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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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nothing with the border areas, there we will have an increase in force resources, and we also requested reserve groups from the ministry of internal affairs for departure , security will also be ensured, our commission members will be provided with armored shields, that is , armor kits, helmets and so on, and also for departure to the territory, if this departure is possible, if the operational situation allows us, in the end, if there is permission from the ministry of internal affairs...
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as was stated today in the central election commission of russia, of course, this election campaign will not be simple, including of course the kursk region, colleagues are ready to provide all kinds of assistance to this region, but for now such support is not required. yuri. yes, anatoli, thank you, natalia slavyeva told about how the elections for residents of border territories in the kursk region will be held. now a short break and we will continue. stay tuned.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you on these.
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still thinking about the ideal home, it's time go to... click to buy an apartment in a new building or secondary housing or build your own house with a mortgage. on dom click everyone will find housing for themselves. pentalgin extragel against muscle and joint pain. wanted to open a deposit at 19%. it turns out, you can at 21. thought about opening a deposit in one bank? it turns out, you can at once in different ones for money.
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boymarket place, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 21%. financial services, financial market from the moscow exchange. reliable! the same reliable tools for small workshops large productions all tools ru for home, cottage, construction and repair, penzapila giant 5.400 rubles, you need to take, one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet, cool video, what a high speed, you still haven't connected with 5g, although you better not need it, megaphone number one in terms of speed coverage, alfa investments - this is for money. rubles for everyone, open a free account for investments in alfabank and get a gift, not just profitable, alpha is profitable! in the feeder, all the crusts are perfectionists, they eat only grain feed, never
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use growth hormones harmful additives. yes, these are high standards petelenka. petelenka - clean products without harmful additives. we do not know what will be useful to the child in the future, but everything that is needed is definitely in the growth points, quantoriums, it-cubes, equipped with the latest technology, they will give the child the most relevant and useful knowledge even in the most remote corners of russia. national projects. rf - national project education. yur, would teach pixel to bring something useful? rubles, or what? rubles are brought to us by the vtb debit card. cashback up to 25%. will miss, it's our family, vtb, everything will work out, just legs go numb, such
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convenient and free, pixel of yours not bells can talk about bad vessels, it is important to strengthen the vessels. angia norm helps to improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of formation. with convenient delivery by clicking on the megamarket. megamarket - school style. baltika 8 non-alcoholic. shake the bottle before filling the glass to the end all the facets of the impeccable wheat taste will be revealed. i wanted to open a deposit at 19%. it turns out,
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you can under 21. thought about opening a deposit in one bank? it turns out you can do it in different ones at once. for money, your own marketplace. it turns out. build in a deposit with a 21% rate. finuslugi, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. attacks credit card debts, i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one kholva, we conveniently pay off 24 months. and don't forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment techniques. and now it's time for news. economy marketplaces will support victims in the kursk region, as stated in a joint statement, avito is launching a service where users can offer free housing to those who were forced to leave their homes. and ozon will credit all affected people with 3.00 points, which can be spent on a special
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showcase. the largest marketplaces approached the government of the russian federation with an initiative to provide assistance. to affected residents of the kursk region. the government of the russian federation supports this action, for its part, the state undertakes verification, that is , confirmation of citizens who are affected in the kursk region. russian banks issued 152,000 car loans last month, 44% more than in july last year. the total amount of loans is almost 225 billion rubles, the national credit bureau reports. demand is supported by promotions and discounts from distributors and general consumer activity. most often , loans were issued in moscow, as well as the moscow and rostov regions. the american investment company capital group reduced its share in the moscow exchange by 78 times from five to less than 1%. let me remind you that earlier the us treasury department made
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moscow exchange on the sanctions list and issued a license to wind up operations with it until october 12. now the main shareholders of the moscow exchange. russia sberbank and web. there are 46 thousand companies in the european union, more than 40% of which are owned by russians.
