ulyanovsk and kazan, created from russian material, it turned out to be long and thin, because of this, the sheltered aerodynamic properties in its class, thanks to this, it was possible to increase the fuselage of the liner. the fuselage of a larger
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diameter allowed, firstly, to increase the aisles by two, 2.5 inches against aircraft 320,737, this is a slightly wider seat, these are more convenient shelves for placing cargo. the increased aisle, firstly, allows two people can pass at the same time. a... to ensure the highest quality of the aircraft assembly, and therefore its safety, an automatic positioning system was installed in the assembly shop, it allows you to perfectly fit a part or make a joint in a short time, while additional equipment is needed at a minimum, such technologies speed up the assembly of the limer, without allowing errors, by the way, many solutions on how to best assemble the aircraft, to make this process faster and easier, are offered by the designer workers themselves.
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constantly, it is a complex technological process in which any, even the most minor adjustments, are checked thoroughly. the planes are only identical in appearance, the whole point is that based on the test results, changes are introduced into the design of the planes, the planes, so to speak, are launched in series, the series has one design, the next series has small differences, the next series has even smaller differences, for example, for all these design changes. it is necessary to develop technological documentation and accompany the production so that these design changes were implemented.
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production at the irkutsk plant is uniquely arranged at the highest technological level. almost all equipment for the ms-21 project was custom-made. assembly begins in this workshop. the very first stage is the preliminary assembly of the aircraft superpanel panels. what makes them unique? we. carry out assembly - in a single frame that is used in all sections of the ms-21 aircraft, these are six sections, we can... assemble all six sections in one panel, superpanels are assembled there, that's how they hang, they are used with the help of rolling, robotic trolleys, transportation to the askm station, the work of highly hermetic connections is carried out,
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bolt-rivet connection riveted connection. in january, the government approved an investment project for the creation of civil airliners, its implementation will ensure the production of more than 600 aircraft for russian airlines by 2030. 270 are ms-21, 142 airliners are superjet 100. this is a narrow-body aircraft, designed to carry from 87 to 108 passengers over a maximum range of 4,320 km. the superg 100 aircraft has been in serial production since 2009, the first serial aircraft was put into operation in 2000 at the end of 2010, beginning of 2011, made its first commercial flight, we recently celebrated a small anniversary, the beginning of the commercial operation of our aircraft, yes , initially it was a machine with a large participation
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of foreign cooperation, but we must understand that from the very beginning the airframe of this aircraft and the most important intellectual component... on its production. the release was temporarily stopped after foreign companies millions of passengers, sanctions also affected refused to supply parts and components. the import substitution program began long before the introduction of unprecedented. sanctions, it began in 2019, at the moment the program is in the final stage of experimental design work, this is already the testing stage, and as a rule, at this stage serial production of the first aircraft already begins, we have a very tight schedule not only for certification, but also for the start of serial deliveries, so the first serial machines are already being assembled
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at our production site in komsomolsk-on-sea. now in the final assembly shop. europe, for example, the irbas wing is made in the united kingdom, individual fuselage sections are manufactured in germany, and separately manufactured in italy. the capacity of the komsomolsk-on-sea plants allows for the production of up to 70 superjet 100 aircraft per year, while it is planned to manufacture about thirty, so the safety margin is large, considering that there is interest in the liner
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from foreign airlines. the task is to make a machine from russian systems so that the passenger... notices the difference, i want to remind you that today in its class of jet aircraft, with a capacity of one hundred seats, the superjed remains the best offer in terms of passenger comfort, both in terms of living space for each passenger, and in terms of the volume of luggage space provided, these are luggage racks, this is the volume luggage racks. the design of russian parts and components is carried out in parallel with the creation of production facilities for their serial production. at the same time, in order not to waste time, the systems are tested in the sky on an airplane and certified if all tests are successful. superjet
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100 has just landed, having been in... in the sky for 2 hours, during this time test pilots checked the operation of russian systems, which put the place of foreign ones, the flight today went perfectly, today the reference modes were carried out and for checking radio communications by maximum range and with different angles relative to the radio station, here are the modes all of you turned out to be credited, already next year. two more superjet-100 will join the certification test program, one of which will be entirely made of russian parts and components test pilots like to control new aircraft even more. as for me, i like the control system on our new aircraft better, the control stick is made differently, a different principle is made, the aircraft turned out softer and more
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precisely controlled, allows control, so in small angles of deviation, so to speak, it is easier to set it. the superjet 100 with foreign systems, which have already been released into serial production, will continue to fly in the sky. previously , aircraft parts were repaired abroad if necessary. now, technical maintenance and repair of complex components are being mastered in russia. in particular, this is done by the laboratory of aviation and radio-electronic equipment, located in zhukovsky. considering that our aircraft sokhoy superjet consists of including foreign components. the issue of repairing avionics units is very acute and relevant now, foreign partners do not support, naturally, no communication with us, with our own efforts of our laboratory we
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maintain the suitability of avionics units for operation. the laboratory was launched last year, today they can perform repairs of almost any complexity up to replacing elements on the boards of the units, to study how the system from foreign components works in the code up to several months, depending on difficulties. at the moment, there is a diagnostic of the computers of the aircraft-pilot system, the computer that is responsible for the flight itself, where the pilots enter the flight data, and this system allows us to identify a failure during the inspection of the aircraft by technicians an error was detected, here we are already studying this component in more detail in order to find the cause of the failure, to identify. in the future, repair this unit. the united aircraft
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corporation is also working on the production of the il-114300 and tu-214. hill 114-300 received improved flight performance. the use of composite materials, a new digital flight and navigation system has been installed, the aircraft with a capacity of 68 passengers will replace the an-24 , is capable of landing at small airfields, including those with unpaved surfaces, it is supposed to be used in the arctic regions, the il-114 flight test program has now been resumed, certification is underway. at the same time, it is planned to increase the production of passenger tu-214, this is a medium-range
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narrow-body airliner that can transport up to 210 passengers. the aircraft is produced in special versions for government customers, the kazan aviation plant is engaged in production, in order to reach the production of twenty units per year, the construction of new buildings has been launched here, and is underway. the design of more than 100,000 square meters of area, in total, according to the plans of the ministry of industry and trade, 994 different aircraft will be produced in russia by 2031.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we ... on vacation i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we said, i'm waiting for you at these screenings.
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friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i'm waiting for you at these screenings.
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ramzan kadyrov said that he will do everything in grozny, the president met with the head of chechnya to support the chechen people in implementing plans for the development of the republic. in addition, vladimir putin visited the russian special forces university and held a meeting with volunteers who are preparing to be sent to special operation zone. as long as there are men like that, we are absolutely invincible.


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