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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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the ban on the ukrainian orthodox church, for which the rada voted the day before, was commented on in an interview with our tv channel by the rector of the church of the life-giving trinity on sparrow hills, archpriest andrei novikov. we will discuss the actual ban on the canonical orthodox church in ukraine, the verkhovna rada has made the corresponding decision. we will discuss this topic with the rector of the church of the life-giving trinity on sparrow hills , archpriest andrei novikov. he is in touch with the studio, father andrei. hello. hello. tell me, how do you rate this? solution?
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the orthodox church, although in their russophobia, it would probably be difficult for anyone to surpass them, but as we see, now the nazis in ukraine are superior to their teachers, and of course, the consequences will be the most severe, millions of believers, according to this law, must be left without the true orthodox church, without its sacraments, without prayers, and the church in this situation, with...
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full implementation of this law, will have to go, there is such a church term, into the catacombs, yes, in the image of the first christians of the roman era, into an underground existence, already now the security agencies of ukraine have announced that investigative actions are being carried out against 100 clergymen of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, criminal cases have been initiated. the majority of them, in my opinion, 26, have already been convicted, and after the adoption of this law, the number of convicted, the number of persecuted, thrown into prison, increases much, much more, i think that it will no longer be counted in hundreds, but in thousands. father andrey, and what do you think, could this lead to a heated conflict in literally a clash among believers or believers and security forces? i think it's practically. possible, just as,
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for example, you know, demonstrations were impossible in smolensk occupied by the nazis in 1943, the repressive machine has all the means to suppress any discontent, it will simply physically destroy any person who even thinks about contacting someone about organizing a protest, the only thing is that a hot conflict is already underway, and this is our special military operation,
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sword, russian army, there is no other way. father andrey, and how should priests behave who want to preserve their parishes now, what would you advise them? well, they will have to serve secretly, serve in apartments, serve underground, as it was in roman times, as it was in history, in those states where the church was persecuted, and simply wait for the end of this insane power, this is not the last time, this is not yet... the antichrist, and the end of this power will definitely come, but at the same time, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are dealing with a broader phenomenon, ukraine is definitely backed by the collective west and the united states, and we saw that simultaneously, on the same day, in estonia, another step was taken to separate the estonian orthodox church from the moscow patriarchate, in the czech republic, the parliamentary committee on security demanded that the russian orthodox church and even the local
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autocephalous orthodox church of the czech lands and slovakia, that is, any orthodox church, be placed under state control, an investigation be conducted for disloyalty to the state and... the spread of russia's influence, and the czech foreign minister said that he does not consider the russian orthodox church a church, and its representatives clergy, this is a synchronized attack by the west on us, on our faith, on our existence, on our right to be faithful to our history, our faith, our culture, our identity. do you think this schism will be overcome, what should be done with those priests who joined the schism. such priests should be defrocked, excommunicated from the church, and those who repent send to distant monasteries for repentance, as it has always been in russia, and the schism will of course be overcome where the russian army is,
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where the russian army is, there will be canonical orthodoxy, in fact, we are entering a situation where the concept of the classical modern era, the concept of the secular state, is completely destroyed by the very same... western countries that created it, they no longer need it, it does not work for their benefit, so they are destroying it, well, we have no reason to cling to it, it is shameful, so to speak, to speak out various such, you know, streamlined terms, secular, we are a state that stands for the truth, for the truth, we are a christian katykhon. in the world, and where our influence, where our weapons are, there will be the truth of orthodoxy, andrey, when you say that believers will actually have to go underground, tell me, is it possible to use modern technologies here, to conduct services, for example, online? i think
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it will be so, but we will have to be very careful with these technologies, not to abuse them, because online it is impossible to perform sacraments, it is impossible online. it is impossible to confess online, it is impossible to be baptized, of course, it is necessary to try to use physical presence as much as possible and, in addition, do not forget that everything that operates online is created by man and is also definitely hacked by man, so there is a high probability that the channels through which the broadcast will be conducted will be hacked by the ukrainian special services, well, not by themselves, of course, but by the cia, which will give... keys to hack such channels. father andrey, do you communicate now with the clergy who remain in ukraine, what do they say about how much pressure is currently felt from the authorities and schismatics on the church? well, this is extremely strong pressure, you understand, the thing
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is that they are putting pressure on the bishops, the same schismatic bishops in ukraine, after the infamous council in feofaniya, at which it was decided not to mention the name of the moscow patriarch, which is the canonical duty of any bishop of the russian orthodox church, any part of it, and therefore even measures are being taken to prohibit the services of those priests who remain faithful in their actions to the russian orthodox church , pressure is being exerted directly from within the church, a very difficult situation for them, a very difficult situation for those bishops, metropolitans, bishops who remain faithful to the church, and we have seen that by... confessor of orthodoxy metropolitan of cherkassy, ​​a criminal case against metropolitan of zaporozhye luka, as i have already said, there are convicted clergymen,
