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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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of the russian government, which allows us to use financial support in terms of subsidizing the acquisition of ships. this program works well and more than 100 ships are currently in production. today, russia celebrates the day of the state flag, festive events are taking place in all regions. in the kursk border area, russian troops are destroying units and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. we will tell you the details. trophies from the special operation zone were brought to kemerovo. are there many people who want to see the captured western equipment? industrial production
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in moscow increased by more than 18% in the first half of the year. which industries showed the best results? so, in the bryansk region, border guards and units of the armed forces prevented an attempt by a ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group to penetrate into russian territory. during the battle, the enemy was inflicted with fire damage. the saboteurs retreated. all the latest information from our correspondent in the region, igor davidovich, he is joining us. igor, hello. what is the situation now? alexander, hello, well, by this minute we can say with confidence that the situation has stabilized, first of all, in the border klimovsky district, where the saboteurs attacked the day before. actually, the information that the border was unsettled the day before arrived closer to the evening, but the official authorities of the region.
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remained silent until a certain hour, apparently waiting for the active phase of hostilities to end, so at 10:30 p.m. the governor of the bryansk region alexander bagamas on his pages in social networks told details on the territory of the bryansk region, on the territory of the klimovsky district, a sabotage reconnaissance group really tried to penetrate, but the forces of the border department of the fsb of russia for the bryansk region, the forces of the military personnel of the armed forces of the russian federation, this attempt was thwarted by the enemy. but the fire defeat and the situation returned to a peaceful course, it is controlled by the operational headquarters of the bryansk region, it must be said that this is not the first attempt of the enemy to attack the klimovsky district, all previous ones were also reflected, for such a development of events the cover group bryansk, of course, was ready, taking into account this situation, which developed in the kursk region, specifically for reflecting such possible attacks at the ministry of defense.
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the russian federation created a coordinating council on military security issues in the territory of the bryansk , belgorod and kursk regions, which in addition to the governors in the three above-mentioned subjects included responsible persons of the ministry of defense, the coordinating council was headed by the minister andrei himself belousov, so all the issues related to logistics, other issues that need to be resolved promptly to provide cover groups are now being resolved as quickly as possible, and i will also note why. it is the klimovsky district that saboteurs choose for such systematic attacks, the fact is that it is located not only on the border with ukraine, but on the border with the neighboring republic of belarus, and therefore, well, this is like another attempt to destabilize the situation, i will also say that after this attack the day before, early this morning , another attack was carried out on the pryany region, this time with the help of an unmanned aerial vehicle, but it was successfully repelled by anti-aircraft forces... on the night from tuesday to
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wednesday, the bryansk region experienced a particularly massive drone attack on the territory of the region, 23 drones were shot down at once, but by this minute, i repeat, the situation is absolutely calm, the region is living its normal life, by this hour all the information, alexandra, thank you, about the situation in the bryansk region, where this night was cut down an attempt to penetrate ukrainian saboteurs, igor davidovich said, now about the installation in the border areas of the kursk region. russian troops are destroying a unit and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. the temporary deployment point of the enemy was destroyed by a precise air strike. the crew of the su-34 dropped aerial bombs. the enemy is also being bombed by izgrads. the rzsso crews receive target coordinates from intelligence. our special correspondent stanislav bernval stas is on the direct line with the studio. hello. how was last night? yes, alexandra, hello. latest news
