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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 22, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

6:30 am
without deception and without flint, don't go to flints and steel, i'm sharpened, self-writing pen , magic ink, you'll get it, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, a fool, want, where you need to go.
6:31 am
we will expose all the fakes. we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website. news, mid -hour.
6:32 am
russian troops destroy a unit of a town in the kursk borderland and ukrainian armed forces equipment, the enemy's temporary deployment point was destroyed by a precise air strike, the crew of 134 dropped aerial bombs, the enemy is being hit with grads, target coordinates and mlrs calculations are being received from reconnaissance. humanitarian aid is being delivered to kursk oblast from all sides, the next batch was sent to espenza, three trucks will deliver 60 tons. this is food, drinking water, bed linen. about 7 tons of cargo were collected in a few days in astrakhan. today, russia celebrates national flag day. the tricolor became a symbol of the country in 1991. festive events are taking place in all regions, congratulations have even come from space, the russian crew sent them from the iss. off the coast of sicily, where the yacht of british billionaire mike lynch crashed, rescuers have found another one already.
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that is, dead, here are truly terrifying shots, bodies scattered everywhere in forest belts on side roads, but this cargo 200 ukraine is in no hurry to return to its homeland. lie, here it
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howls, what it leads to, the enemy, of course, will never say this, but under every bush, under every fence and tree, where our barmen work, lie the corpses of those who invaded our territory, our kursk region, and they will never tell their own about the losses they have here, but according to the russian ministry of defense on... i remember, the losses in the ssu in the kursk direction are already almost 4,500 people, and really, this is an entire brigade that was destroyed in full. that's how they liquidated the ukrainian assault group near the kurdish village of korenevo, the ssu has been trying to capture it for 2 weeks, unsuccessfully. that's how it will be with everyone, someone is heading towards russian lands. there are no equipped positions, no guaranteed escape routes due to the work, the intense work of artillery.
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there are no fpv drones, no army aviation either. accordingly, a simple question arises: why then waste precious western armored vehicles? burning, or what, for slaughter? well, if you think about it, it was clear from the very beginning that this was, well, it was unrealistic to do all this, this is russia, and not some other country. the ukrainian general staff counted on quick throws on western equipment, however this tactic failed, raiding groups
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tried to set up ambushes, but they themselves fell into a trap, send to certain death , abandon, common practice is recognized by the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine themselves, i do not take 200, and if ... you did not take from the two-hundredth, then who among us is the two-hundredth has disappeared, and this is a very sore subject, yes, it is considered, you know, like well, it is a matter of honor for the commander to take his two-hundredths, but when it goes like this, just a slaughter, like with us, well, like this near avdiivka there was a meat grinder, just a meat grinder, there, well, no one two hundredths were not taken, they simply left everything, and this despite the fact that ovdeevka was essentially one continuous fortified area in the kursk region of prepared borders. the ukrainian armed forces do not have, as there is no, a single line of defense, trenches, fortified pillboxes, hence the huge losses that the kiev regime refuses to acknowledge, the authorities try in every way to understate the number of losses, the units try to understate the number of losses in front of their high
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command in order to show their greater effectiveness, they often died in a military case they are recorded as missing, even having the bodies in their hands, they refuse very... often from a transfer of bodies, including from our side transfer of bodies to them, again for the same reasons, now in the kursk region our military is forced to remove the bodies of the dead ukrainian soldiers in order to bury the remains in a humane manner, since the kiev authorities act so brutally towards their own citizens. this also applies to the relatives of the dead. many in ukraine cannot receive the promised compensation. firstly, a document from military unit, certifying the circumstances of death. and where is it now? take it, secondly, from the amount of 15 million hryvnias they immediately give out only a fifth, the rest is stretched out over several years, i simply try to understate and postpone these payments, since they are a serious burden on the budget, taking into account the large
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number of losses of the armed forces of ukraine - this is a serious factor, literally the relatives of the servicemen of those units that are involved in this operation are ringing the alarm and ... nevertheless, there is not much information specifically reliable names a list of names of the deceased servicemen of the ukrainian armed formations in the kursk region. however, the names of the deceased , even if they become known, will be immortalized, except in the materials of the investigation into the war crimes of the kiev regime, our fighters promise this brigade of the 2nd armed forces of ukraine, will definitely be replenished and not only on kurdish soil.
