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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the enemy tank is destroyed, we will show the work of the patrol lancet in the kursk border area and the results of the night flight of the mi-28 helicopter. the national park is burning in dambai, the fire cut off tourists in the gorge, now they are saved, in tuyva, due to forest fires , a state of emergency has been declared. in the us elections, kamala harris formally accepted her nomination as a presidential candidate. trump believes that her possible victory will drag the world into a nuclear war. and how
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they celebrate in the main mining regions, a large program has been prepared in the kemerovo region. in the kursk border area, russian troops are driving the enemy out of our territory. at night, the crew of the mi-28 helicopter destroyed the equipment and troops of the nationalists. the mobile groups of the armed forces of ukraine are being attacked with geactb and m-46 cannons. the calculation of the lancet loitering munition destroyed. the enemy. our correspondent, stanislav bernwald, is working in the region, he is in direct contact with the studio. stanislav, hello, what is the situation in the region now? yes, hello, roman, well, indeed, last night was restless, the siren went on several times, warning of a missile threat, well, in during the past night, an attempt by the kiev regime to commit a terrorist attack using an aircraft-type uav against objects of the russian federation was thwarted by the on-duty.
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air defense systems over the kursk region . three unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed , meanwhile our fighters successfully use uavs, for example, fighters of the akhmat special forces fpv drone burned an expensive french anti-aircraft missile system in the kursk direction. let's listen to what major general abtiuddinov had to say about this. the fighters of the detachment, today. burned the kratal air defense missile system, that is, anti-aircraft missile system, which left to catch our helicopters, which were going to strike martynovka, they poked around on the internet, looked at how much this air defense system costs, in short, my guys burned this air defense system, it costs 8 million euros, and my guys burned it with a beer, which costs 60,000 rubles, right?
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we continue to follow the events here in the kursk region, all the latest news on our air, roman, i give you the floor. stanislav, thank you, our correspondent stanislav bernvalt was on the direct line with the studio from the kursk region. after events in the kursk region , the number of people wishing to go to the special operation zone has increased sharply. in the belgorod region, there is a mobile point of information about military service under contract. the bus with employees of the commissariats travels around the districts and villages. people are explained the conditions of selection, told about the benefits, payments and guarantees for participants of the svo, ella korneva will tell how such a military registration and enlistment office on wheels works. bright with slogans familiar to many. it is hard not to notice such a bus in the parking lot in the center of the village. here they consult everyone who wants to learn about the intricacies of contract service in the russian armed forces. in the belgorod region, the mobile point began operating in october 2023. during this time. it was visited
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by thousands of potential candidates ready to defend their homeland. colorful and bright, attracting everyone's attention. the mobile information point about contract service continues to travel throughout the belgorod region. having traveled hundreds of kilometers, it made a stop in the chernyansky district. selection conditions, information about benefits, payments and social guarantees. the specialists of such a mobile military registration and enlistment office tell about all the details and subtleties experienced. instructors help candidates to pass psychological testing, fill out a questionnaire and decide on the military unit in which they would like to serve. it is enough to have a passport and a desire to help their country. let's say people do not have the opportunity to get to the military registration and enlistment office, that's what we are needed for, we travel around the settlements, people are interested, come up, ask what, what salaries, where they are sent, what generally needs to be done, if a person agrees, we we sign a contract here. we conclude, then
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a person, a citizen, is sent to the draft commission. the mobile military registration and enlistment office will visit several villages in the chernyansky district. olshanka, andreyevka, bolshoe and malotroidskoe are next in line . stops will be made according to the schedule, as a rule, in the most crowded places. according to the fighters, the russian armed forces will find use for the skills of each volunteer. women can also sign a contract if they have a medical education. and there is also a recruitment for snipers. mobile information point on military service under the contract will work. in the chernyansky district until august 25 inclusive, as the instructors note, everyone has the opportunity to not just in words, but in deeds to protect their homeland, their loved ones. ella korneva, roman makarchuk, vesti belgorod in the mountains of koracheev cherkessia extinguish a large fire, a forest is burning in
