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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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hello, dear friends, friday evening, i am alexander korievsky, it is time to sum up some results of the week that is already leaving. russian troops repelled attacks by assault groups out loud in the direction.
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the missile threat has been cancelled, it was announced several times today, the day before the siren sounded more than ten times, notifying that there is a missile threat, residents need to go down to the shelter, the authorities still ask to pay special attention to this, to take this seriously, in case of the siren it is necessary to go down to the shelter shelter, or, if you are in an apartment, hide either in the bathroom or in the hallway, the safest places during shelling, well, that's it... to say that the situation
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is still extremely difficult, in the border areas, there are battles going on, it's noticeable, the enemy has changed tactics, if earlier he tried to break through deep into the territory with a big attack, with great pressure, now the tactics are changing, they are breaking up into small groups, acting in the schemes of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, they are conducting a rather selective policy of passage, but our guys... prepared, our reconnaissance from the air on the ground works very well, these groups are being broken up, large units are now trying to consolidate in the forest regiments, they are also hiding equipment there, well, again, our birds are reading, and then our aviation is working with artillery support, they are being destroyed, destroyed quite successfully, but nevertheless, as i said a little higher, in some areas the situation is still very difficult, it is not easy in tyotkino. volgina in other populated
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areas, the enemy, of course, is committing atrocities in these territories, the civilian population is simply a count for them, meanwhile the authorities are trying to organize an evacuation, people are leaving themselves, this is a difficult and complicated moment, what is the situation now in the border regions, said the head of the press service of the north group of troops, let's listen, units of the north group of troops, with the support of army aviation and artillery fire, repelled attacks by enemy assault groups in the direction of the settlements of borki and malaya loknya, and also thwarted attempts at attacks in the direction of komarovka, korenevo, martynovka and russkaya konopelka. as a result , the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 70 people, killed and wounded, two combat armored vehicles and a car were destroyed. reconnaissance and search operations are ongoing to identify and destroy sabotage groups of the ukrainian armed forces in the forests. air strikes,
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artillery fire and troop actions have hit concentrations of manpower and equipment of the twenty -second 61st and 115th mechanized, eightieth airborne assault. apanasovka, alexandria, vishnevka, gueva, mikhailovka, lyubimovka, maloe loknya, plekhovo, snagost and yuzhny. today, the kursk region was visited by the deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation, marat khusnulin, on behalf of the president, together with the acting governor smirnov, they visited temporary accommodation points for migrants. from border areas talked to residents, it is clear that people have a lot of emotions, there are also a lot of questions, now in the working moment, in fact, all these issues are being discussed, well, for example, how is the evacuation of the population going, as well as measures to compensate for the damage caused by peaceful
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residents of industry, agriculture in the border regions, special attention was also paid to the progress of restoration and construction... to the restoration of roads, the restoration of social and cultural facilities, well, and one cannot help but say a big thank you to those volunteers, people who came to the region are now helping all emergency services, volunteers who help distribute
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food, who work with displaced persons, a big thank you to psychologists, because people are really in a twisted state condition, but it is clear, many left their homes. that's what they were, therefore humanitarian aid, which is now coming from all over russia, is very very important, more than 100, and temporary accommodation centers have already been opened here in the kursk region, and almost as many have been opened in neighboring regions, people receive everything they need there, the most important thing, of course, now is attention, this explanation of what and how to do, how to receive payments, volunteers and... the authorities help to do all this, we continue to monitor the situation in the kursk region, we will definitely announce all the latest news on the air of the russia-24 tv channel. alexander, you have the floor. yes, stanislav, thank you very much, let me remind you, stanislav bernwalt spoke about the situation in the kursk region. the german government
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will continue to supply military equipment to ukraine, despite the fact that in germany itself there are doubts about the country's expanded participation in the ukrainian conflict. the german authorities continue. to expect that the weapons transferred to ukraine are no longer german, all responsibility for their application lies with kiev. we discussed berlin's actions today with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of russia to germany, sergei nichaev. sergei yuryevich, hello, thank you for finding the time, but of course, i am very interested in information about how the official german authorities reacted to the information that allegedly...
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this investigation has been conducted by german law enforcement agencies for 2 years, but so far there are no convincing arguments about who did it, why they did it, where the threads of this unprecedented terrorist attack lead, because - such
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it hasn't happened yet, it's a strike, a terrorist strike against critical energy, international infrastructure and...
