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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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during his working trip to the caucasus, vladimir putin visited kabargino-balkaria, north ossetia and chechnya. in budermes, the president met with volunteers who, after training at the special forces university, will go to the svo zone. as long as there are such men in the country, we are invincible, putin said. russian troops are systematically driving out ukrainian armed forces units from our territory. the crew of the mi-35m helicopter destroyed a concentration of armored vehicles and manpower, and attack drones are actively used to eliminate large enemy groups.
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kamalo haris has been officially approved as a presidential candidate. she was supported by the majority of delegates to the democratic party convention in chicago. haris herself learned about this via video link. early voting has begun in chukotka and sakhalin. it is organized for remote, hard-to-reach areas. in sakhalin , a governor will be elected on a single voting day. the first to vote were residents of the remote island of maniron , border guards from namys. krillon. russia is invincible as long as there are men in the country like the volunteers who decided to go to the zone special operations. this was stated by vladimir putin at a meeting with contract soldiers who are currently undergoing training at the special forces university in goddermes. the president arrived in the chechen republic during a working trip to the caucasus. during the day, putin visited kabardino-balkaria and north ossetia. and in the evening, he made a stop in grozny. details in the article by anastasia efimova. as long as there are such men,
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we are absolutely invincible. the president's words addressed to the volunteers who will soon be heading to the special operations zone military operation. vladimir putin spoke with them in gudyrmes, at the special forces university, where more than 19,000 people have been trained since february 2022 alone. special courses were developed for them here: moving on the battlefield, storming a stronghold, fire training, all this for the head of state. demonstrated that in different, even in the most difficult times, there were people like you who did not wish, for the sake of their homeland and for the sake of the future, and it is very pleasant that we are meeting with you now, you accept for yourself, it is difficult to decide, one thing and ... here those
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there is, and another thing is to risk your life and health, but you have an internal need to protect and the courage to make such a decision, if you made such a decision, then you have already won. russia is a multinational, multi-confessional country, but all peoples at all times were united by love for the fatherland. the president also recalled this during his trip to the chechen republic, which he began in the kurchaloevsky district, in the ancestral village of the first head of the region. vladimir putin laid flowers at the grave of akhmat khadzhi kadyrov shared personal memories of a person, quote, very decent, very devoted to his homeland. very talented, very decent, devoted person, devoted to his small homeland, big homeland. and of course, a real
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man, very courageous, very courageous, a real fighter, did a lot for the chechen people, i think that he saved the chechen people significantly, including sacrificing himself, this is a huge merit and before the big, now. the socio-economic situation in the region was discussed at a separate bilateral meeting of the president with ramzan kadyrov. vladimir putin drew attention to the reduction in unemployment and by the end of the year it is planned to make it even lower. and, of course, chechnya, together with the entire country, is doing everything possible to ensure that the goals of the special military operation are achieved. the republic is taking. active part in the special
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military operation from the very beginning, we have sent more than 47,000 fighters to the sfv zone, including about 19,000 volunteers. all of them have undergone. training at a russian university and special forces, at the expense of the akhmat khadzhi kadyrov foundation, the fighters are fully equipped with all necessary ammunition and special equipment, we also have a reserve of several tens of thousands of trained and equipped fighters ready to leave for the svo zone at your first order. ramzanovich, a lot has been done, this has been done primarily thanks to the hard work and talent of the chechen people, and of course, the federal center, moscow, and i, as president, will do everything to support the chechen people, the residents of the republic. and the president also met with the widow of akhmat khadzhi kadyrov.
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he reminded that august 23 is his birthday, the first head of the republic would have turned 73 years old and the continuation of his work in the regions is an important task, which the president spoke about today. at a bilateral meeting with ramzan kadyrov at the university in gudermes, the conversation often focused on the main thing - faith as a unifying force for the people, decisions that can be difficult and the victory that lies ahead. in the border area of ​​the kursk region, the crew of the mi-35m helicopter struck a cluster of armored vehicles of nationalists. the scouts discovered the enemy positions and transmitted the coordinates pilots. the air was raised. the combat vehicle was hit by the enemy. all targets were hit. after that, the crew returned to the takeoff site. the task was received from the command post to occupy the waiting duty zone. we took off, literally immediately received target designation from the attack gunner. we worked in
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an empty border area, after which we received the task, went on a combat course, worked. 40 s8 bunks, the target was hit one hundred percent, a direct hit, in the special operation zone , the drone operators destroyed the enemy's manpower and equipment, artillery is helping, in in combat, self-propelled units malka are used to protect equipment from the enemy, they are carefully camouflaged, how combat vehicles work, alexey baranov saw. fpv drones are assembled and equipped with a warhead in a matter of minutes. fpv drone preparation takes place 3 km from the front line, now we see how the crew checks its operation. no one tells the fpv drone crew of the southern group of troops the coordinates of the targets. they
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can stay in the air for a long time and independently search for an object that they are supposed to hit. target, i observe, i work. the accuracy of the hit is recorded by cameras installed on the drone. the uav is always evolving, it is necessary to study the enemy , try to outwit him. when working on lightly armored, heavily armored vehicles, it is necessary to resort to cunning, because the enemy can always notice, try to get away from it, or jam it.
