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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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ie friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings.
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russia and china are actively developing joint projects in the aircraft, automobile, metallurgy , mining, gas and chemical industries, mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting with the head of the state council.
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russia and china are increasing the quality and volume of energy cooperation. we support the deepening of multifaceted mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries. i hope that during my visit we will outline important tasks in order to lay a solid foundation for further cooperation. following the meeting of the heads of government of russia and china, a number of documents were signed, for example, a joint communication. the russian-chinese
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investment cooperation plan and a number of protocols aimed at deepening cooperation in the humanitarian sphere , transport and chemical industry, green construction and other strategic areas. marriage and dedication in carrying out the tasks of the special operation, the servicemen were awarded the title of hero of russia. andrei belousov awarded the distinguished participants of the special operation. minister. difficult, responsible time for the country, in historical times, you fulfill your military duty with dignity, show true courage and bravery, in practice prove your loyalty to the oath and the homeland, your readiness to reliably protect... the sovereignty of our country,
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the safe life of our citizens. thank you for the exemplary performance of your official duties. your merits are duly deserved appreciated by the president of the russian federation. in turn, the awardees thanked their comrades in arms. the fighters are planning to go to the front lines soon to continue fighting. i think i received the high state award first of all for... that, guys, i'll be back to you soon, the most military operation, naturally i want to say the personnel for my guys, who together with me side by side carried out the tasks of the special , the main thing is to work as we worked before, our unit worked very harmoniously, there were fierce battles, but we still managed to overcome them, pushed the enemy and eventually captured this settlement, the enemy had already fled, the personnel of our unit, including my route, our... he is very determined, brave,
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we carry out each task heroically, we go to the end. this is not only my reward, it is my guys, first of all my. guys who carried out a combat mission, at the moment i will kill immediately to my unit, then continue to carry out combat missions delivered, victory will be ours. and now it's time for economic news, the ministry of economic development proposes to extend support for small and medium- sized businesses when entering the stock market, it will allow attracting up to 162 billion rubles through the stock exchange in the next 5 years, vedomosti reports. the state will compensate for the costs. for the placement of bonds, this may require up to 6 billion rubles of budget funds. the business group will reconstruct the berth of the container terminal in novorossiysk, this will increase the throughput capacity by 300,000 teu units up to 1 million per year. the work will be carried out without
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stopping production and will be completed by the end of 2027. the terminal was created in 1994, it handles various types of cargo. container turnover by the end of 2023 exceeded 602. teu, which is almost 3.5% more than a year earlier. kyrgyzstan plans to create a kamaz production facility on its territory, the country is negotiating with russia within the framework of the eurasian economic union, the republic's ministry of economy said. in addition, bishkek is considering projects to produce small trucks kia hyundai, and also intends to produce heavy trucks of the chinese brand shakman. the us labor market could be hit hard , according to goldman sachs economists. the possibility of losing up to a million jobs if the government revises its employment data, bloomberg writes. a downward revision could be the largest in us history in 15 years , which would be a wake-up call for the fed. the regulator may have to rethink
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its interest rate strategy. that was the economic news, in brief. at the rodina stadium in khimki as part of the final day of the igor akinfeev cup tournament took place. stars of cska and spartak. who of the legendary football players took part in the match, we will find out from the scene from our correspondent danil makhalin. he is on the line. danil, welcome, we are waiting for details from you. yes, i greet you from the rodina stadium in khimki, where the russian anthem just ended at this very moment, because the tournament itself, the igor akinfeev cup, is ongoing.
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that those legends who took part in the match a few minutes ago, they have already finished career. igor akinfeev is an active legend who still plays for moscow cska in the russian premier league, so he has not finished his career yet, but he already holds children's tournaments, and his task, in igor's opinion, is to unite children not only on the football field. the goal is one, so that the tournament goes to a new one.
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everything else, it so happened that with a difference of literally a few weeks , the alexander ovechkin cup and the igor akinfeev cup, which is just ending now, two legends in football in hockey and both of these tournaments are held in the moscow region, so we asked the minister of sports why this happened, why in particular this rodina stadium was chosen, khimki used to play here as part of the russian pre...
