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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of petrol stations, russian digital solutions to take to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than what exactly digital helps, you are incomparably original. your questions, what in general with
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production, raw materials and export, what is our product.
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hello, on air legal program, host duty part, in the studio alexander ostakhov. marriage to russian beauties for money, a teacher of the university of friendship of peoples decided to bring nations so close that organized a real marriage agency for foreigners. in the tverskoy court of moscow, they chose measures to suppress a citizen of nigeria. according to law enforcement officials, it was u... who created an organization whose agents offered to formalize fictitious marriages to visitors, as a rule, these were compatriots of the accused. for one such wedding ceremony, buyers paid up to 150 thousand rubles. the cost, by the way, included training for newlyweds on how to behave in the registry office so that the employees of the wedding palace would not suspect anything. illegal marriage agency has been in effect since the twenty-first year, during which time at least 11 foreigners have used this migration service. a criminal case was opened against the illegal matchmaker until the beginning of november, he will be in a pre
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-trial detention center. a new deal in the novosibirsk casino case. the city court arrested a former high-ranking transport police officer. the media, citing sources , write that the criminal case was opened after the testimony of the former head of the economic security service of the ministry of internal affairs of novosibirsk. according to the investigation, colleagues in uniform almost gave turn the regional capital into a siberian las vegas. first things first, maxim shevchenko. this tense man, who is focused behind bars, listens to the judge's words, a former influential policeman from novosibirsk, maxim krasnov. demonstratively turning away from the camera, he hid under a mask, apparently hoping that no one would recognize him by face, but in the zheleznodorozhny district court they did not hide his identity. at this stage, the details of the detention of the former security guard of the transport police for the siberian federal district have not yet been made public. rumor has it that his arrest is related to bribery. and, as ironic as it may sound, krasnov came to the attention of law enforcement after
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the former head of the department of economic security and anti -corruption in novosibirsk, andrei khomin, testified against him. this footage was filmed in september last year, here andrei khomin is in the courtroom behind bars. he was suddenly arrested right on board the plane. previously, he headed the city abep, but suddenly managed to resign from the authorities. he also entered one of his colleagues. several people were detained at the same time, who, upon seeing the tv cameras, certainly tried to remove the journalists under. it is unlikely that any of them wanted to appear before the public in such a light. investigators believe that high-ranking police officers could have been involved in the case of receiving bribes from the owners of gambling clubs, that a real underground gambling empire was launched in novosibirsk, which, in terms of the number of one-armed bandits, seemed to want to compete with las vegas. correspondents of our program told more than once, entrepreneurs who opened illegally. some obediently
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stopped work, others raised their hands, take your hands off me, man, so our colleague daniil sukhorukha walked several times through the gambling clubs that were located in the most prominent places of novosibirsk, not far from large squares and metro stations, however, even after the attention of television people, the shadow casinos were in no hurry to close, some continued to work as before, others changed the illumination, extinguished the inviting lights at the entrance and removed the signs. here is the official response of the ministry of internal affairs to our request, in particular we were told the following: during the inspections, persons present in the establishments were questioned, and gambling equipment was seized, but we can see that all the gambling equipment is in its place, it all works properly and
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continues to bring profit to the owner of this establishment. here there were guesses that the businessmen have very serious patrons. after the investigative committee joined the proceedings and conducted a series of inspections, the gambling... in a chain that allowed some to constantly spin colorful pictures on one-armed bandits, and others to receive a significant profit. maxim shevchenko, elena kopyllova, daniil sukhoruko and alexander ovsyannikov, lead. duty unit. capture group under the sight of a tv camera. our film crew took part in a real arrest
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of daring swindlers who for some time managed to sell a free service right under the noses of the police. all information about the operation was kept strictly secret until the last moment. well, now our correspondent, alina skachkova can finally reveal the details to you. the operation to detain potential criminals is being carried out in an atmosphere of strict secrecy; until the last moment, we knew neither the place, nor the time, nor even the details of the case. all this is to ensure that information about the police's plans does not leak out ahead of time, and that the villains do not have time to escape. a gang of car swindlers is in the crosshairs. all actions to catch them are strictly coordinated. the first stage of the operatives' work is to take advantageous positions. we went up to the roof one of the shopping centers in the south of moscow, the main thing now is not to go near the edge, not to
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stick your head out, because any minute now the interior ministry fighters will start seizing below, what happened, hands behind your head, and what happened, hands behind your back, oh my god, everything is happening quickly, and the likely attackers are face down on the asphalt, this asphalt is familiar to citizens, in their silver gelendvagen, according to the police they came here every day, it turns out that right under the noses of the traffic police officers they were carrying out their simple, but ... very brazen operations for crazy money offered to register a car allegedly without delays in queues, having received cash they disappeared. the damage from the scams, according to preliminary data alone, is 80 million rubles. how could you offer a free service for hundreds of thousands of rubles? who, who does this? and this, as law enforcement officers believe, is the brains of the group , a mother of many children named khada. during her arrest, she sincerely pretended that she did not understand anything, she made up professions for herself on the fly, she was a car saleswoman, an insurance agent, or just a housewife, in what is your function? insure a car? insurance companies do this, right? we do it in our personal account on the phone. is this your main activity, work? no, i don't have a main one. so who are you? a housewife? yes , i have children.
