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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 22, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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when you unfold the biggest tricolor, it is very heavy, the wind sways, i want to show you, here even people lined up with big tricolors, of course, it is not a thousand square meters, but they are impressive too, they are impressive, of course, of course, here came young young patriots, well, how did you like it , yes , i know that even here came guys who know, tell me what our tricolor means, white? means purity, and blue means faith, red means courage, strength and much more, well done, give me five, well tell me what emotions you had liked, really liked, unfortunately we didn't catch the beginning, yes they were already folding up, but we didn't expect a huge flag, we came specially to see, but so to speak, from the horse 's mouth, well and after they unfurled it.
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certainly, of course, of course, how could it be otherwise, i was born here, i grew up here, i will actually die here. today , solemn events are taking place all over the country in the kursk region, despite the difficult situation now in the complex memorial of the battle of kursk, activists unfurled the russian flag 2,500 km in size, and belgorod residents joined them. here on panerovskaya land, when
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we defeated fascism more than 80 years ago , today we have gathered here again, unfortunately, neo-nazism is raising its head today, and as then more than 80 years ago, we will definitely defeat fascism and there will be peace on earth with a holiday. the flag is our pride, strength and the face of the entire country. it represents the indestructible strength of the russian people, the power of eternal readiness to stand up for their homeland. as a symbol of unity, today the activists of the young guard unfurled tricolors in lugansk people's republic. for us, as for the residents of russia, this is a very significant holiday, because it is a certain joy, this is the moment when we see the flag, this is some kind of hope for... also today there was a procession in
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kazan, more than a hundred citizens raised, raised the tricolor over their heads, well, and here the victory museums are just beginning, now there will be master classes for those at 16 a festive concert, admission is absolutely free. yes, alexander, thank you, alexandra told how the celebration is going. day of the state flag of russia. now a short break and we will continue. stay tuned.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings.
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now is the time for economic news. russia and china want to increase the use of national currencies in trade. the countries have agreed to develop payment and settlement infrastructure, including through the opening of correspondent accounts and the development of branches of their banks. this is reported in pro as of today, the share of the ruble and the yuan in mutual settlements has already exceeded 95%. russia has increased its share of wheat on the world market, it reached 35% according to the interim results of the season. compared to the previous agricultural year, the growth was 6%. this was reported by the union of grain exporters with reference to the brokerage company stonex. despite problems with payments, russia managed to strengthen its position in key sales markets. and earlier. the un predicted a reduction in global grain production this year. russia and china have become the locomotives
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of global nuclear energy, writes the japanese newspaper nike. over 10 years , 80 new nuclear reactors have been commissioned in the world. 48 of them, or 60% , are russian and chinese facilities. according to analysts, the role of nuclear power plants in the global economy will be grow with the demand for clean energy. garbage bonds.
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is preparing to open an engineering competence center, it will become an educational platform that will allow synchronizing the professional education system with the needs of city enterprises, in mid -autumn the center will become the main testing ground for the final of the championship in mastery professionals. our correspondent ksenia yakubina is on the line with the studio. ksenia, hello, and what kind of specialists will be trained at the center? hello, yuri, specialists of various kinds in such areas as industrial mechanics, electrical installation, mobile robotics and others. i would like to note that this is the first such center of engineering competences in st. petersburg, where students from all over the city will be able to do practical training and master various technical specialties. what is important: all the equipment in this laboratory is russian, some of the machines can contribute to import substitution, for example, there is a unit that, if some imported part breaks and... there is no drawing, this installation scans the part, already on the computer you can replenish the missing
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parts to fix it. among other things, in this laboratory all students will be able to prepare for various championships, in which they are already actively participating, let's listen, they will tell you a little more about this. the specialty is installation, patching, operation of electrical equipment of industrial and civil buildings, and here i study quite often, well, i'm just starting already. right here, within these walls i was offered a job and not even for the most small salary. today the governor of st. petersburg and the ceo of the rosatom corporation came to the laboratory on a working visit, this corporation is interested in young specialists, so they said that they are ready to even supply the laboratory with new equipment for training, among other things , there are already about 2,000 jobs for students of the city's colleges in st. petersburg alone, let's... this training of personnel, these are