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sponsors need to be mastered and the formal procedure for approving presidential candidates in the democratic party has nevertheless been decided to be carried out, including to show face to face what they are fighting for. my name is dr. joey brella, i identify myself as he, she, it. i am from the beautiful garden state of new jersey, i i support kamela harris and tim wahls because they stand up for the lgbt community. kamela harris herself and her running mate tim wahls weren't even at the convention that night, they were holding
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a separate rally 90 miles outside of chicago in milwaukee. ironically , it was the same sports complex where the republicans honored donald trump at their convention a month ago. the democratic delegates had just completed a roll call vote and they nominated tim walts for the next vice president and me for the position of president. from the united states of america. make no mistake, as we all know, this is not just a campaign against donald trump. it is about two very different visions of our country. first, we are focused on the future, and they are focused on the past. wharris is the shortest election campaign in us history. and there are many other firsts for the democrats, too. for example, duck emhop, if his wife wins the election, could become the first in history, the first american gentleman. so far inside the united center. outside police held back crowds of pro-palestinian activists. the arrests began as
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senator bernie sanders was speaking at the podium. three murders were committed in the city during this convention. and it is no coincidence that at the same time donald trump is holding his rally at a police station in michigan. if haris wins, the us will face an explosive increase in crime, the republican candidate warns. kamala haris will bring crime, chaos, destruction and death if she is allowed to become president of the united states. you will see this level crime that has never been seen before. i will provide law, order, security and peace. the headliners of this evening for the democrats are the obama family. until recently , most wanted to see michelle as the democratic party's presidential candidate. her appearance is greeted with applause by the hall, but she is assigned the role of a mascot at the convention, to scare the assembled trump.
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it was obama's presence, according to rumors, that was the reason why kamala harris chose to skip this evening's democratic party convention, although her election campaign, as she claims, obama is in charge personally, and harris herself is scheduled to speak on thursday, the last day of the convention. another independent candidate may also play his part in this election spectacle. robert kennedy jr. said he is ready to support donald trump in exchange for a seat in the future. administration, and he has already been promised this seat. whether kennedy's support will affect the outcome of the vote,
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even trump himself does not know now, but in the current situation, he no longer has to choose allies. dmitry melnikov, pavel kostrikov and aleftina sorokina. news from washington. the sicilian prosecutor's office has launched an investigation into the circumstances of the sinking of the yacht basin, among the missing , in particular british billionaire michael lynch, chairman of the board of directors of one of the largest investment banks in the world, the chances of finding them alive are minimal , the italian coast guard said. according to the recording from the surveillance cameras, the yacht sank in just a minute, so far everything points to an accident. cases, however , lynch's connections to the world of intelligence and litigation with the american authorities add intrigue. what other o oddities we can talk about, my colleague alexander khabarov will tell. off the sicilian coast, hundreds of meters from the town of porticelo, a complex search and rescue operation has been going on for the second day. divers are looking
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for six passengers of a yacht that sank here. the list of missing persons includes: said it was a bit strange because she had crossed the atlantic on this boat and it had weathered bad weather everywhere. there are
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other questions as to why the sunken yacht, according to the divers, suffered virtually no damage. why nothing happened to the other boats that were there during the storm. the captain of one of the boats that came to the aid of the victims says the yacht simply disappeared suddenly during a strong wind. after the storm passed, we noticed that the yacht that was next to us simply disappeared. we hurried to where the yacht was and rescued the victims. the british press suggested that the cause was the overly long mast, its height is 72 m. it could have broken, unable to withstand a strong gust of wind. the balance of the yacht, which was at anchor, was disturbed, and this could have led to sinking. the captain of the sunken vessel, james calfield, from his hospital bed, said only one phrase to journalists: we could not have foreseen this. experts have already left for sicily from britain, but in london they are discussing other aspects of this
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still mysterious tragedy, they are connected with the identity of the missing billionaire. the fifty-five-year-old. specialized in the field of high technologies, he was even called the british bill gates. 13 years ago he sold his company altony to the american company hulit packard, for more than 8.5 billion dollars, after which he was accused of fraud. he faced up to 20 years in prison. lynch was acquitted, much to the surprise of journalists, who stated that the possibility of an acquittal is only half a percent. i know i 've done nothing wrong.
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he was suspected of having ties to british intelligence agency mi6, israel's massad, and the soviet kgb. in november 1991, maxwell disappeared from his yacht off the canary islands. his naked , unharmed body was found in the sea a few days later. the official conclusion was that he had fallen into the water from a heart
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attack, although three forensic experts were unable to reach a definitive conclusion. what was it?
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you are welcome. deputy prime minister of the russian federation dmitry nikolaevich chernyshenko, deputy premier of the state council of the people's republic of china. deputy prime
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minister of the russian federation
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dmitry nikolaevich chernyshenko, deputy premier of the state council of the people's republic of china. deputy prime minister. minister of transport of the russian federation roman vladimirovich starovoyd and first deputy minister of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china mazha xu. rosatom alexey evgenievich likhachev and minister of transport of the people's republic of china the protocol to the agreement between the government of the russian federation and the government of the people's republic of china on the establishment and organizational basis of a mechanism for regular meetings of the heads
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of government in russia and china
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was signed by vladimir dmitrievich kikilidze, acting director of the joint institute for nuclear research, and yin, minister of science and technology of the people's republic of china.


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