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the teberdinsky national park 7 km from the dombay resort. ground groups are not coping, today they want to involve aviation. our correspondent bulat shakev is monitoring the situation, he is on direct line. bulat, hello, are all the tourists evacuated does the fire threaten the tourist centers and houses? yes, hello, now we are in dambai, as you can see, everything is calm here, there is no smoke, this is despite the fact that everything is a few kilometers away in the gonachkhir gorge now a fire is blazing, the ministry of emergency situations employees continue to work there, about the fire, in general , it became known on august 21, the night before. there were reports that the fire was extinguished, but after that , according to eyewitnesses, a strong wind blew again and fanned the flames, and here are the consequences this wind and they saw, as it were, and even from abkhazia , this column of ash and smoke, and there
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was also a situation with tourists who were cut off by the flames. they were practically in the very epicenter of this element and their rescuers delivered them to a safe place, also the night before to lake tubanle, a camp was formed there, all the other vacationers who were nearby were sent there, in total about 250 people, among whom were also children, they spent that night under the supervision of emergency services, fortunately there were no casualties. no one needed help, now all those evacuated from the danger zone have been taken out, the ministry of emergency situations employees continue to work on the site, they are putting out the fire with all the equipment they have, and the forecast for putting out the fire is the most favorable, this
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morning there was already a light rain, another one is promised in the next few hours, so we will hope that today we will be able to put out this fire. thank you, our correspondent buladsha kikiev was on the direct line with kabbardina balkaria, where they are putting out a forest fire, not far from dombai. fire is being fought in tyva, a state of emergency has been reintroduced in the republic due to forest fires, their area is growing rapidly, having doubled in a day, groups of aerial forest protection from krasnoyarsk krai, irkutsk oblast, tomsk, novosibirsk and khakassia arrived to help. over 15 thousand hectares of forest are burning in the region, with more than thirty large outbreaks in total. dry thunderstorms were the cause of most of the fires. aviation, including amphibious aircraft, is working in the most difficult areas. hundreds of tons of water have already been dropped. the pentagon admitted that the us allow ukraine to attack russia with american weapons during the invasion of the kursk region. as stated by the press service
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of the military department, kiev has every right to carry out strikes in this border region. such actions fit into washington's policy and the united states regards them as protection from alleged russian aggression. the us democratic party convention has ended in chicago. kamala harris formally accepted her nomination as a candidate for the presidential elections. during her speech , she warned of the threatening consequences possible victory of donald trump. the republican, in turn, said that harris could drag the country into world war iii with the use of nuclear weapons. artem krosolin will tell the details. innovations of those gathered at the sports arena in chicago, the vice president formally agrees to become the democratic candidate in the elections, speaking from the stage, kamala harris thanks for the support outlines the vectors of foreign policy in case of victory. as president, i will resolutely support ukraine our
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nato employees. i will always be support israel's right to self-defense and will always ensure that it has the ability to exercise that right. as commander in chief, i will ensure that america always has the most powerful, most lethal armed forces in the world. haris went over her opponent, listing the almost catastrophic consequences for the united states if trump wins. in general, on the final day of the convention, the name of the former head of the white house was heard in every first speech. the accusations were varied, from mental instability to hatred of african americans. donald trump sat here in chicago a few weeks ago, refusing to apologize for saying that migrants were taking black jobs. well, in november, we're going to show him how black people do their jobs. we've survived january 6th and the conspiracy theories, we've survived the lies and the era. we 're going to be united in november. the theme of the final day of the democratic convention was
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protecting minorities of all kinds. a group of delegates even wore white to show respect for voting rights. women. others dressed up in ethnic costumes, while the voices of pro -democratic pro-palestinian activists went unheard. representatives of palestinian americans were not given a floor at the convention. our delegates, the people we voted for, are not showing any force , while we see our money, the tax dollars we pay, being used to kill our relatives, neighbors, and friends. the fact that the forced smiles and festive atmosphere at the democratic convention are at odds with the real mood of americans was discussed by spokeswoman for donald trump's campaign. in an interview with fox news, she compared the opponents' convention to a feast during a plague. they want to talk about joy, but there's little of it in this country right now, and president trump is right to point out the... that has gripped americans in their pain and suffering as they watch other americans die in