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they are already numbered in the dozens, and more will come hundreds, a very extremely difficult situation, for this every day there is danger, every day there is a possibility of arrest, every day... now no statistics are kept that are true, and it is impossible to believe ukrainian statistics, it is a lie from the very beginning, but from my memory, i think that in fact little has changed, because again the number of churches transferred to schismatics
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does not mean anything, just captured churches that stand empty, but i also think that somewhere more than 2/3 of people who associate themselves with orthodoxy are not schismatics, but parishioners... and what will happen to the relics, how do you consider church icons of power, what will the schismatics do with them and are there any options for salvation? governing russia on its historical lands. father andrey, thank you for your comments, thank you for taking part in
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the program and answering the questions. this was the fifth studio program. do business with sber. open a free sber-business card, connect to the sberbusiness loyalty program, thank you, get 10% cashback in bonuses for purchases with the card. sberbusiness two bikhitas at a bargain price, only in tasty point. yur, would teach pixels to bring something useful? rubles, or what? rubles bring us, vtb debit card. cashback up to 25% in rubles. choose the desired cashback categories. and get plus one category for transferring vtb from other banks. top up every month? set up auto-top-up. conveniently free, the pixel will not miss its own, it is our family, vtb,
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a joint statement, avito launches a service, where users can offer free housing to those who were forced to leave their homes, and azzon will credit all affected people with 3,000 points, which can be spent on a special showcase. the largest marketplaces approached the government of the russian federation with an initiative to provide assistance to affected residents of the kursk region. the government of the russian federation supports this action, for its part, the state undertakes verification, that is , confirmation of citizens who are victims. in the kursk region. russia plans to build 11 new nuclear power plants by 2004, the second year. this was reported by a business newspaper with reference to the project of the system operator of the unified energy system. this concerns both large and small stations. they should appear in the rostov, sverdlovsk, chelyabinsk and tomsk regions. they will also be built in yakutia, primorsky and
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khabarovsk territories. the total capacity will be 45,000 mw or about 16%. the capacity of all power plants. gazprom increased in july gas supplies to china to 2.800 million cubic meters, which is 33% more than a year earlier, bloomberg reports. since the company began using the power of siberia gas pipeline, fuel export flows to china have only grown, the publication notes, in 7 months they increased by 38% and reached 18 billion cubic meters. russia has reduced wine purchases. in the european union, supplies amounted to 6.00 tons in june, this is a minimum over the past 14 years, rionovosti notes with reference to eurostat data. purchases have been declining for the third month in a row, with imports from france by 10 times, falling to 12 tons, and supplies from portugal and the czech republic decreased by about 40%. these were economic news. briefly. i
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billionaire mike lench has found the body of one of the deceased, according to the bbc, it is the entrepreneur's personal chef. the search operation off the coast of sicily continues, and new conspiracy theories are appearing in the media. artem krosulin will tell you more. the chances of finding living people are decreasing with each passing hour. the divers managed to break the portholes and penetrate the hull of the yacht. the divers were able to reach the common areas of the vessel, but it will be more difficult to enter the cabins. the entrances may be blocked, which is where the survivors are theoretically located, but only if they have found air pockets through which they can breathe. the hardest part is getting inside the living quarters, we will have to open and search cabin by cabin. footage of the luxury vessel going under water was published by the italians. the unique mast of the yacht baesian , more than 70 m high, broke in half, as a result of which the ship lost stability and capsized. a storm and
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a water vortex were approaching us, we started the engine to keep the vessel in place, and the other yacht was left behind us. after the wind verse, we looked around and did not see the yacht, then we noticed a flare and went to help, there were 15 people in the life raft, we lifted them onto the ship and took care of... as a result of the crash , at least six people went missing, including the owner of the hyperyacht , billionaire mike lynch, who is called the british bill gates in the media, his eighteen-year-old daughter, as well as the chairman of the board of directors of morgan stanley international bank, jonathan bloomer. several conspiracy theories immediately appeared in the media versions of the tragedy. it is known that a party was held on the ship to celebrate the victory and lynching in court. he spent more than a year under...
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i'm sitting here, let's be honest, not only in the fact that i was innocent, but in the fact that i had enough money to avoid being destroyed by a process that was created to destroy you. in the end , the former financial director of lynch's company , stephen chamberlin, did not end up behind bars either. however, the british media reported that a few days ago a man was fatally hit by a car while jogging in cambridgeshire. the press believes that the tragic coincidence may not be accidental. there are versions that the yacht's wreck is also to blame. not a storm, criminal circles, they say the ship could have blown up, blame everything on bad weather, it could also be a kidnapping for ransom, since lynch's daughter-heiress and personal
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lawyer disappeared along with him, and the yacht sank off the coast of sicily, known for its mafia clans. artem krosulin, news! are you going to take out a mortgage? i did, but it doesn't seem to be at all, free mortgage, i'll miss this, they approved it, so simple, that no need to persuade, repair, moving, and most importantly, a mortgage from sberbank on the house click, domclick, don't wait, live, it's not the first time antonina has rented out her cozy apartment on avito real estate, so she knows how everything will spin, avito, avito, let's tadivitelno. we have a dizzying choice of tenants, avito real estate, rent it out where you are looking. lif 52 cleanses, restores
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11:59 am
vladimir putin and mikhail mishustin today meet with the prime minister of the state council what questions in the spotlight? russian aviation attacked the ukrainian armed forces position in the border areas of kursk oblast, ground units are systematically pushing enemy units out of our territory. what is the current situation? andrey belousov awarded the distinguished participants.
12:00 pm


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