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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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now footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. hello. the head of the vsin reported to me the situation that is developing in one of the places of the decision of freedom in the volgograd region, i would like in this regard to listen to the thoughts, assessments of the minister of internal affairs, the department of the fsb director, viktor asevich zolatov, will be with me, he will now report his assessments, and then we will consider the planned issue prepared.
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taking into account the negotiations of vladimir putin with ilham aliyev during the state visit to baku. moscow's readiness has been confirmed to assist in developing a peace treaty. and putin and pashinyan also noted the positive dynamics of trade and economic cooperation between russia and armenia. the parties agreed to continue contacts. russian troops repelled attacks by assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine in the direction of the settlements of barki and malaya loknya in the kursk region. a sabotage group was destroyed in the kamyshovka area.
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there are now quite serious battles in the border area, the enemy does not abandon hope of breaking through into the depths of the kursk region in small groups, but already as the military say, suffocating, suffocating, because the forces are not unlimited, and the reserves are covered by our artillery and aviation, and therefore now the tactic of passing in small groups is chosen, now the ukrainian militants are trying to consolidate in the green areas. forest regiments there
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and consolidate their equipment, but our birds in the sky are working, reconnaissance drones and as soon as information appears about the presence of certain units, either a fab flies there immediately, or our artillery works clearly, or fpv drones work, this tactic is quite successfully, today the black sea fleet marines in the 710th brigade destroyed a machine gun point, they did it just mega-professionally , thereby opening the way for our heavy equipment to pass, expensive western equipment is being destroyed, well, as you said above, and the militants today tried to attack the kursk nuclear power plant in kurchatov, and they tried to do this with the help of a kamikaze drone, it was shot down by our air defense systems, it worked. rap, but
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nevertheless, this is not the first attempt, that is, the main goal where he was aiming, he aimed at the spent nuclear fuel storage facility, that is, the goal was clear and understandable, to damage the storage facility and thereby cause radiation in the entire region, these are essentially the terrorist methods that the criminal kiev regime is now choosing, it is worth saying that the drone that attacked, tried to attack the station, this is the so-called babayaga. let's listen to what the head of the press service of the northern group of forces says about the situation in the border areas. units of the northern group of forces with the support of army aviation fired artillery
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attacks by enemy assault groups in the direction of the settlements of borki and malaya loknya were repelled, and attempts to attack in the direction of komarovka, korenevo, martynovka and russkaya konopelka were thwarted. as a result, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 70 people, killed and wounded, two combat armored vehicles and a car were destroyed. reconnaissance and search operations are ongoing to identify and destroy sabotage groups of the ukrainian armed forces in forest areas; air strikes, artillery fire and troop actions have destroyed concentrations of manpower and equipment twenty the second, 61 and 115 mechanized, eightieth airborne assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of populated areas. apanasovka alexandria, vishnevka, gueva, mikhailovka, lyubimovka, malaya loknya, plekhova, snagost and southern. despite such a difficult situation in the kursk region, the kursk region is preparing for the start of the school year,
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today we managed to talk with the minister of education and science of the kursk region, who told us in what format the training will take place, somewhere it will be in person, somewhere in person, in absentia, somewhere completely. since children and the majority of teachers are currently living in temporary accommodation centers, with relatives, the only form that we can now use is distance learning. those municipalities that are adjacent to border municipal districts will
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study in a full-time and distance learning format. the mixed form will be used both on the territory of the municipality, that is, individual schools can, by decision of the founders , introduce distance learning, others will continue their education in person. each subject of the russian federation responded, not only to our request, but each subject of the russian federation helps us in this work. all children who decide to stay in other regions from the beginning of the school year will be enrolled to continue their education at their place of residence. we continue.
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the hospital where the wounded were taken, an operational headquarters has been created that coordinates the work to free the hostages, there is no threat to the civilian population, the head of the region emphasized. the russian ministry of foreign affairs called the attack on the kursk nuclear power plant as an act of terrorism demanded an immediate response from
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the iaea, the official representative of the diplomatic department maria zakharova said today. she also expressed confidence that the west is behind all of kiev's strikes on civilian targets. in detail.
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history takes the leading place regardless of whether a state is rich or poor, large or small, technologically advanced or just developing.
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the rosmolodezh forum and the territory of meanings called unity are ending, but already in monday the forum will continue its work at the final race called team. anna voronina, dmitry korsakov, alexander sidorov, eva fedotova, news. the branch of the central military clinical hospital named after vishnevsky today was visited by the minister of defense of russia viktor gorimykin himself. he presented state and departmental awards to the participants of the svo undergoing treatment and rehabilitation in this medical institution. 48 distinguished.