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democrat-run cities, while criminals are released, then as millions of illegal immigrants invade our country and are given free rides and lodgings while families of working people are not can afford to pay the mortgage on their homes. trump himself continued his election campaign in arizona. in a conversation with voters, he again pressed the problem of illegal immigration. its entire life is open borders. if the democrats win, there will be no border. we will have 100 million people from all over the world, including dangerous criminals, against which our criminal circles will seem like babies. biden and harris's immigration policy has led to the deaths of thousands of people, and of course, the democratic candidate will not mention this in his speech. mention. however, the republicans had reason for optimism the day before. independent presidential candidate robert kennedy jr. also arrived in arizona and... will address voters today, most likely he will withdraw from the elections in favor of donald trump. the former us president, having learned of these
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plans, called the independent candidate a great guy and expressed his readiness to take him into his administration. according to american media, if trump wins, kennedy jr. may take the post of head of the ministry of justice. artem krosulin, vesti. now economic news. ko konstantin churikov is joining me. konstantin, good morning. russian banks have noticeably increased their habits. roman, hello, in just one month they have earned hundreds of billions of rubles. the net profit of russian banks in july increased by more than a third compared to the previous month. the figure was 306 billion rubles. the data is provided in the central bank's report on the development of the banking sector. one of the key reasons for the increase in profits is said to be currency revaluation with the weakening of the ruble. also , the main income of banks increased by 8% or 51 billion. and the number. profitable financial institutions increased by two, there are now 250 of them in russia, which
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is almost 80% of the country's banking sector. the ruble strengthened significantly against the yuan during the previous trading session. the chinese currency cost less than 11 rubles 85 kopecks. such levels have not been seen since august 12. experts attribute the confident growth of the ruble to the preparation of export companies for tax payments next week. the greatest damage from the eu sanctions against russia is borne by the europeans themselves, as de lasserra pointed out in an interview with the italian newspaper carrieri founder of the usm holding, alisher usmanov. the west believes that it is making a colossal mistake by persecuting russian businessmen, who do not influence the decision-making process, but they know the west and the east well, they have actively invested abroad. he called the restrictions introduced a sign of impotence, the effect in fact was the opposite. all that he achieved. trying to punish the business elite of russia, its money returned to the country, there are no more illusions about
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the impartiality of western jurisdictions. well, in the end, the economy of russia itself will adapt to sanctions, and other countries suffer, mainly those who introduced or supported these restrictions. experts agree with this. germany suffered the most from european, anti-russian sanctions, american, by the way, these are also sanctions. it is not for nothing that european officials now call germany the most problematic country in the european union, the total volume of losses over 2 years, this is the twenty-second, twenty-third. amounted to about 200 billion euros according to german economists, this is a very significant part, but there is an alternative, vice chancellor and minister of economy of germany robert habeck stated that refugees from ukraine should work, historical parallels suggest themselves. now the german leadership justifies this by the need
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to integrate into german society. however, there are valid reasons to shirk, the vice chancellor too. this is illness, for example, or childcare. meanwhile, the ukrainians themselves have no special incentives to go to work, they automatically receive benefits intended for citizens of germany. in general, aid to ukraine, as the new york times writes, has become the reason for the brewing political split in germany. berlin may turn to helping the kiev regime in order to cope with the budget deficit itself. in september , the country will hold regional elections, and the popularity of the far left and far right is growing. and, despite... and not only about the euro at 101.62, but also about the chinese yuan at 11 rubles 95 kopecks. that's all the economic news i have. roman. konstantin, thank you. we continue the broadcast. in
