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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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beat, you have a nickname, where it is necessary, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you fool want, where it is necessary, i can't live without traveling, flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon, it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes whole...
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. some have probably encountered a request from close relatives or friends to become a guarantor for credit. one visit to the bank, several signatures, and the person receives the money. in fact, in such a scenario, you should immediately turn off your emotions and think about serious financial responsibility. what it consists of, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of the instruction program. first of all, you need to understand that the surety is not a simple formality, not
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for the sake of a tick in the contract, it is a real willingness to fulfill the borrower's credit obligations, in other words, an agreement to repay the debt if he stops paying. in most cases, the lender specifies in joint liability in the agreement, this means that the bank can demand payment of the debt from both the borrower and the guarantor at the same time, or from each separately, in whole or in part. another option is subsidiary liability, when the guarantor pays if he has not received. collect money from the borrower, as a rule, banks provide for a mechanism of joint liability, moreover, if the surety agreement does not provide for a type, then by default it is determined that the guarantor is liable jointly and severally, moreover, the guarantors there may be several, and in case of joint liability the bank can send a demand to one guarantor or to all at the same time, while the bank can demand both the full payment of the debt and part of the debt, well, as a rule, in
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practice, full performance of obligations under the loan agreement is always required, but if we talk about subsidiary liability, then here the creditor, in this case the bank can demand the guarantor to pay funds only if the borrower has not fulfilled the obligations or in any way do not respond to the demands made on banks. another important point, the guarantor in... in any case is responsible to the credit institution to the same extent as the borrower, that is, neither in the bank nor in court can you refer to your allegedly secondary role. the amount will include the principal debt, interest accrued penalties without any discounts. by the way, if it comes to court, the guarantor will also have to bear the legal costs along with the bank's associated expenses, if the debtor himself can no longer pay anyway. if the borrower the guarantor does not pay, the bank files a lawsuit against each. as a rule, this happens after
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2-3 months of delays, banks can independently set those terms and periods, after which they go to court, this is the bank's policy taking into account civil legislation, the requirements of the central bank of russia, but most often this happens after 3 months, this is due to the rules of bankruptcy legislation, according to which, if the debtor does not fulfill the requirements for more than 3 months, a lawsuit can be filed against him statement of... the court considers the claim in most cases in favor of the bank , sets a debt repayment schedule, if this schedule is violated, the case is transferred to the bailiffs, and they have the right to apply the same measures to the guarantor as to their borrower, namely, to seize accounts , block cards, assign a monthly deduction from wages in favor of the bank, seize and sell movable and immovable property to pay off the debt and, of course, restrict travel abroad, since surety
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is a way to ensure execution obligations, then after the bank makes claims in court against the guarantor, receives: and a court decision, according to which the guarantor is also obliged to repay the debt, then in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on enforcement proceedings, all the same instruments can be applied to the guarantor as to the borrower. i do not want to exacerbate, but even death does not release the guarantor from financial obligations, they are transferred to the heir, in addition, non-payment under the guarantee negatively affects credit history, if such a person through...
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and their financial capabilities. so, let's repeat the most important thing, acting as a guarantor, you undertake to fulfill the borrower's credit obligations, if necessary , and in full. if neither the debtor nor the guarantor pays, the bank can file a lawsuit against both, and if the situation does not change, the case will be transferred to the bailiffs, and they have the right to apply the same measures to the guarantor as to the borrower. the surest way to end the guarantee is to pay off ... creditor, have questions, want to know how to avoid taking on unbearable financial obligations with one signature, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will bother the experts and will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next issues of our program.
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at that time, the germans developed tiger-panther tanks, very well armored, in terms of frontal armor, the battle of kursk was supposed to be decisive. the battle, the germans raised everyone they could to arms, the soviet command was not asleep, it was excellent understood that a strike was possible here, from the very beginning the german plan had cracked, the germans could not think of any offensives due to the fact that their resources were exhausted.
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so says the lighthouse, the capture of manchuria by japan certainly created a threat. for the soviet far east and at the same time for mongolia, the area of ​​the khalkhingol river was subjected to strong bombing strikes, they say that now somewhere in the steppe there are unexploded bombs. zhupov's star rose precisely on khalkhengol, he instantly took over all the threads of control of uruki. the japanese were pushed back to the eastern bank of the khalkingol river.
