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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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terminal and cash desk, open a free business account. we continue our news review: russian troops have defeated three units of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​eight settlements in the kursk region. this was reported by the ministry of defense. attacks by enemy assault groups in the direction of the villages of komarovka and malaya loknya have been repelled. stanislav, hello again, what is the situation like at the moment? yes, yur, hello, well, just a few minutes ago , a missile threat was declared again in the kursk region, it sounded.
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asks the authorities not to neglect these sounds, as soon as the siren starts to sound, it is necessary to hide in a shelter, especially since they are now already appearing in the city itself above ground, but i will tell you about this a little later, good news comes today from the border, the village of nichae in the kursk region was liberated today by guys from donbass, the arbat, pyatashka and sarmat battalions drove the ukrainian armed forces out of the village and its environs, also our marines of the 810th brigade. very successfully for several days now they have been noted in the border direction, today they broke very serious fortifications, the enemy machine gun point, was destroyed itself, the calculation itself and also the ukrainian terrorists who did not give our a passage were destroyed, and the mechanized brigades were completely destroyed, now the work continues on the eve of the 810th brigade , the black sea fleet's marines captured 18 people. the day before that, another 19 people, in
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general, now the situation is already beginning to level out in the right context, literally a few minutes ago there was a briefing of the operational headquarters of the kursk region, let's listen to what is happening now on border area: the armed forces continue to repel an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to invade the territory of the russian federation, air strikes and artillery fire, and the actions of the troops have caused damage to the concentration of manpower and equipment of the 22nd and 115th mechanized. apanasovka, borki, vishnevka, gordeevka, mikhailovka, plekhovo, snagost and loknya. over the past 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces have suffered losses of more than 300 servicemen, 23 armored vehicles, including three tanks, 20 armored combat vehicles, as well as one artillery piece and 15 vehicles. today in kursk, the installation of concrete shelters, above-ground ones, began. shelters directly in
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kursk itself in several cities, including kurchatov. let's listen, for what purpose and in what quantity are they being installed? it is planned to install 60 shelters in the city of kursk, the bulk will be installed by september 1. this shelter allows ensuring the safety of the population from fragments. these shelters will be stopped, installed at public stops. also in places of mass presence of people, where they are located, we are also planning to install them in parks and squares. residents of kursk and the kursk region are, of course, happy that these shelters are being installed, but they say that this should have been done earlier, now it is very important to appeal to the authorities that 60 shelters are not that many, and there are places where they are simply necessary, for example, it is hot now...
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during a missile threat there is absolutely nowhere to go, bare terrain, well, according to the latest news, more than 100 pvrs have already been opened in the kursk region, new pvrs are being opened in neighboring regions we continue to monitor the situation in the kursk region, all the latest news on the air of the russia-24 tv channel, yuri, yes, stanislav, thank you, together with you we are monitoring what is happening in the kursk region, i remind you, our special correspondent was in direct contact with the studio.
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stanislav bernwald. the ministry of defense published footage of an attack by a mi-35 helicopter on ukrainian armed forces positions in the border area of ​​the kursk region. intelligence discovered camouflaged armored vehicles of the enemy and transmitted coordinates. pilots, they launched an air strike with air missiles, and then released heat traps and returned safely to base. according to intelligence reports, all targets were successfully destroyed. and now new footage from the presidential press service. good afternoon. before we start working, i would like to remind you that today we are honoring our national flag, which , along with the anthem and the national emblem, is one of the, is one of the main symbols of our state, once the young tsar peter ii went out into the white sea with it, then over the centuries under the tricolor our country
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strengthened its power, became a great world power, our soldiers, our... heroes of the fatherland for centuries under this banner defended our homeland, our people, just as they do today in the combat zone of the hero of our time. tricolor unites the entire state, the entire society, it is the most important symbol of russian statehood. i want to congratulate you, dear colleagues, all citizens of the country on this holiday. let's start working, we have as the main issue, a measure of support for individual housing
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construction, fayzulin, iraq will report. but let's start with the urgent questions. yesterday , mikhail albertovich and i were in the moscow region. we opened a new large children's clinical hospital, how is the situation in children's healthcare developing in general. mikhail albertovich, please. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear mikhail vladimirovich, colleagues, yesterday you opened a modern children's clinical center in krasnogorsk. this is truly the largest and most modern center. this year, this is already the fourth high-tech one. high-tech center, and on your instructions , the strengthening of the material and technical base of children's hospitals and clinics was started in 2018, since 2018, 40 significant facilities have already been in operation, including under the national project 21. by
