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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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obtaining an ice-free port on the baltic, yes , to say that all other russian ports on the baltic freeze, koenigsberg in this sense was the most convenient. tomorrow, the tsarist days will continue in the east of the kaliningrad region, in chernyakhovsk there will be an opening of a mural dedicated to the feat of russian soldiers in the first world war. and in gusev there is a large festival telling about the events that changed history. kirill smirnov, dmitry kulabukhov, vesti kaliningrad. the capture of manchuria by japan certainly created a threat to soviet far east and at the same time for mongolia. the khalkhin gol river area was subjected to heavy bombing. they say that they are now lying somewhere in the steppe.
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i still remember the first phrase that stalin told us in the kremlin: suddenly you know in trouble.
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or eight hostages, according to sinn , four of them were killed by the colony employees, the rest are in the hospital. among the hostages were four convicts, who were also injured. the criminals, there were four of them, were neutralized by snipers of the russian guard. investigators are working at the scene of the emergency, a case has been opened criminal case. all the latest information from maxim akhmetov. as reported by the russian national guard, four terrorists who took hostages have been neutralized. all hostages have been released, there is still a disconnection here, according to the supreme court: the hostage taking took place during a meeting of the disciplinary commission, four terrorists who call themselves, or at least called themselves in the video, members of the terrorist organization islamic state, banned in russia, captured employees of the correctional facility, it is known that four victims are in the hospital, two of them in serious condition, the operation to free them...
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situation. special forces of the russian national guard detained illegal foreigners while trying to illegally cross the border. this was reported by the press service of the department. the russian national guard provided forceful support to border guards in kingesepe. citizens of one of the middle eastern countries were detained while trying to give a bribe. they were going to get to the port of ustluga and illegally cross the border on a ship leaving abroad. contribution from transactions on the exit of foreign businesses from russia brought the state budget 140 billion rubles since the beginning of this year. as a result, the plan for 2024 has been exceeded dozens of times. maria filippova has the details. the departure of foreign companies
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from russia has brought the country's budget an amount that is dozens of times higher than forecasts. we are talking about the contribution that foreign businesses must pay, thereby replenishing the state treasury. income from it in 2024. should have amounted to slightly more than 2 billion rubles. as a result, this bar was exceeded 66 times. since the beginning of this year, the federal budget has been replenished with almost 140 billion rubles. for comparison, in 2023, income from contributions were 116.5 billion. at the same time, the number of transactions for the sale of foreign businesses, according to experts, is noticeably decreasing. the growth in the amount of contributions is associated with the higher cost of the assets being sold. there were several large exits from... not very large and, accordingly, mass transactions had already taken place in the twenty-second and twenty-third, only the largest ones remained, which are large in terms of fees, but difficult to organize. one of the largest transactions for the exit of foreign businesses was the restructuring of yandex. dutch
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yandex nv sold its russian asset to a consortium of private investors and company managers for 475 billion rubles. the new parent company of the group is registered in the kaliningrad region. according to the ministry of finance, the amount of the gratuitous contribution paid by foreign companies is 15% of the market value of the business. analysts note that about 10% of foreign companies have completely left russia. more, about a third, have reduced their activities, that is, large groups have sold only part of their assets. for example, american residents have thinned out only by half, according to july data. until february of the twenty-second year, us business was represented by more than 650 organizations. today. more than 330. despite the anti-russian sanctions policy, the west and europe are slow, here's why - experts explain. firstly, there is a fear that russian companies may start copying the products of foreign companies there, in general, they will do it
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quite legally, then the russian sales market for these companies will be lost forever. and the second important point is that, that for - the deal itself, for approval of this deal, you also need - approval from a regulator from an unfriendly country, and not all regulators from an unfriendly country are ready to issue these approvals, actually. some companies decided to play it safe and sold their business to russian owners with the right to buy it back, expecting their return in the future, for example, the mcdonald's restaurant chain, which replaced the "vkusnaya tochka" brand. in general, some experts estimate the losses of companies leaving unfriendly countries at 100-150 billion dollars. others believe that the losses can be several times greater. since the majority of companies that wanted to leave russia have left, and those that continue their activities probably already want to continue this activity in our country, have such a desire, but nevertheless are often forced to make the decision
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to leave anyway, if we talk about the losses of the companies themselves, then of course for them leaving the russian market is a decrease in sales volume, due to a decrease in profits, but nevertheless for them it is still a significant loss. for russia leaving foreign business means, among other things , opportunities, production is developing at an accelerated pace, fulfilling the demand for replacing foreign products with domestic ones. and will it be necessary to return the companies that left the country? a big question. and about the weather in st. petersburg, the consequences of extreme rainfall are being eliminated. cloudy and rainy today in central russia. we will talk about everything in more detail with the host, specialist of the fobus center evgeny tishkovets. evgeny, hello, is that all summer, now only rain and coolness? good afternoon, but today's rains are just a reminder of the coming autumn, on the weekend in most of the european territory of russia we will be pleased with warmth and partly cloudy weather. in the midst of an extreme