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the kemerovo region, they celebrate the main holiday of the region, miner's day. they prepared a big program. novokuznetsk became the central site, it all started with the miners' parade . 15.00 people in miners' uniforms and helmets walked through the city center. maxim kutrunov will tell you how kusbass celebrates. congratulates everyone on the holiday, a column of coal mining enterprises walked through the city center, this is 15,000 people, the picture is simply mesmerizing, miners, miners, in black tetels, suits, with gold medals on their chests, walked smiling as if today. the most important holiday on earth, but for them it is really all so, well, in general miner's celebrations began on monday, the so-called miner's day was announced, when every enterprise connected with the coal mining industry met with veterans, met with the best workers, they were honored everywhere, they were awarded with some ministerial awards, corporate, city, regional, that is, maximum attention was paid to the miners
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in almost every hall of the audience, where it was possible, where it was possible to invite people, where it was possible to meet with them on... they were thanked, when even before the great war the domestic here had to work literally manually without mines, without light, without air, they were able to do all this, they were able to build all these enterprises, they gave records, and what powerful were such records, for example, shanka koksovaya gave out 5 million tons, here is its record at that time this mine, which worked in the city of prokupsk, its record is still essentially no one ... can beat, these are the people who worked in kuzvas and are still working, they work, love their profession, respect their profession, invite everyone to the holiday. sports news, about ilya kostin will tell you about the most notable ones. ilya, good morning, the famous actor keanu reeves signed a contract with a hockey club. yes, roman, good morning, he really signed a contract, however, a one-day contract with
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the windsor club, where keanu reeves was on trial even before the start of his acting career, well now. this is just a charity story. moscow cska became the owner of the russian super cup in handball in the match for the trophy, the army team on its home court was stronger than the perm bears 35-32. the match turned out to be stubborn. a minute before the final whistle separated the opponents from each other by just one accurate throw. in this match, two players of cska showed 100% realization. daniil shishkarev scored eight goals out of eight attempts. dmitry ionov - seven out of seven. the perm team distinguished itself with a large number of deletions , three players of the bears received red cards at once. for cska, which is the current champion and holder of the national cup, the current super cup is the second in a row. meanwhile, the hockey cska received official approval for construction new arena in moscow. this was stated by the club's president igor iismantovich at
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the team's presentation before the start of the regular championship. about the new army players and plans for the season. report by aleksandr. a new life is beginning for hockey cska. this offseason, the team has been renewed more than in many previous years. about ten newcomers have joined the team. these are mainly russian players who have returned from overseas. many of the past leaders have left the team. cska will start the new season with a new head coach, a two-time winner of the cup gagarin, ilya vorobyov. from the point of view of the head coach, here are 10 newcomers approximately. how difficult will it be to integrate them into the team, how difficult. now to organize everyone and bring to some common, as they say , denominator? well, on the one hand it is difficult, on the other hand it is very interesting, and there is a backbone that has been preserved, which won a lot, our concept was that... we add fresh guys, fresh blood, this is very important for further advancement, development of cska, and for further victories. the presentation of the updated cska is a look into
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the future with optimism. cska declares the task of fighting for the main trophy of russian hockey. rosneft has been helping cska achieve its goals for more than 10 years. during this time, the army team has won the gagarin cup three times and expects to do so for the fourth time in the very near future. it will be very difficult to win, the team. can be a champion on paper, the team can be a champion on the ice, and there are many examples from different years when excellent teams, great teams, but they lacked something, this is our most difficult task together with the head coach, together with the sports staff, together with the rosneft company to find all that zest that will give a real result, a person who was born in the soviet union cska, it was something so-so the very best. everything a little bit, so to be in cska, to work for cska - this is, these are dreams come true, then we need to show results. from the stage that evening, not only victorious expectations were heard, for example, the president of cska
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igor ismantovich announced the start of construction of the new cska ice arena on the site of the old legendary palace on leningradsky prospekt. officially, the new season of kahal will begin for cska on september 5, with a match against moscow spartak. we have now been 20 days in training camp and there, when it is difficult.