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on legends not for the first time, at least it was possible to open and look at the starting lineups of the teams, where on one side alan zagoev, alexey berezutskiy, vladimir gabbulov, roland gusev on the other side, against the legends of cska, the legends of spartak, egor titov, alexander samedov, roman pavlyuchenko, dmitry khlestov and other football players of both cska and spartak in the past, in total they played two halves of 15 minutes 8:8, amateur format. spartak won, then, regardless of the result of the main game, they also held a penalty shootout, where
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spartak also won. studio words. thank you, dan, as always informative, our correspondent danilo makhalin was on the line with the studio. and we return to vladimir putin's visit to the new children's clinical center rashal. the head of state got acquainted with the results of construction plans for the clinic. the president talked to leonid rashaliy. he also examined the model of the building and was told how the clinic would function. the youth forum of the smysly territory, which is currently taking place in the moscow region, was visited by a delegation of the ldpr headed by the party leader leonid slutsky. in an interview with our tv channel, he shared his impressions of the forum and of communicating with young people from dozens of countries. leonid eduardovich, hello, this is not your first time in the smysly territory, but this time there is a special feature that
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there are listeners from sixty countries of the world here, i know that you have already managed to communicate with young people, what topics were raised, what worries young people today? very creative young people, they understand what coordinate system they are in. indeed, today a new global majority is being formed in the world, a new system of world politics. and international relations, the multipolar world architecture of the 20th century, where each country, its people, however many, uh, small people, uh, their traditions, history, culture, religion, national language, will become separate advantages of power, influence, decision-making in that very new world politics of the 21st century, there will no longer be, uh, that very unipolar model of world order, where all decisions will
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be made in washington, which has proven its destructiveness, proved that , unfortunately, this mechanics of world order is based on blood, as we saw in 1999 in the former yugoslavia, in 2003 in iraq, then in libya, for many years iraq, libya became countries without a state, well, in syria it was we... we and russia who did not give events to follow the same destructive scenario: a multipolar world and without unnecessary complementarity towards our president, i will say that objectively many politicians from different countries are talking about this, today there is a new global majority, and this is not the anglo-saxon world, i emphasize, these are the countries of the global south, the african continent, latin america, a significant part of the countries of greater eurasia, china, india. the persian gulf countries, the brics countries, all these are the countries that advocate for
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a multipolar world, and the american hegemon in there is no more in the world, after the situation with the gaza strip, the us supported one of the parties to the conflict, israel, after the biblical story of the massacre of the infants was repeated 200 years later, really then... 14 thousand male infants, as we know from the biblical texts, were destroyed, now the figure is comparable, the enormity of what happened in the gaza strip defies comprehension, and the us supported this mechanism, this bloody mechanism, therefore there is no more american hegemon, there is no more us, which export democracy all over the world, but there is no democracy there, as we saw, among other things. in the last presidential elections, and we see constantly, and no, the usa, which plays some special role
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in the world coordinate system. i am sure that this will be discussed at the upcoming session of the un general assembly, which will begin soon in september, in new york, we will see if we get, i am a permanent member of the russian delegation to the general assembly session from year to year. i have not received a visa in the last year in violation of the documents that regulate the location of the united nations, its headquarters on the territory of... the united states, but let's return to the territory of smyslov, to senezh, to today's event. today , very creative young people from 66 countries of the world have gathered here, new, well forgotten, old, in the times when we were formed and grew, international youth cooperation was very large-scale, and today it is rapidly,
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it is being forcibly revived. those who will become presidents, prime ministers, speakers of parliaments or simply deputies national parliaments literally in a matter of years today communicate, today are friends, today stand on a single position on the multipolar world architecture and many other specific issues - foreign policy and cooperation in the current century, this is extremely important, this cannot be overestimated, therefore international youth... and diplomacy is gaining momentum, as well as parliamentary diplomacy, by the way, this is also very important, and my colleagues and i have been working in this area for many years, interacting, it should be noted that the healthy efforts of those who created territory of meanings, including sergei vladilyanovich kiriyenko, are absolutely correct
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in that synchronizing the holding of this most important, it would seem, within the political - forum and international event, which connects, it would seem, completely different things, approaches, different matter, communication on the fields of the territory of meanings of young people from dozens of countries of the world, is absolutely natural, absolutely modern, and it is necessary, of course, to continue working in the same direction. you have already communicated with the youth, and representatives what professions are mainly represented here, what is the social cross-section of the territory of meanings and its listeners? and political scientists students, those who today work in youth organizations of different political parties in their countries, those who study
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international humanitarian law and would like to preserve it, and not collapse, as alas. de facto washington is trying to achieve, many questions, very mature, guys, very modern, and indeed today international cooperation between young politicians, this is a vector that is extremely important, especially on the eve of the next festival of youth and students in moscow, which will take place in 2 years in 2026, so we will work and of course we will do everything...
