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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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entire locations are changed for views, it is easy to make a fake dep, change. we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the site. next, our broadcast
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will continue with the author's project of kirill vyshinsky, typical novorossiya, about the prospects of the young youth movement, about what is being done now in order to integrate young people from the historical territories of russia into the life of the country as effectively as possible. hello, with you, kirill vyshinsky, and this program is typical novorossiya, our name everything is said, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a close look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, to find a typical.
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maps recognizable signs of the past, that's what we will talk about today. youth under the roar of shelling, those who matured early. what is important in the youth policy of novorossiya, a conversation with an expert of the program. birthday of the city of ros, an anniversary with hope for peace. is it easy to be young? this question at any time presupposes a difficult search for answers. in the territory we are talking about, the youth of most residents became a time of difficult, sometimes fateful decisions. this means that the most exciting time in their lives: high school, university studies, the first steps in a profession and independent life fell on 10 years of military actions. in the struggle for the right to remain
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themselves, to preserve their russian cultural identity, and not to mindlessly join the ranks of the young ukrainian political nation. discos, first love, dreams of the future, took place under fire, were limited by a curfew. many of today's young people in novorossiya have fought in the war, and among the students of donbass universities, there are many demobilized and discharged students. be that as it may. life goes on, age takes its toll. young people want to try themselves in different areas, to realize their boldest plans. we are talking about several million new citizens of russia. in the lugansk people's republic alone , there are more than half a million young people today. to implement their ideas in new regions , modern infrastructure is needed. it is being created almost anew. last fall
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, a youth center was opened in... lugansk, one of the most modern in russia. another youth center with an area of ​​12. m is being built in donetsk. energodar, volnovakha, novaidar, makeyevka, mariupol, khartsyzk - these are the places where new youth spaces, centers and artesidences have already begun to work or will be created in the near future. this year alone, for the development of youth policy and infrastructure.
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young people are actively involving guys from novorossiya in federal forums and programs, with the help of grants supports their social initiatives, out of a thousand applications received last year, 100 projects became winners, for which... 51 million rubles were allocated. this year, in the first half of the year alone, 800 applications were received, 24 became winners. in august , the second round of applications from rosmolodezh started. there will be new projects and new opportunities to make your dreams come true. about how youth policy is being formed in new regions in the story by anna efimova. this is how, putting in considerable physical effort, eco-activists from donetsk people's republic crush plastic into small pieces to then melt it down and give it a second life. here we have smelted the green heart of donbass. at 20, anastasia efremova
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is an ideological inspirer and ecologist in donbass. her brainchild, a recycling workshop, unites young designers, artists and eco-activists from all over the republic. with their project, they have already visited... this year, in terms of the number of applications for rosmolodezh grants, the dpr ranks ninth among all regions of the country, more than 10 participants in the competition from the donetsk republic became winners, another know-how, these are microgrants for young people, a good, quite
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necessary and important project, small grants up to 100,000 rubles. and for those guys, those young people, well, who are a little afraid, who do not understand. what, how, why to do, of course, we explain, that's what concerns grants in general, yes, i'll give you the twenty-third year, in total, the guys brought more than 28 million rubles to the republic. the second component is infrastructure, we understand how important it is that yes, now in new subjects those the most attractive points where young people could come, where they could communicate with speakers, lecturers with the same as them, create joint projects, already now only in the twenty-fourth year more than 300 million rubles have been allocated. on a competitive basis, yes, for the construction of youth infrastructure facilities, seven new facilities will be built in zaporozhye, in the kherson region, the first youth house in the new regions, this center in lugansk is equipped with classrooms for classes, a separate floor is allocated for a large-scale multimedia museum, headquarters
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lugansk youth will be one year old in september, events of various profiles are held here, from lectures and master classes to concerts on the roof, this is donas. lugansk, we are strong people, the whole world knows about us, someone came to the museum either to take part in the competition, a big break or to listen to a lecture of the knowledge society, but having come here, all opportunities are open to him, and this is the task set by the president, this is mgemo, the alma mater of russian diplomats, here the finalists of the competition of young people are awarded internationalists of the cis, this year it was attended.
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this is june 2, 2014, when the air raid on the center of lugansk took place, then, probably, it already became clear that the situation is really serious, in the conditions of the formation of a new multipolar world, the role of youth is greater than ever, the youth there misses it, it ...