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after the finish, challov hit the post. by that time, paok was already leading 3:0, and then sent another ball into the irish goal. the final score was 4:0 in favor of the greeks. challov spent half an hour on the field, coming on as a substitute in the middle of the second half, and another russian from paok magomed. zdoev played the entire match. the russian national team defeated perm parma at the friendship basketball cup with a score of 84-76. after the first
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quarter, the russian team was losing by 12 points, but by the big break the score was tied. everything was decided in the final ten minutes, which russia won with a difference of +5. the most productive player of the match was parma basketball player garat nevels, who scored 18 points. the russian national team has 17 points, to the credit of. mikhail belenitsy. in another match of the day, the colombian national team again suffered a crushing defeat. on this once in venezuela with a difference of 51 points - 108-57. in the first meeting of the friendship cup, the colombians played without the slightest chance against perm parma 155-53. after that game , the colombian basketball federation stated that it had not received an official invitation to the tournament. and a team that has no relation to the real national team came to russia. as a result. the russian national team, which was supposed to play with the colombians in the last round, will play another match with venezuela, and colombia was given the youth team of parma as an opponent. russian
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tennis players aslan karatsev and kamilla rakhimova lost their final matches in the us open qualifying round. but despite the defeat, both karatsev and rakhimova can still get into the main draw of the grand slam tournament as lucky losers if one of the other players withdraws. at the tournament in cleveland , russian anastasia potapova reached the semifinals, and in the quarterfinals, she defeated romanian anna bogdan. our tennis player gave up only three games to her opponent, the final score was 6:2-6:1. the match lasted a little over an hour. the twenty-three-year-old russian will play in semi-final with american macartney kesler. these are the least noticeable news from the sports world at this minute. roman, you have the floor. ilya, thank you, we continue. five victims of the sunken yacht of british tycoon michael lynch have been identified in italy. experts have confirmed that six people died in the wreck of the sailing vessel. the owner
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of the yacht himself, his daughter, and. olga panomareva will tell about the mysterious circumstances of the death of members of british high society. italian investigators are finding out why most of the superyacht crew survived, and the high-ranking guests died. details of the interrogation of captain james cutfield have not yet been disclosed, but according to the man who built the yacht without crew errors. the probability of the sailboat sinking would have tended to zero. the news of the crash made me both sad and distrustful. as manufacturers, we know very well how to design and build sailboats. they are the safest in the absolute sense of the word. due to their design, they are practically unsinkable when drifting. the key word is drift. konstantin is sure that if the captain listened to the hurricane forecast, or at least visually monitored the weather, he would have turned the vessel to drift with its bow to the wind so that its...
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gusts would flow around the structure without causing damage. according to the shipbuilder, it would also be necessary to lower the counterweight keel and raise the anchor to prevent the sailboat from turning dangerously sideways to the wave. but, according to konstantin, the necessary measures were not taken. worse, according to divers, the hatches were not closed. the water most likely knocked out the electric motor, depriving the vessel of the ability to drift. and then the yacht was completely flooded. at the same time, the ship that was in the immediate vicinity was not damaged by the hurricane. we started the engines to keep the vessel in place, at that time the yacht was behind us, but a moment later it disappeared, and it was unclear how this happened. as the head of the rescue operation said, the only way to find out the truth is to raise the yacht to the surface, but as experts say, at a depth of 50 m, divers can only stay for 12 minutes, which is extremely little, given the interference. no, everything that was not
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nailed down rises into the water, furniture floats up, blocking the way, and the liquid impairs visibility. in the meantime, the media and social networks are full of versions of the death of lynch and his business partners. sorry, but this is too strange, it can hardly be a coincidence that both mike lynch and stephen chamberlin died in strange accidents at almost the same time. lynch and chamberlin were defendants in a twelve-year trial in an american court. hewlett packard accused them of fraud in the sale. to the computer giant of lynch's developments. and britain, despite public protests, even extradited lynch to the united states. however, in june of this year, an american jury acquitted the tech entrepreneur. what happened to michael is incredibly tragic after everything he went through over the last 12 years of defending his name and not living a full life. he had the courage to stand trial in the united states rather than flee to a country where there is no extradition, to resist
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the pressure when his life was almost... destroyed by the american justice system. so, at the moment when he was acquitted and began to talk about us control over the british government and british courts, mike lynch suddenly disappeared. this is one of the main coincidences. but perhaps the strangest coincidence is this. the sunken yacht bayasian was named by the late lynch in honor of his idol. the 16th century mathematician thomas bayes, who, like lynch, died at the age of 59, and before that managed to derive one of...
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"i, a traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out namesakes, what a fairy tale, without ivan, what began, without deception, without flint, in the flint i was imprisoned by the villain, pen, self-writing ink, you'll get magic ones, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse." mechanically, and hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you , a fool, want to go, where you need to go, i can't live without traveling, flint, he who has flint in his pocket doesn't need a pen, soon, it's easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of
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the overall picture,


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