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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country. russian digital solutions will reach new heights. prospects. dasha
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more brutal, yes, ours more brutal, there will be more than what exactly digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what in general with production, raw materials and export, what is our product. hello, correspondents of the program "vesti duty part" and i maxim movchan will tell about the main legal events of the day. the head of the digital department has been detained in moscow transformation in sin of russia, alexey timchenko. he is suspected of receiving a bribe. the details of the case have not yet been announced to journalists, but the article he is charged with implies an especially large amount, that is, amounts of at least one million rubles. it is reported that the fsb operative officers detained him together with employees of the department of internal
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security in sin, the suspect has already been questioned by investigators, in all likelihood , searches were conducted at his home work addresses, an official investigation has been ordered, and a preventive measure will be chosen for the defendant in the near future. the necessary investigative actions are being carried out with the defendant. the defendant's criminal activity was stopped thanks to the joint work of investigators from the moscow investigative committee, the fsb of russia and the main directorate of internal security in the sin of russia. i would like to note that the digital transformation department in the sin of russia was created in the spring of 2022, but should be engaged in methodological support, informatization of the activities of institutions and bodies of the penal system. the moscow cassation court rejected the pensioner's claim for the return of the apartment sold for next to nothing at auction. we have already told the story of tatyana nosova in our program. she became a victim of a major scam, which left her homeless, penniless, and with huge debts. igor ageenko met with the victim. and now it turns out that i am losing my apartment. and i owe 20 million. the money
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received for the mortgaged apartment disappeared, the debt grew to astronomical heights, and the pensioner, in no time, will end up on the street. we have been telling about tatyana nosova's situation on our air for a year. 9 years ago, she took out a large loan secured by housing, which she was unable to repay. as a result, the apartment on the garden ring was sold at auction for 15 million. the amount was three to four times lower than the market price. the bailiffs transferred the money somewhere else, not to this debt collector organization. the agency that bought out the debt. neither tatyana, who has this only housing, nor her daughter, were even offered the right to buy out the property in violation of the law; at the auction, this housing was bought by a certain thirty-five-year-old edmond khanchalyan, here he is posing against the background of luxury cars, then in desert, judging only by this document, in one day he bought three similar apartments in different areas of moscow. i saw him for 15 minutes, we had a conversation, he offered me money, and a certain amount. i can't
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say for sure now, about a million, something, so that i would move out and not go to court. tatyana refused, then they started to periodically open the door. during the investigation of the doors of tatyana's apartment , a camera was installed, which, as it turned out, helped this family out quite a lot when unknown people tried several times here penetrate. a month ago, without the court's permission , a certain person tried to stick eviction notices on the door, when they were torn down by a friend of the pensioner, a scuffle ensued. it was already discovered at the police station that this was the behavior of the representative of the buyer khanchilyan, mikhail bautin. the security forces are currently conducting an investigation into him, if they meet him regularly at the apartment, he has never appeared at a single court hearing. we have a representative of the plaintiff, he is also a representative of the ngo sokrat trading platform. here the connection is self-evident suggests itself. the capital's lawyers have been investigating the scheme of similar cases of the ryazan company sokrat for several years now. they united in an unofficial
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tandem to protect defrauded muscovites, human rights activists say there are at least thirteen victims, that's how many there are in reality, the question is still open, they provide documents, and... in many cases they are fake, neither the court, nor the bailiffs when accepting these documents and when selling property, they, they do not check them, for example, you can see how non-existent september 216 was added to a copy of a check in a different font twenty-first year, in the case of tatyana nosova's apartment there were no bank documents at all. the question of purchasing the apartment, the question of financial documents, how the calculations were made, where he saw it at all.