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the faster we work, the easier it is for the infantry, we also cover their fortified areas, destroy them, and the faster we work, the harder it is to hit us, we roll out, work and quickly back to ... in order to move to a new firing line to continue combat operations. alexey baranov, yuriy marchenko, valet tank
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kiev, news: donetsk and lugansk people's republics, combat contact line. nato countries participated in the preparation of an attack on the kursk region. the foreign intelligence service received confirming data, the svr press bureau reported in an interview with izvestia. as the department emphasized, western curators have been actively pushing kiev to transfer military operations in recent months. deep into russian territory, everything to to destabilize the domestic political situation in our country. the attack on the border was prepared with the assistance of the us, british and polish intelligence services, and the units participating in it underwent combat coordination in training centers in great britain and germany. in addition, the alliance countries are transmitting satellite intelligence data to the ukrainian military about the deployment of russian troops in this area. it was an american private military company that confirmed its participation in the raid on russian territory. the pmc published a photo with its mercenaries in kursk region in the banned social network
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instagram. the author indicated the geolocation and left the caption "guys in kursk." in the center of the photo is the founder of the company. at the same time, official washington continues to deny us involvement in the attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the kursk region. joe biden approved a secret program for the use of nuclear weapons. according to the new york times, biden ordered the us armed forces to prepare for possible clashes with china. russia and north korea. the publication notes that this is a new american strategy, the essence of which is in joint with allies in containing nuclear threats from beijing, moscow and pyongyang. according to the publication, the document was signed back in march, it for the first time talks about the us preparing for possible coordinated nuclear challenges, and the american leadership is particularly concerned about the sharp increase in the chinese arsenal.
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early voting has begun in chukotka and sakhalin, it is organized for residents of remote, hard-to-reach territories,
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the first to cast their votes are deer breeders, geologists, sailors who are at sea. in september, on a single voting day, sakhalin residents will elect a governor. the first stop on the route of the election commission staff was the remote island of maniron. they got there by helicopter. the ballots were filled out by workers at the local nature park and lighthouse. the border guards of the southernmost outpost of the island voted . we are now in economic news, konstantin churikov is joining me, konstantin, good morning, the president of the prime minister of russia will meet with the head of the state council of china today. what issues are they planning to discuss? raman, hello, experts assume that they will also talk about settlements in national currencies. the russian leadership will meet with premier of the state council of china letyan today, he is in moscow. the guest will be received by vladimir putin. the last time they met was in beijing in may during the state visit of the russian leader to china.
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talks between letyan and prime minister mikhail mishustin are also planned today. together they will hold the twenty -ninth regular meeting of the heads of government of the two countries. among the key topics are - expansion of trade and economic cooperation. well, these are the accents that experts place. the main issue is that it will counteract the sanctions pressure. that is, searching for options for mutual settlements, searching for options for creating logistics chains, these are financial institutions, the development of our financial institutions. the prime ministers of russia and china have prepared thoroughly for today's meeting. the day before , a special meeting was held in moscow, which was chaired by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. and his chinese counterpart hallie feng. only by web lines reported in the bank following
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the meeting, more than twenty large projects worth more than 10 trillion rubles are being implemented in russia. work is being carried out in the field of timber processing, gas chemistry, shipbuilding and the development of maritime transport infrastructure to increase russia's export capacity, the state corporation reported. the second major bank in kyrgyzstan has already suspended money transfers through. as reported by the press service of the organization, transfers through the mobile applications of sberbank, mts bank, t-bank have been suspended. operator of the national payment system nspk in both directions for an indefinite period. at the same time, the bank emphasizes that transfers through international payment services are still available, half of which, however, do not work in our country. let me remind you that on august 19, the kyrgyz em-bank also suspended transfers through russian financial institutions. american investor warren
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buffett sold bank of america shares for more than half a billion dollars. his investment fund got rid of 14 million shares of the financial institution at once monster, since mid-july the fund's share in it has decreased by more than 4 billion 300 million dollars, the bank's stock quotes have fallen by 10% in a month. despite this, bershare remains the largest shareholder of bank of america, the fund owns about 12% of the total share capital in the amount of about 37 billion dollars. this is the third largest position in the bershare portfolio, second only to apple and american express. baffet does not comment on purchases or sales of shares, but there is an assumption that the legendary investor sensed the trend of declining stock quotes believes that the us market is currently overvalued. on the other hand, who doesn't think so? at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar exchange rate today is 90-69, the euro is worth 100 rubles 20 kopecks. and that
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's all the economic news i have for now. roman, konstantin, thank you, we continue. the first group of russian athletes and coaches went to paris to participate in the paralympics, about this, as well as the latest news in a couple of minutes. large purchases will become easier. apply for a loan with cashback from.
