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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] attack drones were also used to eliminate small groups. russian president vladimir putin and prime minister mikhail mishustin will meet with chinese premier li qiang today. he arrived in moscow the day before at the invitation of the head of the russian cabinet. they plan to discuss issues of further development of relations between the two countries, with special attention to expanding cooperation in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres. kamala haris has been officially approved as a candidate for the post of president the democratic party convention in chicago. the vice president was supported by the majority of delegates. there were no rivals among fellow party members. haris herself learned about the approval via video link, now she is in melwaukee at a meeting with supporters. fighters of the center group in the ovdeevsky direction managed to take one of the key strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. the accumulation
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of enemy manpower and equipment behind... reconnaissance, having received the coordinates, drone operators struck the enemy, after which our assault groups entered the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. in as a result, the stronghold was taken practically without a fight. russian aviation attacked the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the border areas of the kursk region. the mi-35 helicopter launched a missile strike on the concentration of enemy manpower and military equipment. the targets were eliminated. ground units are systematically pushing the ukrainian armed forces out of our territory. does not allow sabotage groups to go deep. all the latest information from our special correspondent stanislav bernwald. the crew of army aviation on the mi-35m helicopter really did strike last morning an air strike with weapons against a concentration of live armored military equipment of a unit in the border area of ​​the kursk region. the strike was carried out, as i said, by air missiles against previously exposed enemy positions. this is reported by
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the ministry of defense. that after this air strike, the crew safely returned to the base at the takeoff site. the aviation work is ongoing daily, enemy strongholds are being hit, and the approaching reserves, coordination work is underway together with our artillerymen and reconnaissance. reconnaissance identifies enemy positions, then guidance takes place, and our aircraft and helicopters and our artillery work in parallel, hitting concentrations of militants. it is worth saying that right now things are still unsettled in the border areas, in some areas there are battles, the sudzhansky district is still an extremely tense point, as well as the glushkovsky district, there is also very unsettled there, evacuation from these areas continues, the process is very difficult, ukrainian militants do not allow people to leave, practically using them as living shield, however , humanitarian aid is now arriving from all over russia for residents of border regions, open
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temporary accommodation points not only... here in kursk, but in nearby regions, there are already a large number of people, and thousands, thousands are in temporary accommodation points, they are receiving all the necessary assistance there, in kurchatov, the day before , emercom employees delivered another humanitarian aid, this includes food products, this is medicine, important food packages, everything that people need now, emercom employees together with volunteers continue to deliver humanitarian aid, the city of kurchatov, where it will be distributed and assigned, the day before we managed to record an exclusive interview with the chief military priest of the special military operation , father dmitry, he came to support the fighters directly at the front lines, generally speaking about military priests, their work cannot be underestimated, indeed, this is a spiritual blessing, this is an opportunity to talk, listen, pray, the spiritual component is above all, if our soldiers have spirit, we will live according to the truth of christ, we will win,
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we will always be ahead. everywhere, because all the defeats, all our failures that we are now facing, are first of all the lack of faith, as father dmitry said, the most important thing is to always have prayer on your lips, then no evil force will seize you, we continue to monitor the situation in the kursk region, stanislav bernoval, sergey soldatov, news kursk region, air raid sirens are sounding again today in kiev and seven other ukrainian regions, local media report explosions in industrial zone in nikolaev. region, where one of the major military formations of the armed forces of ukraine is deployed, there are warehouses with weapons. presumably, the arsenal contained american atakoms missiles. earlier , explosions were reported in the khmelnytsky region, as well as in mirgorod and sumy. in the latter, a critical infrastructure facility was damaged. the armed forces of ukraine are making new attempts to attack border areas. six drones were destroyed last night in the skies over the belgorod region. people are asked
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to leave the area, where it is currently. unsafe, other regions are ready to accept them, temporary accommodation points have been set up there, olga kurlaeva saw how border residents are helped, here is my bed, here is my... pillow, we have linen, they gave us everything new and clean. tatyana kotlerova moved from shebekino to a temporary accommodation point a few days ago. the first two days the woman simply slept, getting used to the silence and the beds. i lived in the toilet, my lid is my chair, here is a plate, candles, matches, another, plates, medicine, and i sit there all night, the bombing at the beginning. they turn off the lights, they they turn off, that the lights go out at 10, at 12:00, at two, as per the time, at four, the last shooting, now you are afraid to look out, once