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it is almost impossible to accurately predict how events will develop during such operations. when it seemed that all the suspects were already handcuffed, the fighters identified another fugitive. right near the shopping center , they are now detaining another suspect the criminal. they are now taking him to a paddy wagon, he managed to escape, to move away from the car at the moment when the police officers began the arrest, the unexpected appearance of the operatives disrupted another fraudulent deal, this man allegedly almost became its victim, what are you doing here, tell us what we are not doing here, we wanted to register the car, you paid money for it, we haven’t paid anything yet, we just drove up, whether this is true or not will be decided after the conversation at the police station, the investigators have painstaking work ahead, they need to establish all criminal. kidney the exact number of victims, but it is already known that the same scheme worked in all episodes, the gang gained the trust of newly-minted car owners and lured them away from the traffic police into their gelendvagen, where they offered to speed up the registration procedure. the fraudsters introduced themselves as persons professionally engaged
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in vehicle registration services. they promised the victim to provide the specified range of services for a fee of 125,000 rubles. the ringleader in a skirt, apparently expected that beautiful numbers 007. will make her elusive as a spy, it didn't work, important evidence was found in the premium car's interior, the very same bank cards to which the victims transferred money, and some other documents, is there a so-called black accountant among them?
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a schoolboy who caused a fatal accident on a carsharing service in moscow without a license under someone else's account was chosen as a preventive measure, despite the fact that one of the passengers died according to the rental company... the company in the car was a thirteen-year-old girl and three other peers of the driver. video
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was filmed a few minutes before the fatal accident, at that time the guys hardly understood how the adventure would end. the teenagers' drive was also recorded by cctv cameras. the recording shows how a police car was pursuing the car sharing. the driver did not even think to slow down and was driving at a speed of at least 140 km per hour. he apparently wanted to turn here into the yard. but he probably missed it, the turn was already underway. well, he got a flat tire, the teenager lost control and crashed into the wall of a residential building, one of the guys died, the other passengers were taken to hospital. under investigation a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under paragraph b, part four of article 264. violation by a person driving a car of traffic rules, which resulted in death through negligence, associated compilation of the place of its commission. the court hearing was held behind closed doors, because the accused is a minor. 14 years old, but it is not easy to punish a juvenile offender, until the moment
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in the country criminal liability begins from the age of majority of teenagers, one way or another , the law protects. application of penalties to persons is carried out in a special order, for this there are corresponding articles of the criminal code, which clearly distribute what types of punishment can be applied. if we are talking about bringing to justice in the form of imprisonment, then this is an extreme measure when committing serious and especially ... crimes from the courtroom the teenager was released, having been assigned a ban on certain actions during the investigation, the schoolboy was accompanied by his mother, most likely she forbade her son to talk to journalists and herself did not answer questions: why was he driving with friends at night, walking, where were you at that moment? the question of how they got into the rented car also remains open. the version is that the guys used the account of the previous passenger, who had been driving before. sort out the details of this accident.