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minutes inspire optimism, here comes the news that the village of nichaya in the kursk region has been liberated, a guy from the wild division of donbass liberated the settlement of nichaya, in the kursk region, it says, in the message the battalions arbat, pyatnashka and sarmat drove the armed forces of ukraine out of the village and its environs. this is good news. now we are waiting for official confirmation from the ministry of defense, i am 90% sure that this is exactly how it is. and if this is so, then this means that the ukrainian front in the border area is beginning to crumble, all this is connected with coordinated actions our armed forces, which do not allow ukrainian reserves to approach, and accordingly the pressure that our aviation and artillery exert, what you just talked about a few minutes ago, favors pushing back the ukrainian militants, well, for example, today there was also news that our black sea infantry, marines, the 810th brigade, destroyed a machine gun emplacement along with the machine gunners, they
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did it in a hurry, ukrainian militants, i mean, our guys, just filigree worked, destroyed the point itself, and those who did not want to surrender, well, as in ... they said, indeed, our sukhoi su-25s worked with fabs, worked on the concentration of militants on the kursk border, as a result of the strike of a fab with a corrected planning module, the su-25s lost both manpower in large quantities, and what is important, expensive western-made equipment, the day before the same marines of the 810th brigade captured 20 militants in the ssu, that is, it is crumbling now there is no coordination. the armed forces of ukraine and this is good in that it is necessary to continue in the same spirit, everyone already understands that here the vs-ers are not able to advance deep into the territory, now is the very turning point when they must be directly knocked out, or destroyed
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on the spot. meanwhile , evacuation from the border regions continues, here in kursk and in general in the kursk region more than 100 temporary accommodation points have already been opened for those resettled from the kursk border zone, all the points that are necessary in these trps are taken into account, let's listen to how the trps work and what kind of assistance is provided there. cultural workers and creative groups hold events daily at temporary accommodation points. over the entire period , 131 events have already taken place, including master classes, concerts, film screenings, and game programs.
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people are sent there to be resettled, children are sent to children's camps, in general, all of russia is now working to help the kursk region, while it is difficult and very unsafe to rescue people from the border areas, because ukrainian militants are trying their best to complicate the evacuation process, they are beating on civilian cars, knowing, understanding that people are trying to leave, that is, taking just civilian. population and as a human shield, well , let's remember, it was in donetsk, it was and it was in mariupol, it was in artemovsk, when ukrainian militants did not allow people to leave through humanitarian corridors, the same thing, the same thing is happening here now, unless
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they act even more harshly, open fire to kill, seeing that there are children in the cars, now we want to show you one video, how our guys, volunteers, are transporting from border areas and two grannies, let's see, nothing, everything will be fine, we're going, grannies, we're going, everything's fine, we're going, we're going, the neighboring village is going to a disco, yes, yes, that's it, let's go, slowly, carefully, the birds aren't flying yet, we continue to monitor the situation in the kursk region, all the latest news is on our air, alexandra, you have the floor, stas, thank you, stanislav bernwald was on the line from the kursk region. help for people who were forced to leave their homes in the kursk region is coming from all over russia. in the last few days alone , several convoys have arrived in the region. another batch of over 40 tons of cargo was sent to volgograd.
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in addition to food, the trucks contained household appliances, refrigerators, washing machines and generators. here is artem yamshchukov's report. prepare the convoy and let's start sending. that's it, we've already contacted the task force there, they're waiting for us, and indeed, this caravan of heavy-duty trucks from the volgograd region is eagerly awaited in kursk, over 40 tons of aid are already in the trucks, the last ones are on the ground. microwave ovens, electric stoves and much more other, everything that is necessary for the comfortable life of people in temporary accommodation centers. it is very important, we are now communicating with people from the kursk region, these are things for children, these are essential products, hygiene products, this is what is needed, when a person left home, he simply did not take anything with him. now the volgograd region will send everything to help our loved ones. the humanitarian convoy was formed by the administration