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intimacy (material by galina khungureeva) with men who are unable to find a partner for themselves with simple belongings in plastic bags, first to a meeting with subscribers, then to an interrogation with an investigator. alexey podnebesny, a nizhny novgorod blogger, now suspected of defiling a minor. do you admit it are you guilty of committing the said crimes? i refuse yes. the blogger was detained at the moscow train station in st. petersburg. the reason was this video that was released at that very meeting with subscribers. in it, a forty-six-year -old man behaves very frivolously with a girl three times his age. right in a public place, they indulge in non-platonic
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pleasures, in one of the shopping centers , podnebesny leaves with a schoolgirl to the restroom. this is how he commented on his behavior in an interview. a girl came to the meeting, and who presented how the girl is 23 years old and climbed up to me to hug, kiss me, and i had no doubts about his age, i was not going to have sex with her, maybe the intentions were innocent, but the investigators after the investigation had a different opinion. the investigation established that on august 2 , the perpetrator in the shopping center on nevsky prospekt committed indecent acts against a fifteen-year-old girl without the use of violence, he also on august 3 in the apartment of the house on telezhnaya street, without the use of violence, entered into the same victim in sexual intercourse. alexey podnebesny is an odious and very popular person in certain circles, calls himself the founder of the so-called incel movement. this is a male subculture, the adherents of which are unable to find a partner for
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a romantic relationship. the reason is allegedly the venality of the fair sex and the fact that women are too selective and demanding when choosing a partner. we are men, we ... at any cost, but for free, this is energy, this is energy, this is energy, this is the flow of cosmic energy that gives life, and i need life, not death. however , the celestial empire has apparently forgotten that its ideology is at odds with russian legislation,
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within the legal framework there is an important term: voluntary consent, and no social movements, personal motives should contradict this principle. we must always remember that. there is a criminal code, if the partner has not reached the age of sexual, sexual consent to the relationship, this is 16 years in the russian federation, then this entails the illegal nature of such relations, as the study shows, incel communities hostile to other people, always on internet forums, mostly men, leading an isolated lifestyle, they have few friends, often have low self-esteem mental illness, in some of his reasoning... a certain kind of inadequacy is traced, which i would presumably attribute to sociopathy, we can see a child who has not grown up, such a psychological teenager, which speaks of his psychological underdevelopment. as for the connections with minor, investigators conduct
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an investigation, question witnesses , first of all, a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl and her parents. here , it doesn't matter at all what direction, what current this man considers himself to be, because if the court confirms that he committed illegal actions, then, well, strictly speaking, he should be punished according to the law. a criminal case was opened against alexey podnebesny under two articles: sexual intercourse, other actions of a sexual nature , and indecent acts with a person under 16 years, a preventive measure will be chosen for him in the coming days, the leaders of the encels will have plenty of time to reconsider their ideas. galina khungureeva, sergey saushkin, lead duty unit. houses in an open field, the prospect of a happy housewarming for dozens of large families from the krasnoyarsk territory returned to life in primitive conditions, no water, no roads, no infrastructure in general. so, 4 years. topic. according to the plans of artem and natalia shopot, in the courtyard of their house there should have been a large
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playground for three sons of athletes, but boys are forced to train on the ground. plans are not destined to come true due to problems with communications and roads in the microdistrict of sosnovsk, krasnoyarsk territory. dozens of large families cannot begin construction. we received land, we were happy, we want, yes, to live on the land, to have, as it were, well, you see, it's beautiful, like such space. it's been 4 years and we are here.
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it's impossible, so the cry of the heart, we would like there is no drinking water and to live here to build, but now we have nothing on the site, no water supply, some residents have to carry bottles of water on a bicycle, yes, i carried everything on a bicycle, well, now you also carry now i carry on a bicycle, right? without water, of course, it's a disaster. you can, of course, drill a well, but it costs more than 2,000 rubles. and not every family with many children can afford such expenses. our house is already ready, we have already completed the interior decoration in full swing, we can move in at the end of autumn, well, and also move here with children without water, you won't have to do laundry, or clean, or cook, or anything. by according to the law, local authorities were supposed to provide the microdistrict with all the infrastructure, but in response to numerous complaints, officials over several years.