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the globe, it is noteworthy that the lugansk people's republic received the honorable right to host the regional stage of the forum. we are immensely glad to see you on lugansk soil. oh, russian soul, this is your strength, oh, russian soul, homeland, russia, when you are still young, emotions are boiling, uh, you have a lot of doors opening for you, it is important, uh, to find in a young person - those abilities and skills that he can best apply, therefore , youth coordination, it is very important, and there are many talents among the youth, so the artist vladislav stepnoy creates his unique works of art on the topic of the day in donetsk. in
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2008, he left donbass to study in lviv. today he opens murals on the walls of donetsk and lugansk high-rise buildings and continues to work on paintings in his studio. when in the fourteenth year, when the coup d'etat happened, but everything changed radically, it was then that i realized that it was necessary to change culturally, that time... the invasion there in the ssu in the region dozens of young people from the dpr, lpr in general
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novorossiya went to help distribute water and medicine, volunteer at temporary accommodation points, finally share their rich experience in coordinating processes in such emergency situations, which, unfortunately, donbass has managed to accumulate over many years. and this, like nothing else, testifies to the unity of russia, which difficulties only harden, a lesson that the current generation, the descendants of the heroes of the great victory. fifth learned well from their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. anna efimova, valery savelev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. we will talk about how youth policy is being formed in the new regions today with our regular expert, political scientist rastislav ishchenko. rastislav, good afternoon. good afternoon. rastislav, if we talk about youth policy in novorossiya, what can we offer today what to talk about with those whose youth and adolescence
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were spent in the conditions of what was essentially a civil war under bombing and shelling? well, firstly, the bombing and shelling there have slowed down, but still haven't stopped completely, until they end, this will be a defining moment influencing the psyche of the local population, including the youth. what kind of impact does this leave? on youth policy, it is clear that in donbass there is this problem of isolation in novorossiya, because they are in the zone military actions, the journey there itself, is fraught with certain difficulties, the new generation is growing up with this feeling, that is, they have such a good feeling of patriotism, yes, but at the same time there is too strong a feeling of regionalism , that is, they are not familiar with this very life of the big world, with its rules, so it is necessary,
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in great britain in the united states in ukraine in that they are wrong, is this the result of upbringing in the family or still experience, which the fact is that family upbringing is very serious, family education should always coincide with the national one, if a person sees one thing at home and another on the street, he experiences, as they say, a breakdown of patterns, here is the exchange and
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the youth of novorossiya with kolya's russia - this is one of the ways. to us now the most accessible and so to speak, the most effective, in principle, this influence in the opposite influence is also positive, because russian youth also receives information that not everyone and not always live the way they live. thank you for an interesting and detailed story. next sunday, august 25 the capital of the donetsk people's republic will celebrate: 155th anniversary of its foundation, the city began as a workers' settlement at a metallurgical plant built in 1869 near the village of alexandrovka by the british industrialist john hughes. he founded the novorossiysk coal, iron and rail production society here.
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the settlement of yuzovka, named in his honor, became one of the industrial centers of donbass, and in 1900 17 received city status. by this time , about 70,000 people lived and worked here. in 1918, the city became part of the donetsk-krivoy rog republic, albeit briefly, it united the industrial regions of novorossiya and the kharkov province. in soviet times, donetsk acquired a reputation as the greenest of the world's industrial cities. it is so well-groomed, green and blooming. although it is located in the treeless and sun-scorched steppe of novorossiya, and of course, the main symbol of donetsk, the sea of ​​​​ros. in this city. shell explosions are heard almost daily, yet this large, beautiful city lives a full life, although it has been truly frontline for 10 years now, during this time
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a new symbol appeared - an iron rose made of fragments of those same shells, and of course, the sea still grew on its streets, without which it is impossible to imagine the birthday, how did history influence the fate of the city? worker, since 2017 also a hero city, a people's republic. what mood do donetsk residents celebrate the holiday with? in olga mokhova's story. everything is here, here is st. petersburg, here is moscow, and if you go and look at the architecture, it's just incredible. this is barcelona. i have lived here since i was seven, and when i came here. i realized that my homeland is donetsk. and it all began with the aleksandrovsky mine. its first three shafts appeared in the forties of the 19th century by order of the novorossiysk governor-general mikhail
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varantsov. domestic coal was needed for the emerging black sea-azov shipping company. vorontsov himself rented land plots from a local landowner for 30 years for these purposes. when yus arrived here, together with his team of more than 100 people, engineers, workers, on a whole fleet. eight steamships, a whole squadron brought in almost completely turnkey, dismantled, only to assemble a metallurgical plant. john yus, a hereditary engineer, the owner of a shipyard in england, at that time was looking for opportunities to expand his business, went to america, but was disappointed in it. in the donbass steppes , everything came together. the extreme need of the russian empire for an industrial center in the south of the country, the emergence of a large number of free workers after the liberation of the peasants from serfdom. the rapid development of rail communications. many, well, by and large are perplexed. why? john yus is a very successful man in his homeland, yes, he left everything and came here to these steppes to create everything
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anew. he came here to realize his dream of an ideal, so to speak, industrial city, of ideal industrial production, and he kind of realized this dream here. the metallurgical plant for the production of iron rails was built in the shortest possible time. the same village of alexander supplied it with labor. for the first time in the russian empire, eight coke ovens were launched here and hot blast was mastered. by in 189, the metallurgical plant became the largest plant in the south of tsarist russia. it occupied first place in the smelting of chukhun and steel. the success of yuz, who received colossal profits in the donbass, was infectious. these regions were engulfed in industrial activity at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
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in 1961, stalin's city was renamed donetsk. at that time, the donetsk economic region provided up to 20% of the all-union production of ferrous metallurgy and
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coal, and more than a quarter of coke. in general, the sixties and seventies were a period of prosperity in all spheres of city life. and then, on the initiative of the first head of the region vladimir dikhterev, in donetsk, following the example of the versailles razarium, they began to grow and plant the now world-famous ones.
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to the question of what place in donetsk is the most beloved, its mayor answers, all of donetsk, and in general, such people as donetsk residents, so in love with their city and devoted to it, you still have to look for, i myself am not a donetsk resident, my husband, originally from donetsk, died
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a year and a half ago. he is buried here and even more so i do not want to go anywhere, i have not gone anywhere, that's all, because this is my hometown, where, where go, i always him, if age allowed, i would protect him, i was born here, i live here, i will die here someday, only here i don’t want to go anywhere else. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelev, typical novorusiya. that’s all we wanted to talk about today, with you was kiril vyshinsky, see you soon.
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nuclear threats, a new attempt to attack the kursk npp with a komikaty drone, and the zaporizhzhya station lost one of its power lines. what is known at this hour? artillery and aviation are working. the russian army struck a blow at the concentration of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. at the border area of ​​the kursk region, what is the current situation in the combat zone? they nominated and danced in chicago, the democratic party convention ended. what are the results, what is happening in the rivals' camp, how much will us foreign policy really depend on these elections. coal horizons in russia traditionally celebrate miner's day at the end of august. festive events were held in many regions today. what is the industry living and what is the history in this?


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