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of the volgograd region with the support of public organizations, enterprises of the region and caring residents. products, sweets, baby food, hygiene and household items. for example, beekeepers from the alkhovsky district donated dozens of kilograms of honey. the cossacks also took an active part in the preparations, and the taman of the district cossack society, alexander kriventsev, is going to kursk personally. the cossacks have stood in defense of their homeland all their lives. in any format, whether they were defending borders or helping people, we could not stand aside at this difficult time for the whole country, so we also took part, we are going in a great mood, we wish people all the best, god bless them all, victory will still be ours, the first humanitarian convoy from the volgograd region was met in kursk just a few days after the invasion of the region by armed formations of ukraine, since then the work to provide assistance has not stopped for a minute, on the instructions of governor andrei. "the volgograd region is ready to further strengthen support for kursk, including accepting residents
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of the affected area. we are constantly in dialogue with the operational headquarters, and of course, andrei vach spoke about this, that if if necessary, then assistance will be provided with building materials, and if necessary, then our enterprises, organizations will go there and provide assistance after the victory, after we return to our settlements, the enemy will be forced to rebuild." came to the kursk region as quickly as possible, without stopping, everything so that assistance while the next batch of cargo is already being formed in our region. artem myamshkov, vadim shabanov, volgograd news. the german chancellor stated that berlin knew nothing about the preparation of an attack by ukraine on the kursk region. allegedly, kiev acted secretly without feedback. olaf scholz made this statement
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during a visit to kiev during a joint press conference with moldovan president mai sandu. at the same time, the german publication bild previously reported that the ukrainian armed forces used the german bmb marder sapper tank vesind in the kursk region. ukraine prepared its military operation in the kursk region secretly without feedback. we are closely monitoring the development of the situation, at the moment it is not worth commenting on this until we receive access to information about the operation. thanks to repair units in the zaporizhia direction, 98% of the damaged equipment is returned to service; maintenance has to be carried out in conditions of careful camouflage, the enemy is very close. anton stepanenko saw how combat vehicles are revived . a drone records a hit. a howitzer battery of the artillery division. rifle regiment of the dnepr group hit a mortar crew and a group of enemy soldiers. they bring in
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a lot of shells, work is constant, day, evening, night, morning, there is always work. feature their work is not only to hit targets, but to survive in counter-battery combat, and the enemy is constantly waging it. moreover, the d-30 howitzer is not self-propelled, it is towed, that is, after each shot the deployment location is not changed, only when their position is discovered. the volost ran. everything is fine, yes, thank you, you are safe, and you are all fine there, yes, yes, it is so close here, this is the result of an artillery duel, the howitzer crew destroyed the enemy's gun, but found itself under fire, so these are fine, thank god, the bull did not detonate, the frame is intact, the gun not badly damaged, can still work, only from a new position, they prepare them in advance and not one, two more, thereby increasing the survivability of the gun at the front, around the clock, at any time they can absolutely order to get ready, run, that is, sometimes they slept in
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bulletproof vests, because every 10 minutes they rise, well, at the moment the situation is stably tense, but we hold, we hold everything, we withstand everything, everything is fine, the guns do not fail, so with the help of a pressure gauge , after repairs, the craftsmen check the pressure in the rolling device of the d-30 howitzer. everything is normal, everything is excellent, 58 atmospheres. the gun was sent for repair a couple of days ago, the seals started leaking, the pressure in the recoil-rolling device dropped, that is , it became problematic for the crew to work effectively, the main reason for the wear and tear is active... it fights a lot, shoots, as it were, works a lot, that is why such wear and tear occurs. in field conditions , it is not easy to eliminate these malfunctions from a safety point of view, it is difficult for the enemy not to notice the fuss of several people near the gun, therefore, the firing position will be exposed. we try to camouflage ourselves better so that there are no incidents, two hundredths, three hundredths, not yet.
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nearby is a gun that received shrapnel damage on the barrel, they are clearly visible. schedule of repairs with replacement.