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i am interested in the position on many issues, on the middle east, on the role of the united states in world affairs, on the position of president putin, on various, so to speak, topics, i was asked exactly about this, and of course, a special military operation, the last, let's hope that this will be the basis for the fight against nazism in world history, it is striking that... that the guys from countries that are generally difficult call them some kind of obviously pro-russian, they share our approach that the forces of evil that are behind kiev's actions today must be defeated, there is no one there, and it is impossible today after the invasion of the kursk region to conduct any negotiations, these
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are really people who are completely outside the usual... normal human coordinate system, therefore , really, either we will achieve the last final victory over nazism in the history of mankind, or nazism will retain the opportunity to achieve such a victory over us, the last thing, not to allow it - it is the responsibility of the politicians of our generation, and here i can speak not only on behalf of myself and my colleagues, but also about that talented... what do you think of this decision, how would you comment ? absolutely monstrous, has nothing in common with human morality, with the spiritual foundations
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of any person, regardless of his religion. the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate has always been for peace, has always been for normal cooperation between people. for good, for light, for truth, it is hard, hard when looting monasteries, arresting , torturing, holding in prison representatives of the clergy, forbidding people to pray in the churches where they grew up, which are sacred and truly holy places for them, holy temples, all this once again proves the monstrosity, the inability to negotiate of the kiev regime and those
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who stand behind it, and the need to win a holy and noble victory, which is the main meaning, far beyond the territory of the meaning of today, well, you have already mentioned the attacks of the kiev regime on territory.
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yes, there is not enough water, so those requests that come to us, we immediately acquire, immediately send, this
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also concerns special tasks, purely military purposes, these are drones, and much, much more, which our people need at the front in order to survive, in order to win, therefore today, i emphasize once again, on what...
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today opposes and gives his life against nazism for the future of russia and the russian world, all this is really what we...
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different aspects of youth policy in a different way it can't be at a youth forum, but of course, the main task, and i repeat once again, the main point is precisely victory, it is precisely support for those who are at the front, it is great that young people from different countries of the world, which the countries i am talking about, until recently could hardly be called
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friendly, but being here... are not here just to support us for the sake of appearances, but they support our position with conviction and argument, therefore today in the youth arena we can and should talk about the fact that we have already created a new the global majority, this is not the anglo-saxon world, these are the forces of common sense, they are represented on all continents, they are represented in most countries and integration blocs and it is very important that the new global majority has a clearly expressed professional youth dimension, well, that is, it turns out to be unity on international platforms, on the international level, also possibly on international platforms, on international parliamentary platforms, on international youth platforms, it is very important that many, including new ones platforms are emerging and operating today in russia, let's see how it is with each
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passing month. war, but also, of course, for common sense, and common sense is mutual support, it is reasonable economic cooperation, and of course, a healthy youth policy aimed at our immediate and subsequent future. i want to thank those who gathered us, the leaders of parliamentary parties,
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today on the territory of smysly. his team, who combined this in time with a powerful international event, this is very smart, healthy, i want to thank my colleagues on the state duma, of course, the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav viktorovich volodin, who devotes more and more time to issues of foreign policy, international parliamentary cooperation, we are together , there are more and more of us, we who advocate common sense. for peace and constructive interaction, and the more of us among them, our opponents, the fewer of them among us. we continue to work. thank you very much, leonid eduardovich, for an interesting dialogue. thank you.
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we begin our information hour, a new the rashali children's clinical center, which was built in krasnogorsk near moscow, today.


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