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downpour on primorsky prospekt in st. petersburg, a fountain appeared, the height of a multi-story building. eyewitnesses suggested that the peak of nastya coincided with a pipe break. it turned out that the geyser owed its appearance to abnormal precipitation. the st. petersburg vodokanal explained what the matter was. due to the excess of the calculated amount of precipitation in the territory cities. the sewerage system operates in the maximum hydraulic load mode, due to which in certain places there may be water-air mixture leaks. fences were installed in advance on this section. judging by the water utility data, the northern capital was covered by truly phenomenal rains. in the city of naneve, by midday, in some places in just 3 hours, about 34 mm of precipitation fell, which is almost half the monthly norm, and 18 liters of water per square meter poured in just 20. minutes, the sewerage system is capable of immediately to divert slightly more than 7 mm during this period
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of time. in such conditions , accumulations of water appeared on the streets of st. petersburg, roads were flooded in the leningrad region. in particular, motorists stormed deep puddles in galchina. at the same time, in karachay-cherkessia, they continue to extinguish a strong forest fire in dombay. 220 employees of the ministry of emergency situations and 54 units of equipment are fighting the fire. the forest in the tiberdinsky za... reserve caught fire the day before, due to very high, and in some places record temperatures and powerful ascending air currents, over a huge cloud grew over the mountains, more than 200 tourists had to be taken out of the forest fire zone to a safe place. an investigation has been launched into the leaf fire that occurred on august 22, 2024, in kanachkirskoye, where they studied on the territory of the teperdinsky national park. during the investigation, an assessment will be made of compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the prevention and control of forest fires, as well as on
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the protection of the population and territory from emergency situations. the main precipitation is expected at the junction of the western and central siberia, as well as in some areas of the russian north, the urals and the caucasus, but no stones from the sky are forecast. the maximum in some places will be no more than 5-15 mm. the rest of the greater part of western russia will experience dry weather. due to the strengthening of the low-cloud anticyclone , the temperature background will increase significantly over most of the russian plain, and will correspond to the climatic norm of the height of summer, exceeding the august norm by at least 4-6°. in the north of the european territory of russia , the air will warm up to +20-25 during the daytime, in the middle zone 25-30, well in the south - 30-35 heat. in the dombay area , a short but quite intense downpour is possible until the end of the day. it will bring. up to 19 mm of precipitation will bring down the temperature to +19. according to preliminary
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forecasts, the rains will linger in the region until at least tuesday, but they will not be so strong. in moscow today, despite the cloudy weather, the air warmed up to +24°. the capital is now covered by rain clouds by an atmospheric occlusion front, up to 6 mm of precipitation is expected. the probability of rain will remain until the coming night, when the air will cool down to +12:14. on saturday and sunday. but at the beginning of next week it will become even warmer by a degree. the final of the summer season promises to live up to its comfortable status. today in moscow there was a day of productivity of mentoring. the program began with a business part, in which the hosts took part.
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every year it acquires the opportunity with the help of mentoring to retain, to retain the most valuable employees, including experienced ones, because in fact it is very important a motivational factor for a person is the opportunity to influence other employees, the opportunity to help them develop, and such involvement of more experienced employees helps to keep them in the workplace, increase their motivation and... the event also included an award ceremony
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for the winners and finalists of the best mentoring practices of moscow 2024 competition, which is being held in the capital for the second time. the finalists will now take part in the final all-russian stage of the competition. mentoring soon appeared during the height of the pandemic in 2020. and we realized that young professionals who come to us. need direct support right there on the spot, so to speak, in their work performance. and a mentoring project was created, which from the first day. helped young professionals to adapt to the profession faster and become professionals faster. thanks to our mentoring program, we have significantly reduced the adaptation period for new employees, now it is not 3 months, but one, that is, in one month a new employee reaches the maximum level, reaches the level of maximum efficiency, work without errors, respectively, all the beauty in moscow, which is with outdoor lighting, illumination
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of buildings - these are the results of our work. the russian government continues to implement a set of measures. for the accelerated development of regions. according to deputy prime minister marat khusnulin, in recent years, records have been broken in housing construction. we have really achieved the best results in recent years in the entire modern history of our country. we have built the largest number of housing 110 million square meters, by the end of the year we will definitely introduce at least 100 million. we have repaired the largest number of roads. we have launched. a number of large infrastructure projects that will bring results every year, and people will increasingly feel the quality of roads, the creation of social infrastructure, and housing, everything that is needed for the development of our country. one of the key tasks is the resettlement of people from dilapidated housing. 41 regions have completed the resettlement program ahead of schedule.