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according to the already well-established tradition, we hold events dedicated to the completion
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of training of military personnel of the svo participants in rehabilitation and educational center appointment to new military positions. contributions from transactions involving the exit of foreign businesses from russia have brought 140 billion rubles to the federal budget since the beginning of this year. as a result, the plan for 2024 has been exceeded dozens of times. we will find out the details from rubles for the entire year. the departure of foreign companies from russia has brought the country's budget an amount that is dozens of times higher than forecasts. we are talking about the contribution that foreign businesses must pay, thereby replenishing the state treasury. income from it in 2024 should have amounted to slightly more than 2 billion rubles. as a result, this bar was exceeded 66 times. since the beginning of this year, the federal budget
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has been replenished with almost 140 billion rubles. for comparison, in 2023, the income from contributions was 116.5 billion. at the same time, the number of transactions for the sale of foreign businesses, according to experts , is noticeably decreasing. the growth in the amount of contributions is associated with the higher cost of the assets being sold. there were several large exits from foreign investors, from russian assets. not very large. and, accordingly, mass transactions have already taken place in the twenty-second-twenty- third, only the most large ones, which are large in terms of fees, but difficult to organize. one of the largest deals for the exit of foreign businesses was the restructuring of yandexes. the dutch yandex nv sold its russian asset to a consortium of private investors and company managers for 475 billion rubles. the new parent company of the group is registered in the kaliningrad region. according to the ministry of finance, the amount of the gratuitous contribution paid by foreign companies is 15% of the market value of the business.
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analysts note that yandex has completely left russia about 10% foreign. that russian companies can start copying products and foreign companies in general will do it quite legally, then the russian sales market for these companies will be lost forever the second important point is that for the deal itself, for approval of this deal, approval of the regulator from the unfriendly country is also needed, and not all regulators from the unfriendly country are ready
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to issue these approvals, actually. some companies decided. hovatsiya sold business to russian owners with the right of repurchase, expecting their return in the future. for example, the mcdonald's restaurant chain, which replaced the "vkusnaya tochka" brand. in general, some experts estimate the losses of companies leaving unfriendly countries at 100-150 billion dollars. others believe that the losses can be several times greater. for russia, the departure of foreign businesses also means opportunities. production is developing at an accelerated pace, fulfilling the demand for replacing foreign products. today, a proposal was made by president of the federation of artistic gymnastics vasily titov. according to him, this
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corresponds primarily to generally accepted practice. details from alexander abramov. in the ministry. sports on kazakov street came up with an initiative to unite the federations of all five gymnastic sports into one. the author of this idea was the president of the federation of artistic gymnastics of russia, vasily titov. for russian sports, this idea may seem revolutionary in many ways, but in world experience, this is normal practice when all gymnastic sports are managed from single center. the cycle is ending, the period of holding reporting and election conferences in all federations is beginning, and i want to. appeal with a proposal to - the heads of the federation, gymnastics federations, and these are five disciplines, this is the federation of artistic gymnastics, this is us, the federation of rhythmic gymnastics, the federation of trampoline, the federation of aerobics and acrobatics, to take advantage of the upcoming - reporting and election conferences in order to consider
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issues about unification, and actually bring the management structure of gymnastics types sports in accordance with the international. the international gymnastics federation unites seven sports. in russia we are talking about five. these are artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline, aerobics and acrobatics. why unite? first of all, this is a single coordination. and the issue of financing is also important. today , the situation with financing for trampoline, acrobatics and aerobics is much worse than for artistic and rhythmic gymnastics. we will reduce the costs associated with the maintenance of the administrative apparatus. we will reduce. we will be able to do more, as if more effectively coordinate the spending of funds that come from the gambling business, we will be able to more effectively help those federations that are currently having difficulties with financing, and we also have some of those, not everyone has sponsors, and this is something that is kind of
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obvious and can be used in... for the benefit of the cause. it is proposed to unite all gymnastics on the basis of the federation of sports gymnastics, there is logic in this too. why are we proposing our own federation, the federation of sports gymnastics in as a platform for unification, precisely because it is a member of the fish, unlike all the others, and this will not require any, makes any additional efforts related to re-registration of this federation, new accreditation for the new federation. sooner or later, we will return to the international ones anyway. there is a colossal organizational work ahead to implement the idea of ​​unification, so the personnel issue is not a priority for now. who will make the decision, who will be the president of the united federation, about this?
