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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings. and now it's time for economic news: the discount on eurols oil in russian ports fell to a minimum since last fall, as rbc reports, it amounted to 12 dollars per barrel. the reduction in the discount is affected by the growth of oil refining reduction. in connection with
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the implementation of the opec plus agreement. over the past week, russian oil and gas condensate supplies by sea fell by 11%. russia is provided with coal for more than 100 years, the head of the ministry of natural resources, alexander kozlov, reported. according to him, the balance reserves amount to 270 billion tons, of which only 46 billion are being developed. at the same time, geological exploration of the deposit is ongoing mainly due to extra-budgetary financing. over the past 2 years, companies have allocated more than 4 billion rubles for this. and the federal budget is only 277 million. europe has increased purchases of nitrogen fertilizers from russia, rionovosti reports. for 5 months from the beginning of the year, they exceeded one million tons, which is 40% more than a year earlier. the main consumers are poland, france, germany and italy, earlier due to the refusal of russian gas and the energy crisis, the cost of this product in euros. increased
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by 150%, and this led to a deficit in the market. india overtook china in purchases of russian oil and became its largest importer in july. according to the times of india, the country increased purchases of raw materials by 12% year -on-year. on average, the daily volume of deliveries reached a record high of more than 2 million barrels. as a result, the share of russian oil in india's total imports amounted to 44%. these were economic news. briefly. i thank leil alnazarov, but we will continue: in vladivostok today, warships were met that successfully completed their tasks, armed with calibers, the submarine volkha spent 40 days in the sea of ​​japan unnoticed by foreign fleets. the missile cruiser varyak and the frigate marshal shapshnikov returned from a flight naval voyage, reaching the mediterranean sea. honoring the crew and andrei kolesnikov. the black village of varshavyanka glides along the water surface of the bay of ulis, a couple more minutes the submarine. securely moors, all tasks
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are completed, the fleet command meets the submariners with honors, i express my gratitude to you for the fact that the tasks that were assigned to you were carried out with due efficiency. here, nearby, relatives and friends are impatiently waiting for the obligatory ceremony to end, to hug the defenders, to say and hear the warmest words. festive table, balloons, kubalsya at home, the table was set, cake of course, we prepared teremisu. in total, the submarine spent more than forty days in the sea of ​​japan, almost never surfaced, and monitored the activity of foreign warships. during the entire voyage, they never revealed themselves. every day, the crew practiced striking coastal targets and sea targets. the volkhov submarine is one of the newest in the technical ocean fleet. it entered combat service in 2020 and since then , the crew has successfully completed all tasks.
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low-noise diesel-electric main weapon of the missile system-caliber. while in ulysses submariners were met and honored, surface ships were moored in zolotoy rok bay directly opposite the fleet headquarters. the missile cruiser varyak. the frigate marshal shapochnikov returned from a long sea voyage lasting 7 months. the sailors conducted a lot of combat training in the mediterranean sea , worked on exercises together with colleagues from other units of the russian navy. they visited ports in india, sri lanka, qatar, and eritrea on business visits. the crews took part in joint exercises and maneuvers, and showed themselves worthy during voyages in the red sea, where together... they worked on patrol with the iranian navy , were in constant contact with the ships of civilian agencies, offered assistance, and monitored the safety of navigation. the detachment twice passed through eight seas and two oceans, although in terms of the number of nautical miles, the frigate marshal shapochnikov slightly outstripped the cruiser varyak, now the pacific fleet sailors
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serving on the flagship are looking for an opportunity to even the score. andrey kolesnikov, sergey svestnikov, dmitry popkov, lead the far eastern bureau. in transbaikalia, they are developing key. road checkpoint for cargo on the border of russia and china, zabaikalsk, manchuria. by the end of the year , a new terminal should be operational there. the head of russian railways oleg belozerov assessed the construction on site. my colleague alena logvinova also saw the main infrastructure facilities. high-speed solutions and a matter of technology. zabaikalsk station is less than a kilometer from manchuria. the volume of cargo transportation through the largest railway checkpoint on the russian-chinese border has increased by 2.5 times since the beginning of the year. exports and imports are growing, infrastructure is developing. the zabaikalsky krai accounts for approximately half of the far east's external land trade turnover, and these figures will only grow. the head of russian railways, oleg belozerov, assessed the new vector of development of railway communications on the spot. there are 13
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separate parks here - these are huge sorting, unloading, loading points where volumes are formed. volume. cargo last year reached a record 161 million tons, we have seven checkpoints, but the largest one is here in zabaikalsky, all the points are growing. at the end of 2022 , the reconstruction of the zabaikalsky container terminal was completed, investments exceeded 5 billion rubles. the main railway terminal on the border of russia and china. the final stage of modernization was the launch of the so-called end-to-end technology of work. in addition, the crane tracks were extended to the 71st conventional wagon, this allows for faster, and therefore more efficient , processing of trains in their entirety. a new inspection point appeared, the area of ​​the covered temporary storage warehouse almost tripled cargo, the fleet of handling equipment was updated.