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people have always lived by rivers, health rivers, a source of water, food, transport routes that connected cities and entire states, witnesses of epochal events. much water has flowed under the bridge over the centuries and millennia, but rivers are still a symbol of life and their significance is still great, and what decisions today
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help river transport develop and how do rivers satisfy the needs of the economy? any ship should traditionally have a godmother, and they say women on a ship bring trouble, this outdated opinion. with a large volume of work we are forced to break the ice, look for solutions in order to continue working in winter, find these solutions, find these works and break the ice and move forward. the catamaran, what is good, it is more stable, the pitching is not felt so much here, can we say that the industry is also breaking forward, like modern catamarans, it flies, and the port infrastructure is dynamically updated, inland water transport facilities, and we also carry out deepening work,
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including on the volga, on the don, we create attractive conditions for our investors who are ready to invest in the construction of the most modern vessels. large ship, large voyage in russia over 101.00 km of waterways for shipping - this is the second place in the world. we are second only to china. more than 20,000 ships ply the rivers, of which more than 2,700 carry passengers. moreover, in some regions, rivers are the only way to get to remote villages and villages, which is why it is so important to replenish the river passenger fleet. as part of the state program for the development of the transport system with in 2019, 38 new vessels for various purposes were put into operation, 28 of which were built in the last 2 years. the alayda vessel is designed for 45 passengers and at the same time resembles a bus and a submarine, because the exit is through the stern via a ladder. currently , 18 such vessels have been built, they operate in nizhny novgorod, samara, chuvashia, yakutia, and last year they transported almost 175 passengers.
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baldayi hydrofoil vessels, like the legendary meteors, which were produced in large quantities in the soviet union. in the eighties their production ceased, in 2017 it was revived a new class of ships baldai appeared. they are put on the wing in a historical place. the alekseev design bureau was founded more than 70 years ago. you can see a clear division right on the map, if the european part of russia is dominated by the tourist function of these ships, then beyond the urals in the east there is a clear logistic transport function, yakutsk, khantimansiysk, they stand out very much against this background, literally in yakutsk, and what a formula they have, one passenger, two bags of cargo with you, two or three trips to the city in the summer to bring for the whole winter, well, some products, things, so, and animals can be on board or does it depend on?
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engines remained, but their development is already underway at factories in st. petersburg and yaroslavl, tests will begin soon, it is easier to make plans for the future when there is support, it helps buyers buy, helps buyers operate, there are subsidies for passengers, in order to keep the ticket price within the framework of an affordable for a specific region, for a specific point of operation.
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as our hero noted, in the european part in russia, ships often perform a tourist function, but... river tourism is experiencing a surge in the north, demand for water travel is steadily increasing by 16% in 2023 compared to 2022, where will they go by river? the national tourism portal puteshestviem.rf will help you choose the direction, it was created within the framework of the national project tourism and hospitality industry. it contains many vacation options, including ready-made routes, guides, including cruises. you can go sailing on baikal, yenisei, the cities of the golden rings. or even on an expedition from taiga to the arctic circle, do you often go along rivers somewhere or maybe you did before, i lived in st. petersburg for more than 30 years, so of course river walks were frequent, now these are mainly ferries, we have federal
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roads that do not have bridges, for example, the kalyma highway, porom across the lena river, across the velyuy river, i also crossed it several times. st. petersburg is one of the centers of domestic tourism, a river walk is a mandatory part of the program, more and more often people do not fly into the city by plane or by train, and they come by water. what is the reason for the growth of cruise transportation and what are the further plans for the development of this fleet? in general, our domestic tourism is growing, we see this, and of course, with the acquisition of new vessels, our travel companies. modern offer tourists for traveling by river, so the need is growing, and we do so to satisfy these needs, today there is a decree of the government of the russian federation, which allows our shipbuilders and shipping companies to use financial support in terms of subsidizing the acquisition of vessels. this
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program works well and more than 100 vessels are currently in production. we make people a little happy, we tear them away from everyday life, we show them how rich, interesting and diverse our country is. the portfolio of this company includes more than one and a half thousand cruise routes, three-four-day domyshkin and uglich, soulful doples, captivating beauty of the pristine nature of siberia along the yenisei. with four people who are visiting for the first time board, three always return, well, probably, somewhere starting from the twenty-first year we grow annually by 15-20%. one of the main tasks remains the renewal of the fleet, the ships are becoming morally obsolete, and the passengers' demands for comfort are growing. now, by order of the company , three cruise ships are being built at the nizhny novgorod plant karelia, tourism is
