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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 22, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country, russian digital solutions will reach new heights. there is a prospect. even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than just what the digital helps, you are not comparable in your original questions, what in general with production, raw materials and export, what is our product.
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lican's first official visit to russia as premier of the state council of the prc began with laying flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. before meeting with the president of russia prime minister lican honored the memory of those who fought against fascism. he noted the strength of the patriotism of the russian people and recalled the times when the two allied countries fought for peace together. then, cooperation between russia and china was discussed during the negotiations. today , this is a multitude of projects and developments. we defined the corresponding guidelines with our friend, chairman xidingping, outlined these guidelines during the summits in moscow and beijing, they were supplemented by agreements based on the results of our conversation with him in july on the sidelines of the meeting of the council of heads of state member states of the shanghai cooperation organization in astana. mutual trade turnover last year exceeded 20 trillion rubles. in dollars, this is 240 billion.
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trade will continue to develop actively. according to forecasts, this year the figure will be higher, and by 2030 it will double. achieving the goals is possible, the russian direct investment fund emphasizes, with the elimination of trade barriers. an important factor is settlements in national currencies. our cooperation in investment, energy, cultural and humanitarian areas is developing steadily. areas, our interregional ties are consistently strengthening. together.
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will also soon come out on top, the prime minister adds. the chinese country notes that strengthening joint work is especially important in today's geopolitical realities. our multifaceted cooperation shows tremendous sustainability, as well as stable development. we have achieved noticeable results. now, in the face of a complex and changing international situation, the chinese country is ready to move forward more firmly with our russian partners, focusing on strategy of our leaders. in the spirit of mutual respect and trust, centuries-old friendship, mutual benefit, to bring our multilateral cooperation to a higher level, for the benefit of our peoples to ensure equality and justice throughout the world. the russian direct investment fund has implemented 50 projects with chinese partners with a total investment of almost 800 billion rubles. the largest ones concern technologies, industrial production, infrastructure, agricultural logistics. a colossal sum - 18 trillion rubles - is an investment in projects.
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future, currently under consideration are more than sixty. russia and china jointly train personnel for promising industries. the number of participants in educational exchanges is growing, we are consistently expanding our inter-university interaction and cooperation. in russia, more than 90,000 schoolchildren and students study chinese. last year , the number of tourist trips between our countries exceeded one million people. by the end of december, we expect to have... a number of agreements were concluded during the negotiations, including a plan for a russian-chinese investment cooperation. the documents recorded the position regarding joint work in the chemical industry, as well as the development of green construction.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, in the application or on the website. what is remembered about this day in history, we will tell you
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right now. hello. august 22 , 1456, the ruler of wallachia, this was a region in the south of modern romania, became. the third of the basarab dynasty, he had the nickname of the cepezh or piercer, because his he preferred to impale his enemies. another nickname passed down from his father - dracula, that is, dragon. this was the name of a knightly order, the dragon society. it was founded by the hungarian king segismund i to fight heretics. in terms of cruelty, vlad was not much different from other rulers of those years, but he went down in history as a terrifying vampire, although there is no evidence of this. seeking the throne of wallachia. by the way, dracula occupied it twice, he showed intelligence, cunning and courage and was not noticed in the fact that he drinks the blood of his victims. and was known as a fair ruler, resisted the ottoman turks who tried to conquer europe. in romania and moldova, he is revered, monuments are erected. his bad vampire fame began with a novel by irish writer bram
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stoker, written at the end of the 19th century, a work of fiction, and then films appeared, there are already about 300 of them, and now it is difficult to figure out where the truth is and where you are... 160 years ago, on august 22, 1864 , the first geneva convention on assistance to sick and wounded soldiers and on the neutral status of medical personnel and medical institutions during military actions. the initiator was the swiss businessman henri dunant, shocked. by the casualties among the wounded after the battle of pristelferin between the french and italians. dunant, with the help of the swiss government, organized an international congress, developed clear rules for the warring parties, and chose a red cross on a white background as a distinctive sign for medical institutions and medical workers. at first
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, only 12 states signed the convention, then the rest. dunant created the international committee of the red cross, but went broke, became a beggar, lived in a shelter and only at the end of the century... they remembered him. russia appointed a generous pension. he was chosen as the first nobel peace prize laureate, but he gave all his money to charity. and there were four more geneva conventions. they laid the foundations of modern international humanitarian law. on august 22, 1962, french president general charles de gaulle narrowly escaped death. he had already been repeatedly tried to be killed by ultra-right nationalists who had not forgiven the president for his decision to grant self-determination to algeria and end the colonial war there, and this the assassination attempt was better planned and prepared than others, it was led by lieutenant colonel jean-marie bastien thiry, the president with his wife and adjutant were on their way to the airport and they were ambushed in the parisian suburb of ptiklomar. militants from the delta group of the secret military