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we're making claims against the germans, we'll see how they 'll react to them, but in any case
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the investigation needs to be completed , otherwise it's unclear who to make further claims for damages, because they're quite impressive, amounting to two billion, two billion dollars, yes, sergeyevich, there's a lot of fog here and i understand that the german authorities are not only not... dispelling it or clarifying it, but are simply they don't react at all, well, maybe they have some political expediency in this, well, from their point of view, as they see it, another very loud topic is comments about the strikes of the use of german weapons on historical lands that recognize, as they themselves say, the kursk region by international, all conventions, and are there any here? the german establishment
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has no particular disagreement on this matter, in my opinion, but maybe we don't know something, the most mariano-minded representatives of the political establishment, they, of course, advocate this, but such an ideology has been launched that german weapons that are supplied to ukraine automatically become ukrainian, that is , germany bears no responsibility for them, and what the kiev regime will do there, as they say, is another matter, but this is not the business of the frg, this is such a very sad theory, because germany is one of the leading suppliers of weapons and military equipment to ukraine, they occupy second place in volume after... the united states, they are imposed on population of the installation about the coming war with
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russia, the need to accelerate the militarization, economy, society. but you see, it is forgotten that these german weapons, which are used, including during this terrorist operation of the kiev regime in the kurdish region, they affect both russian soldiers, russian servicemen, and the civilian population, here: these well-known historical parallels arise, which are quite difficult to get rid of, at least for the germans, despite this terrorist attack of the northern... streams, attempts to responsibility for it is channeled to some ukrainian private individuals, it does not stop germany from further deliveries of weapons to ukraine. sergeyevich, and what is this story, at first it seems there is no money, and
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then it was found, i am about the deliveries of weapons, these disputes, which even mr. scholz received. budget, which was recently adopted here, discussed, the amount allocated for these purposes is already two times less, well, it is understandable, because the budget, as they say, is not elastic, besides, it is necessary to provide for some economic, social expenses, and the population is not thrilled that at the expense
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of the taxpayer this money is going to ukraine, but then they started to remember. like the unity that you are talking about now, yes, we will all chip in for 50 billion , we will steal ours and so on, but is there any chance that it can be violated, i mean this relationship between germany and poland, when
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, in fact, this story in germany, it seems to have found a reflection that the polish authorities allegedly participated.
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on the contrary, it spills some mythological reasoning, but in terms of providing further assistance to ukraine, both germany and poland are in approximately the same and identical, although, alas, unfortunately, completely
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unacceptable positions. if we return to the supply of weapons, as i understand it, here is even the official website of the government. accessories, and then it moved on to tanks, which means, heavy fire systems and other lethal weapons. moreover, i repeat, germany occupies a leading place in europe in terms of the volume of these supplies, and moreover, calls on other eu countries not to lag behind,
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on the contrary, to build up weapons systems within the framework of either circular exchanges, that is, you now supply ukraine, and we will supply you with something else for this or pay for it, therefore, discussions on this matter are not welcomed, because they see that this only leads to an escalation of the conflict, and naturally, in addition, to significant
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expenses from the budget, which could go to other peaceful, calm national goals. well, let's see how things develop, sergeych, thank you very much, all the best, all the best to you, goodbye. meanwhile, the united states is increasingly less inclined to provide military assistance to ukraine, and if kamala harris continues to push this issue, she will come under a barrage of criticism, the authoritative american political publication foreign effers writes about this, citing the position of congressmen. against this background, the outgoing biden administration announced another package of military aid to kiev, but whether it will not become a parting gift, this is what we figured out. on ukraine's independence day, which is celebrated on saturday, washington decided to emphasize the absurdity of the holiday and the complete servitude kiev, the us may throw in
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$125 million in military aid from the barsky shoulder, associated press reports. the latest aid package includes air defense missiles, ammunition for the highly mobile artillery missile systems hymarc, javelin and a number of other anti-tank missiles, equipment systems for combating drones, electronic warfare systems. these supplies must be approved personally by joe biden, but his strategy for supporting the kiev regime has failed, writes the american magazine foreign policy, if it even existed, back in the strategy was supposed to be presented to congress in early june, but it's already late august and there's still no detailed document. frustration is growing on capital hill as the biden administration has failed to meet the deadline to... present congress with a detailed written report on its strategy for the war in ukraine, and at least one congressman is trying to hold up aid to kiev entirely until that document is provided. the threats