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now this terminal is capable of receiving over 550 thousand containers per year. additional tracks were built here, that is, now our station is capable of taking out. container trains are immediately ready directly to the receiving and dispatching park, that is, without returning directly to the zabaikaysk station itself, which in turn saves a very large amount of time, well , and shunting equipment. the construction of another terminal on the trans-baikal railway began in september 2023. work are actively underway, the first train should be received by the new terminal by the end of 2024, and after reaching full capacity , they will be able to do so annually.
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work, which will allow working using a combined method and by using gantry cranes, and using wheel loaders, reloaders, the so-called river stackers. russia exports oil, coal, iron ore, timber and paper to china. we import industrial equipment, machinery and electronics, cars. 2 years ago, rjd opened a terminal logistics a complex that can handle various types of cargo. at this point, goods are transferred from narrow-gauge chinese wagons to wide-gauge russian wagons. what is important is that they work not only with containers here, but with all categories of cargo that come to our country. there are several gantry cranes of various lifting capacities and 10 small-sized loaders at the tlc.
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piece goods and perishable goods can be stored here. each type of cargo has its own technology. we can transfer containers daily, well, 250 containers. the entire range of cargo is handled using gantry cranes, cars move under their own power, passenger cars, i mean, and these caterpillar ones... it goes with the help of cranes. along with the development of the railway infrastructure , zabaikalsk itself begins to live in a new way. new social infrastructure facilities are appearing in the region. the living urban environment of zabaikalsk itself will be transformed, the social sphere will be reconstructed, housing and communal services, the entire infrastructure, public amenities will be territories. last year, the cargo turnover through the zabaikalsk-manzhuria railway checkpoint amounted to 22 million tons, by 2025 the figure should increase by one and a half
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times. alena logvinova, dmitry dunaev, and nikolay portnykh, zabaikalsk news. miners are celebrated in different cities of the country today. miner's day is traditionally celebrated at the end of august. the holiday was established in honor of the labor feat of alexey stakhanov. kuzbass is considered the heart of mughal russia. along the streets of kemerovo and novokuznetsk, a solemn march hundreds of miners, the best in their profession, passed through. master classes and performances by creative groups are taking place at the festive venues. the members of the strizhi aviation group made a spectacular gift to the residents of kemerovo. they showed aerobatics in the sky . and the celebration in kusbas will end with a colorful fireworks display. another important region of the coal mining industry is the luhansk people's republic. there are 69 mines and factories there. on the eve of the professional holiday, the best workers were awarded in the lpr. some were honored. then watch
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special report by zinaida kurbatova about how meteorologists work at hard-to-reach stations, about why the functioning of the seaport and people's lives in general depend on these people. we have already checked the price with insurance companies, which means we know where to find it. the osaga policy is cheaper. compare: osaga is cheaper. a loan with cashback from spera is even more opportunities. amount - up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback in sberspasibo bonuses. this is not the first time antonina has rented out her cozy apartment on avito real estate, so she knows how it will all spin.