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on the channel russia 24 i am vadim zavodchenkov, a leading specialist of centrafobos, hello, the ex-typhoon jangdari will enter the tatar strait today. even the day before and under its influence, showers began in vladivostok, and many city dwellers must have experienced dojavu, as on monday, some streets of the capital of primorye were flooded, and the stairs again turned into waterfalls. to understand what is capable of... let's move to china. in just two days, a tropical cyclone brought down up to 130 mm of precipitation on the western regions of the province of lyoning. this caused emergency discharges at several reservoirs at once. as a result
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, the settlements located downstream were covered by a tsunami. people sought salvation on the roofs of their houses. some buildings were simply swept away by huge masses of water. stormy streams. everything in its path, including dams and bridges. the day before, the regenerating typhoon da. had already found itself in the east of the dprk. you see, from the north , a cloud ridge of the polar atmospheric front is flowing into the vortex area. as a result of this alliance , a new cyclone will spin up over the territory of the sea of ​​japan, and its power will be no less than that of its predecessor, and the zone of nenasti is much larger. in general, predicting the trajectory of typhoons is a very thankless task. days earlier. it was assumed that today the vortex would cross primorye, and then go further north,
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but now the models consider another route to be the most likely, dzhongdari will rush south of the coast of the sea of ​​japan, for the region - this is good news, but for sakhalin and the amur region it is not, because all the moisture that was supposed to pour out on the slopes of sikhat aline will go to these regions, today and tomorrow the fields of rain clouds will cover the general... a new wave of rain flood, for example, in vladivostok nature will implement
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the most favorable weather scenario: by the end of friday, the thunderclouds of the cyclone will bring up to 25 mm of precipitation in the city, then the weather will improve only on sunday there may be short showers and thunderstorms again, khabarovsk will get the full brunt of the elements, in the next 2 days almost half of the monthly... volume of moisture will fall here, so large-scale flooding most likely cannot be avoided, in addition , the level of the amur will continue to rise, its water content in the city has already exceeded the unfavorable mark, the atmosphere over the amur region will calm down only on the weekend. that's all for me, goodbye.
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6:44 am
how much have seasonal vegetables become more expensive why this did not affect cucumbers, we will tell you in a couple of minutes in the economic news. remember what you were told when you decided to open a business, yes, this is not a business at all, but you did not listen, because you are doing everything wrong, continue, we give the business 3 months of free acquiring, and also a terminal and a cash register, open a free account for business. alfabank is the best bank for business. yur, teach pixel
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34, 3 = 1 stop, well no... economic news, konstantin, seasonal vegetables are getting cheaper in russia. yes, roman, a decrease is observed in almost all fruit and vegetable products, except cucumbers. weekly inflation in russia slowed to 4% by august 19. the annual rate also slowed down, slightly exceeding
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9% - rosstat calculated. the agency notes that over the week, fruit products became cheaper by... cucumbers really became more expensive, butter also increased in price by 8%. among non-food products , smartphones became cheaper, but gasoline and diesel became more expensive, but it became cheaper to fly economy class. the capacity of the container terminal in the port of novorossiysk will be significantly increased, it currently amounts to 700 thousand units per year, by 2027 it will grow to a million. such plans were announced by the group of companies. affairs, the structure of which includes the terminal. reconstruction of one of the berths has begun there, it will be extended from 390 to 600 and additional storage areas will be equipped. as a result, their capacity will increase more than one and a half times, while the work will be carried out without stopping the production cycle. this deep-water container terminal, unique for the south of russia,
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the pier was built in 2019, and even then it doubled the terminal's capacity. the total. investment in the project then amounted to $125 million. american automaker ford is abandoning fully electric full-size suvs. such cars will now be hybrid. the company itself notes that this decision will lead to losses of almost $2 billion. $400 million now and another $1.5 billion in one of the coming quarters. in addition, ford is postponing the launch of a new fully electric pickup truck to the second half of 27.