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the end of 2024, we plan to complete the commissioning of three more facilities in the ulyanovsk region, stavropol krai and khakassia. construction of more. children's health care facilities continues, and significant changes, of course, thanks to the national project in the primary zvin, almost every medical organization received additional equipment providing assistance to children, the program for modernization of primary care until the twenty- fifth year provides for 450 medical facilities providing assistance to children, great importance for the development of children's health care, of course , staffing is important yesterday... and you spoke with the heads of the clinic and with doctors, and we increased the recruitment under the specialty program by 35%, now it is 8,500 people, under the residency programs in pediatrics - we increased
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by 68%, this is more than 1,300 places, today the staffing has increased, including taking into account special social payments, as per your instructions, which... today for the outpatient and polyclinic link, especially small towns. we see that today it is already more than 8%, this growth is happening over a short period of time, for example, over the 4 months that we have been observing, well, and the outflow has decreased, of course, this is also a good indicator. in addition, from april 1 , trainee doctors, residents, second year of work began working, this is more than 2.0 people, who actively help, today we have.
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also very important in outpatient settings, within the framework of helping children, the volumes
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of specialized care, including high-tech, are growing annually, over 5 years these volumes of high-tech care have grown by 7%, but it should be noted that this is not just the volume itself, it is also a completely different quality in terms of volumes, well, for example, you opened a new building of the dima rogachev center, and today such technologies as cardi technologies have already been implemented there. technologies that are used to treat children with refractory tumors, and more than 200 patients have already received such therapy, also nuclear medicine came to the aid of our doctors in the treatment of small patients. it should be noted that russia is already in the leading group in the world in terms of survival of children with malignant diseases. in recent years , we have been actively introducing innovative technologies of surgical treatment, i want to note that. and you saw yesterday that new equipment, this
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is robotic surgery, and minimally invasive methods of treatment, but very great successes today in traumatology orthopedics at children, the center in st. petersburg turner really do fantastic operations today saving our children. of particular importance is, of course, the preventive direction, traditionally high more than 95% volume of preventive measures. including for children in difficult life situations this year already 60% of children and we covered examinations, including 68% of children in new subjects. and according to the results of medical examinations 84% ​​of children are recognized as completely healthy or with minimal deviations, it is important to create a health-preserving environment including proper nutrition, physical education, sports - this is interdepartmental work, so we involve the ministry of education and the ministry of sports. care for the birth of a healthy child begins long before his birth, we have the largest volume
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of screenings that we use, and for newborns, a set of screening measures implemented today since the twenty-second year allows us to diagnose diseases at the preclinical stage and such children have already been identified today in total more than a thousand each of them received timely medical care. which essentially prevents serious complications in the future for their health, well
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, we are staffing centers today, regional endocrine and endocrinological, and diabetes schools, well, all the activities have ultimately led to the fact that today we have the lowest infant mortality and child mortality rates in history, and what is important.
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what is, desmassification it is really being carried out on a large scale last year, and this year specific measures should follow to eliminate the problems associated with the child with.
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dear colleagues, throughout the summer period we have been carrying out the necessary preparations for the school year, and today i can confidently state that we will complete all planned activities on time. i would like to say about the kursk region, you just held a meeting, here too we have a situation on... that schoolchildren on september 2 , together with the whole side, will begin their studies, we will have 114 schools in the border regions in a distance format, all the work has been done here, we have created on your instructions
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state information system, our domestic one together with the ministry of digital development, my school. there are all the educational materials, my employees are working now to ensure educational processes here, tomorrow i will be there personally to once again work out all the issues on site by the beginning of the school year, and also the schoolchildren will be provided with all the textbooks and all those guys who moved with their families from the kurbskaya region to other regions, we also resolved all the issues so that on september 2 they could go to the schools where they are, and also the respected...