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this time, the upbringing of the schoolboy will have to be taken seriously, because if he violates the court decision, then the measure of restraint can be changed to a more serious one, but this does not cancel the fact that his reputation can be spoiled for many years. ekaterina likhomanova, news, duty unit. an accident in perm, only miraculously without casualties. cctv cameras recorded the flight of a car from the roadway towards the pedestrian stairs. here are these shots, you can see how the foreign car makes an uncontrolled movement, at this moment in its path there are people on the sidewalk and on the stairs. noticing the danger, they try to avoid the impact. fortunately, having turned over in the air, the car did not hit anyone, its flight was stopped by the steps and railings of the stairs. according to preliminary data, the driver of the car did not cope with management, he was hospitalized with...
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the result of natalia merkurieva's work, has been improving it for 6 years, digging up the soil, planting seeds and watering the flowers that have grown, clearing the yard of weeds, i look out the window, it
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's not pretty, here i went to cultivate this plot, because the rowan trees are beautiful there, i feel sorry for them, but there are no flowers, i planted trial flowers there, next year little suns will grow there too, i tell the girls that i... won't be there, the little suns will grow. recently, a sixty-five-year-old woman received a court summons, being of a certain age, she was accused of beating two teenagers, the seeds of discord between generations were those very flowers. a young man passes right in front of my nose, picking flowers, i grabbed him by the elbow and said, why did you kill the flower, he said, what's wrong, you killed the flower, and there were so many seeds that i could have sown and...
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where our car is, you never know what to expect from them, you walk like, well, i don't know, like a cornered animal, fearing further persecution, natalia wrote a statement to the police, in response, the parents of the teenagers filed the same statement about the beating, how can you slander like that, they told me, you beat the children, a trial is scheduled, the whole yard is already aware of this conflict, the neighbors are defending natalia as best they can , they tell. the first time these teenagers were noticed here in a local store, they were begging people for money. i saw this for the first time, and i realized that we are powerless, in principle, children are children, but we are powerless, in fact, we can’t touch them, we can’t say anything, we can’t do anything, and i want to say, this boy from moscow, he is very - so to speak, not stupid, he is mean. we are talking
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about a teenager from moscow named timofey, he came to his grandmother for the holidays, so, apparently, he decided to diversify his summer leisure, and this ... timofey's friend ilya told his version. i was talking to my mother on the phone, i see a flower hanging like this, well, not purely physiologically, i took it, plucked it, well, i'm talking on the phone, well, this is purely to keep my hands busy, i hear some grandmother coming towards me screaming, he says that these are my flowers, i plant them there, obscene words were present, she used a little physical force, and they say that an even number of flowers are not brought for the most joyful occasion, they didn't even guess. so that, excuse me, your balls would dry up, so that they would be sterile, she grabbed him, like this, sat him down like this selfie on the bench, in short, she shook him like, excuse me, a hot water bottle, since both parties filed a statement,
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the police will sort out this conflict, now natalya merkurieva is collecting characteristics from neighbors, awaiting trial, galina khungureeva, victoria makarova, news duty part. until recently , officials and businessmen hid under the guise of real rescuers and drove around in cars with sirens and symbols of the ministry of emergency situations. how did they manage to defeat them? watch eduard petrov's investigation, not rescuers, this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel. they drive premium cars along dedicated lanes, turn around across solid lines. according to the documents , they are rescuers. in fact, a variety of people, where do you go to a special vehicle, it was not dad who parked the car, the work of restoring order has become completely, we took on this matter and conducted their own investigation. the riotovsky city court arrested the administrator of the shooting range, where an eleventh-grader accidentally
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shot his stepfather. mikhail oborin was detained immediately after the incident. investigators established that... an adult was allowed to shoot without concluding a mandatory contract, moreover, the administrator left the premises. a criminal case was opened on the fact of providing services that do not meet the requirements of safety, life and health of consumers, which resulted in the death of a visitor to the shooting range through negligence. this a terrifying scene was captured by a surveillance camera installed in the shooting range. as the teenager himself explained the situation to the investigator, the shot was an accident. ochim allegedly intended to capture a close-up of the shooter's face, for which he began to move, at that moment he waved his hand, the stepson, who was wearing headphones, was able to take it as a signal to shoot, and eventually pulled the trigger, the man died on the spot. two russian women who had flown away on vacation to hot countries went missing. a young teacher from chelyabinsk, who was sunbathing under sun of the republic of mauritius on the islands in