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after the intervention of the prosecutor's office, officials finally found time in their busy work schedule to deal with this issue. now the administration has a project for the construction of engineering infrastructure, this is electricity and water. the cost of construction is about 25 million rubles. and now the administration, together with the government of krasnoyarsk krai, is finding funds to begin work on the construction of utility networks. artem and natalia shopyt hope that
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dmitry chernousov will soon answer the question of... these young krasnoyarsk bloggers chased likes and views right on the bathtub. the hero of the city streets was harnessed and is already pulling his comrade in a homemade carriage. the video quickly spread across the internet. law enforcement officers also appreciated it. already in the department, the inventors shared the secrets of the structure of their device with the police. we screwed on the forging wheels and decided to ride along the embankments and we had to cross the road completely. for such a ride along the central streets of krasnoyarsk, the pseudo-heroes were issued a fine.
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it turned out that the young man was giving his seventeen-year-old friend a ride. despite the danger of such a ride, he did not stop his friend and filmed everything that was happening on his phone camera for a video blog. but already on the same day , another blogger on wheels with a breeze on a homemade miracle of technology put on a show on the streets of krasnoyarsk. the friends piled up a folding sofa on a rented electric scooter, one of the craftsmen, comfortably sitting on a spacious seat , i felt like a blogger, a camera in my hands, unforgettable shots ahead. guys, turn around. come here! having picked up speed, the couch bloggers abruptly turn into the bushes, their invention collapses before our eyes, fortunately, no passers-by fall under such a device. using furniture and equipment on sims has become fashionable. for example, teenagers from the nizhny novgorod region built a toilet on wheels. on a scooter with a toilet, which
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the guys apparently borrowed from a friend's restroom, they rode along the central streets of the city and, of course, everything was filmed. psychologists are sure that the younger generation is heavily dependent on the opinions of others. the fact is that they develop an adrenaline addiction, and the more danger they feel, the more adrenaline enters their body. this means that they lose the feeling of fear, anxiety and basic safety. bloggers do not think about safety, and they often become the ideological inspirers of young people. there are dozens of such performances with crazy ideas on the internet. negative content is monitored. modern equipment, so that such footage does not appear in recommendations, the program blocks users, but information programs alone are not enough, here you also need to use the legal, regulatory framework, of course, from the point of view of public order, and develop this base, because well , the car itself will not know that you can not ride and
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, accordingly, on some homemade devices. law enforcement officers are now looking for lovers of couch rides in krasnoyarsk. and once again they remind, from a scooter, even with additional equipment on it, maybe sadly end not only for you, but also for passers-by, before giving free rein to your crazy ideas, it is worth considering what is more important: health or dozens of likes on social networks? dmitry chernousov, news, duty unit. nasy on guard of security service dogs become valuable employees of the russian guard from a very young age. schnyachye games, of course, are not canceled, but a colossal amount of time is devoted to training. as a result, a loyal... friend and colleague with exceptional skills. report by vladimir bazov. 3 days and 3 nights little sirius traveled from kemerovo to moscow. in these shots, he does not yet know that he will become a real defender, an employee of amon. a month has passed and today we can say with confidence that together with his owner anastasia, a dog handler of the russian guard, the puppy has already learned a lot. anastasia
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tells how she wanted to get a dog since childhood, but her parents did not allow her to settle fluffy in the apartment, so she went to become a dog handler, here she tells, she found herself, and sirius became a real guiding star for her, the brightest among her four-legged colleagues from the detachment peresvet. the baby is a belgian shepherd, originally a post-hound breed, so from the first days of life and vultures are active, seriously, how are you? in training, belgian fidgets are more difficult than german ones, in their genes it is laid down to be the main one, this is a feature that dog handlers have to work with, but ...