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monday, september 1, sunday, so on september 2, the children will go to school, a total of 18.5 million schoolchildren, we are developing the infrastructure, and we will fulfill your order to build 1,300 schools ahead of schedule by september 1, in fact, and not by the end of this year, and also on the day of knowledge, 132 new modern schools will open, and many schools. swimming pools, that is, such schools can be said to be very few in the world, those that are being built in our country are really very modern, good schools, many of you have visited, you have seen for yourself the high standards that we set, in part capital repairs, from the beginning of the program and until september 1 , 45 schools will be repaired, in fact, every
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ninth, dear sir, school will be repaired in 20 ... next year , within the framework of the national project, we will expand the capital repairs program not only in accordance with your instructions, not only for schools, but also for kindergartens and colleges, a long-awaited decision, we are ready for it, we have worked with the regions, here you congratulated us on ... a holiday, the day of the state flag of the russian federation, we have had it for 2 years in a row mondays schools raise the national flag, amendments to the constitutional law were also adopted in march that not only in schools are national flags placed, but in preschool institutions, in kindergartens in colleges, it is also very important and
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the performance of the anthem of our country, this is the formation of a patriotic mood and , most importantly, informal love for our homeland, for our culture, for traditions. we also pay great attention to safety and on august 27, together with the ministry of emergency situations, we will hold large training unified exercises for everyone educational institutions. this year , the subject of labor is returning to schools, this is also very important, this decision has been long awaited, a new subject is being introduced, the basics of safety and security. we will discuss all innovations and other issues on august 28 at the all-russian parent meeting, we also continue to reduce the bureaucratic burden on teachers from... a law will come into force in september prohibiting other departments from requesting additional reports from teachers, kindergartens and colleges, as is already the case
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with teachers today. now about pedagogical personnel: during august, dear vladimirovich, we, together with each minister of education, each rector of the institute for advanced studies, pedagogical universities , analyzed the situation in each region, each municipality, built. strategy for filling existing vacancies for teachers, today about 2% of vacancies - this is according to the portal rabota rossii, the ministry of labor, we have a large role in filling vacancies university graduates play, this year the graduation will be more than 41. young specialists, and i want to say, we have pedagogical education remains in the top three popular professions for admission. schoolchildren, this year the average competition at the pedagogical university was about 10 people per place, that is , young guys went, choose the profession
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of a teacher, in conclusion, dear, dear colleagues, let me say about our pride, about graduates-medalists, as well as winners of international olympiads, approximately every class received their well-deserved award. and in fact, all 27 schoolchildren-participants won this year the national team of russia accepted participation in five international olympiads, medals, including 18 gold. and about one more victory, at the first ever international olympiad on artificial intelligence, among high school students, our guys brought four gold medals from bulgaria, all gold medals are ours.
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by september 1, our holiday, the day of knowledge, the teaching staff of the school with the new school, with new efforts, will prepare children for their future, adult life, so that they are smart, comprehensively developed and become real citizens of our country, true patriots of their homeland, our village is growing and now many young families will have all the conditions to have more children and make our homeland stronger. thank you for your support with the holiday. yuri andreevich,
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what is missing in the school? we have everything, the school is staffed, we turn to our head alexey samboevich with all questions, he solves everything promptly, so there is simply no wish. teachers, of course, students, on behalf of all the citizens of our city, thank you for your attention to the development of new territories
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russian. federation in our school, where i work now, it is 87 years old, that is , it is quite old, but look at it standing here behind our backs, a new beautiful building, bright, wonderful, the school is already over 87 years old, the school has graduated about 7,000 graduates, these are people of different professions, but all... they love the school and bring their children, grandchildren, even great-grandchildren here. truly, today we have a new, the school, the first, second, or rather, birthday, because today the school is opening after a major overhaul, actually a newly built school. this major overhaul was initiated and constantly monitored by the governor of stavropol.
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our hero city of volgograd. more than 1,300 children will study there. our teaching staff has already been formed. everyone is looking forward to september 2 and the opening of our school. we are focused on engineering and technological training. all conditions have been created for this in our school. there are modern digital laboratories for the implementation of physics, chemistry, and biology. we have two stadiums.
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day of knowledge and


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