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august celebrates miner's day, it was established in honor of the labor feat of alexey stakhanov, who set a world record for coal mining, and of course, this is a special day for kuzbass. hundreds of miners, the best representatives of the profession, marched in a ceremonial march along the streets of novokuznetsk today . ksenia klimina will tell you more. festive march along kuzbass avenue, miner's day in novokuznetsk is a national holiday. the column stretched for... several kilometers, the best representatives of the region's coal industry open the main professional holiday kusbasa with a solemn procession. almost 15,000 people,
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miners, coal miners, enrichment workers, veterans of labor , students, still mastering the profession, in which there are definitely no random people. what does it mean to be a miner? well, this, probably, must be earned, to be honest. why? well, because it is, probably, pride in the profession. especially for me.
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years, we were not taken out to night shifts yet, well, and then, when i turned 18, everyone gave me a shovel in my hands, i began to study little by little at the enterprise, as a special gift miners in the sky aerobatic team of swifts, in kusbass half of all russian coal is mined. another coal region is donbass and it is no coincidence that today in novokuznetsk they are opening the square of the defenders of donbass. in the very heart of the square there is a monument 5.5 m high, a symbol of the unity of the two regions - kusbass and donbass. in the center is a memorial to the hero of russia, a figure of olga kachura, who died in gorlovka, and behind her a bronze bas-relief, like a wall destroyed by an artillery shell, through the crack of which a view of the peaceful sky, even in the old soviet times, kusbass and donbass were, well, essentially sister regions, for the third year now we have been overseeing the issues of restoration, ensuring
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normal life support for the city of gorlovka, helping donbass, the two regions of russia have always been closely connected, and today, in difficult times for the country, they still help each other. i want to express words of gratitude to all of kusbass and to those people who are working now, there are builders and doctors. correctional colony in the volgograd region. the investigative committee of russia opened a case criminal case. the department stated that the circumstances of the incident are being established. earlier today, that prisoners from the penal colony 19 in the volgograd region took hostages during a meeting. russia alexander ivanovich bastrykin requested a report on the criminal case of hostage-taking in one of
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the correctional colonies of the volgograd region. the investigative committee is investigating the criminal case on the grounds of a crime under articles 206 and 321 of the criminal code of russia. this is hostage-taking and disruption of the activities of institutions that ensure isolation from society. for investigation. the progress of the investigation has been placed under control at the central office of the department. and now it's time for news in the economy in russia , two crypto exchanges may appear: one in moscow, the other in st. petersburg, the businessman reports, citing sources. the purpose of the platforms is to support foreign economic activity. it is planned that the cryptocurrency will be created for a basket of currencies of the brics countries, in particular for the yuan. at first, the exchange will be in test mode. use a narrow circle of persons, then the largest exporters and importers. russia supplied china with pork products worth 12.5 million
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dollars in 7 months. this is according to the local statistical service. thus, our country entered the top five leading suppliers of pork for the first time. in china, following brazil, spain, denmark and the netherlands. according to the national union of pig breeders, by the end of the year, exports from russia to china could reach 50-60 thousand tons. they expect that russian pork could take up to 10% of china's pork market in a few years. imports. india has overtaken china in purchasing russian oil and has become its largest importer in july. according to the times of india, the country has increased its purchases of raw materials by 12% year-on-year, with the average daily volume of supplies reaching a record high of over 2 million barrels. as a result, the share of russian oil in india's total imports was 44%. europe is once again on the brink of a gas crisis. at the end of august, eu countries will be short of fuel volumes equivalent to the daily needs of italy or france, as norway enters
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during the maintenance season. deliveries of the largest supplier in the european union will be significantly reduced for 3 weeks, maintenance coincided with increased volatility in the market, bloomberg reports. let me remind you that last year, maintenance at norwegian fields already led to a sharp increase in natural gas prices. these were economic news. briefly. well, we will continue, the construction of two schools in the tula region will be completed by the end of 2024. today , together with the acting governor, one of them was inspected by the minister education sergey. rovtsov, it is being built within the framework of the national education project, there will be 44 classrooms, rooms for extended day groups, with modern equipment, an assembly hall for 450 seats. since 2017 , seven schools have been built in the tula region and another one has been reconstructed, this has made it possible to create more than 4,000 places for schoolchildren to increase the availability of high-quality general education at the children's place of residence. the education system in the tula region is actively
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developing, we ... constantly communicate in vkontakte, and one of the best education systems, very a lot of interesting experience that we adopt for other regions, in particular in the organization of children's medicine, and in the creation of educational centers. now a video from the russian ministry of defense aerial reconnaissance of one of the units of the northern forces grouping discovered an armored personnel carrier of the ukrainian armed forces in the border area of ​​the kursk region. after confirming the information, the target was hit by a direct hit from a lancet blazing munition. capture by japan, of course.
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