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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of petrol stations, russian digital solutions will be brought to a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than just what the digital helps, you are incomparable.
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on a loan, one visit to the bank, several signatures, and the person gets the money. in fact, in such a scenario, you need to immediately turn off emotions and think about serious financial responsibility. what it consists of, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of the program instructions. first of all, it is important to understand that a surety is not a simple formality, not just for the sake of a tick in the contract, it is a real willingness to fulfill the borrower's credit obligations, in other words, an agreement to repay the debt if he stops paying. in
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most cases, the lender specifies joint liability in the contract, which means that the bank can demand payment of the debt from both the borrower and the surety at the same time, or from each separately, in full or in part. another option is subsidiary liability, when the guarantor pays if it was not possible to collect money from the borrower. as a rule, banks provide for a mechanism of joint liability, moreover, if the surety agreement does not provide for a type, then... by default it is determined that the guarantor is jointly and severally liable, moreover, there may be several guarantors, and with joint liability, the bank can send claims to one guarantor or to all at the same time, while the bank can demand both the full payment of the debt, and part of the debt, well, as a rule, on in practice, full fulfillment of obligations under loan agreements is always required, but if we talk about... subsidiary
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liability, then here the creditor, in this case the bank, can demand payment of funds from the guarantor only if the borrower has not fulfilled the obligations or does not respond to the demands made to the bank. another important point is that the guarantor is in any case responsible to the credit institution to the same extent as the borrower, that is, neither in the bank nor in court can you refer to your supposedly secondary role. in the amount. will include the principal debt, interest, accrued penalties without any discounts. by the way, if it comes to court, the guarantor will also be liable for legal expenses along with the bank's associated costs, if the debtor himself can no longer pay. if the borrower and guarantor do not pay, the bank files a lawsuit against each of them. as a rule, this happens after 2-3 months of delays. banks can independently set the terms and periods after which they... to court, this is
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the bank's policy taking into account civil legislation, requirements of the central bank of russia, however , most often this happens after 3 months, this is due to the rules of bankruptcy legislation, according to which, if the debtor does not fulfill the requirements for more than 3 months, an application can be filed against him to initiate a case on recognizing the debtor as bankrupt. the court considers the claim in most cases in favor of the bank , establishes a debt repayment schedule, if this schedule is also violated, the case ... is transferred to bailiffs, and they have the right to apply the same measures to the guarantor as to the borrower, namely, to arrest accounts , block cards, assign a monthly deduction from wages in favor of the bank, seize and sell movable and immovable property to pay off the debt and, of course, restrict travel abroad. since surety is a way to ensure the fulfillment of obligations, then after the bank makes demands in court,
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the surety receives a court decision, according to which the surety is also obliged to pay off the debt, then in accordance with the norms of the legislation on enforcement proceedings. the same instruments may be applied to the guarantor as to the borrower. i don’t want to exacerbate the situation, but even death does not release the guarantor from financial obligations, they are transferred to the heir. in addition, non-payment of the guarantee negatively affects the credit history. if such a person needs a loan in a couple of years, an unpleasant surprise will await him at the bank. when the guarantee ends after full payment of the debt or after the end of the contract. teaching and in the absence of such term, if the bank does not file a claim within a year or when transferring the debt to another person without the guarantor's consent. we do not urge you to never act as a guarantor, but you need to take the situation seriously, assess
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the borrower's solvency and your financial capabilities. so, let's repeat the most important thing, acting as a guarantor, you undertake to fulfill the borrower's credit obligations if necessary. moreover, in full: if neither the debtor nor the guarantor pays, the bank can file a lawsuit against both, and if the situation does not change, the case will be transferred to the bailiffs, and they have the right to apply the same measures to the guarantor as to the borrower, the surest way to end the guarantee is to pay off the creditor. if you have any questions, want to know how to avoid taking on an unbearable financial obligation with one signature, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will... we will calm the experts and will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next issues of our program.
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i'm not taking you where you fool want to go, where need, he who has a flint in his pocket does not need a pen, uh, uh, what started, flint, i can't live without traveling, soon, dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of uh, our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv. while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these screenings.