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organization oaz shot at the car with machine guns and automatic weapons, they counted 14 holes in it. the passengers miraculously escaped harm, thanks to the design of the presidential limousine, the bullets punctured the wheel. on august 22, 1991, it became finally clear that there was an attempt at a coup d'etat in the ussr failed. the previous evening, the state emergency committee, the state emergency committee , was dissolved. vice president gennady yanayev, the head of this illegal structure, signed the decree on dissolution and was arrested at 6 a.m. following him, almost all the other members of the state emergency committee were detained and sent to matrosskaya tishina. but
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when they came for him, the minister of internal affairs boris puga shot his wife. in his farewell note, he wrote: he made a mistake that was completely unexpected for himself, equivalent to a crime. yes, this is a mistake, not a conviction. that same day, faros, the president of the ussr mikhail gorbachev arrived at vnukovo airport. his relations with the gacachaptists raised many questions, and in front of the house of soviets, today the house of the government of the russian federation. a rally was held, at which boris yeltsin spoke. in connection with the actions of a group of people who declared themselves a state committee for a state of emergency, i propose: first, to consider the declaration of the committee unconstitutional, to qualify the actions of its organizers as a coup d'etat. he declared victory over the dictatorship that it was decided to make the tricolor the national flag. since then, we celebrate august 22 as the day of the national flag. that's what this day in history was like, the germans at that
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time developed the tiger-panther tanks, very well armored in terms of frontal armor. the kurdish battle was supposed to be a decisive battle, the germans raised everyone they could to arms. the soviet team was not asleep, it understood perfectly well that this is where the attack was possible. from the very beginning. the german plan cracked, there was no way the germans could not think during the offensive because their resources were black. losing luggage is an unpleasant experience for any air traveler. it must be remembered that from the moment the suitcase is checked in at the airport, the airline is responsible for it. in this issue of the manual, we will tell you in 5 minutes how a passenger can find his things. so, what to do if the belt is empty, all the passengers have gone, and your suitcase is missing.
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first, check if the flight number on the baggage carousel board matches yours? do not forget that fragile or oversized baggage, for example, a snowboard or a baby carriage can be issued at a separate counter or even in a special room. everything has been checked, but the baggage has not been found, you will have to contact the search service. without leaving the baggage area, find the counter or room for the search. baggage, abroad it can be called lost and found, lost luggage, baggage claim. if there is no such counter or room, you can simply contact the airport employee who is responsible for baggage or a representative of the airline. it is important that the incident is recorded. to do this, you will be offered fill out a statement about the loss of luggage if you are in russia, and abroad the act of non-arrival of luggage, fir. what must be in this statement or act? of course. the name, surname and patronymic of the owner, contacts where you can contact him, and the address where
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the luggage should be delivered when it is found. to search, you will need the date of the flight, the flight and the number of the luggage tag, as well as the exact features of the suitcase, from the shape, color and material to the presence of wheels, external pockets, wear of stickers. then the contents of the luggage in detail. the statement is made in two copies, one is taken by the passenger. the document must be kept together with the original boarding pass with the baggage tag. in the act , a code is assigned to each case of loss, by which you can track the search, for russian airlines on the bekspoisk website, for foreign ones in the worldtracer system. additional links for tracking are available on the resources of airlines and airports. in addition, you can contact the air carrier via a hotline or via e-mail. in russia and most countries of the world, the search baggage are allocated two. day from the moment the passenger filed a report of loss. when the suitcase is found, it must
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be delivered free of charge to the address specified in the report of loss. if more than 21 days have passed, the baggage is recognized as lost and you can contact the airline for monetary compensation. the period for providing a response to a claim under the air code is 30 days, after consideration of the claim, and the carrier is obliged to notify the passenger about the satisfaction of his requirements. or about rejection and then the passenger has every right to apply with a statement of claim to the court. the amount of compensation is usually calculated depending on the weight of the baggage. you can calculate the cost based on the contents of the suitcase, if, for example, the passenger had some valuables there and the receipts confirming their purchase have been preserved. if there are no receipts, and the items are not new, but not cheap, then their price is calculated based on the current market price, subtracting about 10%. for each year of use. all this information should be presented in separate claims to the airline. information on
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how to draw it up correctly can usually be found find on the carrier's website. let's take another situation: the luggage has arrived, but it is damaged. the procedure here is almost the same as in case of loss. and the passenger has the right to demand compensation. in case of damage to the luggage, a claim is also made to the carrier, which is drawn up when the luggage is issued. in the arrivals hall of the counter, designed to record the event of improper transportation of the passenger's luggage, a commercial act containing a description, a full description is attached to the claim. damage to the luggage and, accordingly, a photo of a baggage tag, which will be used to identify the baggage. if you are carrying something really valuable and do not want to worry, you can declare its value when checking in your baggage, that is, indicate how much the items in the suitcases cost. if the baggage is lost, the money will be returned in full, but the service itself is paid.
