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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 22, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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at the beginning of the situation in the bryansk region, the fsb and the russian armed forces prevented an attempt to penetrate ukrainian.
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equipment, the defense ministry reported. attacks by kiev regime militants were prevented in the area of ​​the settlements of komarovka, koreneva, malaya loknya and russkaya konopelka. in addition, the department reported that during the military actions in the kursk direction , the ukrainian armed forces have already lost almost 4,500 servicemen and 65 tanks. the situation in the border region in a report by stanislav nazarov. we drive up to the artillery on dirt roads calculations that constantly change their firing lines in conditions of maneuverable combat operations. before the artillery work , drone operators launch aircraft-type drones into the sky, equipped with powerful medical devices and thermal imagers. must understand what internal thermals, turbulence, cyclone convergence are, well, everything like in large aviation, tanks, self-propelled guns, everything that, everything that our guys, those who fly conventional ones, cannot reach. even during ...
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there is no front, only the enemy rolls up, we immediately stop it, cover our infantry, which is currently conducting assault operations in the gray zone, the kursk region. this footage shows the moment of destruction of the armor of the ukrainian armed forces vehicle. the crew of the mi-35m helicopter fired at the detected targets with air missiles. received the task from the command post to occupy
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the duty zones, worked out the kong, the target was hit 100% direct hit. the mi-28 nm helicopter, using thermal imaging equipment of guided anti-tank missiles, destroys neo-nazi equipment arriving in the kursk region. at night , the effectiveness of operators does not decrease lancet strike drone, accurate hit, deprives the enemy.
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crawled to the forest, crawled into the nearest bushes, and there i lay for half a day all night, uh, i didn't have a machine gun with me, i had a machine gun, i stayed in the armored personnel carrier, but it burned down, well, i decided to go and surrender, not to return to the zsu. they are trying to rotate the destroyed mobile group of ukrainian neo-nazis on the territory of the kursk region, but our units do not allow the enemy to move. reconnaissance and search operations are continuing to identify and destroy in forest areas sabotage groups of the enemy, who tried to penetrate deep into russian territory. one of these groups was moving with machine guns on a three-wheeled motorcycle with a sidecar stolen from local residents; the militants were destroyed by our fpv drones. in conditions of maneuverable combat operations, a wide variety of units operate in constant coordination. artillery crews.
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said the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova. however, according to her, russia will prosecute all participants in the attack on the kursk region without a statute of limitations and punishment will be inevitable. evidence of numerous barbaric crimes committed by ukrainian militants against the civilian population of the kursk
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region. we are talking about murders, destruction of residential buildings, hijacking and captivity of russian citizens, beatings, abuse, looting, as well as terrorist attacks in other regions. strikes at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, all of this is carefully recorded, all of this is in the work of russian investigative bodies, and those terrorists who do not suffer just retribution during the military actions will be prosecuted without a statute of limitations until they suffer inevitable punishment. humanitarian aid is sent to kursk oblast every day from different regions. for example, 40 tons of cargo are transported from penza oblast. these are food products, stationery for schoolchildren, household appliances, bed linen for temporary accommodation points. in addition, the number of warehouses for receiving humanitarian aid is being increased in kursk oblast. details in the article by anastasia ponko. each box is stocked. this box is with food products. next, the food box is
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us with things. volunteers of the jewish autonomous region are putting humanitarian aid into boxes. all this is from residents of the region. galina brought several packages with her, she says, her whole life. there is humanitarian aid in the rear, and people will need it. in krasnodar, a large delivery of school stationery, notebooks, pens, pencils, pencil cases, backpacks, everything that schoolchildren need by september 1 is being prepared for sending to the kursk region. on wednesday, we
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are planning to send another car, which will include hygiene products for children, diapers, tselyonki, children's clothes, new, bed linen. 2 tons of humanitarian cargo were collected by volunteers. patriotic center avangard and people's front in nizhny novgorod, half of the boxes, personal hygiene products, crutches, wheelchairs, this is necessary palliative care for the disabled, orphanages, educational institutions, everything necessary so that social institutions can survive a difficult period. volunteers will personally deliver all these things to the kursk region, they take additional protection with them on the road. you understand, the situation is extremely difficult, but solvable, of course, that's why volunteers are given bulletproof vests.
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and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like? leonid
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eduardovich, hello, this is not your first time in smysly, but this time there is a special feature, that listeners from 60 countries of the world are present here, i know that you have already managed to communicate with young people, what topics were raised, what worries young people today? very creative young people. they understand what coordinate system they are in, indeed, today a new global majority is being formed in the world, a new system of world politics and international relations, a multipolar world architecture of the 20th century, where each country, its people, no matter how small, their traditions, history, culture, religion, national language, will become...