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you opened the door with a pistol, here the stones are flying, they, they are like fire, she held out until the last, did not want to leave her home, but the ukrainian militants left the pensioner no choice, during the day they attacked with drones and uavs. it changes the trajectory to a straight line and quickly, i do not know where to go, good, there are bushes and a tree, i hugged the tree, i sit in the bushes, i think, either it will fly past or fly into the bushes, sat there like a hare, then went out, i look, it seems there is no drone on me, no drone above me, that's how we live, at night heavy barrel artillery was working on peaceful neighborhoods. mlrs and cluster munitions were flying, i barely survived until the morning in the morning at 8:00 i called 112 and they told me to wait , they will take you away, so i left,
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there were six of them left in a five-story building , one person in each entrance, when the walls of the house began to collapse from the shelling, we were accompanied by chechens, we were taken out of shebekino in a military vehicle, chechens. they were very friendly, or they treat the elderly with respect, but just a big thank you to them, they rushed like an arrow, very quickly. tatyana nikolaevna is still getting used to the temporary accommodation point, she is happy with the warm water in the tap, fresh fruit and simple human care. the girls help, well, of course, well done, thank you, a deep bow to everyone and the managers. ours and the workers of the canteen, all the tac three meals a day, fresh products, they are brought every day, the menu is created by the cooks themselves, they cook right there in
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the kitchen, so everything is hot and filling, like different, you know the stories of each, of course, for lunch first, second compote, salad at will, svetlana and zhanna never refuse their fellow countrymen an extra, look, she has nowhere to go, the house in shchetinovka was bombed by ukrainian artillerymen, they managed to take her out 15 minutes before the shelling began, we will not return home, our shchetinovka is completely closed, almost all the houses are destroyed. to return, who is there, and who has nowhere. the woman is entitled to a housing certificate. antonina vladimirovna is now deciding what to choose a new apartment or build a house in a safe area? will there be honey on housing, will transfer money to
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our accounts, we will work as developers, who will be with us, offer, to whom an apartment, to whom a house, her neighbor in the village elena gladysheva, went to the store for bread. vizor tatyana nikolaevna lived for 2 months without news, now she is making up for lost time. a little time will pass and she will join her comrades in misfortune. she will go to help
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the front, weave musk networks. everyone here is doing this. what do you think is different? already at home completely different plans, something no longer flies away in clouds, also. then, the forced migrants do not sit idly by, but help the front, here they are weaving musk city, a painstaking, long, but very necessary matter. olga kurlaeva, sergey shcheptev, belgorod region. and now to the news marked urgently, messages come from the cabinet of ministers. mikhail mishustin instructed the relevant departments to formulate a strategy for the development of education until the thirtieth year by march 4 next year. in addition, the prime minister instructed to study
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the possibility of additional funding for events to promote the russian language for border, we will return to this topic a little later, but for now let's move on to other news. so, in the ovdeevka direction of the special operation, fighters of the group of troops-center captured one of the key strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine. when the servicemen encountered a serious fortified area, they began to attack the enemy with the help of drones. after that, they knocked out the remaining fighters. with throwers, and the trenches themselves dugouts in places were filled
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with concrete. the extremely important logistical arteries of the armed forces passed through the checkpoint. a small bird, however, did a huge job, hung over the forest regiment around the clock, not only as a reconnaissance aircraft, but as a strike vehicle. after that, the attack aircraft entered the ukrainian armed forces positions practically without a fight. signature, one might say, is a jack of all trades. a professional military man, he managed to be an attack aircraft and an artilleryman. now he monitors the situation from a bird's eye view as a reconnaissance aircraft. he went out at night. i had to walk a lot, lie there somewhere for days, identify for identifying one small target there, now all this is done much easier, in a word, drones, the execution of tasks on observation of the front line can now be carried out from the rear, and not risking experienced personnel, a fighter with the call sign aggressor always wanted to become a pilot, in 2 years of svo his dream came true, but not quite as expected, under his control they deliver a crushing blow to the avsu uavs. around the clock 24/7 ... they worked on them from the air at low
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altitudes, and with all this there was a rap of the enemy and they shot at us, they made it so that the enemy crawled away with maximum losses, on the chest fighters from novosibirsk instead of well-deserved medals for bravery, something more important for the siberian himself, a gift from his daughter, like a talisman, as you know, somewhere to calm the soul, somewhere in difficult times i was not only there, let's say, here's a uav, yes, i was in assaults. that is , during reconnaissance, here in some difficult situation, you know, here you look at her and some inspiration, the man took up arms at the very beginning of a special military operation, he could not speak differently, because behind his back are his loved ones who need to be protected from vyyasu. dmitry ermakov, denis vedyaev, vesti donetsk. today in moscow, the russian leadership is receiving the premier of the state council of the people's republic of china. liqiang, is already meeting with mikhail mishustin now. statement that russia and china are expanding the use of national