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the kaliningrad region is ahead of schedule. there, with the visit of the head of the territorial development fund ilshad shagi akhmetov, he inspected a number of objects. today we visited - new buildings where residents moved from emergency housing, and since the nineteenth year in the kaliningrad region - almost 4,000 people were resettled, this is a large volume, so, accordingly , the program will continue, resettlement, we visited a number of public infrastructure facilities that are being implemented at the expense of infrastructure budget loans. budget loans and modernization of public infrastructure at the expense of the development fund territories also the general director of the fund for development of territories met with the acting governor of the kaliningrad region alexey besprozvannykh. they discussed the issue of improving the quality of life of the population. to unite all russian federations of
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gymnastic sports into one organization. this proposal was made today. today by the president of the federation of artistic gymnastics vasily tetov. according to him , this corresponds first of all to generally accepted practice. details from alexander abramov. in the ministry of sports on kazakova street came up with an initiative to unite the federations of all five gymnastics sports into one. the author of this idea was the president of the russian artistic gymnastics federation, vasily titov. for russian sports, this idea may seem revolutionary in many ways, but in world experience this is normal practice. when all gymnastics sports are managed from a single center, the cycle ends, the period of holding reporting and election conferences in all federations begins, and i want to make a proposal to - the heads of the federation, gymnastics federations, and these are five disciplines, this is the federation of artistic
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gymnastics, this is us, the federation of rhythmic gymnastics, the federation of trampoline, the federation of aerobics and acrobatics. take advantage of the upcoming report-selected conferences in order to consider the issue of unification and actually bring the management structure of gymnastics sports in line with the international one. the international gymnastics federation unites seven sports. in russia we are talking about five. these are artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline, aerobics and acrobatics. why unite? first of all, it is a single coordination and the issue of financing is also important. today , the situation with financing for trampoline, acrobatics and aerobics is much worse than for sports and rhythmic gymnastics. we will reduce the costs associated with the maintenance of the administrative apparatus, we will reduce, we will be able to more, as if more effectively coordinate the spending of funds that come from the gambling business. we will be able to
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more effectively help those federations, which now. with financing, and we also have such, not everyone has sponsors, and this is something that seems to be obvious and can be used for the benefit of the cause. it is proposed to unite all gymnastics on the basis of the federation of sports gymnastics, there is logic in this too. why are we proposing our federation, the federation of sports gymnastics, as a platform for unification, precisely because it is a member of fish, unlike... sports we will return. there is colossal organizational work ahead on implementation of the idea of ​​unification, so the personnel issue is not a priority yet. who will decide who will be the president
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of the united federation? we will think about this later. the elections are still far away, i would not talk about personal ones at all now, i would first and foremost speak personally now it is premature. now we need to go through a lot of organizational work in order to do, there are more questions than answers there now, i repeat. what should we do? with the regional federations aimed at unification or to keep them as they are now there are, many pros and cons. alexander abramov, dmitry vaskoboinikov, yuri lepatnikov and karen melikyan. news. just an asterisk. such bells can indicate bad vessels, it is important to strengthen the vessels. angian helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of formation. blood clots strengthen the walls of blood vessels keep the vessels normal sale where did you buy megamarket school stylish buy merci candies for 299 rubles megamarket school
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seats, he can form a government only from members. party, but it will be a minority government, which means that it will be vulnerable, and parliament can put forward a vote of no confidence. accordingly, the main question now is what coalition options macron is considering, and representatives of which parties can enter this government who, most importantly, will receive post of prime minister. the left-wing bloc, the new popular front, which won the parliamentary elections, demanded that emmanuel macron decide on a candidate for head of government no later than august 20. on august 7, the leader of the environmentalists in the alliance, marine tondelier, announced this on a local television channel. delaying his decision would be irresponsible, she said. at the same time , the coalition also announced that it would seek the president's resignation if he does not approve the candidate for head of the cabinet proposed by the left.
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the prime minister, he stated this even before the olympics, and today it became obvious during the negotiations. macron will face a really tough response if he does not figure out, and rather quickly, how to make all parties happy, and most importantly, the people of france, because the same right-wingers led by slepen also said that they would protest to the president and send the new government into retirement if it had only one representative of the popular front.
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so says the lighthouse. dear friends, i suggest you watch the reruns of our besagons from golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these screenings.
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