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a fee is charged for the carriage of baggage with a declared value, the amount of which is set by the carrier. information about the cost of such a service must be communicated to the consumer when concluding an air transportation agreement. procedure terms compensation for the cost of lost baggage, are established by the carrier's rules, which must also be read when concluding an air transportation agreement, but in any case, if the carrier does not reimburse the cost, the consumer has the right to go to court with the relevant demands. a few more tips. bright suitcases and covers for them, so that other passengers do not take them from the belt by mistake remove all previous stickers with bar codes from baggage, two or three destinations can confuse the scanner with use. attach a special tag with your name and phone number to your suitcase. come to check-in early, the later you check-in and check-in your luggage, the higher
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the probability that it will not make it to the plane. if you have a connecting flight, check-in your luggage to your final destination. and finally, the most essential things - money, documents, take them with you into the cabin. so that you are not left with nothing if your luggage gets lost. let us repeat the most important thing. if the airline has lost your luggage, you must file a loss report without leaving the airport. the search is given 21 days, if nothing was found, you can apply for monetary compensation. you should be compensated for the damage in case of damage to your luggage. passenger. declare the value of the luggage, then the money for it will be returned in full, but you will have to pay for the service. if you have any questions, want to know how to protect your rights in a dispute with carriers, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will talk to experts and will definitely tell you everything in one of the next issues of the instructions.
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largest russian digital platforms are taking support measures for residents of the kursk region. victims can receive loan deferments, assistance in finding temporary housing and work, as well as humanitarian aid. avito users can offer free housing to those who were forced to leave their homes. a corresponding filter has appeared in the real estate rental section.
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for those who provided housing to victims, the platform compensates the cost of posting an ad. avito is used by about 70 million users monthly, and we understand that this is a colossal audience from all regions of our country, we are required to request the usrn from each user who publishes their real estate ad. this gives us the opportunity to make sure that the property really exists, that it is a truly reliable ad, and that it can be trusted. avito will also provide assistance in finding temporary work in different regions. with accommodation. the service also supports employers in the kursk region who are currently looking for social sector personnel. avito work will publish vacancies for the most in-demand professions in the kursk region for free. the list has been agreed upon with the regional administration. all support measures will appear on a special page as they are launched. marketplay azon will award 3,000 points to victims. one point is equal to
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1 ruble. they can be spent on goods under a special promotion with a special showcase where essential items are available. each client of the marketplace can support residents of the kursk region. special certificates worth 500 rubles are on sale. these funds will be sent to the victims. they are distributed randomly among those users who are identified as victims, but at the same time randomly, evenly, that is, the system works in such a way that first of all each victim receives at least one certificate, well, then two, three, four, that is, the task is to distribute evenly, we act as an aggregator, which allows this certificate to be transferred from one user to another. the initiatives of avito and ozon were developed jointly with government services. this allows those in need to receive the necessary assistance as quickly as possible.
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there is no need to additionally confirm the status of the person who left the territory of the kursk region and other personal data. for its part , the state undertakes verification, that is , confirmation of citizens who are victims in the territory of the kursk region. this information will be provided at the request of marketplaces in a seamless digital mode only after. shelf life of goods. the central bank of the kursk region can extend free of charge recommended creditors to the maximum promptly consider requests from residents of border areas and provide mortgage deferrals of up to a year without interest. alfa bank, pochta bank. tb, mts bank are ready to provide credit holidays to victims in the korsa region. sovcom bank announced that it will write off loans for those killed and seriously injured in the kursk region. this applies to immediate
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relatives living with the bank's clients. vtb will write off the debts of clients with disabilities of the first group of victims. each request is processed individually. applications will be considered as quickly as possible, in each specific situation a suitable program will be selected. all information can be transferred to us by clients. remotely, or in person, by coming to the office. in addition, until the end of the year, we have canceled the commission for cash withdrawals from atms of other banks, for our clients individuals who have at least one debit card that was opened in the kursk, bryansk or belgorod regions. sberbank clients can get a deferment of payments on consumer and mortgage loans for 3 months without interest accrual, and for businessmen working in the district area from which the evacuation is being carried out, sber has cancelled the penalties for non-owning. state services inform victims of all available support measures, the information is regularly updated and they also collect data from affected residents of the kursk region for
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the regional operational headquarters. people can report themselves, tell what goods, products and medicines they need, and also find loved ones with whom they have lost contact. japan's capture of manchuria certainly posed a threat for the soviet far east and at the same time for mongolia. the khalkhengol river area was heavily bombed, they say that unexploded bombs are now lying somewhere in the steppe. zhupov's star rose precisely on khalkhengol.
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the soviet union and mongolia were built on the basis of full support for the development of mongolian statehood. i still remember the first phrase that stalin told us in the kremlin: a friend in need is a friend indeed.
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yes, hit yourself on the head, the main thing is, van, hurry up, what kindles interest, what began is what makes life brighter, may me nekhodi sharpened, of course, flint. ivan himself, and
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so we are teski, dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these screenings. mom, why do we need these letters? for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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they fired bursts at the unarmed. the first video evidence of the atrocities of ukrainian militants. kursk region, for this blood the ukrainian nazis will answer in full. they raped in vokov. the coach from odessa was dishonored, sent to serve, as the tcc teaches ukrainians to love their homeland. even the dynamic protection did not save. our fighters made a half-meter hole in the frame.


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