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people who will develop technological sovereignty, strengthen the national atomic leadership on the entire planet, we began to create relevant laboratories in the city, to interest our children already at school in choosing their future profession, as we usually did, that by... and modern, but convenient, according to the students themselves, the equipment in the center is not only high-quality, on such machines you can simply explain complex technical processes, so even schoolchildren will be able to study in the center after finishing the eleventh grade, they will also be able to find a job somewhere, well, and alexey's working visit likhachev and alexander beglov. continues, we are now on the territory of one of the city's metallurgical enterprises and we will tell you the details of this trip
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later. yuri, yes, ksenia, we will wait, i will remind you, our correspondent ksenia kubina was on the line from st. petersburg. the international economic forum of the communist party of the russian federation opened in the moscow region today, hundreds of regional and federal experts are participating. they gathered at the lenin state farm. chairman of the central committee of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov told journalists why the forum was chosen this enterprise. we are holding our forum differently today, in the morning we divided it into seven sections and practically each of the sections. forces all the main objects of this state farm, now in sections they discuss problems, problems that are connected with the revival of our country, with the support of people's enterprises, the generalization of the unique experience that the oryol forum has accumulated, and it has become the property of practically the entire planet. powerful and prolonged downpours caused
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flooding in tokyo. water penetrated into the passages and the subway. to be at the stations without umbrellas and rubber shoes is problematic. serious flooding is recorded in several provinces of china. streets and first floors of buildings are under water. bad weather is also beating the middle east . a whole series of floods occurred in the province of fars in the south of iran. stormy streams carry away dozens of cars. and south asia is also drowning. more than 200 people died and over 350 were injured as a result of flooding in pakistan. many lost their sources of income. monsoon rains affected hundreds of thousands. residents of bangladesh, a powerful landslide in india fell on the power plant, seriously damaging buildings and the lab. there were no casualties, employees were evacuated during previous , weaker landslides. tim wahls has officially agreed to run for vice president from the democrats. he announced this at the party's convention in
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chicago. kamla harris is scheduled to give a keynote speech on the final day of the event. our own will tell you what is expected of her and how the opposing team responds. the last time the democratic party held a convention at the united center, here in chicago, in 1996, bill clinton won the endorsement for his second term as president. did he think then that almost 30 years later, from this same podium, he would have to measure his age with another presidential candidate? two days ago, i turned 78. i am
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the oldest man in this family for four generations, and the only thing i want to emphasize is that i am still younger than donald trump. kamela harris, the only candidate in this race who has the vision, the experience, the temperament, the will, and yes, sincere joy that he has achieved something. joy, indeed, is in abundance in chicago these days, here are the achievements of kamela harris, and even more so, what is her vision of the future, the speakers from the podium of the convention have nothing special to say. more than half of americans still cannot answer the question of who this tim wahls is, on the posters in the hall he is simply called a coach from one of his former places of work. in the absence of kamala and harris at the convention, the governor of minnesota, the main hero of the evening, to the jubilation of the hall, he announces that he is accepting party nomination to run for
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vice president of the united states. it is an honor to accept your nomination. thank you for your passion, thank you for your determination, and most importantly thank you for bringing joy to this fight. in his speech, walls repeatedly refers to himself as a veteran, although his dubious military service has already become a constant target of criticism from republicans. trump and vance are holding this first outdoor rally since the assassination attempt. behind a special bulletproof fence, but in violation of all measures security trump suddenly comes down from the podium when one of his supporters collapses from the heat. doctor, please. i noticed it's very hot in here. a lot of people have been waiting for days to get here, so i understand that.
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as usual, harris gets it from trump for all the failures of the biden administration. from fleeing afghanistan to... winfrey urged voters from the podium not to ask unnecessary questions about the biography, ethnicity and personal life of the democratic candidate. but in the programmatic speech.