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the northernmost city of russia, pevek, is located on the shore of the chavnskaya bay, the east siberian sea, people here are used to traveling by taxi or their own car, that's why, when in winter it's -40 and icy winds blow, then taking a child to kindergarten or walking to work on the street is extremely uncomfortable, here is not just a harsh climate, it changes literally every minute, the work of the airport, seaport and the lives of people depend on the weather forecast, of all twenty three hydrometeorological departments in russia chukotka is one of the most difficult, the working conditions are difficult, but the main thing is logistics, there are 22 weather stations in chukotka, half of them are hard to reach, you can only get there by helicopter or all-terrain vehicle, and even then not
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always, we still took the risk of going to valkartai, we wanted to get to the station where they were filming the movie, as i spent this summer. get to know those who work there. in the beer, everyone tried to dissuade us from going to valkarkan, they said that we would not get there, we would get stuck, and indeed we are now at the top hills, nothing is visible ahead, fog, the tundra is all swampy, the trip was only possible thanks to the all-terrain vehicle and most importantly the people who drive this all-terrain vehicle, alexander and anton. we were shaking in the all-terrain vehicle for about 3 and a half hours, suddenly freezing rain began, then it became sunny, then foggy, here is the station, wooden houses on the edge of the earth. now a married couple, meteorologists elena and ivan , cook irina, work here , the meteorologists were told from pivek to wait for journalists, we were greeted with joy, new faces, information from the mainland. besides, at that moment
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there had been no internet or television at the media station for two months. it's difficult because we're... far from civilization, well, before coming here, you have to be a very well-prepared person psychologically, then it's not difficult, in principle, it's not difficult for a normal person, if you like nature, you like living, you like chukotka itself, it's beautiful, it's the tundra, you have to be sick with it, and the profession here is a meteorologist, it's romantic. you have to be a romantic, well it's hard, you need to know the news, you need to know what 's going on, here in our russia, in our russia, what's going on, what's going on in the world, watch, listen, discuss all of this too, we can say, here we are also patriots of our homeland, by the way, we love our
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homeland very much, dogs, yasha and lyusya, are not just friends. full-fledged employees of the stations, when people want to go outside, they should carefully look around in the window, then watch the dogs, understand how calm they are, because if there are bears nearby - this is not uncommon, dogs react immediately, and the readings must be transmitted every 3 hours during the day, practically constantly, the location for the station was chosen in such a way as to make accurate forecasts, here is a site with different devices, including a sun radiance recorder, this is called a heliographer, he has...
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work and between the deadlines we still observe storm phenomena, unfavorable criteria have been reached, if, then we transmit storm phenomena. goodbye, there was automation installed inside the station, but nevertheless work here difficult. elena and ivan used to work in belib, one of the three cities in chukotka, where, as they believe, things were simpler. in addition to
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weather telegrams, you need to provide for your own life, chop, for example, firewood, provisions are delivered by helicopter for a year, and, probably, the main difficulties are the ability to live in a small team, calmly endure the polar night, replace chukotka, codary incredibly beautiful landscapes. the first meteorological station in these places. was founded in 1934, it was called mys shilaksky, then it was moved here to the bank of the valkarkay river, that's what it's called valkarkay, there was another foggy one 18 km from here, but because of the large number of fogs it gave incorrect information, so it was closed. and now it's time to go back to pivek, the station employees say goodbye to us, already on the mainland we learned that television, the internet on valkarkay works again.