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vesti zaporizhzhya front. trophies from the special operation zone were brought to kemerovo . anyone interested can closely examine the western equipment captured by the center group in the donetsk and ovdeevka directions. these are armored vehicles, tanks, as well as dozens of samples of missile and artillery weapons made in great britain, the usa, australia and other countries. one of the first to appreciate the exhibit was our own correspondent, ksenia klimina, she joins us. ksenia, hello, how many people came to the exhibition today? alexandra, hello, yes, there are quite a lot of people who want to see the fallen enemy equipment with their own eyes. the traveling exhibition of captured nato equipment reached kusbas, and this journey, it can’t be said that it was easy, in every
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sense, to cover 1,500 km from tyumen to keymery. some samples had to be loaded onto railway platforms, the most damaged, such as the bradley infantry fighting vehicle or the american abrams tank, were transported on automobile trailers accompanied by servicemen of the central military district. a total of 14 units of destroyed enemy equipment produced in the usa, great britain, austria, germany and other western countries were delivered to the region, the detailed history of the capture of each of these vehicles is also told here by servicemen, i suggest listening to their commentary. this tank was detected by our uav crew on avdiivka direction, was hit by a kamikaze drone, this drone is hanging on top of the tower, the first drone hit
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the abrams engine compartment, the second drone has already finished off the hatch of the tower. the stories of the capture can not only be heard, but also seen with your own eyes, opposite each of the samples there are signs with qr codes, with the help of which you can see video recordings from the drones from the moment of destruction. all these machines were captured in the avdiivka and donetsk directions, by servicemen of the central forces group, which includes kuzbasovites. today a huge number of city residents came to look at the trophies, among them there are those who have just recently returned from the special operation zone, i suggest listening to their commentary too, i was mobilized, called up, went to serve, well, after training
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i ended up in ukraine, first near ugledar, then near bakhmut, all this equipment. i saw it there, i bow before the courage of our soldiers, contract soldiers, i am glad that here were the kids, in the uniform of the cadet school and the young army, how could i not come when the war is going on, in fact, i would like to see what our the guys got their own there, well , it's a bit scary when you look, well, on the one hand, you feel joy and... i visited the sverdlovsk, kurgan, chelyabinsk, tyumen regions, over half a million people saw it, here in
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kemerovo the exhibition will work until the end of the summer. alexandra, thank you, ksenia klimina told us about the exhibition of trophy equipment that opened in kemerovo. we will switch to advertising for a while. reliable. the same reliable tools for small workshops of large productions, all tools for home, summer cottage, construction and repair, giant tool kit 5,900 rubles. need to take, large purchases will become easier, apply for a loan with cashback from ...
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they sorted the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for their son or 11 sneakers for their daughter, 73 t-shirts for their dad or 70 dresses for their mom. sort your waste, give things a new life. today, russia celebrates national flag day. the tricolor became a symbol of the country in 1991. festive events are taking place in all regions today. congratulations even came from space, from the iss, they were sent by the russian crew. and in moscow , a motor rally along the garden ring has already taken place. cars decorated with tricolors drove along... about how he celebrates the day of the state flag, alexander usatenko. all over the country, in honor of the day of the state flag, festive events in vladivostok, a spectacular
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launch. this is what unites our people allows them feel part of the history of our country. today , the entire country from kaliningrad to kamchatka is painted in the colors of the tricolor. in krasnoyarsk, a thirty-five-meter flag was stretched in a significant place for the city. here in 1628, the confluence of two rivers gave birth to the krasnoyarsk ostrog. more than 100 people took part in the flash mob. for everyone who came here, the russian flag is not just a piece of cloth. it is pride. russia in general should
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be proud of. our country is the best, most beautiful, incredible, come to russia and live in russia. flags are unfurled on mountain tops, in the courtyards of the main city squares, to the national anthem , the russian flag is solemnly raised on a hundred-meter flagpole. the 100 most active participants of the junior forum confessed their love for the country. they changed into tricolor vests and lined up at the foot of the heart-shaped flagpole. these are simply indescribable emotions, this is crazy pride for your country and, of course, for your. region, for your people, that we honor our flag and our state as a whole so much. festive events will be held today in all corners of the large country. this is a special day, when everyone can raise the russian flag into the sky and feel proud of their country. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, vesti. a special event was prepared in tatarstan for the flag day. in nizhnekamsk
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, they raised it over the entrances and balconies of the houses of the participants in the special operation. this is how the city authorities and residents expressed their respect for our defenders who are fighting on the front lines and honored the memory of the fallen. the event is excellent, i think it is patriotic, i would like to express gratitude on behalf of all the fighters who is on the line of combat contact. thank you very much for remembering us.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these screenings. in moscow 9:30 and then briefly about the main thing. russian.


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