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sirius has just started training in detecting smells, he trains on such dummies, inside a cotton pad with a smell spent, sirius's mentors are not only his owner anastasia, but also his senior colleague zhokker, he, by the way, was one of the first holders of departmental awards, they are received only by four-legged animals that have particularly distinguished themselves in service, an experienced dog teaches the younger one humility and obedience. here are two playing, but the young belgian clearly does not yet know the proverb there is a time for learning and an hour for fun, for such an irresponsible attitude to training he received a scolding. this method of education worked now sirius clearly carries out the instructor's command, under the supervision of the joker, of course, while the puppy is not yet strong, he gets used to working with people, to exercises for endurance, physical training and agility he
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will start only in a few months. since he is still very young, and we need to wait a little while they get stronger. bones for now, but for now he will want to some extent even himself, so now we will grow up a little and will start to come to the obstacle course, as it should be passed. sirius still has six months of diligent training ahead of him, after he turns one year old, he will already be ensuring the safety of muscovites at mass events or at one of the transport infrastructure facilities. vladimir bazov, vitaly melkov, daniil korsakov, host duty unit. the mysterious story of the disappearance of the british bill gates off the coast of sicily , rescuers continue. search for missing billionaire mike lynch and the passengers of his luxury yacht. under strange circumstances , the vessel sank. on board, the businessman celebrated his acquittal in a case of large-scale fraud. details from alexander khabarov. off the sicilian coast, hundreds of meters from the town of porticelo, a complex search and rescue operation has been going on for the second day, divers are looking for six passengers,
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of a yacht that sank here. the missing list includes british billionaire mike lynch, his daughter hannah, morgan stanley international bank chairman jonathan bloomer and lawyer chris morinho, both of whom disappeared along with their spouses. lynch's yacht, the basin, sank early this morning. monica jenson, 25, said it was a little odd because she had crossed the atlantic on the vessel, which had weathered bad weather all over. other questions remain
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about why the sunken yacht, according to divers, received virtually no damage, why did nothing happen to the other ships that were there during the storm? the captain of one of the ships that came to the aid of the victims says that the yacht simply suddenly disappeared during a strong wind. after the storm ended, we noticed that the yacht that was next to us had simply disappeared. we hurried to where the yacht was and rescued the victims. the british press suggested that the mast was too long, its height 72 m. it could have broken, unable to withstand a strong gust of wind. the balance of the yacht, which was at anchor, was disturbed, and this could have led to flooding. the captain of the sunken vessel, james calfield, from his hospital bed uttered only one phrase to journalists.
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technologies, he was even called the british bill gates. 13 years ago, he sold his company autonomi to the american company hulit packart, for more than 8.5 billion dollars, after which he was accused of a car. died, he was hit by a car near the city of cambridge. this happened just a few days before mr. lynch disappeared. apparently he died during the night,
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because yesterday the police reported that he was in hospital in serious condition. he worked as a vice president in mr. lynch's company. against the backdrop of this mysterious incident, the press immediately recalled the recent story of a sunken tourist boat on lake maggiore. on board were agents of the italian and israeli secret services. but perhaps the most incredible disappearance at sea was the death of british media mogul robert maxwell, this man was called the link between the soviet elite and western governments. he personally knew brezhnev, gorbachev and yeltsin. he was suspected of having ties to the british intelligence service mi6, the israeli massad and the soviet kgb. in november 1991, max disappeared from his yacht near the canary islands. his naked body and...
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honest detective. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you.
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what were you hiding behind the trees somewhere flints me likhodiz sharpened here
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lights flints. jean, ivan, i can't live without traveling, soon. dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation. and
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i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings. the russian emergencies ministry warns, protect your home, install a fire alarm. safety begins with you, the russian emergencies ministry.
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vladimir putin during a working trip to the caucasus. visited kabargino-balkaria, north ossetia and chechnya. in budermes, the president met with volunteers who, after training at the special forces university, will go to the svo zones. while there are such men in the country, we are invincible - putin said. russian troops are systematically driving out ukrainian armed forces units from our territory. the crew of the mi-35m helicopter destroyed a concentration of armored vehicles and manpower. and attack drones are actively used to eliminate small enemy groups.
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