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the indian ocean found, alas, she died, the second girl, she was in a resort province in turkey, they are still looking for her with drones and thermal imagers. olga zhurenkova will tell you what happened. the twenty-five-year-old tourist from chelyabinsk was searched for, as they say, all over the island of mauritius, where zaliyashamigulova came to rest, this became the main news. the russian woman disappeared on august 17, went for a walk with a friend and did not return, cctv cameras near the hotel recorded how the girl got into her car satellite and leaves. in the car during the inspection by forensic experts, faced with this evidence, he was interrogated again, eventually he confessed to the murder. zaliya, originally from bashkiria and a family of teachers,
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graduated from the chelyabinsk university several years ago and stayed there to teach, worked part-time as a consultant at a recruitment agency, well, it's awful , of course, it's a pity, she worked with us last year at the department of management and personnel management, taught disciplines, there are no words, it's awful, well, already. it's just beyond my comprehension , young girls, think about it. zaliya flew to mauritius with a friend in june in september, planned to return to russia. in general, the situation is generally terrible, to disappear in an unfamiliar foreign country, as if it were just fear, fear. what was the motive for the brutal reprisal, investigators will have to find out one of the versions: jealousy, allegedly zaliya planned to break up with a friend before returning to chelyabinsk. journalists studied the profiles of the young man on social networks, judging by the photos. he, like zaliya, loves to travel, among the subscribers there are many beautiful girls, according to the police with zaliya he met through a dating site. going
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on vacation and not returning is probably a nightmare for many tourists, for some, unfortunately, it becomes prophetic. dangers await travelers where they intend to lead a carefree life. poorly knowing the laws of a foreign country, not understanding the language or simply losing vigilance, russians periodically get into trouble. stories of disappearances are repeated. regularly in turkish marmaris, the search for another russian woman natalie somova, deputy director of the capital's school for rehabilitation, is currently ongoing disabled children. she also went for a walk on saturday, august 17. a surveillance camera recorded the tourist leaving the canteen and going outside. the media , citing relatives of the missing woman, reported that natalia was planning to go along the korean trail. the russian woman was supposed to return to russia in just 24 hours. police officers, volunteers, and the turkish coast guard combed the area. a duty free check was found in the area of ​​the trail. the last digits of the check matched natalie's bank card number. the korean trail is considered popular with tourists. she passes through deserted remote areas of the coast, certainly poses a danger.
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it is possible that natalia could have stumbled, but according to a number of media outlets, she might not have reached the footpath. the police whitewashed the russian woman's phone near the road, then the signal was interrupted, although in this area the connection should be available. i suggest you watch reruns - our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you
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will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings. japan's capture of manchuria certainly posed a threat to the soviet far east and simultaneously to mongolia. the khalkhingol river area was heavily bombed, they say that unexploded bombs are now lying somewhere in the steppe . zhupogo's star rose precisely on khalkhengol, he instantly took control of seniki. the japanese were thrown back to
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the east.
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what were you hiding behind the trees somewhere ? should i walk in the fire? the devil lights the flint here. jean ivan i can't live without traveling . august 23 is coming soon - the day of military glory.
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russia. on august 23, 1943 , the battle of kursk ended. in the battle, which lasted 50 days and nights, the german army lost 500 thousand soldiers, 1,500 tanks, 3,700 aircraft. units of the red army pushed the enemy back 150 km to the west and liberated kharkov. the victory in the gigantic kurdish battle completed the turning point in the great patriotic war.
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will push back the ukrainian militants. as a result of the night sortie, the crew of the mi-28 helicopter destroyed the enemy equipment and troops. the mobile armored groups of the armed forces of ukraine are being hit from geact b and m-46 guns. the us allows ukraine to attack russia with american weapons in the kursk region. the pentagon admitted it. they emphasized: kiev has every right to strike in the border area. such actions fit into washington's policy. in short.


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