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rosselkhoznadzor laboratory, more than 600 studies are conducted here per month, senior researcher kristina bakai is now checking cottage cheese. enzyme immunoassay it widespread, used in many areas, in veterinary science, in biology, in medicine, that is, with its help, various substances, antibiotics, infectious diseases are determined. some samples begin to be colored in ... there will be a color, the test is positive, which means that there is a prohibited admixture transglutaminase, the so-called meat glue, it makes a homogeneous mixture from any products at all, meat, fish, dairy, this is a cheaper way to obtain a large amount of dairy products transglutaminase, when interacting with food proteins, can create gluten-like substances and thus lead, for example, to the development of celiac disease. and there is also evidence that it is involved in the pathogenesis of some autoimmune diseases, such as
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type 2 diabetes or crohn's disease. in recent months, lab technicians have found e. coli in raw meat for shashlik, some samples of butter turned out to be a mixture of palm oil and beef fat. the use of additives with palm fat, it often drags a tail of such toxic components as glycidol or trimonochloropropanediol. if we are talking about beef fat additives, then we are not insured here. antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, mycotoxins that could have accumulated in the animal's body. and this is sometimes not easy to detect even in laboratory conditions, what can we say about the average consumer? products in their pure form, we know what meat or vegetables should taste like, but the more complex the composition of the product and the more stages of processing it
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passes, the more difficult it is for a person to recognize each ingredient separately, the main categories are meat, dairy products and canned goods. roskachestvo examined buckwheat in july, some manufacturers ' labeling data differed from the actual ones in terms of the mass fraction of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins, and honey was also checked. about 30% of the products examined were not honey, but sugar. syrup, which is sold to us under the guise of honey, the rest can be sold to us as an expensive variety of honey, but in fact be a mix of cheap varieties, that is, a hodgepodge, which are really blended and passed off to us as expensive, and sometimes expensive geographical ones, such as bashkir and altai honey. selling garbage in packaging instead of pure cereals, making freezing with a thick layer of ice so that the consumer pays for water. or replacing the product composition with cheaper ingredients, all this is the signature of an unscrupulous business.
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the packaging declares one raw material, but in fact it is another, well, for example, we buy some berry juice, it says there, cranberry, lingonberry, blueberry and so on, upon inspection it turns out, that various flavoring substances are added there, which make it similar to berry, in fact, this makes the production process cheaper, the difference is due to the use of protein, which, well, due to the flavorings there, the same sodium glutamate
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, tastes very similar to beef, beef meat, but nevertheless it is a fairly cheap alternative, a cheap source of protein, such a substitution can reduce the cost of production by 10 times. at the institute for the development of entrepreneurship and economics, they made a calculation for us using a simple example of butter butter and margarine from the pre. the butter contains the most, perhaps, expensive company. there are also vegetable fats, these can be palm or some - sunflower oil, some other types of fats, here are emulsifiers, antioxidants, preservatives, and thus we understand where such a difference in price comes from. including, therefore, the government introduced systems for tracking all stages of production, from the farm to the counter, one of them is the honest sign marking, about 800,000
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companies from light industry to medicines provide all data on the products. the consumer scans the code, in a suspicious case, he can complain to the regulatory authorities directly in the application, now there is access to dairy products, caviar, water, drinks, in the near future they will add vegetable oils, glass and canned goods. for each code, the cashier online accesses the honest sign marking system, checks for compliance and if something is wrong, the cashier simply will not sell, there for 2-3 months, and 35 million liters of dairy products are illegal, expired with violations ... some documents, the sale of 35 is stopped million liters, in water 33 million liters, our level of counterfeit in dairy products has decreased from 30% to 0.2 by 150 times. on september 1, labeling of dairy products becomes mandatory for farmers, now veterinarians monitor the quality of goods that end up on the shelves of the market. if the consumer
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has doubts, he can go to any point from the seller ... request a conclusion on the sale of food products, the products have already passed the examination, which is necessary for this type of product, and accordingly it released by a veterinarian for sale. the regulatory authorities have their own network of electronic systems, including mercury rosselkhoznadzor. to see how it works, we bring a package of milk or cottage cheese to the chief inspector. we are here completely. we see all the raw materials that they received, we can see each item, that is, you see, it was the derzhinsky breeding plant, where the milk was obtained from, which is confirmed by this
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document, it turns out that not everything is so transparent, we also cannot say when the date there was production, yes, production exists, but what kind of a tvorka is this, who pasted it on, when we cannot confirm, they are monitoring now, including with the help of artificial intelligence in the mercury system, which can find more than 30 thousand discrepancies per day, but only in the case of detection of violations, the powers of the regulatory authorities are now limited, we see falsification, we see the absence of veterinary examinations. the absence of tests for those types of antibiotics that are used in the products, we see this, then we must act strictly according to the scheme, we must contact the prosecutor's office, we must issue a warning, make a preventive visit, in march 2022, the government imposed a ban on scheduled business inspections to reduce the administrative