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currencies, their share already exceeds 95%. in addition, a meeting with vladimir putin is also scheduled today. my colleague konstantin churikov will tell you what issues will be discussed today. the twenty- ninth regular meeting of prime ministers will take place in moscow today russia and china. the head of the state council of the people's republic of china litian arrived in the capital the day before, as noted in a statement by the office of prime minister mikhail mishustin. on the website of china in the capital, at the invitation of the government, it is reported that the parties will talk about the further development of a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction between moscow and. special attention to expanding cooperation in the trade and economic sphere,
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including the promotion of joint projects in industry, energy, agriculture, transport and other areas. following the talks, it is planned to sign a number of intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents. analysts assume that the discussion will also focus on how to make payments and avoid sanctions. for the russian country, the most pressing issue now is international settlements with china and the development of cooperation in the industrial sector, joint projects, for china, well, traditionally on... issues related to ensuring energy supplies are one of the top priorities. the experts from china we spoke with, recognize the problem of settlements as an operational solution, as our president proposed, they advise using small regional banks. in the long
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term, the solution to the problem lies in creating new financial, financial institutions that will exclude. it is very important that the state, both on the russian and chinese side, build a closed channel or this is the brics settlement system or maybe even sco, or another option, special banks should be appointed
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that are not afraid of sanctions, this is exactly what should be chinese banks, of course, this is very difficult today. and the financial system of china, among other things, is controlled by the united states of america. at a meeting of the vice-premiers of our countries, which took place the day before, deputy prime minister of russia dmitry chernyshenko admitted that the growth rate of trade turnover this year is lagging behind last year's, as an example he cited these figures. in the first half of the year, mutual trade has only grown by 4.8% to 100. 13 billion dollars. vice-premier of china hallie feng, in turn, reminded that by the end of the twenty-third year, the trade turnover between russia and china was about 240 billion dollars, then there was a solid growth, so by all appearances, acceleration is required. in the first 7 months of this year, bilateral trade should
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continue to grow by 1.6%. china has overcome various difficulties and has maximally provided for demand on the russian market. moscow has become the largest. supplier of crude oil to china, natural gas, timber, fertilizers. more than 60 types of russian agricultural products are exported to our country. just on agricultural products, fresh data from the customs administration of the people's republic of china has arrived. over the first 7 months of this year , beijing has increased purchases of several types of grain at once. for wheat, the growth is more than 7.5 times, for barley almost five times, buckwheat purchases have almost doubled, and buckwheat, as we know, is also consumed by the chinese, but not in the same way as we do, they just make flour from it, but the leader in purchases of russian grain in china remains soybeans, from which they make soy sauce, cheese, tofu, soy milk, and more. chinese publication global times reminds that after the meetings in moscow, the head of the state council of the people's republic of china will go to belarus, which is also an important detail that speaks about the vector
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of beijing's foreign economic interests. as for our country, upon arrival in moscow, letian said that russian chinese... cooperation is gaining new vitality, becoming a standard of international relations of a new type between large neighboring states. the fact that the meeting is taking place shortly before an important date adds optimism: october 2 marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries, well, and regarding the increase in trade turnover, here we should probably remember the wise confucius, he said: "it doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop, now to the news marked urgently, so the russian digital platforms avito and azon are launching campaigns to support the affected residents of the kursk region who were forced to leave their homes, this is stated in their joint statement, avito, they have developed services
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that facilitate the rapid resettlement of affected citizens, here azon will be add extra points, and it is worth noting that... according to the digital platforms scenario, they were previously worked out together with the ministry of digital development. let's move on to other topics. niger, mali and burkina faso appealed to the un because of kiev's support for terrorism. the leadership of african states sent a joint letter demanding that measures be taken against the ukrainian authorities to the organization's headquarters. rallies against the kiev regime took place in senegal. this is how the local population reacted to a message on social networks. that the ukrainian embassy in dakari is recruiting mercenaries to counter moscow. the demonstrators responded by bringing russian flags and demanding that the ukrainian ambassador be expelled from the country. more than 47 fighters left for the special military operation zone from the chechen