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generally one of the main components of tourism in russia. in general, this is a very comfortable and affordable way to see several cities at once, namely from the river. believe me, if you if you arrive in a city, for example, uglich or yaroslavl and also leave by road, then these are completely different impressions that you will get when approaching the city from the water. the factors limiting development are. this is the availability of berthing infrastructure, the second is bottlenecks, first of all , we are talking, of course, about the city, the gorodets hydroelectric complex, there are depth restrictions, any ship, even one like this, needs to moor somewhere, therefore, in addition to shipbuilding, it is important to develop port
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infrastructure. shumtechniki are construction the work that is currently underway at the gorodets hydroelectric complex is large-scale. the project is already being implemented, on the opposite bank across the volga tributary, work will also soon begin. now i will draw here a river, a water body, here, this is a dock chamber, and the dock chamber is covered by this metal structure, water is pumped out from here, and here is a ready-made place for construction, here is a dry dob that requires modernization, a dam will be built behind the chamber, there will be more space for the construction of platform ships, infrastructure facilities for river transport specializes in the construction of transport, in st. petersburg they are currently implementing a project to deepen the bottom of the gulf of finland in river forvators, without developing
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waterways, in general , it is impossible to talk about how production can somehow develop, well, okay, twice as much goods will be produced, twice as much grain will be collected, but where to send it, how to send it in sacks on horses, infrastructure, waterways are the main method of delivery, over the past 5 years, transportation cargo by river transport increased from 108 to 109 million tons. the dynamics were slowed by the decline in 2023. the sanctions for reducing timber exports to unfriendly countries had an impact. this year , the situation began to change. in january-march, the volume of freight traffic increased by more than 4%. and by the end of the year, it may increase by 13%. we regularly organize river transportation of all kinds of cargo along the rivers of russia and abroad. and we see great potential in this. this transport group specializes in rail transportation, but not every region can handle cargo deliver by train. transportation of heavy,
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special cargo, and for new construction, infrastructure and industrial facilities. sometimes, such cargo can be delivered exclusively by rivers, in this regard , river transportation is in great demand. the state has big plans in this direction, the development of inland waterways, one of the tasks of the future national project is an effective transport system. the area of ​​our special attention within the framework of the future national project: the creation of a modern, comfortable, safe transport infrastructure, these are multifunctional zones, transport and logistics hubs, where all types of transport will be involved: automobile transport, railway transport, and, of course, river transport, we assume that the implementation of these projects will meet the demand for freight transportation, historically, the most efficient
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transportation of large-tonnage cargo is carried out by river, and this is our advantage of our country, unfortunately, today we see that grain, fertilizer, even coal, of course, the railways are loaded, it is necessary and... to redistribute these loads, including to our waterways, because it is much cheaper and more effective in general for business and for the economy of our country. it is not so easy to harness the energy of water, but when it turns out to threaten one element to rise to the wave, then its force can be turned to your advantage, without the sphere of river transport, therefore it knows. the effect of complex energy of rivers flies the economy of the country forces can be returned to
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your advantage daebaya.
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4:56 am
friends, i suggest you watch the reruns, our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these screenings. russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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mom, why do we need these letters for the fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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on the kursk npp and preparations for the start of the school year. vladimir putin held a meeting on the situation in the border area on thursday. kursk, belgorod and bryansk regions. in addition to the heads of the regions, deputy prime minister denis manturov and finance minister anton seluanov were also present. a number of instructions were given. about all the instructions of the president, alexey konopko. at the meeting on the situation in the border regions, which the president convened, the situation at the front was mentioned in one way or another in almost every report. to repel
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kiev's attempts to carry out a nuclear terrorist attack.


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