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should be profitable within the first year on the market, that's why they abandoned this suv, it is not considered profitable, the bigger the electric car, the bigger the battery, which is the most expensive component of the electric car, this is one of the key problems that killed this electric suv. and a little more about america: the estimate for the increase in jobs in the us from april last year to march this year, has been reduced by 818,000. this is somewhere between the most pessimistic estimates of the largest american banks from minus 600 thousand to a million, which were expected at goldman sachs. as a result , 2,100,000 jobs were created during the mentioned period, and not 2,900, as the ministry of finance previously claimed. the department hastened to attribute an impressive mass of illegals to the workforce, but in fact it did not become one. experts do not rule out that closer to
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the us presidential elections this same mass will be recorded as an asset of the voting electorate. party. and at the end of the issue about currencies. the dollar today costs 91 rubles 68 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 101.95. and here on that's all i have for now. roman. konstantin, thank you. i'll tell you briefly about some of the central topics of the hour. in the border areas of the kursk region, our fighters are pushing back ukrainian militants. the crew of the su-34 struck a nationalist's temporary deployment point. the enemy's lands are being hit with grads. and the defense services are delivering the fighters everything they need right to... this was stated by the head of the agency, rafael grosi. he said that he would visit the nuclear power plant next week. today , russia celebrates national flag day, and the regions are holding ceremonial events, congratulations came even from space, the russian
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crew sent them to the iss. the israeli army struck again at the whole in the gaza strip, at least 17 people became victims. joe biden in a telephone conversation called on benjamin netanyahu to urgently conclude a deal with hamas. to the airport. after the commercials on our air, a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years and eras. uralsip is a bank for
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business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. free payments and transfers for business. bankur sip, nothing extra. what is remembered about this day in history, we will tell you right now. hello. on august 22 , 1456, vlad ii of the basarab dynasty became the ruler of wallachia, a region in the south of modern romania. he had the nickname tsep or impaler, because. he preferred to impale his enemies. another nickname was passed on from his father - dracula, that is, dragon. this was the name of the knightly order, the society of the dragon. it was founded by the hungarian king
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segismund i to fight heretics. in terms of cruelty, vlad was not much different from other rulers of those years, but he went down in history as a terrifying vampire, although there is no evidence of this. seeking the throne of wallachia. by the way, dracula occupied it twice. he showed intelligence, cunning and courage and was not noticed in the fact that he drank. his victims and was known as a fair ruler, resisted the ottoman turks who tried to conquer europe. in romania and moldova, he is revered, monuments are erected. his bad vampire fame began with the novel by the irish writer bram stoker, written at the end of the 19th century, a work of fiction, and then films appeared, there are already about 300 of them, and now it is very difficult to figure out where the truth is and where the fiction in the life of vlad ii. yes, 160 years ago, on august 22, 1864
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, the first geneva convention on assistance to sick and wounded soldiers and on the neutral status of medical personnel and medical institutions during military operations was concluded. the initiator was the swiss businessman henry dunant, shocked by the casualties among the wounded after the battle of prisalferin between the french and italians. dunant. with the help of the swiss government, organized an international congress, developed clear rules for the warring parties, and chose a red cross on a white background as a distinctive sign for medical institutions and medical workers. at first , only 12 states signed the convention, then the rest. dunant created the international committee of the red cross, but went broke, became a beggar, lived in a shelter, and only at the end of the century was he remembered. russia appointed a generous pension, he was chosen as the first nobel prize laureate. but everyone he gave his money to charity, and there were four more geneva conventions, which laid the foundations of modern international humanitarian law. on august 22, 1962, french president
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general charles de gaulle narrowly escaped death. he had already been assassinated more than once by ultra-right nationalists who had not forgiven the president for his decision to grant self-determination to algeria and end the colonial war there. and this assassination attempt was planned and prepared better than others, it was led by lieutenant colonel bastien thiry, the president with his wife and adjutant were traveling to the airport and they were ambushed in the paris suburb of ptiklamar. militants from the delta group of the secret military organization oaz shot at the car with machine guns and automatic weapons. they counted 14 holes in it. the passengers miraculously escaped injury, thanks to the design of the presidential limousine. the bullets punctured the wheel, but the unique hydropneumatic suspension allowed it to remain stable. the terrorists were sentenced. or to death, but de gaulle pardoned everyone except the main organizer, tiri. after that, there were other assassination attempts, were also unsuccessful and president degol remained in
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power until 1969. on august 22, 1991, it became finally clear: the attempt at a coup d'etat in the ussr had failed. the night before, the state emergency committee, the state emergency committee, was dissolved. vice president gennady yanayev, the head of this illegal structure, signed a decree on dissolution and was arrested at 6 a.m. following him, almost all the other members of the state emergency committee were detained and sent to matrosskaya tishina. but the minister of internal affairs, out of fear, when they came for him, shot his wife and himself. in a farewell wrote the note, made a mistake that was absolutely unexpected for him, equivalent to a crime. yes, it is a mistake, not a conviction. on the same day , the president of the ussr, mikhail gorbachev, flew from foros to vnukovo airport. his relations with the gachachaps raised many questions, and in front of the house of soviets, today the house of the government of the russian federation, a rally was held, at which boris yeltsin spoke. in connection with the actions of a group of people
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who declared themselves the state committee for the state of emergency, i deliver: first, consider the committee's announcement unconstitutional to qualify the actions of its organizers as a coup d'etat. he declared victory over the dictatorship that a decision had been made to make the tricolor the national flag. since then, we have celebrated august 22 as the day of the national flag of russia. this is what this day in history was like.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we... talked about, i'm waiting for you at these screenings.
7:00 am
in the kursk border area, russian troops are destroying a unit and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, the enemy's temporary deployment point was destroyed.


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