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are real, given that the last time congressmen approved sending weapons to ukraine was expected to receive the same strategy from the white house with a delay of almost six months and, in fact, in advance. now they are talking about cutting supplies in germany, which is the second largest aid provider after the united states. billion-dollar gifts to ukraine should finally be in place. germany urgently needs money for education, health care and infrastructure. instead of spending more and more money and weapons on a senseless war, the federal government should finally support diplomatic initiatives to end the hostilities. the opposition's calls are partially were heard. germany's budget for next year, after heated debates in the bundestag , was adopted with a deficit of 12 billion euros, although the gap was initially 17 billion. they decided to cut spending at the expense of ukraine, and... became the main victim of the german debate, the financial times summarizes. germany will sharply reduce military aid to ukraine from an impressive 7.5 billion euros this year to 4
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billion next year, from a paltry 500 million euros in 2027. this year there is no money for additional ukrainian requests for supplies of ammunition or spare parts. sharp sequestration berlin has caused serious concern in brussels. the rest of the eu countries, despite political declarations of commitment to ukraine, are not at all prepared to support kiev's parasites economically. the country that supports ukraine most in absolute terms is germany, in my opinion, much more than france. in relative terms, small countries such as the baltics do even more. this is phenomenal, given their economic capabilities. however, in absolute terms, germany is in the lead, so we are very are concerned about its intentions to reduce military support next year. the german base in lithuania will also partially lose funding, they promise to build it in 3 years, but barely having started, they are already talking about shifting the deadlines: 400 bundeswehr soldiers will be stationed at
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the rudninkai training ground, just 20 km from... the belarusian borders, that is, from the borders of the union state. the german base in lithuania is the first to be deployed outside germany since world war ii. this is a historic moment, one of the largest projects in the history of lithuania since gaining independence. this is a modern military facility, which we have not had before. this is how nato's eastern flank is being strengthened in the west. an armored brigade will appear in finland. also at least 4,000 people in constant combat readiness. the command will be given to the auxiliary nato headquarters in the town of mikkeli, which is only 140 km from the russian border , 300 km from st. petersburg, and the americans will essentially be in charge of everything. nato headquarters in mikkeli will operate under the leadership of the headquarters in norfolk on the east coast of the united states. the nato defense alliance is considering this a reinforced unit of ground forces as a combat unit capable of delivering strikes, which has a preventive effect. the only question
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is how life will change. in the town of micheli itself, which, by the way, was founded by decree of emperor nicholas i, and whether nato ships instead of pleasure boats will dock at the local port with the appearance of a military base. boris ivanin and artemy bondar, news. a unit of the russian group center liberated five settlements in the dpr in a week, the ministry of defense reported. on this in the same direction, almost three dozen enemy counterattacks were repelled. denis alekseev will tell you more about the progress of the special military operation. the tasks are different, we can be in different places at the same time, all the fighters are multifunctional. these are the words of our servicemen of the center group, who, in short breaks between successful advances, shared details of the assaults on populated areas in the ovdeevsky direction. they are not afraid of either counterfire or enemy drones, over many months of close-knit work, approaches are always found and
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everything. when entering the fortified areas. great support from the tank crews, the tank rolled up, worked, the infantry dismounted and continued moving, the tank at that moment rolled back in order to save the vehicle, they worked at certain points, that is , they collided where the infantry was advancing, there were some difficult points where they could not advance, that is, some strongholds worked with a tank, and it was easier for the guys to advance, so they continue to carry out the assigned tasks, part of the group goes to taretsk, this week it was liberated an important fortified area novgorodskoye, it is not... and several other neighboring settlements. another part does not give up momentum near pokrovsk, there for the ukrainian command the clouds have long been gathering. the deficit with equipment and soldiers is obvious, reserve elite units are currently being ground down in the kursk border, and could strengthen the front in donbass. the western press does not hold back in its forecasts. journalists give the pokrovsk group of the ukrainian armed forces not even a couple of months, several weeks, and the mass death
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of militants there, they explain. nothing else than quote: idiotic orders of the kiev command, having in mind, of course, the kursk adventure, and the group center both went ahead and continues to develop success in this area, in a week three surrounding settlements were taken under control, the last line of defense remained ahead, literally, which is crumbling in the ukrainian armed forces with each passing day. as a result of active actions of the units of the group of forces-center, the settlements of sveredonovka, artemovo, novgorodskaya were liberated. planned and boundary of the donetsk people's republic. the formation of four mechanized jaeger, airborne assault brigades, the armed forces of ukraine and two territorial defense brigades were defeated, 27 counterattacks were repelled in the formation of the enemy. over the week, the losses of the armed forces of ukraine in this direction amounted to 3,855 servicemen. our reconnaissance on the eve from the air recorded an impressive firing position of ukrainian artillerymen. they
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were already ready to deploy. american launcher of the multiple launch rocket system mlrs, but it was not so. according to the calculation, flew in iskander missile. in the ukrainian rear , our missilemen and pilots carried out 16 group strikes from large targets, extremely expensive for kiev, in a week, the hangars for storing nasoms anti-aircraft missile systems were destroyed. our guys from the fortieth, twice red banner marine brigade methodically destroy enemy equipment in the zaporizhia region every day. use loitering lancets, catching up with ukrainian crews at the most unexpected moment. the fighters jokingly called the target eliminated in this video the kamchatka crab, because true, the self-propelled gun "crab" knocked out by the kamchatka marines will hardly crawl to its destination. and the paratroopers on the dnieper discovered a motorized vehicle moving along the river in the direction of one of the islands.


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