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the russian mountaineering federation said. after the collapse of the ice peak, there was a prolonged snowfall ; now the slopes are covered with a thick layer of snow,
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so attempts to fly around the area have not yielded results. in early august, a group of russian climbers went to the mountains of pakistan to search for the body of dmitry golovchenko, who died there last year. on august 17 , the expedition members were caught in a landslide, and two were injured. rescuers found the victims on tuesday.
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let's return to one of the main topics of the issue: the rada's decision to ban the ukrainian the orthodox church speaks of the impotence of the kiev regime, this is stated in the statement of the synod of the russian orthodox church. what are the consequences of the decision taken by the rada for the believing priests of the canonical orthodox church and how will events develop now? the decision is completely illegal, which is stated, among other things, in the statement that we are discussing now, and it is fraught with the fact that now, as if in the law... field, i can’t say in the legal field, i am forced to say, as if, since this really tramples on everything human rights, basic ideas about human rights, but now, nevertheless, with reference to the law, it is possible to close parishes
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of the ukrainian orthodox church, the only canonical church in ukraine, or force them to transfer to other organizations, the fact is that according to ukrainian legislation, the ukrainian orthodox church, as a centralized organization, does not have a legal entity. and a legal entity is a specific parish, monastery, farmstead, therefore this law makes it possible through the so-called religious examination, the statement of the synod directly states that the decision of such an examination can be, will certainly be falsified, so through the decision of this examination by the court to close this or that parish, this is of course not such a simple task, since 12 thousand parishes of the ukrainian church.
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remain faithful to the church, remain faithful to christ, remain faithful to their priestly oath, and not only priests, but also laymen, of course, but - they behave quite courageously, many, of course, the pressure is colossal, we know about open criminal cases on far-fetched pretexts, about bishops priests who are in prison today, that is, i say this myself i do not believe that this is happening in the 21st century, but really a parallels. historical only the most terrible pages of persecution of christians in the history of the church, but it will certainly be much harder after the adoption of this law,
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although various kinds
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of so-called orthodox church of ukraine, maybe some others, of course, the property itself will be taken away. and what do you think, why is kiva so important get rid of the ukrainian orthodox church? well, as far as this law is concerned, as the synod's statement says, this is evidence of impotence, because this long-term pressure did not start yesterday, it did not produce any results and therefore they are trying more and more new ones of some kind of...
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dignity, because, as i already said, this is trampling on the basic human rights, why is this necessary, well, it is clear that some political goals are being pursued, but it is surprising that the leaders of ukraine, who declare their affiliation democratic peace, rights and freedoms, they simply act as they did, i don’t know, the roman emperors who destroyed christians and other historical figures who are inscribed in the book of history as persecutors. faith, what can be done in this situation, is it worth waiting for an international reaction, the west recognized the persecution of the ukrainian orthodox church, but was unable or unwilling to stop them, what can be done in this situation? yes, you are absolutely right, the synod’s statement also speaks about this, there really were expert assessments of specialists in this field, including western ones, who recorded the fact of persecution and the fact of such unfair
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treatment. and in many ways these assessments were made thanks to the efforts of the russian orthodox church, the patriarch repeatedly appealed to religious leaders of the international organization, to politicians, but really, as you rightly noted, there was no reaction from the ukrainian authorities, and can we assume that it will happen now, i don’t think, i mean some kind of positive reaction , yes, so that such conclusions would not reacted, the situation only got worse here... that the adoption of the law is a clear indication that the situation is getting worse, you always want to hope, but to be honest, there are no serious grounds to assume a, that there will be a reaction from the international community, and b, that there will be a reaction from the ukrainian authorities to this reaction, unfortunately. vladimirovich, thank you for your comments, thank you for taking part in our broadcast, answering questions, i remind you, we spoke with the head of the synodal department for relations of the church with the smip society,
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vladimir lego. congratulated wished a speedy recovery. vladimir putin called today. our colleague evgeny podubny, who was wounded in the kursk region, is currently undergoing treatment. today evgenia celebrates her birthday. a motorized column with foreign equipment was destroyed, as well as a fortification of the ukrainian armed forces. the ministry of defense reported on the effective actions of the black sea fleet marines in the kursk region. what is the situation at this hour? have you been involved?


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