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as we saw in 1999 in the former yugoslavia, in 2003 in iraq, then in libya, for many years iraq and libya, the countries became countries without a state, well in syria it was we, we russia, who did not let the events go according to the same destructive scenario: a multipolar world, and without unnecessary compliments to our president, i will say that objectively many politicians from different countries are talking about this, today the new global... i emphasize, these are the countries of the global south, the majority, and this is not the anglo-saxon world, the african continent, latin america,
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a significant part of the countries of greater eurasia, china, india, the persian gulf countries, the brics countries, all these are the countries that advocate for a multipolar world, and the american hegemon in the world is no longer there, after the situation with the gaza strip, the us supported one of the parties to the conflict, israel, after 2.0 years later the biblical story of the massacre of the infants was repeated, indeed, then 14,000 male infants, as we know from the biblical texts, were destroyed, now the figure is comparable, the enormity of what happened in the gaza strip is beyond comprehension, and the us supported this mechanism, bloody mechanism, therefore there is no more american hegemon, there is no more us,
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which exports democracy all over the world world, yes, there is no democracy there, as we saw, including in the last presidential elections, and we see constantly, and no, the united states, which plays some special role in the world coordinate system. i am sure that this will be discussed at the upcoming session of the un general assembly, which... will begin soon in september, in new york, we will see if we get, i am a permanent member of the russian delegation to the un general assembly session from year to year, for the last two years i have not received a visa in violation of those documents that regulate the location of the united nations, its headquarters on the territory of the united states, but let's return to the territory of meanings, to sen.
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literally in a matter of years today they communicate, today they are friends, today they stand on a single position on multipolar world architecture and many other specific issues.
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those who created the territory of meanings, including sergei vladislavovich kiriyenko, are absolutely correct in that it is necessary to synchronize the holding of this most important, it would seem, within the political - forum and international events that connect seemingly completely different things, approaches, different matter, communication on the fields of the territory
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so we will work and of course we will welcome young people from different countries of the world, representing different continents, different political, public organizations, young scientists in russia, i am sure
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that this cooperation will only increase with each month. well, today you were asked a lot of questions, what is it that interests today the modern youth, who just participate in political life, in social life is quite active. i am interested in russia's position on many issues in the middle east, on the role of the united states in world affairs, on president putin's position on various topics, so to speak. i was asked about this, and of course, a special military operation, the last, we hope, to proceed from this, a fight with nazism in world history, it is striking that guys from countries that in general can hardly be called any obviously pro-russian, share our approach, that the forces of evil that stand
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today, for the actions of kiev, it is necessary to win there is no one and - it is impossible today after the invasion of the kursk region to conduct any negotiations, these are really people who are completely outside the usual, normal human coordinate system, therefore, really, either we achieve the last final victory with nazism in the history of mankind, or nazism will retain the opportunity.
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it is hard, hard, when monasteries are plundered, when representatives of the clergy are arrested, tortured, held in prison. when people are forbidden to pray in the churches where they grew up, which are sacred and truly holy places for them,
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holy temples, all this once again proves the monstrosity, the inability to negotiate of the kiev regime and those who stand behind it, and the need to achieve a holy and noble victory, which... the numbers of humanitarian convoys, we have them around the clock, and a huge corps of volunteers is working there, our headquarters are deployed there, i
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personally receive a significant number of requests, with each difficult situation we will to understand and bring to a solution, this is the meaning of the ldpr, this is why the ldpr is trusted, we recently returned from there and will soon go there again, but the point is not that... to just be there, to trade face, the point is to solve problems, to solve people's problems, this is what zhirinovsky taught us, for this we are there today with those who are in trouble, to stand firm, to take a blow, not to become despondent in the most difficult situations and to understand that there is a fight with nazism not for life or death, we must now support in every possible way president. to support our armed forces, to support our guys at the front, so i already said, diesel, things, food,
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water, yes, there is not enough water, so those requests that come to us, we immediately acquire, immediately send, this also concerns special tasks, purely military purposes, this ... protects us with you, well, all the factions turned out to be united in their support and the fighters of the svo, and naturally, assistance to the border regions, and the topic of today's territory, the meaning of this
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visit is unity, but to what extent is it today is it possible, in your opinion, on a global scale? it cannot be otherwise, those who are outside this unity, those who try to pinch each other, to prove that he is more right, this... history, we need to understand this, on how events will go at the front, on our victory, depends, without unnecessary hypotheticals, in the most real way, the fate of russian civilization,
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the fate of the country, the fate of those who today oppose and give their lives against nazism for the future of russia and the russian world, all this is really what we are not just we think, and what we do every day, every hour. "we do not choose the time, as the classic wrote, time chooses us, time chose us for this very important, noble, very difficult task, everything else is also important, we discussed a lot of issues and - opposition - to illegal and low-skilled labor migration, and the demographic crisis and the need to overcome it, and various aspects of youth policy cannot be otherwise at the youth forum. but of course, the main task, and i repeat once again, the main point is precisely victory, precisely support for those who are at the front and... it is very
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great that young people from different countries of the world, which the countries i am talking about could hardly be called friendly until recently, but being here not just to support us for the sake of appearances, but convincingly and reasonably support our position, therefore today in the youth sphere we can and should talk about the fact that we have already created a new global majority, this is not the anglo-saxon world, these are the forces of common sense sense, they are represented on all continents, they are represented in most countries and integration blocs, it is very important that the new global majority has a clearly expressed professional youth dimension, well, that is, it turns out to be unity on international platforms, at the international level it is also possible, international platforms, on international parliamentary
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does not pay attention to issues of foreign policy, international parliamentary cooperation, we are together, there are more and more of us, we who advocate for common sense, for peace and constructive interaction, and the more of us among them, our opponents, the fewer of them among us, we continue to work, thank you very much, leonid eduardovich for an interesting dialogue, thank you.
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who are you? me, a traveler, aeronaut, jean. ivan! ah, so we are namesakes. what a fairy tale, without ivan. eh, eh, what started? without deception and without flint.
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flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon, it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations. we let's expose all the fakes.


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