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of gas stations. russian digital solutions to bring to a new height, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly the digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what in general with production, raw materials and export, what is it, our product. in the kursk borderland, the crew of the mi-25 helicopter destroyed nationalists and their equipment. intelligence transmitted the enemy's coordinates into the air to the pilots, a combat vehicle took off and hit the enemy. all targets were hit. during a working trip to the caucasus, the russian president visited the chechen republic. in godermes , putin met with volunteers who, after training at the special forces university,
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will go to the svo zone. the head of state noted that as long as there are such men in the country, we are invincible. mali, niger and burkina faso are asking the un security council to take action against ukraine because of kiev's support for terrorism in africa. rallies against the kiev regime. in senegal, this was a reaction to the news that the ukrainian embassy in dakari was recruiting mercenaries to counter moscow. the first russian paralympians went to the games in paris, a total of 90 athletes were admitted, the competition will be held from august 28 to september 8. our athletes will compete in a neutral status. now ilya kostin will tell you about the most notable sports news. ilya, good morning. the world's number one male tennis player was found to have doping. yes, roman, good morning. the italian siner was found in his body anabolic steroid, but he will not be disqualified. in the issue i will tell you why, but
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i will start with another topic. american club atlanta united presented russian newcomer alexey mironchuk. the midfielder gave his first press conference and held his debut training session as part of the new club. mironchuk moved to atlanta from italian atalanta, where he played since 2020 with a break for a seasonal loan. vtorina, the contract of the twenty-eight-year-old footballer with atlanta is concluded until the end of 2027 with an option to extend for another year. the american club paid the italians for mironchuk's transfer 12 million euros. italian tennis player yanik sinner, who ranks first in the world rankings, tested positive for doping twice in march. the steroid clastebol was found in his body in low concentrations. for the first time, the presence of a prohibited drug was shown.
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the secretary of the state council, former head of the region alexey dyumin, took part in the discussion. according to him, the president pays close attention to this area, as it is strategically important. development of physical education and sports. a strategically important area that contributes their contribution to achieving the national goal of increasing life expectancy. the task of the sports commission is to become
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a permanent, effective platform for developing proposals for initiatives in the field of physical culture and sports in the country. for the exchange of opinions between the federal government, a serious emphasis is placed on the subjects of the russian federation and, of course, the sports expert community. particular attention at the meeting was paid to the rehabilitation of special military operation fighters. sports help them start a new life, and the tula region presented its experience in this direction. the subject of a separate discussion was the issue related to self-realization and adaptation of participants in a special military operation using adaptive physical education and sports. in the tula region, this work is also well established today, but nevertheless, of course. requires that it be systematized, be standardized, so that in each region, in fact, for the guys who return from the special military operation zone, want to try themselves in sports, want to do physical education,
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essentially uniform italian conditions were created. the first group of russian athletes and coaches went to paris to participate in the paralympics. the competitions will begin in a week and will last until september 8. our athletes will perform in france in a neutral status. at the russian vnukovo airport. the russian paralympic team is going to the games in paris, the delegation consists of 153 people, of which 90 are athletes. they fly to paris in separate groups, of course, via istanbul, on tuesday evening from the capital's vnukovo airport to swimming representatives flew out of the games. we prepared at the training camp, it turns out these two. months and waited for the final answer, well, probably that we are finally going to paris, we have already found out, i just arrived at the airport, if we fly,
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then we went. in track and field, in swimming, the team is going to paris almost in full force, in connection with this, what are the expectations, maybe medal ones as well? by the way, a good question, i don’t know whether we will be in the medal count or not, because we are going as neutral athletes, and so, i think, expectation for everyone to show maximum results, and in terms of quantity - we'll count, i think everything will be fine. as part of the paralympic team, which will perform in paris, there are... hundreds of honored masters of sports, 46 winners and prize winners of world championships and past paralympics. at the games in paris , our team will perform in a neutral status. instead of the usual tricolor, a laconic turquoise uniform with the inscription paris 2024. as i understand it, our requirements were not as serious as the olympians, and again, without a flag and anthem, unfortunately, uh, with such
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here. athletes admitted to the paralympics have fulfilled the necessary standards, there could have been more russian athletes at the games in paris , but not the entire federation showed flexibility, and in many sports there was simply not enough time to fulfill the standards. do you have some communication with your immediate colleagues, they are rivals, are they happy that you are going, are they not happy, neutral, is there any feedback? to be admitted to these games we went through
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the european championship. to september 8. alexander abramov, mikhail vikulin, dmitry nabokov and alexander stalmashevsky. news. who are you? i, the traveler aeronaut jean ivan. ah, so it turns out we are namesakes. what
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a fairy tale, without... ivan, eh, what started, without deception, without flint, the villain locked me in flint, self-written pen, magic ink, you'll get it, you main thing, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it needs to go, that's what my name is, because... i'm not taking you where you fool want, where it needs to go, i can't live without travel, flint, that's not it you need a pen, who has a flint in his pocket, soon, it's easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it's easy to make a deadfake.
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