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the pride and horror of pivek, a wind called yuzhak, weather-dependent people feel its arrival in advance, ambulances begin to scurry around the city, this wind goes around the pivek ridge, accelerates and falls on the city, its maximum speed of 50 m/s is a hurricane, when kindergartens and schools are cancelled for... it is not possible, there is a year, as we say, a southern one, there can be more than twenty southerners, but it is not always that it blows up to 50 m, but it happens, this year there were very few southerners, everyone got a little tired in the winter, the winter was cold, and frosts under 40 were very pressing, everyone was waiting for the southerner, when the southerner blows, and the temperature can rise to a plus value. that is , today it was -40, and tomorrow it will be +2, and that is, for a beer this is normal, normal temperature difference. the port of pivek is
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part of the northern sea route, the importance of which has recently increased, it is open to vessels of all types, its total cargo turnover in the 2023 navigation was more than 519 thousand tons. we work with the port every year during the navigation, we ... directly transmit a warning about dangerous phenomena or adverse phenomena to the port, this is a wind of 15 m / second and higher, no matter what direction it is, this is an optional southern wind, and also fog, visibility is less than a thousand meters, here we warn you, and we also submit forecasts to the institute of the arctic and antarctic, which are located in st. petersburg, they have requested them from us. weather forecasts for subareas along the northern sea route, we make a forecast for each subarea, sent, they already send to the ships. the navigation period in pevek
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is short, from july to october. on this day, when navigation ends, a holiday with fireworks is held in the pevek port. so it was in 2023. about 60 ships pass during the season. these are the statistics of the last 3 years, when we were filming this material, the port was preparing by the beginning of navigation, in pivek arrived from the mainland, the receiving of deliverers, dockers, machine operators, without whom it is impossible to do, they help to carry out all cargo operations, now here they are placing containers that are to be sent by sea to the mainland, the weather is 0 °, the wind is so strong that it seemed that it would knock down these huge cranes, until the beginning of july, perhaps there will still be ice conditions in the open sea, as now in ... the east siberian sea is full of ice, often without the escort of an icebreaker it is problematic for an ordinary ice-class vessel to reach the port
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pivek to stand under loading, under unloading for processing of further vessels. the shipper sends data on the vessel's passage to the port, but delays are inevitable here, icebreaker escort is not always possible, it depends on the weather, we have a situation sends us yes... we keep control over the weather conditions with them, in all mode they notify us of unfavorable meteorological conditions, when the production site must suspend work on the site, as you know in pivek prevail, dominate winds, about 40 m/sec can reach, and at the same time it is necessary to stop work, and meteorology in this case helps us out they... wait, they send us notifications, warnings about the onset of such unfavorable weather conditions. in the port , work stops if the wind force
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exceeds 16 m/sec. captain nikolai mikhailov talks about the difficulties of the work and unexpected encounters, which he manages to film on his phone, it was like that the first ice last year became, a bear with three cubs came, if you you know, this is for polar bears, this is a large, as they say, brood, here they were walking here, we were working at that time, we came, looked, went away from them,
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that's why we didn't come closer to them, why, because... you also don't want to scare the animals, especially since the mother was a female, she was worried, that 's how it is to a greater extent, and so every year they come to us, polar bears come to us, check out the situation, everyone who is not connected with the sea arrives in a beer plane, the airport is in the village of alpegino, not far from piveka, the runway was equipped here back in 1936, and 40 years ago the airport building was built. recently, with the construction of a floating nuclear power plant with the abolition of the status of a closed city, there are more and more guests in pevek , traditional workers fly with the plane, shift workers, who are taken straight from the airport to mayskoye, where they mine gold. practically, the southern wind does not affect the work of the report, because it is the wind, just as the pilots say before ...
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when the climatic conditions have not yet settled and the sea has not risen, we have fog strong, well, snow charges in the fall, this is the center of meteorological research of chukotka in pivek. the building was built in 1980 on the very edge of the spit. the site does not look very presentable, but it is actually not needed , everything is automated. only precipitation measures are in operation, readings are taken from it twice a day. water from rain is collected here, rain, snow. and if it is snow, it, well, thaws naturally. then here through the spout it is poured into a flask, with divisions, and
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the amount is measured. precipitation, how much fell, is already recorded in the observation book meteorological, is compiled into a sensor report, is submitted to the hydrometeorological center, where they look to see if the forecast came true or not, whether the forecasters gave precipitation or not. meteorologists and forecasters work on three floors, a total of about 60 people, there is also a chemical laboratory, its employees monitor radiation, now the meteorologists of pivek are preparing for changes, the old building is going to be demolished. whether they will build new ones or move the hydromedical center to anadar is still unknown. nuclear threats, a new attempt to attack
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the kursk npp. with the kamikaza drone, and the zaporozhye the station lost one of its power lines. what is known at this hour? artillery and aviation are working. the russian army struck a concentration of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the border area of ​​the kursk region. what is the current situation in the combat zone? they put forward and danced. the democratic party convention ended in chicago. what are the results, what is happening in the rivals' camp, and how much will us foreign policy really depend on these elections? coal horizons in russia traditionally celebrate miner's day at the end of august. many regions held festive events today. what is the industry like and what is its history? vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan. according to the kremlin press service, they discussed the normalization of armenian-azerbaijani relations, including taking into account the negotiations.


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