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burden of protection against sanctions. now the moratorium applies to inspections carried out by rospotrebnadzor and rosselkhoznoye. supervision of the exclusion of enterprises with an extremely high and high risk category. other companies, for example, like this one, will not receive scheduled inspections, but they may offer to organize a preventive visit visit. as a rule, inspectors are invited for consultation and there are no questions for such conscientious manufacturers. every day after each shift, in the morning, when people come to work, everything is sterile here with us, it is either in the evening or at night, but in the morning with a new shift everything is always sterile. in such a state as now, well, it is very nice to see, actually, there is only one recommendation, and continue to maintain such a frequency, both the premises and the equipment, a meat processing plant in moscow, here they make sausages and hot dogs,
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prepare delicacies and produce meat snacks, the shelf life of which is no more than 4 months, this is below average. a particularly strict approach to quality: at the meat reception there is a whole group of veterinarians, they measure the temperature of the carcasses, look at the cut, compare the documents with the marking, here we can determine the lims and look in the vgis mercury system already the whole history of this half carcass here we compare and accordingly look so that everything has already been entered, everything has been researched, now we are launching into production, then the system already enters a list of products that ... were obtained from this meat, on this meat processing plant from 17 tons of raw materials almost 19.5 tons of finished products are obtained, these are prescription delicacies, sausages, sausages.
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according to rosselkhoznadzor, in some cases the delay can affect the health of the consumer. will he say, does this pose a health threat today? no, it is just a substitution, beef for chicken, pork for chicken. chicken for soy protein and so on, that is , there is no threat to health, until some poisoning occurs, which already carries completely different understandings, we see falsification, so, today we need to automatically block them at the checkout, and the consumer protection service should squeeze out these products, and while the procedure for everything that i said is underway, the products have already been eaten, in june in a batch of canned pecheniska. this is almost 700 cans, they found a twofold excess of the arsenic norm. there are no reports of victims, but in august 30
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people fell ill with acute intestinal infection after drinking bottled water in the sverdlovsk region. in july, 17 people who ate shawarma in moscow ended up in the hospital with salmonellosis. more than 400 people from eleven regions of russia suffered from botulism in beans. the meals were prepared by a food delivery service that was not registered in the registry. i want to say again that we have not seen such a number of people falling ill at one time from one source since 19909, and even then there were just over 180 victims. now, in catering establishments, the only tool for monitoring the quality of ingredients and products is the mercury system, but food courts, restaurants, and burger joints are not required by law to use it, so for rosselkhoznadzor the work of the catering industry is behind a closed screen and... what is happening there is unknown, meanwhile roskachestva examined a dish of italian cuisine, pizza with cheese, did not find real cheese, in about well
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, a little less than half of the cases of the examined samples, consumers were misled, it was not cheese from milk, it was just substitutes for dairy products, vegetable fats, and such products can end up on children's tables, in august in svetlogorsk they closed a children's camp after an outbreak... surgut cardiology center, it has been preliminarily established that the source of the infection was food products. according to dmitry yuryev, a representative of the union for the development of social nutrition , 25 million people, children, pensioners, and 110,000 institutions eat under the social system.
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the statistics are disappointing. the union of industries and rosselkhoznadzor propose to make uniform rules throughout russia and track products for public catering through the mercury system, introduce turnover fines for violators, and in combination with a digital control system, cash production will be it is simply unprofitable to sell low-quality products, to change, not to report or to hide secret ingredients in the product that the consumer does not even suspect.
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japan's capture of manchuria certainly created a threat to the soviet far east and at the same time to mongolia. the khalkhin gol river region was subjected to heavy bombing, they say that now. i still remember the first phrase that stalin told us in the kremlin: a friend in need is a friend indeed.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch in application or on the website.
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payments to victims, evacuation from dangerous areas, strikes by the ukrainian armed forces. on the kursk nuclear power plant and preparations for the start of the school year. vladimir putin held a meeting on thursday on the situation in the borderlands. kursk, belgorod and bryansk regions. in addition to the heads of the regions, deputy prime minister denis manturov and finance minister anton siluanov were also present. a number of instructions were given. about all the instructions of the president, alexey konopko. at the meeting on the situation in the border regions, which the president convened, the situation at the front one way or another mentioned in almost every report. to repel
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kiev's attempts to carry out a nuclear terrorist attack.


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