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republic, including 1,900 volunteers. this information was provided by the head of the republic, ramzan kadyrov, at a meeting with vladimir putin. it took place as part of a working trip to the north caucasus. the president also visited kabardino-balkaria and northern ossessia the day before. all the details from anastasia efimova. absolutely invincible, the words of the president addressed to the volunteers who will soon go to the special military operation zone. vladimir putin talked to them in gudyrmes. special courses were developed for them here: moving on the battlefield, storming a stronghold, fire training, all this was demonstrated to the head of state. at different times, even in the very case, there were people like you who did not want, for the sake of your homeland. and it is very nice that i
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meet with you, you accept for yourself a difficult decision, one thing, here you are, and another thing is to expose your life and health, but you have an inner need. and the courage to make such a decision, if you made such a decision, then you have already won. russia is a multinational, multi-confessional country, but all peoples at all times were united by love for the fatherland. the president also recalled this during his trip to the chechen republic, which he began in the kurcheloevsky district, in the ancestral village of the first head of the region. to the grave of akhmat khadzhi kadyrov vladimir. putin laid flowers shared personal memories of a person, quote, very
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decent, very devoted to his homeland, very talented, very decent, devoted person, devoted to his small homeland, big homeland, and of course, a real man very courageous, very possible, a real project, did a lot for the chechen people, i think that to a large extent saved the chechen people, including sacrificing himself, this is a huge merit, and with a large like russia, what is now a huge restaurant, rests death, about the socio-economic the situation in the region was discussed at a separate bilateral meeting between the president and ramzan kadyrov. vladimir putin drew attention to the reduction in unemployment, and by the end of the year they plan to make it even lower. and, of course,
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chechnya, together with the entire country, is doing everything possible to achieve the goals of the special military operation. the republic is actively participating in the special military operation. from the very beginning, we have sent more than 47 fighters to the sfv zone, including about 1,900 volunteers. all of them have undergone training at a russian university and special forces, at the expense of the akhmat khadzhi kadyrov foundation, the fighters are fully equipped with all the necessary ammunition and special equipment, we also have a reserve of several tens of thousands of trained and equipped fighters ready to leave for the svo zone at your first order. much has been done, this has been done primarily thanks to the hard work and talent of the chechen people, and of course, the federal center moscow, and i, as president,
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will do everything to support the chechen people, the residents of the republic, and the president also met with the widow of akhmat khadzhi kadyrov, recalled that august 23 is his birthday, the first head of the republic would have turned 73, the continuation of his work in the regions is an important task, which ... the president spoke about today, at a bilateral meeting with ramzan kadyrov at the university in godermes, the conversation often turned to the main thing, about faith as a unifying force for the people, about decisions that can be difficult and about the victory that lies ahead: nato countries participated in the preparation of an attack on the kursk region, the foreign intelligence service received confirmation, the svr press bureau reported this in interview with izvestia, as the department emphasized to the western. in recent months , kiev has been actively pushing to transfer military actions deep into russian territory. all in order to destabilize the domestic political situation in our
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country. the attack on the border was prepared with the assistance of the us, british and polish intelligence services, and the units participating in it underwent combat coordination in training centers in great britain and germany. in addition, the alliance countries are transmitting satellite intelligence data on the deployment of russian troops in the area. joe biden has approved a secret program to use nuclear weapons. according to the new york times, biden has ordered the us armed forces to prepare for possible clashes with china, russia and north korea. the publication notes that. containment of nuclear threats from beijing, moscow and yipingyang. according to the publication, the document was signed back in march, it speaks for the first time about the us preparing, quote, for a possible coordinated nuclear challenge, with the american leadership being particularly concerned about a sharp increase in precisely
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chinese arsenal. and now to other topics, in chukotka sakhalin has begun. it is held for residents of remote hard-to-reach areas, to get to voters it is necessary by almost all types of transport on all-terrain vehicles, boats and helicopters. in september on a single voting day, sakhalin residents will choose a governor, the first to cast their votes were reindeer herders, geologists and sailors leaving for a voyage. and in chukotka on september 8 , 10 election campaigns will end at once: elections to the regional parliament will take place, in addition,
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will vote for the head of onadary. install, open, watch, russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. watch in the application or on the website,
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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. russian digital solutions to bring to... new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, how exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions, and what is the general situation with production, raw materials for export,


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